But even the family of the Titans is only the race of mortals.

Even though Kil'jaeden and Archimonde betrayed their hometown, Argus, and exchanged endless fel energy from Sargeras, their growth has now reached the upper limit.

If you want to go further, you must seek more original power.

The essential power of Fel is the chaotic entropy power, but the only ones who can truly master this power are naturally powerful Titans like Sargeras.

Fel energy can be said to be the product of a certain degree of mixing between the power of entropy of annihilation and arcane magic. Although it has increased its universality, it has been weakened. And the power of entropy, which is naturally absolutely chaotic, is simply not within the grasp of the eredar.

This is why Archimonde climbed the World Tree Nordrassil at all costs in the battle of the invasion of Mount Hyjal, because he sensed the great power of Star Soul from the World Tree, and he yearned for this power to make He goes one step further!

And now, in front of them is a more 'superior' opportunity.

"So, what's the price?" Kil'jaeden asked, squinting.

The cunning deceiver is someone who likes to save others, and there is never a good thing in this world for no reason, let alone the villain of their group of villains.

"I don't need anything, and letting the Burning Legion come to this world has already met my needs." The corners of his angry mouth were upturned, and he smiled maliciously.

"And I cooperated with the Dark Titan instead of you, so don't use your narrow thinking to speculate about what I want, I have already obtained it when I cooperated with the Dark Titan."

After all, he didn't care about the ugly faces of the two big demons, and said lightly.

"The current whereabouts of several gems are like this, the space gem fell on the 'earth' opposite the door, the time gem was also there and held by a very powerful and difficult mage. The reality gem was held by Asgar. Dru is in a hidden place, the Soul Stone is in my hands, and the Mind Stone is now in the hands of the Dark Order led by Thanos."

"You have already read the information about the distribution of forces in this universe, and you should also understand that even the Legion can't walk sideways in this world."

The Burning Legion is indeed very powerful, but if it is not included in the pantheon of darkness, the simple demon army is not an invincible force in the evil and dangerous universe of Marvel.

In fact, if it wasn't for that idiot Ronan who directly brought the Legion into the capital hinterland of the Kree Empire, the Legion might not be able to take the Kerry Empire in a short period of time.

After all, although the legion is extremely powerful, the chaos of the overall layout is still a fatal problem, and what is even more troublesome is that this universe is indeed full of individuals who are too strong to break the table.

The legions full of the universe can be beaten by the beheading tactics of the evil natives of Azeroth, and the possibility of being beheaded in this ghost place is even greater.

"After the complete capture of the Kree Empire, the Legion will digest all the resources in this star field and communicate the source of entropy in this universe to construct a new twisted void."

Kil'jaeden's palm was undulating with a star field map, squinting.

"After we gain a firm foothold, I will conduct 'diplomacy' with them well..."

In the original universe, the Burning Legion across the Star Sea also encountered some extremely difficult bones, some powerful interstellar civilizations.

And that was when the Legion launched their 'diplomatic' offensive, sending intelligent demons like succubus and dreadlord, as well as eredar, to infiltrate those civilizations, corrupting their interiors with fel energy...

Kil'jaeden is very familiar with this matter, and the fraudster who is always in control of the overall situation also knows when to be hard and when to be soft.

"Then, in addition to this, our next target is Xandar." The angry fingers pointed to the planet and grinned.

"The famous Nova Corps can be regarded as a celebrity on the order side in this universe. It is appropriate to use their destruction to declare the strength of the Legion."

Although Xandar Star was photographed in the movie as an enemy of the Kree Empire, in fact Xandar Star is far from the opponent of the Klee Empire, one of the three major empires in the universe.

The biggest reason for not taking care of them is because the Keli Empire was severely damaged after destroying the Skrull Empire, and at the same time, it had to beware of another force, the Shia Empire, so only Ronan, the accuser who had a blood feud with the Xandar people, was responsible for finding Xandar Star. Trouble.

But they are still hard to crack, and it is appropriate to use their heads to declare the strength of the legion.

"I'll take care of that so-called Asgard, and... that Earth." Archimonde grinned.

The polluter is different from the deceiver. It is probably that after becoming a big demon, the evil energy burned out the once wise brain. He doesn't like thinking and conspiracy, and he wants to use the most direct violence to destroy everything!

Furious looked at Archimonde for a moment and smiled brightly

"Then, I wish you a prosperous martial arts."

118. Legion Invasion

The sight on the other side of the door shocked everyone who saw it.

The huge portal hanging high in the sky ensures that every New Yorker can easily see the scenes inside and see the hell-like scene.

Flesh and blood covered every corner of the planet, the atmosphere was burnt, the ocean was evaporated, and under the rising dark cloud of green evil energy, there was only endless destruction and terror.

Even after this one-year World War III, most people in the city could not imagine the greatest desecration of the dignity of life and existence.

There is no doubt that the situation on the other side of the door can almost be described as 'hell'.

What's worse is that the door is open there, which means that the devil in **** can also come to this world.

In fact, when the flow of time has not been 100% unified, the brief chaos for the earthlings caused the legion behind the door to bring terrifying destruction here.

The sky turned dark green in an instant.

The sea of ​​​​clouds covering the entire New York sky rose with the burning light of fel energy, and from that light, countless burning hellfires fell down.

This is the most common way the Burning Legion 'greets' to the outside world, hellfire bombardment.

The hellfire that fell from a height of 50,000 feet, under the protection of the evil energy, still bloomed in every corner of New York like a terrifying cannonball!

The wailing civilians were killed in terror and confusion by the onslaught of these hellfires pounding the ground, but that was just the beginning.

In the huge potholes that were smashed out and burning with demonic fire, these burning colossus slowly stood up, indiscriminately destroying all the creatures and buildings around them.

The death knell and tide of destruction sounded in this city.

And this is just the beginning. The next moment, from the huge portal, an eredar demon wearing a complex magic gem armor slowly walked out.

"Face Jaraxxus! The Eredar King of the Burning Legion!"

This insolent eredar demon like a madman laughed and waved his hands, and the powerful fel magic further guided the arrival of the elemental creature, the abyss demon, which is a further form of hellfire.

The mere existence of those demons burning the flames of crimson entropy can cause the temperature within a radius of 100 meters to rise to the level of scalding humans alive!

Countless small portals opened in the corners of the city, and from those portals, all kinds of demons howled and poured out.

Wearing heavy magic iron armor and holding a giant axe, a demon guard, a destroyer with three pairs of beautiful and dangerous arms, a further elite demon scourge guard, a hellhound with tentacles on his back and scales all over his body...

These monsters filled the streets of New York in the shortest time like a plague, and started unbridled destruction and slaughter!

Flying mephits in the sky took pedestrians to the sky and then tore them apart. Cars and cars were slashed by the demon guards. Destroyers like meat grinders danced in the crowd, howling hellhounds. Culling devours one fresh life after another.

Loki, who was hiding aside, watched this scene in shock and fear.

If he used the cosmic Rubik's Cube, I'm afraid these monsters would go to Asgard.

But before Loki could gloat for a few seconds, several hellhounds suddenly rushed out of his position.

The hounds of the Burning Legion were naturally extremely sensitive to energy, and Loki apparently failed to grasp his phantom magic to ensure that no magic was leaked.

When the two hellhounds howled and rushed up, Loki slammed the psychic scepter in his hand, but the death finger of Jaraxxus that followed made Loki embarrassed. Fly out.

Jaraxxus didn't mean to chase, maybe this world also has the power of magic, but what about that? He just wants to bring the destruction and burning of the Legion to this world!

Soon, four huge legion battleships jumped over New York and began to bombard the surface with terrifying fel energy.

At this time, New York's countermeasures have just come too late.

Ground suppression troops in heavy power armor evacuated the crowd while firing at the demons.

These demons of the Burning Legion are not so invincible, and the tall demons who are bathed in blood and fight will also be killed in the face of large-caliber armor-piercing bullets.

But on the contrary, the weapons of these monsters can also tear apart the thick armor plates on those power armors.

And these demons are not afraid of death, and even have a fanatical tendency to fight and death.

"For the Burning Legion!!"

A destroyer shouted a fanatical slogan, rushed into the crowd of power armored troops against the powerful firepower, and then turned like a whirlwind.

The magic blade in her hand shredded several power armored soldiers, but she was quickly beaten to flesh.

However, the shredded flesh glowing with green fel light even had the ability to erode, and the nearest soldier was eroded away even with his armor.

These soldiers also had to take on the responsibility of evacuating the crowd. They established defense lines one after another, and while waiting for support, they endured the onslaught of countless demons who were not afraid of death.

As long as a line of defense is torn open, all they have to face is the wave of destruction of the devil's madness.

Of course, there is also the rain of **** fire that is falling down all the time in the sky. It is difficult for their MS to drive into the urban area, and these burning stone giants don't care so much.

"Get out of my place!!"

Jin Bian roared, and the eccentricity of his hand instantly bombarded a magnetic field spinning fist that spread over the entire block. The roaring magnetic field force evaporated the demons that filled the entire street together with the blood.

However, this does not seem to make these monsters have even the slightest fear.

They are still howling and coming one after another, and in the portal that is constantly being opened, all kinds of demons are raging one after another.

But Jin Bing and his men kept these monsters out of Hell's Kitchen.

Bullseye kept firing the magic gun to let the bullets penetrate the bodies of these monsters, and the more eccentric Jin and his subordinates were even more fearless and fought with the demons that came one after another.

The roaring roar once again spread in the sky, and the next moment, dozens of hellfire rains instantly fell over the hell's kitchen.

Even though the anti-aircraft artillery fire hidden in Hell's Kitchen intercepted a considerable part of the Hellfire, the sight of the remaining monsters smashing into the urban area of ​​Hell's Kitchen and igniting the devil's fire after destroying everything they touched was still lethal. Jin Bing's face is extremely ugly!

It is true that he and his subordinates are a group of scumbags, but even scumbags have a bottom line.

This is their home, and they have built an unbridled paradise, so they must protect it like a shepherd protects his lamb.

"Small insects!!"

A huge abyss lord suddenly burst out from behind a portal. The abyss lord with a huge dragon body roared and smashed the tall buildings, and rushed over with a spear of burning magic flame.

Jin Bing's body was once again covered by the bright silver like liquid metal, he instantly killed the abyss lord, and his fists were heavily bombarded.

The magnetic field rotates 200,000 horses! !

The roaring iron fist instantly wiped out the scum of the powerful abyss lord, and even wiped out a street. Jin turned his head and snarled at his subordinates

"No retreat! No escape! Guard Hell's Kitchen, guard here!!"

Whether it is a hero or a villain, no matter how opposed their positions were before, at this moment they are just humans protecting their homeland.

The fighting on the ground continued, and so did the sky.

Colonel Rhodes, who controlled Penelope, evaded the shelling of the Legion's battleships, constantly damaging the energy shields of these battleships with the weapons in his hands.

But they dare not use weapons of mass destruction at all, because New York is under their feet.

Plus they don't carry any weapons of mass destruction against energy shields.

After dodging several bombardments in embarrassment, and watching New York collapse under the fire of the Legion battleship, Rhode's heart skipped a beat and he pulled the red lever in the cockpit.

In the password input device that popped up, he pressed 2887, and then drove the MS, and the old man who accompanied him to fight for a long time rushed towards the front of the Legion battleship!

The collision with a speed of several Mach was inevitable, and Rhodes ejected the moment before the collision was completed, controlling the danger of the steel suit on his body forcibly escaped.

He watched helplessly as his Penelope crashed into the shield of the Legion's battleship, and then the large-scale nuclear explosion caused by the detonated rice stove engulfed those battleships in an instant!

The huge impact sent the Rhodes-faced man and the armor directly flying out, and before he was about to hit the ground, he barely escaped the impact.


Inside the steel battle suit, Rhodes, whose mouth was full of rust, gasped and looked at the fallen Legion battleship, his face under the battle suit barely showed a smile—

However, the next moment, more Legion battleships jumped out from behind the door.

"More, more destruction!!"

Jaraxxus greedily felt the surging souls of the entire city, the fel energy captured and devoured them, and destruction swept through everything like a wave.

He didn't notice the evil green figure walking slowly behind him, holding a pitch-black giant hammer.

119. The end is coming

"Where's Stark? Where's President Steve? Damn, why can't I get in touch with any of them!"

In the Star of Lemuria, Nick Fury roared and smashed the phone in front of him, New York was ravaged by a group of demons coming down the portal, and he could only watch here, unable to do anything.

Their soldiers, his weapons, those companies, those armies, none of them are of any use now!

It's not that those things are not powerful enough, the problem is that most of those weapons are deployed in important front-line positions such as Madagascar and the Turlington base to fight Wakanda's omnic corps.

The local precautionary measures in New York are not that bad, but the core of the problem is always that the other party has opened a long-term transmission channel on Manhattan Island!

"Director, the situation is analyzed, Dr. Evig..." Hill hurried in.

"Say the conclusion!!"

"The escaped Kree used a device to open a portal at the top of the Empire State Building, and we can only close the door by destroying that device!"

"Then destroy him!" Nick Fury roared loudly

"But... it's very difficult." Agent Hill said with an ugly face

"The other party is obviously consciously protecting the portal device. Those monsters almost blocked the water around the Empire State Building. So are those space battleships. We can't get close to half a step!"

"And...President Steve isn't here!"

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