S.H.I.E.L.D. Lemuria Star

The outgoing director Nick Fury still stayed in the director's office like no one else, playing with the buttons in his hand.

He wasn't sure whether to press it or not.

The accuser Ronan invaded the earth, which can be said to be equivalent to war with the Kree.

If it was changed to the previous Nick Fury, he would definitely shake people. After all, he can guarantee that humans can't beat Kree people, but now...

Even Ronan was severely disabled and detained. The Cree troops seem to be nothing more than that?

Of course, none of this happened to Nick Fury.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has now been completely excluded from the center of power. Not only has it lost its former glory, but it is even in danger of being annexed by the government.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. was established to deal with those sudden alien crises, it seems that compared to the alien tentacles who want to enslave them, it is clear that the earthlings themselves fight each other more terrifyingly.

Whether it's Wakanda or the arms seller behind it, these two are already people that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't afford to offend.

There is also President Steve, and the people around him who are suspected of being Hydra...

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to draft an investigation, they have no position or ability.

The entire upper echelons of the country have fallen into Steve's faction, and even Tony is on Steve's side.

What else can they do with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Even if there are signs and banners of justice, the lack of hard power cannot be concealed.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury sighed and put the button back.

After tomorrow, this office will not be under his control.

Although Nick Fury, who is not going to stop, intends to continue to hide in the dark and dedicate himself, but... who knows what will happen in the future?

In short, one thing is clear, the name of the Avengers that he carefully designed, I am afraid that he will never be used.

"Mortal stupid power struggle."

Loki, who was hiding his figure, looked at the distressed Nick Fury with contempt and smiled mockingly.

Yes, the gods of trickery are now on Earth, and without anyone knowing.

The nebula left in the void was actually a clone he made, and his body had long since slipped away after the battle in the void.

But instead of returning to Asgard, he went straight to Midgard.

He knew that there were dangers everywhere, and he knew that Odin was brewing a huge and shocking conspiracy here.

But he couldn't help coming to Midgard.

Maybe he wanted to question Odin, maybe he wanted to take back what Asgard deserved, but in short, he was here.

Including unwillingness and resentment, worry and fear, but in essence, Loki still made sure that he had a backer before he dared to come back here.

Having said that, Loki glanced at the scepter in his hand and showed a malicious smile.

What kind of crazy Titan is just like this, he can fool him into believing himself with just a few words!

But having said that, Loki doesn't intend to be that early bird, but there is still a more suitable scapegoat...

Loki's figure soon came to the special prison of this aerospace aircraft carrier.

Looking at the mummy that was kept motionless in the ceramic steel glass cover, Loki twitched the corners of his mouth, and then knocked on the cell.

"Ronan, I was shot by Thanos to save you."

"Ohh Ohh ohh!!"

The sturdy Ronan who was **** suddenly began to struggle. His excited expression was like a poor child who was abducted and sold into the mountains when he saw his relatives.

The corners of Loki's mouth twitched even more. Originally he planned to laugh at the accusers, but seeing his tragic appearance, he was in no mood at all.

It is true, once Loki was also one of the gods who looked down on Midgard, but after seeing Ronan, who was much stronger than himself, smashed into the sand on the earth, and also saw the performance of the group of earthlings. …

In short, he didn't have so much confidence and energy to compete with these cruel barbarians.

Loki took a deep breath, the scepter in his hand shone brightly, and the agents on the mothership he had controlled earlier opened the gaps in the cells.

"Come on accuser, the great Thanos has given you a chance to start over."

Loki showed a mischievous smile in front of the immobile Ronan.

"But having said that, I'm afraid it won't take long for you to be taken back by simply letting you out..."

He squatted down and said playfully in front of the unrecognizable Ronan

"Thanos has given me a task, but I think my ability may be insufficient, and I don't actually need this opportunity. But the accuser, if it is you, can you seize this opportunity to turn over? "

Ronan's response was still a series of woohoos, but the cruelty in his eyes showed that the accuser didn't give up at all.

"Go get the cosmic cube hidden in this mothership."

Loki lightly placed the scepter on top of Ronan's head, and passed all the information in the mothership and the positions of the hands under his control to Ronan.

"I will secretly assist you in completing Thanos' mission."

After speaking, Loki cut off Ronan's shackles, and then decisively launched an illusion and disappeared in place.

Then, he showed up in Nick Fury's office.

The King of Agents, who sensed the problem, had hurried away, and Loki stole the straight-chain Carol's communicator straight from his drawer.

"Mix the water thoroughly!"

Loki gave a mischievous smile

When Steve's pen fell to the last stroke, it marked the official entry into force of the peace agreement signed between Wakanda and the United States.

After confirming the killing of Eric and helping the orthodox Black Panther royal family regain control of Wakanda, T'Challa will declare an unconditional surrender and join the North Atlantic Treaty.

Wakanda will open up the vibrating gold trading market, and at the same time release visas to all NATO countries, retain half of the territories occupied in Africa, and guarantee orthodox power in the South African region.

This can be said to be a very generous condition for the defeated.

At least it is much better than Japan, which was divided into two halves after the war and became a hot weapon in the United States.

What? you ask italy?

Don't make trouble, they are victorious countries...

In fact, if Wakanda can pull a few allies in this world war, maybe now it can really repeat Italy's "feat"

But unfortunately he didn't, so he didn't even have the qualifications to jump backwards. The name of the defeated country was determined.

But everything is turning around.

For T'Challa, the possibility of Wakanda losing power and humiliating the country after the defeat is not very likely. Thanks to Eric's madness, his omnic army is enough to ensure that Wakanda will drag the world into the water at any time. Ability.

So even though the war caused by Wakanda has killed countless lives and caused heavy damage to civilization, it is very unlikely that it will actually be reduced to disempowerment and humiliation.

And... T'Challa really knew very well that the gods behind him would not agree with this.

"It's a pleasure working together, Captain Steve."

T'Challa coughed lightly, and shook hands with the expressionless Steve, dragging the look of dying at any time.

"Are you really okay with this? Would you like me to install a pacemaker for you?"

Tony raised his eyebrows and looked at T'Challa with a dying look.

"No need, Mr. Stark." T'Challa smiled weakly

"My problem can't be solved with a pacemaker. You should also see what state I am now."

"Heartless people." Steve's face sinks like water

He knew about T'Challa's condition before he stepped here. There was no heart at all in his atrium. Not only was there no sound of pulse beating on his body, but there was no sound of blood flowing.

If judged by the standards of a normal person, T'Challa is without a doubt a...dead.

But he's still here, alive and well, which is very interesting.

"There is a special force that keeps you alive."

Wanda's eyes were burning with scarlet molten fire, and Mephisto's magic power made it easy for her to see through the things that kept T'Challa's body alive.

That is the fifth element beyond earth, fire, water, wind, a kind of mysterious and incomprehensible ether, and can also be understood as... divine power.

"It was the Black Panther God who saved my life in that failed ceremony." T'Challa smiled with difficulty

"She dragged me from the valley of death and gave me the ability to walk again."

"Okay, all of you...the spiritualists really make me not understand."

Tony shrugged. He doesn't feel so anxious and incomprehensible about these so-called 'magic' now. Maybe he became very 'open-minded' after his 'death'.

"But now I'm still just a bone that can walk and talk."

T'Challa looked at his trembling body with hatred. The body without the heart was just a dying body driven by the power of the gods. He always maintained the state of the moment when the heart was dug out.

"I'm going to kill Eric with my own hands, the murderer who killed my father! So everyone, please wait another half a day. At midnight today, I will be reborn."

In fact, the Wakanda people's belief in the black panther **** has long since become weak.

Compared with the original Wakanda that relied on the heart-shaped grass juice to rule Wakanda, and then the tribes repaid the greatest worship to the Black Panther God through the rule of the Golden Tribe and their precepts and deeds, the country today has a great respect for the Black Panther God. Faith is very weak.

This is also a helpless thing. Although the existence of Zhenjin and the development of technology have made Wakanda strong, the burst of technological aura inevitably makes the status of idealism more subtle.

Although Bastet does not need faith to maintain herself, the vest of the Black Panther God needs, this new **** fabricated by the goddess of cats needs sufficient faith to maintain its existence.

Therefore, Bast and Odin cooperate, or the condition of being willing to serve as the messenger of these main gods is to make Wakanda rekindle her belief in worship.

No, the ambitious Bastet even hopes to enter the whole African and even the source of the black people's worship. Although she knew that Gu Yi would not allow such a thing to happen, how long could that Supreme Lao Lai live?

The first step in realizing the rekindling of faith is the transformation of the Wakanda royal family.

Bast doesn't like T'Chaka, because he is by far the least adored of Bast by the Golden Tribe.

This guy who advocates opening the borders to integrate into the world, but whose way of thinking has obviously been influenced by Western values, is not the King of Gold that satisfied Bast.

Even if there was no such thing, Bast wouldn't care when he was killed by the Winter Soldier at the UN General Assembly, and even drained the heart-shaped grass power from his body years earlier to urge this guy to die early.

Otherwise, why is T'Challa's father, who is in his prime, the virtue of the white-haired dying?

As for T'Challa... Bast's perception of this young man is somewhat complicated.

On the one hand, there is no doubt that the child's devotion to Bast is higher than that of his father, but still, T'Challa, who was pushed out by his father to study abroad, was also influenced a bit by Westerners.

He tried to reform the political system of Wakanda, and even planned to use a knife on the privilege of his golden tribe - this, Bastet could not tolerate.

Bad children need to be beaten and educated, Bast obviously thinks so too.

She saved T'Challa's life, but did not restore him to health immediately. Now this torture of hanging on the brink of death every moment is her punishment for T'Challa.

Whenever the dream returns in the middle of the night, the atrium is empty, and the fear and pain that the blood no longer flows is the punishment given by Bast to T'Challa.

She wants to tell T'Challa that the life and power of their family are not in their hands, but in their own hands.

All Bastet wants is faith and obedience, but if such a simple condition is not fulfilled, then...

The reason is so simple, and T'Challa, who has returned from death, understands all this.

He really had no choice at all.

The blood flowing in his body carries the blessing of Bastet, and the place where he and the dead souls of his ancestors return is the land of the ancestors.

Regardless of life or death, his fate has already been in the hands of Bastet. How can it be so easy to grasp the gift of the gods?

T'Challa succumbed, but more for his own people.

He actually persevered for a long time. Even though he was facing the pain of missing his heart every moment, he did rely on his tenacity to never bend his knees.

But in order to save his people from disaster, from the shadow of death and pain.

The black panther chose to kneel to the **** of faith.

In the quietly burning stone room, Wakabi held a bottle of silver pot in his hand, looked at T'Challa who was immersed in black water, and said hesitantly.

"Are you really going to do this? Heart-shaped grass juice...it's useless."

Eric burned all the heart-shaped grass in the ancestral land, but there are still many places in Wakanda growing these herbs.

But it seems that these heart-shaped grasses have been useless since Eric overthrew the black panther **** and forced all Wakanda to worship the **** of fear.

It no longer has the divine power that can make people look new and powerful, but this is not the most deadly. The most deadly thing is that this powerful divine grass has completely turned into a poisonous weed that kills the soul after losing its divine power!

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