The protein poison contained in the heart-shaped grass is far more deadly than the most poisonous compound toxin ever discovered in history. Even a trace of its sap is enough to make a person die miserably in three breaths. .

Until then, the Wakanda despaired that they had been abandoned by the Panther God.

For Wakabi, being abandoned by the gods he believes in is second, and the one he values ​​most and is most loyal to is T'Challa.

However, this only hope has chosen a path to death.

"I am no different from the dead, Wakabi." T'Challa said softly

"Half of my life belongs to the ancestral land, and the other half is barely treading the path of the living. I should have died, but I can't. My people need me, and I need to live."

"Come on, Wakabi. I need your help with my new life and baptism, and I want you to baptize me yourself."

Seeing that T'Challa had made up his mind, Wakabi could only sigh and dump the juice from the silver pot in his hand.

The deep purple liquid dripped on T'Challa's eyebrows, and then spread to the whole body.

He closed his eyes and immersed his body in the dark pool.

He will die, he will be born again, through hardships and new life.

Like every child of myth.

110. God bestows the true king

When T'Challa opened his eyes, he was already in a 'familiar' place.

The deep purple halo from Mianyang to the end of the sky seems to have never changed, the lush tree is still standing in the center, and all the quiet and peaceful events seem to have been stopped.

T'Challa sat down cross-legged. This is the land of the ancestors, and the final destination of every Wakanda royal family who believes in the black panther god.

He closed his eyes, he was waiting, he was full of anticipation, but also full of fear.

He actually didn't want the person he thought of in his heart to appear here.

Even if he misses him so much, T'Challa doesn't want to see him here, whether as a son of man or as the next true king of Wakanda.

"T'Challa, you are here."

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and even if T'Challa prayed in his heart, it still had no effect. With a gloomy face, he stood up and looked at Tchaka in front of him.


"It's not your fault, T'Challa."

As if he knew what his child wanted to say, Tchaka patted his shoulder lightly, sat down with him, looked at the purple sky that seemed like time had stopped, and said lightly.

"We're just powerless beings manipulated by fate."

T'Challa's lips moved slightly. His father used to be a man who did not believe in fate and opposed the worship of gods. But now, he seems to have completely changed.

Yes, when a person dies, the soul reaches the realm of the gods he once violated, and gains another new "life" after death. Of course, such a transformation will completely change a person.

"The gods don't love peace, and the gods don't need our respect. Gu Yi is right. For human beings, every **** is a deadly plague."

T'Chaka whispered something that was undoubtedly disrespectful to Bast, but he didn't care, and Bast wouldn't care either.

"But we have no choice, T'Challa. Our family is built on this plague called gods. Even the ancient one said that the earth is built under the struggle of gods, and humans are not qualified to chase Take any of the gods, or blame them."

"Compared to us, they are the earlier and more orthodox residents on this planet, so T'Challa, don't hold grudges against them..."

"But their game killed countless people of mine." T'Challa whispered

"The flames of war they rolled up burned the world, destroyed countless happiness, made death densely cover the sky, and let the dove of peace go away to the world..."

"But if you can't resist, choose to endure it." Tchaka looked at his son and said softly.

"It's not that generosity to die is a manifestation of courage. Sometimes it is greater courage to give up face and bow down."

T'Challa wanted to say something, but when he raised his head, his father's figure had disappeared from the field.

Above the lush tree, a black panther stood quietly at the top of the tree, with dark golden eyes reflecting T'Challa's figure.

He took a deep breath, walked to the big tree, and slowly bent his knees to the black panther.

At this moment, the kingship was once again handed over to God.

The black panther jumped down gently, circled around T'Challa, and then turned into a ray of black light and entered T'Challa's heart.

T'Challa's eyes widened, the dead body felt the rhythm of the heart beat again, and it was stronger than ever.

The trembling heartbeat seems to cause the rhythm of the earth, and the torrent in the blood vessels urged by it also carries the divine power of Bast!

However, this is far from over.

"The newborn son of God also needs weapons worthy of him."

Wednesday stood placidly in front of the newborn demigod, he opened his palm, and a golden stick appeared in his palm.

It was a long gilt stick, the two ends of the stick were engraved with a roaring evil tiger, and the stick body was engraved with an incomprehensible divine pattern, and even the size and quality could be rotated at will.

That is another **** of Wakanda, and it is also the weapon of Hanuman, the white ape **** believed in by the ape tribe.

It's just that Bastet is still here, and Hanuman has long since left the main material world. Its belief naturally belongs to Bastet's hand, and his weapon also belongs to Bastet's palm.

Bast also fretted that he had been unable to retake the ape clan to achieve complete **** of Wakanda, but now, this is no longer a problem.

"With the gifts of the Black Panther God and the White Ape God, you will be the chosen king of Wakanda."

Mu Feng also appeared in this ancestral land, looking at T'Challa who was kneeling down, put his hand on the top of his head, and said happily

"Come on, Chosen One, as every fairy tale does. Go and overthrow the villains who stole your throne, take back your country and your throne, and end this farce!"

T'Challa raised his head, a deep purple arc flashed in his eyes, he grabbed the tiger head wishful stick, and stood up slowly.

In reality, T'Challa woke up from the black water, his body was covered with complex and powerful divine patterns, and his right hand shone with golden brilliance.

He came back like a true Destiny King.

He looked at Wakabi, and the proud man knelt down unconsciously. T'Challa lowered her eyes and said softly.

"Go, my high priest, and inform my guests, and go and inform my people."

"It's time to take back our heritage."


"Damn Terra, I will destroy you, I will destroy every cell of yours..."

Inside the Star of Lemuria, Ronan, who stumbled, held a black box, and his mouth was like a relapse of a neuropathy. He dragged his omnipotent weapon with the other hand, and stumbled into a Kunming. inside the fighter.

He escaped, no doubt about it.

In the absence of Tony and Steve, Wanda and Pietro with him, and even Black Widow and Hawkeye, the SHIELD territory really doesn't have much for Ronan to care about.

Oh yes, there are all the heroes of Hydra. It's a pity they're either in Wakanda, or it's impossible to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. without these "villains" really looks as harmless as a puppy.

Ronan was able to get his omnipotent weapon and the 'Cosmic Cube' so easily because he was not at home if he could fight.

If this were to be replaced by the former Ronan, 80% of them had already picked up the hammer and started to kill. But now he... has been frightened.

The madness of the Terra people on this backward planet made Ronan fear, especially the native Steve, who almost missed him from PTSD.

Of course, Ronan definitely wouldn't think so in his heart. What he thought was nothing more than a temporary retreat, in order to plan for the future and focus on the overall situation.

The hatch in front of the Kun-style fighter slowly opened, and Ronan flew out with a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter.

Ronan, who was finally free, laughed out of control, especially looking at the black box in his hand.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube... No, the space gem is finally here!"

Ronan opened the black box, looked at the blue Rubik's Cube in the center, stroked it gently, and muttered to himself in a cold voice.

To be honest, it wasn't the gem he wanted.

Compared with the simple and crude power gems that endow people with infinite power, the use of space gems is... more strategic.

The ability to easily open portals in every corner of the universe regardless of distance is indeed very powerful, but as a member of the accusation team, Ronan has also read a series of information about space gems in the highest wisdom.

This is definitely not a gem that one can easily hold to play with.

First of all, although the space gem can open any door to the universe, the premise is that you know the specific coordinates behind the door.

If you don't know the specific coordinates, if you teleport randomly, the ghost knows where the door will open.

There was an advanced civilization that possessed a cosmic Rubik's Cube because in an experiment, the Rubik's Cube opened the door directly inside a dying star, so that the entire parent galaxy was involved in the terrifying supernova explosion and destroyed.

This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that the portal opened by the space gem can be 'two-way affected'.

You can define and open the door, and the person who perceives the power of the space gem in the other end of the space can also guide the door to bind the teleportation coordinates to their own heads.

This is also why the reunion can pull Loki over at the beginning of the fight, because Thanos directly locked the coordinates of the space gem and threw Loki over.

So for Ronan and the Kerry Empire, the most terrifying thing is that the space gem is anchored by some indescribable existence, and then the door is opened...

For example, some unlucky guy brought the universe cube back to his planet, but only twelve hours later, the entire star system and all the planets with life within a few light-years nearby were all 'devoured'... …

So even if he was jealous of the power of the Infinity Stone, Ronan would not be able to use this gem without permission.

"It looks like you escaped? Congratulations, then please put the gems here."

Loki's haunted phantom popped up next to Ronan again. Ronan raised his hand with a hammer, but the phantom was only scattered by the hammer.

"Don't be so rude, this is all Thanos orders. Accuser, this is your only chance for revenge."

Ronan clenched his fists and said in a gloomy and cold voice

"What should I do?"

"Just put the Rubik's Cube here." Loki pointed at the space locator at the top of the Empire State Building and laughed.

"It's as simple as that."

"Then what will it call? A Chitauri?" said Ronan disdainfully.

It's not that he looks down on those garbage interstellar pirates, and even himself, as the accuser, is afraid of the crazy self-destructive spirit of the Terra people, the Chitauri... What else can they do when they come out to deliver food?

"This is something Thanos should think about, don't think about what he shouldn't!"

Loki cut off the illusion, and Ronan took a deep breath, his eyes hazy.

Of course he hates the earthling who beats himself and tramples on his honor, but if there is a chance to pull Thanos into the water, he will be... very happy.

111. Miracles are not free

With the unstable portal shining with the jumping arc, Steve and his party appeared in the inner city of Gaban Luodu.

Bypass all the outer defenses of this terrifying steel ruined city and enter the inner city at the core.

"I feel more and more like we're playing an RPG," Pietro said.

"Look, with the help of the resistance army, we sneaked into the dungeon to do damage or something. Next, do we have to fight a few bosses to pass through a few areas, and then open the door to challenge the final boss or something?"

"Eric is in the throne room deep in the inner city."

T'Challa's voice was ethereal, and in this darkness, the divine pattern on his body radiated a faint shimmer, making him look a little more divine.

"Secret infiltration is impossible. There are four paths leading to the highest point, and each of them is correct. But to open the final switch to the throne room, four doors need to be opened at the same time."

"Isn't this an RPG game?" Pietro complained again

"Shut up, brother!" Wanda scolded his stinky brother with dissatisfaction, and then stared at T'Challa.

"How can we believe you? You may have really been T'Challa before, but now you may just be the puppet of the **** behind you?"

Wanda looked at T'Challa with hatred and... covetousness.

Hatred is the hatred of being a refugee, a child who has lost a parent, to one of the culprits in all of this.

Although this kind of anger is a derogatory term, in fact, the vast majority of human beings just can't escape the idea of ​​anger and sitting together. It is the nature of every human being to take revenge for a complete relaxation of emotions.

As for covetousness, it is the covetousness of the power and physical instinct of a son of God as a user of Mephisto's magic power.

But I have to say that Wanda is indeed a unique talent.

Because of Cytorak, Sithone and Mephisto's powers are all vying for Wanda, so that the three-dimensional demons have reached a wonderful balance, so that Wanda can now be in a relatively balanced situation Use the power of the three demon gods at almost no cost.

Mephisto can't BB in Wanda's ear at any time, Sishorn can't affect Wanda's spirit, and Cytolac can't directly bless him.

But none of the three dimensional demon gods are good people, and for any of them, the power of the gods can be regarded as a delicacy...

"Just do as he says!" Steve said lightly

"We are acting separately, but T'Challa, you have to follow Pietro!"

T'Challa nodded, and had no opinion on such an arrangement, and for others, they had no position to refute Steve's idea.

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