And the countless converging voices finally formed the same vocabulary.


116. The Burning Crusade

"How is it possible, no... what happened?!"

Ronan almost collapsed looking at the miserable scene of his hometown. He stubbornly believed that it must be a false illusion, a deceiving picture!

He jumped off the tall building without hesitation, ran all the way to the fallen Radiance Cruiser, and directly blasted a road leading to the interior with the omnipotent weapon.

Inside the cruiser, there was the stench of corpses and a stench of dread that pierced through the brain.

There were corpses everywhere in the cabin, except for the corpses, there was almost nothing else. Ronan searched frantically, but saw a few living creatures around the corner.

It was a few monsters wearing complex ancient armor and holding a tragic green devil iron axe, wantonly slashing the corpses under their feet.

These monsters are just like what Ronan saw in the portal.

The furious accuser smashed it with an omnipotent weapon, and the monsters were killed in an instant. Their tragic green blood splashed on Ronan's face, and the severe pain of erosion seemed to wake him up a little.

Ronan staggered in search of this huge cruiser, but except for various monsters and corpses, he found nothing.

Finally, he came to the main control room, which was just like anywhere else, with nothing but corpses and spattered flesh everywhere.

He stumbled and opened the ship record, and in the light screen that popped up, he began to tell everything that happened in detail and slowly.

That wormhole was suddenly opened seven days ago over the imperial capital Hara.

This is not surprising, the vast cosmic time is not uniform, and there are huge differences in the measurement of time between stars stretched to light-years.

The wormhole that opened seven days ago sounded the death knell for the entire Kree Empire.

Almost at the moment when the wormhole opened, thousands of pale green cone-shaped warships jumped out from there. Because the portal directly bypassed the relationship between Hara's planetary defense project, the sudden blow caught the entire planet by surprise. A quarter fell in just half an hour.

But those battleships are not powerful battleships with particularly advanced technology, and it can even be said that their technology is very simple and rude.

The reacted Kree Imperial Navy launched a counterattack against the invaders under the leadership of Admiral May Weir, and quickly destroyed the warships.

But the nightmare was only just beginning.

The quarter of the territory occupied by Gong was filled with a terrible radiation pollution not long after it was shot down, and all creatures who stepped on it, including the Cree themselves, would be reduced to extremes under the terrible radiation. Rampage monster.

And in the radiated wasteland, there are a lot of strange-shaped monsters, and what is even more terrifying is that this group of monsters has their own order and reason.

They call themselves the Burning Legion.

Hala's lands engulfed by erosion are teeming with fel pollution, and the demons begin the ritual of summoning the Legion of Communication immediately after occupying these lands.

Naturally, the Kree would not allow such a thing to happen. Harrah's navy and army began to bomb the occupied areas at all costs, and on the third day after the pollution had spread to half the planet, they finally ensured that all the enemies would be wiped out.

However, on the fourth day, a hundred times as many demon fleets as the previous Burning Legion poured out from the wormhole.

And it is clear that these terrifying demon fleets are even more terrifying than last time, those brutal and vicious Legion warships with near-suicidal attacks constantly raiding the surface of Hala and the navy of the Kree Empire, while frantically flooding the fel energy The contamination of the Legion and the demons of the Legion were dropped on Harrah.

They were even crazy enough to drop a large group of demons directly outside the atmosphere, and those cruel and terrible demons could cause unstoppable pollution to Hala even if they were just corpses.

After losing nearly half of the Imperial Navy to repel the enemy, Fleet Commander Mywell realized that this could not go on.

These demons can't be killed at all. Even if the proud Kree can exchange their supplies for the lives of countless demons, it is often just the next instant that more demons can pour out of the other end of the wormhole.

Their space technicians simply couldn't shut down the gigantic wormhole, and the **** space disturbance prevented the warp travel of several nearby galaxies from being activated.

The desperate admiral led the most elite accusations of the Kree Empire to invade the other side of the door.


It was a scene the Kree Empire was destined to never forget.

Together, a huge flaming sword that burned the galaxy emerged from the other end of the door, and in front of the Nakre Empire's 100,000 fleet, many of which were "World Destroyer" battleships, a huge black stone Titan emerged from the darkness. emerged in.

His body is far larger than any planet, his eyes are burning with the eternal entropy of the annihilation of the universe, his furious roar rips apart space, and a broken sword in his hand stretches more than a star And a fiery flame!

He just used a sword, and Taeshalak, who swept the galaxy, wiped out the proud fleet of the Kree Empire.

After doing all this, the terrifying giant disappeared into the void, replaced by two equally terrifying great demons.

They call themselves Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, and they lead the truly terrifying force of the Burning Legion.

A terrifying dark fleet created by the Dark Wisdom of Apocalypse Artisan Kin'garoth, gathering knowledge given by another Legion Master.

Carrying the two legion masters, the fleet arrived above Hala.

With mocking and sadistic laughter, Archimonde spread across the planet Harrah, while the Kree shivered as his dark magic stroked the planet.

Then, a huge sand table model carrying the entire Hala star building and mountains and rivers unfolded in front of his eyes.

Archimonde's palm grabbed the yellow sand, and the fragile sand collapsed like a building block pushed down by a child, and all the buildings on the surface of Harrah's planet also shattered!

The Kree army was not even qualified to resist, and ninety percent of the resistance was destroyed under Archimonde's magic.

Then, Kil'jaeden ordered his eredar warlocks to extract the core energy of the entire Harrah.

The planet stopped rotating, and the huge energy of the earth's core was evacuated to create a huge planetary well out of thin air. Harrah's star became a constant source of energy for the Burning Legion amid the shattering and painful mourning.

On the seventh day, all things perish

The demons killed every living life on Hara, extracted their souls, desecrated their corpses, and used them to obtain more powerful fel energies.

The fel energy of this universe is so pure and powerful that the untouched heat-dead power of increasing entropy has turned into a wave of destruction under the greed of the demons born from the fel energy.

Belonging to this world, more powerful demons were created.

The Burning Legion assimilated all the technologies of the Kree people and mastered their warp-speed sailing network, and the entire crazy legion is heading towards every planet in the Kree Empire.

The Kree Empire is about to face the end of its destruction.

And this cruiser is the last cruiser of the Kree Empire to transport fleeing civilians, but it already has believers corrupted by demons inside.

They interfered with the results during the warp, leaving the entire cruiser lost in the space network, and the summoned demons bloodbathed the entire ship in a fraction of the time.

No one was left alive.

Not a single child, an old man, a woman, or even a pet was left.

It was Ronan himself who brought destruction to his homeland.

The cold-blooded accuser hugged the corpse of a Kree child and laughed insanely, and the figure of Mu Feng also appeared in front of him.

"Will a conqueror who plundered and destroyed countless worlds cry for his own destruction?"

Mu Feng looked down at the mad accuser, and there was no pity in his heart - after all, this was what he did.

After the Cosmic Rubik's Cube fell into Mu Feng's hands and was mastered to learn to make the container for the space gem, Mu Feng replaced it with the Black Rubik's Cube.

The company's black cube can open the door to another world, but the energy supply is a terrible problem. However, as a product of directly requesting permission from the origin of the universe, space gems can provide energy for the Black Cube indefinitely.

And then, just put another Sargerite keystone into the black cube.

The door is always two-way, and if you can go in, you must be able to come out. When the person holding this 'Cosmic Rubik' Cube activates it, a line leading to the Burning Legion's crown world Argus, Earth, and three doors at one end of the door will be opened.

It's just that he has prepared two sets of plans. If Loki is opened, then that door will lead to Thanos' dark sect. Mu Feng is looking forward to the contest between the crazy titan and the dark titan.

But since Ronan opened the portal, the core area of ​​the Kree Empire will be devastated by the Legion.

The Burning Legion that burned the stars in the Warcraft universe was by no means a vain name, not to mention the certain technical support provided by Mu Feng, and the door even opened on Argus' head.

This is not Azeroth, there is no Titan's enchantment to bless those messy things directly riding their faces.

The result of destruction is only inevitable.

But I am afraid it is not just a Kree Empire that will be destroyed.

Mu Feng looked at the collapsed Ronan, and did not have the idea of ​​​​making up a knife. He turned and left, and in an instant he reached the top of the Himalayas, thousands of miles away.

Next, is the drama that belongs to the gods.

117. Legion Giants

"The fel energy in this world is so active, I can almost feel the entropic force beating in every cell of my life."

On the Fel Hammer docked in the sky of the destroyed Hara star, Archimonde greedily felt the active power of this world, and the active and abundant demonic fire was drawn between his fingers, and the abundant fel energy almost made him I don't want to go back to my own world.

"But the world is dangerous enough."

Kil'jaeden glanced at this idiot with disdain. He was the dean of the Mage Academy before he joined Sargeras, but now he has become like a mindless abyss lord!

"Lord Sargeras said that in this world we are far from being unscrupulous! In this world, there may be many existences that are stronger than Titans."

"Really? That kind of power... I don't know if we can get it." Archimonde showed a hideous smile full of ambition

"But Kil'jaeden, are you really willing to let that guy climb over our heads?"

Archimonde's provocative words also made the deceiver's face darken

Ten thousand years have passed. Since the Eredar family joined the Legion, the command of the entire Burning Legion has almost fallen to him and Archimonde. Although Sargeras is the real Lord of the Legion, in fact They control the entire Burning Legion!

Even the Dread Council once formed by the Dread Demon Kings was defeated by them - of course, these two or five children of the Shadow Realm have now been collectively captured and thrown into Argus to feed the dogs, and they are even more consistent within the Burning Legion. 's ruler.

But now, they have an additional 'colleague' who is at the same level as them, or even faintly above them!

And all of this is just because he offered Sargeras the Pillar of Creation and opened the door to another world.

Well, Kil'jaeden actually understands the hugeness of this "merit". In fact, didn't they dedicate Argus to their current status? But fraudsters also have difficulty condoning their own thinning of power.

"So, should we join forces first..."

Looking at Archimonde's hideous smile, Kil'jaeden's expression changed slightly, but he shook his head decisively.

"No, he is the master of the legion designated by Lord Sargeras! He owns the command of the new fleet under King Garros, and he knows the world better than any of us, and... We are not sure that we can completely Get rid of him safely."

Although Kil'jaeden is very serious about fighting for power, he is not stupid enough to rashly start invoking when his goal is not achieved.

The great cause of the Burning Legion is far more important than the struggle for personal power, not to mention the deceiver knows in his heart that if he wants to gain greater power and power, he must act in this world.

Archimonde snorted disdainfully, and at this moment, a door opened in the center of the two legion masters.

"Sorry, sorry for being a little late."

He walked out of the portal with an angry smile, looked at the two tall Eredar demons, and looked at the mother star that had been drained of the Kree Empire, and smiled.

"Sure enough, the efficiency of the legion is high."

"So, where is the next target?" Archimonde asked bluntly without any nonsense.

"There is a world on the other side of the door called Earth." Furious shrugged.

"The power of that world is far stronger than those of the planets you destroyed, and it also has a very special position in this universe - just like Azeroth, so there are also many powerful forces on that planet. . . . wicked stuff."

Looking at the big devil with greed on his face, he was furious and seduced.

"If you are fortunate enough to be able to break through all the secrets of that planet, even if you become a Titan-like existence, it is not a dream..."

"But it's just as dangerous as that hellish place in Azeroth, isn't it?" Kil'jaeden interjected.

"And... how much power did you get from that avatar?"

Kil'jaeden's eyes stared at the rage. Strangely, he couldn't see the flow of fel energy in the corrupted incarnation he relied on, as if the container that Sargeras personally built was already a piece Bronze without any energy.

Not only that, he always felt that the rage was... a little weird.

"It doesn't matter, the point is that we are a group." Furious waved his hand.

"It's okay to invade Earth, but I don't mind you going there in person. After all, you went to Earth and died there, but you can't go back to Argus to be reborn."

"It doesn't matter if you die elsewhere. I can't guarantee that you will be able to return to the Twisted Void to be reborn when you die on Earth."

"Let Jaraxxus enter that world with a whole legion of troops!"

Archimonde gave the order with a sneer, and his mind was full of destruction and mighty power.

"Did Sargeras send you here to let you collect six gems before he arrives."

Furious open his hands, six shining gems swirling in his palms

"These Infinity Stones are the embodiment of the source power of this universe, and each of them symbolizes a fundamental law of this universe."

"Time, space, power, reality, mind, and soul."

"They can only exert this power to connect the origin of the universe if they stay in this universe, so it is impossible for the Dark Titan to take him to his own universe to solve those troublesome 'problems', but... they also have a deeper meaning usefulness."

Archimonde and Kil'jaeden both glanced at each other tacitly. The meaning of meaningless rage is to imply the power of peeping at the source.

As the two giants of the Burning Legion, the Polluters and the Deceivers have actually reached the end of their abilities.

The eredars are a powerful race favored by the Holy Light and the darlings of Argus. They have had an excellent bloodline far superior to most races among the stars since birth.

Not to mention, almost every eredar is an immortal species whose lifespan is calculated in ten thousand years. An eredar such as Velen who has received the blessing of the Holy Light is even an immortal species!

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