Regardless of the authenticity of the information that Mu Feng gave him, Tony saw with his own eyes the technical strength far beyond the earth, or in other words, far beyond his own.

Backward and weak will be beaten, and Tony's incomparable anxiety and deep unease come from this.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for him to take off this armor.

The principle analysis of that solar furnace has not been smooth enough.

In fact, Tony has already deciphered the miniature GN solar furnace that Mu Feng gave him. The structure of that thing is actually not complicated, and even the principle... It's not that complicated.

There are a total of seven structural layers that make up the GN solar furnace, and the most important of these is the side called the TD filter layer.

This filter layer is the core component of the solar furnace, and its function is to restrain the [Cosmic Egg] particles that can generate GN particles indefinitely, and release the GN particles generated by the [Cosmic Egg] particles.

This kind of energy furnace can almost be said to be a semi-perpetual motion machine.

The reason why the semi-perpetual motion machine is said is because the TD filter layer still has a decay cycle, but this decay cycle is enough for millions of years, so long that humans can almost ignore it, so it is not an exaggeration to call GN-Drive a semi-perpetual motion machine. .

But the principle can be parsed, which does not mean that Tony can easily accept it.

The first is the cosmic egg particle. According to the information given to him by Mu Feng, this particle is the cosmic egg particle generated by the supergravity caused by the supergravity in the Jupiter-like environment. special particles, which can be affected by the filter layer

GN particles are continuously generated, and GN particles can interfere with most normal electromagnetic signals, and have extremely strong anti-gravity characteristics and energy release.

Tony's first reaction was that Mu Feng was lying to him.

High-tech liars these days like to talk about quantum, just like writing novels who don't understand science, no matter what the principle is, when they talk about quantum, they feel like they become taller.

But this thing actually exists, in a way of robust high-energy physics.

Tony didn't have a stellarator that could perfectly simulate Jupiter's hypergravity environment, but he saw the simulation equipment used by Mu Feng once, and then saw with his own eyes the process of extracting the cosmic egg particles to create a GN solar furnace.

Things are reasonable as long as they exist. Although it is very challenging to his knowledge, Tony admits the fact that it happened.

But the filtered GN particles were still too unscientific, and Tony broke his head to the point that he couldn't understand such super physics.

And he is also unwilling to accept Mu Feng's help or education. It has nothing to do with being arrogant or not. It's just that Tony doesn't want to rely on others to learn other people's things.

"Using this...I can be much stronger than I am now."

Tony looked at the GN solar furnace in front of him with a complicated expression, and then slowly shook his head

"But no... no."

From the beginning to the end, he never believed in Mu Feng, he always thought that this guy whose origin was unknown, and who knew many secrets that he could not imagine was not a person from the earth.

He talked to himself about magic and those super-scientific things. Tony would have sneered at it before, but after seeing the power of the Asgardians, he has already started to reflect on these super-scientific issues.

Well, reflect on the principles, and more on the power of how to counteract or even destroy these things.

Tony wasn't a xenophobic man, but he was a man who would be wary of others. This guy's characteristics are very similar to the Batman next door. He is a guy who has nothing to do all day to guard against others, and who fights side by side with you without forgetting to be ready to attack at any time.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for his own bad debts now, he might have already started to build the anti-Mufeng armor.

Under such conditions, even if the GN solar furnace can perfectly solve his palladium poisoning problem and make most of the steel suits in his vision come true, he will not accept this 'gift'.

Under such concerns, Tony didn't even ask the man the truth about his parents' death-even if he would say it as long as he opened his mouth to Mu Feng, Tony still wanted to find the truth by himself.

Moreover, he has caught a little clue.

"By the way, I remember that today is the exposition of Handheld Technology."

"Yes sir, your invitation letter is still there, do you want to prepare a helicopter for you?"

Tony hesitated for a moment, then finally shook his head.

At this stage, it would be better for him not to get too close to Mu Feng.

He really didn't know what the guy was thinking. In the relationship between the two, the man always occupied the absolute initiative.

Tony, who felt more and more weak, began to have plans to find 'friends'.


The first Hand World Science and Technology Expo was held today. The content of this expo is to display a large exhibition about Hand World's scientific and technological achievements.

After all, a technology company has to speak with strength, especially when there is such a crazy 'introverted' guy as Stark around.

It is not the first time that Mu Feng has organized such an exhibition, and he is familiar with it.

The establishment and existence of Handworld Technology is an important piece of the puzzle, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't. The results of arrogance and rage have emerged, and even if the puzzle on his side is not completed, many goals have been achieved.

Therefore, Mu Feng even turned a blind eye to the behavior of a lot of spies such as S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, Hammer Industries, FBI, etc., who had sneaked into his company.

It's not a bad thing to properly let those idiots think they're in control.

In this exhibition, the first exhibition hall is the display of omnidirectional air holographic projection technology.

This technology can project a projection with a maximum volume of more than 100 cubic meters while holding a palm-sized terminal. In short, it is the one in Yu-Gi-Oh.

And this world also has the animation of Yu-Gi-Oh, so of course, this technology is directly pulled by Cola Girl for publicity.

In the crowded venue, a lot of poker players excitedly played cards with a duel plate, which made the atmosphere instantly lively, especially when a rich guy sold an ultra-limited edition blue-eyed white dragon for 87 million. down after.

Of course, in the eyes of those in the military and S.H.I.E.L.D., the greatest value of this thing is definitely military use.

Mu Feng estimated that someone would come to negotiate the sale of this technology with him soon.

The second technology showcase is a relatively mature personal air vehicle.

The technology was developed in collaboration with Osborn Industries, based on its own Green Goblin skateboards.

I have to say that although Osborn is very good at dealing with creatures, he is simply **** when it comes to weapon manufacturing.

The Green Goblin skateboard itself is a joke. The skateboard developed to equip ordinary soldiers requires soldiers to fly on an unprotected skateboard at subsonic speed. Obviously, this thing can only be adapted by superhumans. .

However, even for superhumans, this thing is more tasteless than practical, and its nature is even more ridiculous than the wings of a falcon.

However, the scientific researchers of the Osborn Group still know how to develop a matching Green Goblin armor to adapt to this vehicle, but the cost-effectiveness of the Green Goblin armor... Let's discuss other issues.

But the Green Goblin skateboard has a black technology that belongs to the Osborn Group, that is, the anti-gravity engine.

Although it is a very primitive anti-gravity engine in both version and itself, its nature is still sufficient. After Mu Feng cooperates with the Osborn Group, it is completely logical to launch his anti-gravity technology based on W.

So in the end, the Green Goblin skateboard and the Green Goblin armor were combined, and the final product developed was an initial version of MS.

There is always a height of two and a half meters. The armor plate is made of high-density composite metal and filled with carbon material. Its defensive ability is enough to withstand the main gun of the tank without being scrapped on the spot.

The internal energy reserve is a high-energy battery pack made of tritium isotopes from the SEED world, which is enough to ensure a high-intensity operation of one body for more than 12 hours. It is equipped with a weak artificial intelligence and an auxiliary aiming system. Fire control device.

It can be said that this is already the village version MS in the village version that Mu Fengneng brought out.

By the way, the shape chosen is still the Zagu shape of the Zeon Army, and the name is simply Zaku, which is actually a homophone of "miscellaneous soldiers" in Japanese.

Norman once questioned why he had to put such a strange power tube on his head, but Mu Feng pushed it back with the phrase "designer's beauty".

There is no doubt that this is the center of the exposition for the military personnel who come to participate in this expo!

It is true that the 'Zaku' jointly developed by the Osborn Group and Hand World Technology cannot be compared with Stark's steel battle suit, but this thing is publicly sold, and the most important thing is - he is cheap!

Compared with the price of Stark's steel battle suit, which is worth hundreds of millions or even billions, the price of a Zaku 1-shaped 18 million US dollars is simply cheap!

For the US military, it's just the price of two M1A2s!

Buy buy buy buy buy!

At the exposition, Mu Feng in a white suit held champagne and chatted with a group of high-ranking US military officials. These senior generals who had basically nothing to do with him met him as a 'genius' under Osborne's recommendation. .

The two sides talked very happily. For these American generals, Mu Feng was a perfect transaction partner.

Weapons are sold when they say they are sold, and there is even nothing that cannot be sold. Without Stark's messy rules and stinky problems, although he is a genius, he is not too big-and most importantly, he has no support in the military.

The relationship between arms dealers and generals is always symbiotic and mutually beneficial. The generals are the official backers and news channels of the arms dealers, and the arms dealers are also important partners for the generals to obtain kickbacks and stabilize the military status.

This relationship is like the consortium and the president. The consortium provides political donations to support the presidential election, and after the presidential election, it will open the door for the consortium. The two are mutually beneficial, and there is no absolute advantage or disadvantage to speak of.

Under the circumstances that Stark ruthlessly abandoned a large number of military personnel, these generals were eager to find a reliable and rich financial master. It is not difficult to find rich people, but the key is to have rich and skilled people.

For things like Hammer, a second-order arms dealer can make money, but they must not make their status in the military a higher level.

In today's international society, military confrontation is no longer the mainstream. Or in other words, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States actually does not have a particularly big international opponent.

Because the Celestial Dynasty in the Marvel world, um... can only be said to be full of military virtues, and it is far earlier than the United States that the enemy in this world is not only human beings.

Because of the law of development, the original opponent of the military has changed from a "backward but not far from the country" to an "alien" that seems to be illusory but is actually very close.

So in this context, the development of newer, stronger weapons is an inevitable rigid need, and this is the relationship that Stark can have such a detached status in this country.

A Stark II with a relatively blank background like Mu Feng, in the eyes of these military personnel, is a gold mine that has yet to be mined!

After calmly dealing with several military personnel in a row, a middle-aged man in a gray suit and glasses with champagne greeted him with a smile

"Mr. Hammer! It's an honor for you to visit us at the Tech Expo!"

"It's my honor, Mu!" Justin Hammer smiled and hugged Mufeng, the two seemed very close

emmmmm, their relationship is actually really good.

After Stark abandoned his weapons development department, the huge market gap caused numerous arms dealers to rush forward one after another, including Hammer Industries.

To put it bluntly, the result of Stark's rash closure of the weapons development department is that a large number of villains who oppose his company have grown up because of this. Ryan is like that.

Now, Mu Feng has taken over the high-end weapons market left by Stark Industries, while Hammer Industries has taken over the market of low-end weapons and downstream industries, but obviously Hammer is not satisfied with this.

He also wanted to develop his own steel battle suit. Of course, without the energy source, the result can only be described as a tragedy - he really has no value in developing weapons.

But he was a successful, qualified, law-abiding businessman.

Yes, although Justin Hammer is the villain of Iron Man 2, this guy can be described as law-abiding compared to arms dealers like Obadiah and Norman.

If it was the two old men, they had already planned to hire killers to invite Mu Feng to take a plane, but Hanmer insisted on cooperating with Mu Feng instead of using such extreme means.

Of course, Mu Feng is also very happy to cooperate - after all, Hammer Industries is not a small plate, he can't just sit back and watch.

The current cooperation is only for the future annexation.

As a result, the relationship between Hanmer and Mu Feng became very good. Although it was Hanmer's wishful thinking, the biggest reason why he always believed that they were friends with each other was that he hated Tony Stark.

No, it should be said that everyone who goes against Iron Man can be classified as hating Tony Stark.

"The 'Zaku' you developed with Osborn is indeed an epoch-making piece of art, very cool!" Hammer said with envy, looking at the hideous Zaku armor on the display stand

"I believe you can definitely replace Stark. But Mu, when will the cooperation between us start?"

"Just after this exhibition." Mu Feng said with a smile, he didn't seem to mean to delay

"I'm dealing with a problem with the military recently, and it's going to take some time. Well... those generals don't seem to be as difficult to deal with as Mr. Norman said."

"That's because you have the technology they want." Hammer laughed

"You don't know how hard it is to deal with these stinky, hard **** when you don't have what they want, especially Ross, but he's dead."

"Justin, I heard that you recently accepted a powerful character to make you a battle armor?" Mu Feng raised his eyebrows, playful.

"It's not easy to get people out of prison, but you better get the reactor technology from that Russian quickly, or he might be 'forced to recruit' by the government."

"I know, don't worry, that guy is just like us." Hammer said confidently

"Oh, it seems that Tony Stark is very upset, right?"

Mu Feng and Han Mo looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

If it is said that ordinary people are cheap, they deserve to be beaten, and Stark is cheap because he likes to cause some trouble for himself.

There are very few villains who take the initiative to provoke Stark, and in most cases, Stark himself is cheap. It can be said that the plots of Iron Man 1 to 3 are all his deserved!


Mu Feng looked at Hanmo in front of him, took a sip of champagne and lowered his eyes.

But you also have to admit that the IQ of the villains that Tony doesn't deal with... Most of them are not very high.

It's not that their IQ settings are not high, that one by one, Obadiah, Mourning Whip, and Killian, all of them in the setting are superhuman-level high IQs, and they end up doing all kinds of things. mentally handicapped.

Anyway, in order to get revenge on Stark at all costs, after getting his big toy, he couldn't wait to beat Stark. Depending on the legal rules and nothing, he wanted to beat Stark.

I really don't know whether to say that Stark's face is too hateful or these guys are too stupid.

After getting a definite answer from Mu Feng, Hanmo left contentedly, and it didn't take long for another pair of people to come in front of Mu Feng.

The man was wearing a suit that didn't fit too well, and he seemed a little nervous and uncomfortable. The woman is a beautiful brunette who also looks a little nervous.

"Ah, Dr. Maya Hansen, and Dr. Aldrezie Killian, by name."

Before the couple could speak, Mu Feng called out their names.

"You know me?" Killian looked at Mu Feng with some surprise, he was actually ready to be coldly regarded

"I'm very impressed with Stark's enemies." Mu Feng tapped his head and smiled.

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