Nick Fury covered his head, President Steve...their war with Wakanda was so reliant on this flawless homelander that he didn't even know what to do without him now.

Their enemies are undoubtedly the races that have mastered the ability of interstellar navigation, and they are essentially a group of people whose souls are bound by gravity.

Even though their weapon technology is constantly being developed in a form that is almost a spur-of-the-moment, in essence, how much of those technologies belong to them?

A civilization with interstellar voyage capability means absolute crushing of these weaker civilizations in terms of productivity.

Can the GDP of the entire country for a year be exchanged for even a single piece of that spaceship?

At this time, Nick Fury even looked forward to that annoying Mu Feng appearing here, and then told himself that he had a way.

But it was obvious that Mu Feng would not be able to appear at this time.

There is no role he should play in this scheduled drama, and besides, it's time for his role to retire.

The civilization of the entire Marvel Earth is flourishing abnormally under his interference, but this development is always unhealthy.

If there is not a huge enough blood and fire to cleanse this unhealthy growth, then this civilization will not be able to go further, if there is not a strong enough stimulus to make them realize the sense of crisis and realize that there is a crazy pursuit behind them. The vicious dog, then the stagnation of this civilization is doomed.

Whether the earth of this world can survive this trial and be reborn Mu Feng does not know, but he only knows that after the Burning Legion as a propellant appears, it will not be the turn of human beings to assert themselves.

At the very least, it's not the Americans' turn to call the shots.

"Director, there is news from Congress."

Agent Hill put down the receiver in his hand, but his face was pale and ugly.

"They're asking us to get out of New York quickly and as far away from here as possible... They're going to unlock the Wakanda pact and drop a vacuum bomb."

"Throwing super weapons on New York? Are they crazy?!"

Although Nick Fury roared angrily, he was clear in his heart - this is just a reasonable stop loss.

If you can't close that door, then throwing a vacuum bomb on New York is the best way to get to the root of the problem.

Even if they don't have any proof that a vacuum implosion can destroy that portal - they don't really have many options, do they?

Of course, they can also wait for another option, another option that doesn't have to betray and kill those millions of people...

"Tell them! I'm never leaving New York!"

Nick Fury gritted his teeth and said word by word

"They can drop the vacuum bomb if they want, but I'll be waiting here - I'll be waiting for President Steve to come back! Then they'll be ready to pack their own coffins!"

It is undoubtedly irresponsible to pin the fate of the planet on one person, but for Nick Fury, it is also a choice he has no choice.

Hill looked at the determined Nick Fury, nodded slightly, and conveyed his meaning to Congress.

The powerless person mustering up the courage to struggle in the last struggle is nothing but leaving the future to fate.


"It's not making me see the future anymore."

Gu Yi looked at New York City, which was sinking under the disaster and destruction, and was silent for a moment. He picked up the Eye of Agamotto hanging around his neck, and said softly.

"The originally clear time has now become chaotic. Among the originally established constants and definite variables, you have triggered a path of absolute chaos..."

In the perspective of the time gem overlooking the long river of time, the magnificent time is not a constant linearity, but a network formed by countless interlaced lines.

For Gu Yi, who observes a runaway future, the future is as clear as a formula.

The constants of this formula will not change, and the variables are selected within a certain range. Although the resulting route is innumerable, it can always be observed and even selectively changed.

And now, the future of this universe has been completely plunged into chaos.

The Burning Legion, an army of demons from another world. Their strength is even second, and for a time watcher like Gu Yi, the important thing is that they are essentially special variables from another world.

A special variable that would not otherwise be included in the calculation of future observations, equivalent to a special number in the calculation of another system.

Under such chaotic interference, either this special variable is eliminated, or the space-time of the entire universe will completely become an unobservable chaotic state.

"You have destroyed the predetermined future, and you have been tossing around for so long, just to see this scene?"

Gu Yi lightly questioned the people on both sides, Odin and Zeus, two **** kings.

Gu Yi knew that they not only represented the pantheon behind him, but I am afraid that they themselves represented the attitude of the gods who were expelled from the main material world by Agamato.

Some gods are content with the status quo, and some are eager to return, and there is no doubt that such a group of gods are standing behind these two god-kings.

"Will you be saddened by the deaths of these Midgardians?" Odin sneered lightly.

"No, of course not, because you've seen it countless times. Didn't you just watch when the city was invaded by the Chitauri, even without us?"

The duty of Kama Taj and the Supreme Mage is to protect humans from expelling enemies from other dimensions, but for Gu Yi, this is not actually her biggest duty.

The greater duty of the Supreme Mage who has lived for thousands of years is to be an observer of time. She has already based herself on the perspective of a spectator who has escaped the chess game, so no matter how serious the human casualties are, Gu Yi will not care. .

"The future of chaos does not mean good, I only see the deep darkness under the stars."

"But the future of chaos symbolizes countless possibilities!" Zeus played with the lightning in his palm and smiled at Gu Yi

"Compared to the doomed ending that won't change, I prefer the feeling of a mortal who doesn't know the next day's life and death!"

"That's just ignorant fear." Gu Yi said lightly.

"But that's also an infinite longing for the future!" Odin let out a thunderous laughter

"I'm not sure what the future of Asgard will be at this moment. It may be even more miserable than Ragnarok. But at least I can change all this, and I can throw my spear at fate once again!"

Odin's joy could not be hidden or disdain to hide. His joy, his happiness, seemed to return to the past.

Back to the time when I once dared to throw a spear at fate!

"You are responsible for cleaning up this mess."

Gu Fang, who was caught between the two heavenly fathers on the left and the right, couldn't do anything, said expressionlessly.

With the Time Stone in his hand, he must be invincible against these gods, but on the other hand, the two Heavenly Fathers are enough to make the ancient one incapable.

"Of course." Zeus laughed and pointed to the sky

"Look, the first firefighters have arrived. Odin, is your son Hammer playing well."

Odin's face darkened and he snorted. He raised his head and his lips moved slightly, and the next moment, Heimdall also opened his eyes.

The God of Watch, at this moment resumed his duties.

Looking at the chaotic Midgard and the evil spreading to other corners of the universe, Heimdall didn't hesitate to take off the doomsday horn Gargalaghorn from his waist and blew it.

The next moment, the desolate and ancient horn sounded throughout Asgard, and everyone in the Divine Realm knew exactly what the horn symbolized.

Thor, who was dealing with paperwork with a bitter face in the study, raised his head sharply, and then showed a happy expression.

Because there was a fight!

But soon, the joy turned into apprehension and worry, he threw the hammer in a spin, and flew in the direction of Heimdall.

Only in the face of a crisis enough to cause Ragnarok will Heimdall sound his doomsday horn, and that symbol has only one meaning.

the end is coming

120. Fel Fallen

"Destroy, burn, spread the gift of fel energy to every land!!!"

Jaraxxus laughed frantically at the top of the Empire State Building, the pure fel energy jumped between his hands, and countless straight chains were now directly opened at the portal of the Legion Expeditionary Force Base Camp!

This heavily protected building has been alienated by the Legion into a huge tower of fel energy, constantly requesting fel energy from the Twisting Void, and then spreading the influence and pollution of fel energy in all directions.

The sky of Manhattan Island has turned a creepy green, all normal beings who step into this area can feel a pain like suffocation, and the adapted beings will accept the evil energy in the shortest time. 'Blessed', the misfits will soon die in agony from the fel energy rising from the atmosphere.

This universe is not their base camp after all, so there is no way to really distort the void and infinitely blast soldiers. The Burning Legion doesn't really have much of an advantage here.

The death and rebirth of demons requires a secondary transit point, and the Kree capital Hala, which is occupied at the moment, is the best transit point, and it is also the twisted void node that they used to regenerate demons.

Countless demons came here from another world through the channel opened by the black cube, and then were submerged by the great demons into the twisted void created by the entropic force that stirred the universe.

In other words, the demons changed their resurrection point from Argus to here.

This can even be said to be a reward for these demons!

The power of entropy in the Marvel Universe is so active, the rising tide of the source sea will bring further gifts to the demons.

The demon rebirth of the Burning Legion relies on the power of the dead Titan Argus, but it does not mean that the demons can no longer be reborn without Argus.

Argus plays more of a role as a beacon that allows demons' souls to return, a basic ring that allows demons to return quickly after death.

But the rebirth of the demon still relies on the surging fel energy of the Twisting Void, and the soul furnace of Argus plays an accelerating role.

There is indeed no Argus in this world, but the distorted void created by the extremely surging power of entropy can directly bypass the effect of Argus.

The dead demon soul will be instinctively attracted by the distorted void, and then reshape itself in the void, coming in a more powerful posture!

In the Marvel Universe, the death of demons will only make them stronger, and everything that cannot kill them will only make demons more terrifying.

For a demon with a natural pursuit of chaos and power, such a death is the perfect reward!

"There's a swarm of ants attacking here."

The second eredar high-level demon that was summoned, Prince Makzar opened his eyes and projected a picture in the air

It was a group of mutants of different shapes and abilities breaking through the defensive line built around this fel tower.

Their assaults were powerful and powerful, and the X-weapons' ability to ignore the law of mass conservation kept slaying those demons, resisting the bombardment of those magic weapons and the magic of the legion.

They are constantly advancing towards the Fel Tower.

"These ants remind me of unpleasant memories..."

Prince Makzar said in a low voice, he always remembered the incomparably bad memory. The self who was sent to the evil universe of Azeroth occupied the mage tower called Karazhan, but was suddenly attacked by ten The adventurer was pushed away.

"Maybe we should apply for further support from the legion. With these miscellaneous troops, there is no way to hold this place safely."

The military group of the Burning Legion is also divided into three, six and nine. There is no doubt that the eredar demons are some relatively complete but not powerful legions.

Generally speaking, legions that are good at hand-to-hand combat and destruction magic are dominated by the top legions of the defilers such as the pit lords, while those who rely on technical flows such as warships and Morgar mechanics and dreadlords are deceived. control.

Although the Burning Legion is synonymous with chaos and destruction, the ranks and responsibilities of the ranks are very clear.

If this were replaced by Mardon's elite legion, or even Argus' troops, these mutants would not even have the qualifications to cross the first line of defense.


Jaraxxus roared and kicked Makzar, grabbed his throat and said fiercely.

"Don't you feel the vitality and power of this planet? I think this planet may host a star soul! Do you know what that means?"

"As long as we break through here, I will get the recognition and gift of the Lord of the Legion! Instead of a little charity from the deceiver and the polluter, we will be able to advance to a higher level of the Legion!"

"We may not be able to win the world of the resident star soul!" Makzar struggled.

"The inhabitants of this world are so vulnerable."

Jaraxxus grabbed a well-dressed, shivering middle-aged man, grinned and shredded his body, and put his soul between his fingers to play with

"The strength of their body and soul is not even one-tenth as strong as those of the humans in Azeroth, and their 'technology' is not worth mentioning to the Legion!"

"As long as we can occupy and pollute this city, we can directly create a twisted void here that is the source of the mighty chaos of the universe! Our legion will be endless, trample this world, and dedicate it to the Lord of the Legion. !"

"But what should you do with those ants."

Makzar broke free from Jaraxxus' hands and sneered.

"Before you show your ambition, think about the cost of failure!"

"Of course I know, so I prepared a big gift for them." Jaraxxus grinned and took out a green magic bead

"I have to admit that the special abilities of those ants do have their own uniqueness. In this case, I will give them a chance to join the legion."

"This is the orb I got from the Defiler, and it contains enough pure fel energy! They'll love it."

After all, Jaraxxus shot the emerald green fel energy orb directly towards the cloud layer. Under the control of magic, it flew to the top of the X-weapon team, and then exploded.

The cloud-like evil energy quickly covered the surroundings, and under the invisible shaping, it turned into an emerald green evil energy torrential rain.

On the ground, the mutants who were fighting against these demons and heading towards the Empire State Building were unaware of the crisis above their heads.

"We have the last thirty minutes!"

The leader of the X-Weapon, Harry Osborn - of course, a split of him, wearing the Green Goblin armor that has been modified many times, and having injected himself with the Extremis virus, Harry roared at the mutants behind him.

"We're all going to die here if we don't destroy that beacon!"

"Clarice can open the portal directly to the top of the building, but we must get closer!"

A mutant with flames sprayed in his hands shouted loudly while burning several demon guards to ashes

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