"No no no no no, my son is always flying with me, he'll take care of everything, all the bills - I just have to go back to his christening and it'll be all right."

The old man was at a loss as to what to do, obviously he had Alzheimer's disease. The stewardess looked at the crowd waiting behind the old man, and the anxious old man, and finally said unbearably.

"Oh oh yes we got it wrong, we picked a new first class seat for you!"

"First class, thank you."

The old man thanked him and walked to the passage with the help of the flight attendant. Banner's eyes stayed on him, and finally fell on the long strip wrapped in cloth.

In Banner's view, this may just be an old man's trick to get a first-class seat by pretending to be crazy.

Just don't know why.

The Hulk in Banner has been a little restless.

Banner's destination this time is Greece.

In fact, strictly speaking, he has no destination at all, but he is just a random country on the follower's map, and he buys a ticket at random, and it will be there wherever he floats.

Of course, those big powers like the United States are almost never in Banner's consideration. He doesn't like the Hulk in his body being used by American politicians and troops, and naturally he doesn't want other countries to use the Hulk's power.

In the final analysis, he may not be quite sure whether he is more of exile and exile his heart, or he simply wants to escape from everything.

This time there was a little problem with the flight.

Because of repeated sales due to an error in the computer number, Banner's seat was taken by someone else. As compensation, the airline upgraded him to first class.

But this is nothing to be thankful for. It's not that Banner has never done first-class, and now, for everything in this world, Banner can always uphold a Buddhist mentality.

He almost made himself the exact opposite of the Hulk.

But it is a coincidence that sitting next to Banner is the old man who cheated the first class at the airport just now.

"I guess today must be your lucky day."

Seeing Banner next to him, the old man smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand. As expected, he was just an old liar who cheated on his first-class qualification.

Banner ignored him, but the old man was chattering like a chatterbox

"I love cashew nuts, which are native to Brazil, but especially grown in Florida."

He threw a cashew nut into his mouth, and then drank the whisky from the glass. The beautiful stewardess smiled and stepped forward to take away the free whisky in his hand, but the old man shrugged.

"Yeah but you're not going to take him, or you'll have to say I'm taking the wine from your glass, and it's not good to waste twice - and, for the friend next to me, a glass of whisky and Coke, and then get me another drink."

This is still a coquettish old liar. Maybe when he was young, the peach blossoms were endless, Banner thought so, but said politely.

"Thank you, I don't drink."

"It's a pity in life that I don't like drinking." The old man threw a cashew nut into his mouth and said with a smile

"It's true that wine is a bad thing that can turn us into beasts, but fortunately, after drinking it, we'll be as quiet as a corpse, right?"

Banner froze for a while, looking at the old man with a different look, and the old man handed the whisky and Coke handed by the flight attendant to Banner, staring at him.

"I share the deliciousness of my mouth with you, and you act like I killed your family."

"Uh, thank you..."

Banner took the wine glass helplessly. To be honest, he probably didn't like such a liar, but for some reason, he found that he couldn't refuse him.

He seemed to have an inexplicable friendliness, but this sense of friendliness did not come from his words or anything, but from the feeling that Banner would feel that the other party was a bit similar to himself.

"Beautiful job of the upgrade, you've made perfect use of their compassion."

As if to make sure that he and the liar are not of the same kind, Banner said deliberately.

"Airlines are the ultimate black shop. A friend of mine said she would rather cut a circus and get in rather than fly. They deserve it. Liars are fair to liars."

old man shrugging

"Then what do you think, Jerusalemite? It's supposed to be tit-for-tat in the face of evil."

"I'm sorry what did you call me? I'm not Jewish." Banner said speechlessly.

"I am American."

"It's enough for you to look like a Jew, aren't you very cunning? We are all very good at hiding ourselves during this flight." The old man blinked his left eye at Banner and smiled pointedly.

"It's not easy to run around, right? Don't look at me, I can see through you with one eye. Of course I'm just wandering, and you're running away. You're not used to being with other people, which makes you Very uncomfortable, what are you hiding, you may be in danger, what is your name?"

Banner was silent for a long time, then whispered


"It's a common pseudonym, but when people make up their own pseudonyms, they always like to use some element of their own to make it up - boy, do you have something to do with natural colors?"

Banner felt fidgety for a while. If the plane hadn't already taken off, he might have gotten off the plane by now.

"What should I call you?" Banner immediately changed the subject

"What day is it today?" the old man asked casually


"Well, call me Wednesday, Vodice. It's always nice to meet fellow travelers."

Wednesday raised his glass and smiled at Banner

"What do you want to do in Greece? The ancient Aegean Sea, the source of declining Western civilization, surrounded by a group of Turks with more Greek than Persian blood, and of course, the spirit of Olympus that has long since fallen. "

"Let me guess what you want to do? A search for yourself? An escape from reality? Or a far-flung trip with no purpose."

"It's just a trip." Banner emphasized seriously

"It's just a trip wherever you go..."

Lightning flashes and thunders outside the plane window, the plane passing through the clouds flashes and jumps in the lightning that cuts through the sky, Wednesday looked at the clouds outside and said with a smile

"Like me, Vodice. For me it's a no-brainer trip, but in Greece, I'd like to meet an old friend, a, um...how to say? Relationship doesn't count. Great, and estranged 'friend' for a long, long time."

He stared at the incessant lightning flashes outside the plane window, as if it were something of special concern.

"I don't hate Thunder, but I hate things that call Thunder." Wednesday pouted.

The thunder and lightning in the clouds kept ringing, and all kinds of thunder snakes were intertwined, as if a feast of wild dancing was played, and it became louder and louder. Even in the cabin, the cabin with the lights turned off would not want to flash the dazzling thunder. .

Banner, like the rest of the passengers, looked very uneasy because the skies were clear before they set off, and now the terrible thunderstorm has reached a no-fly level.

"Relax, Vodice." Wednesday smiled and took a sip of whiskey.

"This lightning isn't going to destroy anything, it's just a disturbing warning. Lightning isn't going to destroy anything here unless... hehe."

Banner looked at Wednesday strangely, and now he felt more and more strange, strange like a very strange magic stick.

At this moment, the plane suddenly bumped in the eyes, and in the midst of exclamations and screams, the plane bumped again. Banner was thrown and nearly hit the roof of the plane, and immediately buckled himself.

The atmosphere of unease and fear finally spread in the plane. It seemed that when crying, there were uneasy questions and prayers one after another.

"Do you know what faith is, Vodice?" Wednesday said blankly to Banner, looking at those praying

"Take this plane, for example, 80 tons of metal, elastic cushions, whisky mixed with Coke, these are not supposed to travel through the sky. But then a Newton said something about the air passing through the wings to create updrafts. . But there are 82 passengers here, and it's so confident that the plane can make the journey safely. So what keeps us in the sky? Faith, or Newton?"

"I think it's the rules of physics," said Banner, a scientist

"Ha! The laws of physics, you're right, everything works when it's created! But what is the connection between thought and matter? If matter can affect thinking, can thinking affect matter? ?"

With a laugh on Wednesday, it seemed that Banner's answer made him very satisfied, and continued.

"Humans' belief in the rules of physics is a kind of belief, the same as their worship of gods and those **** who can't control the lower body of thunder!"

"But the gods didn't exist!" Banner replied seriously, he didn't know why he was so serious, even if the plane that flew into the thunderstorm began to shake, he didn't care that much

He now seems to just want to win the old man in front of him.

"Why doesn't God exist?" Wednesday laughed

"If you think God doesn't exist, then you should come up with proof that God doesn't exist. Wodis, you didn't believe in Santa Claus when you grew up, but can you come up with proof that Santa doesn't exist?"

"This kind of argument based on non-existence is not valid, or you can come up with evidence of God's existence."

"That's it." Wednesday pointed to the increasingly violent Thunder outside the window, and chuckled lightly.

"It's just lightning, it's just the violent discharge phenomenon caused by the electric charge reaction! It's not an axe that someone still uses with a scepter!"

"So you call this 'God's punishment' an electric charge response?" Wednesday laughed even more happily

"Then why can't you accept another name? In your eyes, this divine power can be called a physical phenomenon, and lightning can be called a charge reaction. If you change the name, it may be the authority of the gods."

"...It's a force of nature."

"Then why can't nature be called a god?"

"Naturally there won't be an anthropomorphic personality! Naturally, there won't be any uncontrollable lower body making children everywhere!"

Banner retorted with some excitement

He didn't seem to notice that the screams in the cabin were getting worse, lightning brushed the wings, and the whole plane was on the verge of destruction!

"Maybe it exists?" Wednesday smacked his lips after taking a sip of whiskey.

"You Midgardians are really interesting, calling a transcendent being 'God' when you are ignorant, and calling something you still can't understand as 'Man' when you have something - this is you pride? To call what is higher than oneself one's own kind, and thus to produce a joy that I am not weaker than them, nor inferior to them?"

At this point, Banner no longer wants to argue with the old man in front of him, because he is completely sophistry! It can be said to be a slacker!

Wednesday looked at Banner and made an inviting gesture

"Okay, let's get out of the way, Vodice, would you like to work for me? I need a guide during this time in Greece, after all it's been a long, long time since I last came to the Aegean, I need someone who knows how to tell me about the Aegean Sea today."

"I've never been to Greece." Banner said coldly

"A blank piece of paper is best for drawing." Wednesday laughed

Just when Banner wanted to sternly refuse, the entire cabin suddenly darkened, and then a whirlwind sensation made Banner instantly faint.

Before the coma, before the Hulk inside takes over, he hears Wednesday's muttering

"Even if I stole your torch the last time I came, I wouldn't be so welcome..."

36. Arms Fair (X) Stark Enemy Party (√)

Stark Building, inside the lab at the top.

Tony drank all the sticky green concoction in his hand with a disgusting look on his face.

The nauseating feeling haunted his sense of taste for a long time, and Tony estimated that he would not be able to eat for at least three days.

Shaking his head, Tony asked in a hoarse tone

"Jarvis, how is my health?"

"The proportion of palladium in the blood has increased by another five percent." Jarvis whispered

"Sir, I highly do not recommend that you continue to use the palladium element reactor to assemble your chest. If you continue like this, you will soon fall down due to the deep poisoning of the palladium element."

"I know, I know what to do." Tony clenched his fists slightly, then released it with a wry smile

"But what can I do?"

Tony Stark's mental state is very bad.

Since this time, he has been fighting criminals and maintaining world peace as Iron Man. Although it was impossible for him to attack the US military as Mu Feng said, at least he did what he could to lead the world to relative peace.

But inside and out, the environment he was in was terrible.

The excessive use of palladium in the reactor has poisoned his body so badly that he needs to drink this terrible and deadly thing every day to relieve the palladium in his body. However, even so, the symptoms of his poisoning have become deeper and deeper.

Externally, he was reluctant to disclose the technology of arc reactors, and even refused to sell arc reactors on a large scale, which made the attitude of the outside world towards Stark Industries more and more sinister.

No one likes a **** who eats alone, especially in this urgent, all-needed situation.

But in fact, Tony has a simple solution to these problems, doesn't he?

Let go of Iron Man's identity and remove the reactor on his chest that will make him die step by step.

But he just couldn't.

At midnight, Tony was always afraid that he might have died in that narrow cave. The kidnapping brought Tony not only a reflection on the war, but also deep PTSD symptoms.

Why did he develop the steel suit and stuff himself in it?

According to Tony, he didn't want the steel suit to become a weapon, but Tony's real idea was that he could only feel a sense of security in the steel suit.

A smart brain like him, the more obsessed, the easier it is to fall into the quagmire. The enthusiasm for the iron suit has made Tony unable to give up the identity of Iron Man.

He must be Iron Man, the protector who protects the innocent! Only in the battle armor can he forget himself who has made countless deaths with his own hands...

And this symptom reached its peak with Thor's actions in the small town of Florida.

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