These are things that Stark and Nick Fury don't have by any means, and there are things Steve can do that they absolutely can't.

"But we have to do it!" Tony said in a grim voice

"We are running out of time. The snow in the sky is not normal weather. If it falls at this rate for another month, we have only two choices: merge into the jurisdiction of Ultron, or take everyone to death!"

Also, Tony always remembers what Mu Feng once said to it.

This planet, this world, this not alone.

There are many, many visitors from other universes who covet this world and spy on this universe.

It's like the current Ultron, or there are many other figures who are eyeing the corners of the universe.

Every time he thinks of this, the pressure in Tony's heart will be extremely huge.

It used to be just the phantoms given to him by the Qitarians and Wanda, which made Tony's pressure almost collapse, and the pressure that Mu Feng brought him is more than the original point that can be compared?

This huge pressure is like a giant mountain pressing on Tony's heart, which can't be relieved at all...because Tony won't open his heart to anyone.

Even the closest Pepper, it's not because he doesn't trust others, it's because Tony is more accustomed to carrying so much pressure on himself.

This heavy, almost breathless oppression made him have to make changes. In the face of Ultron's conspiracy and the looming environmental problems of Fembull's winter, Tony had to make himself change.

Iron Man can't save this country, can't save the world.

But he, Tony Stark, can no longer be the hero in that steel jacket, but the iron-hearted tyrant Tony Stark

"I'm going to run for the next president of the United States." Tony said in a cold voice

"After the Ultron problem is sorted out - I will take over the country and run it in the most efficient way possible!"

Nick Fury looked at Tony like this, the shadow of Howard had completely disappeared from him, and the one left behind made him so unfamiliar.

In a trance, he seemed to feel that the person sitting opposite him was not Stark, but another Steve Rogers.

Ah, why in the end, all these heroes who were positive and respectful of freedom that I was optimistic about, have become different appearances one after another?

They all went from heroes to tyrants.

But... a hero cannot save a country, a tyrant can, a hero is always right, and a tyrant guarantees the most successful course of action.

"……what should we do?"

Nick Fury bowed his head, and after the final battle of hearts and minds, the king of agents chose to submit to America's second tyrant

"It's very simple...let's start with those guys who don't change their minds."

Three hours later, several runaway terrifying robots quietly bypassed Chicago's protection and attacked the once wealthy villa area.

After causing a total of 432 casualties, the terrifying robot was destroyed, and Tony Stark chose to summon people from all over Chicago, pointing to the remains of those terrifying robots and telling them.

This is a war between machines and people, a war for the Americans to regain freedom, human rights, and the most basic personal safety.

If they fail, they will only end up with a bunch of dead people. Or die in blissful paralysis under the control of those AIs.

They are humanity's last hope, and if they fail, Ultron will kill all humans they control.

It's a lie, no doubt, but to politicians, lies are the least of the things that matter.

It's obviously more important to get something out of a lie than to lie.

Although this fraud is very straightforward, Stark has successfully driven the hatred and disgust of AI in Chicago, and forced the ever-rising capitulationist thinking to be suppressed.

But it's obviously not enough to do such a thing once, and they need more 'Maine'

In extreme pain and pressure, Tony Stark finally chose to close his heart and become another person.

From Iron Man, he became an iron-hearted tyrant.

Wonder if he had nightmares late at night? Or in Pepper's arms?

No one knows, but it doesn't matter, for Mu Feng and Ultron, these two extremely wicked guys all laughed very happily after seeing Tony's change.

It's not just a big change, it's a reality show that's hilarious.

The tough-mouthed and soft-hearted Iron Man has become an exceptionally hard-hearted tyrant, and it seems that he will have to become even more despicable and cruel in the future.

Woo, I feel very happy.

Ultron doesn't care if he wins or loses. Destroying human beings has no meaning for him, an AI villain who has been tossed down several times by heroes from another universe.

It can be said that he stayed in this world for almost no purpose. Sitting and watching Stark and their changes can be regarded as his purpose at this stage.

As for Mu Feng... he is still observing, waiting for the result to happen.

This time, the goal is to move from the United States to Europa.

173. Destroy London

Doom has always been a person who doesn't like to procrastinate.

After it is determined that the whole of Europe is to be conquered, then Doom will certainly not delay even one more day.

That's exactly what happened. Doom took less than three days to take all the small Eastern European countries including Latvinia, and directly controlled the Balkans, centering on rebuilding his Latvinia. .

To be honest, this is actually the first time he has done such a thing.

After all, the universe he came from is far from being as 'peaceful' and 'peaceful' as here. He can only strengthen Latvinia's strength as much as possible, and it is not convenient to invade other countries at will.

But in this world without the Fantastic Four and without the Avengers, Doom has no scruples in his actions.

The collapse and forced merger of Romania, Serbia, Transylvania, Hilkalia, and four small Eastern European countries have expanded Latvinia’s territory several times.

Of course, as the king of a country, Doom also understands that rule is not just a few mouse clicks in the game.

Although he is a real tyrant who doesn't care about his name at all, he doesn't want to make a lot of messes to disgust himself!

And the crux of the matter is that Latvinia has virtually no nationals.

Yes, if you don't count the very few citizens abroad, Latvinia in this world was directly taken over by the Scarlet Witch.

He can't use an empty country to rule the four countries merged into it?

Fortunately, Doom has a perfect tool man in his hands.

The Scarlet Witch's ability Doom has been eyeing for a long time. The reality-distorting X ability and her innate chaotic magic are the most perfect treasures in Doom's view.

It's a pity that this dog-day world is always like this, powerful powers and treasures always fall into the hands of those who don't deserve them.

Look at Wanda, and look at that sentinel, which one is not completely worthy of the power he has obtained?

And Doom is a typical self-struggling character. From nothing to today's Divine Sovereign Doom, he has stepped up step by step!

No magic, just steal and rob! Latvinia has no technological strength? Then force yourself to pull it up!

Doom's history can be called a history of struggles full of inspirational characters, so it is natural for him to look down on these second-generation ancestors who rely on luck and blood to gain strength.

Doom tied the unconscious Wanda, and then mercilessly cast the magic of stealing from the Beholder Lord.

The devil who lives in the dimension of thinking space is best at building dreams. He is also the old enemy of the Supreme Mage and the old enemy of Doom's power stealing.

Using the beholder's psychedelic nightmares, Doom created several different dreams, playing with Wanda's soul from every different angle.

Facts have proved that power really has nothing to do with itself.

Doom took a little effort to get all the magic of this Wanda, and by the way, he also controlled her consciousness, and directly let her chaos magic and distortion reality ability work on the whole of Latvia.

Lord Doom, who doesn't like wasting time, chose the simplest and most straightforward way.

"Come on, distort this reality!"

The ruthless Doom put his hands on top of Wanda's head, slightly condensed, and the illusion shaped by magic stimulated Wanda's sleeping soul, making her scream and exert her abilities in her dreams!

Chaos Magic + Warped Reality

The role of the former is to determine the stability and probability of things, while the latter is to make a wish directly to the world.

Wanda did the same when he destroyed the entire mutant race, and when he killed all the Latvians.

This is an extremely dangerous combination. The inherently unstable Chaos Magic plus an extremely unstable X ability, the most dangerous combination still falls on such an emotionally unstable woman.

It can only be said that this world... is really **** to the extreme.

At the time of thinking, Wanda's ability has been fully stimulated.

In her screams, the entire Latvinia erased buildings were reshaped out of thin air, and those who were forcibly captured by Doom also passed out in pain.

What greeted them was Wanda's complete reshaping of his personality and mind.

Their memories and personalities are completely overwritten, or they become a specious being.

But no matter what, they think they are Latvians in their hearts.

Although Wanda's ability can be said to be almost omnipotent, the cost and difficulty of casting spells will be greatly reduced when there are materials.

Doom chose to use the crudest means to bring the population it needed to Latvinia.

"It's scary~~~"

"Master Doom is really cruel~~~~"

Witnessing all this, the twins clasped their fingers together and said excitedly in a tone of pretending to be afraid.

They can finally be regarded as not following the wrong person, following a strong and ruthless guy like Doom, it is not too cool.

"What about the Russians?"

Doom didn't care about the offense of these two guys, he put Wanda back into a deep sleep, and said lightly

"Dead, **** it's all dead~~~"

"Like trash and dust, those tanks, clones or something."

"We used fear to stimulate the clones to rebel themselves, hehe, it's funny, they are obviously afraid of clones but rely on them so much."

"It's normal, Glitter, we are also afraid of knives, but it doesn't prevent us from cutting vegetables with it."

Gemini, you look at me and talk about cruel topics, and the yellow lights in their eyes have become more and more solid.

Fear brought them endless power, and the unstoppable joy of rising power led them to pursue this power even further.

Doom looked at the twins who were addicted to their power, as if he saw the phantom behind them, but he didn't say anything.

Since they are willing to give their souls to power, it is only natural to bring other things along with them.

"Then, get ready to go to London." Doom said in a cold tone

"Take London, and the first phase of the goal is complete!"

"But why London?"

"Yes yes, if Lord Doom wants to be the king of Europe, shouldn't he take France?"

The twins blinked quickly, they didn't say Paris, after all, it was over there. As for London? The twins from Eastern Europe never considered those island robbers to be Europeans.

"That city is not worth mentioning." Doom said lightly

"The focus is on a node there."

The three major temples of Kama Taj, the New York node Doom is inconvenient to intervene, and the Hong Kong node is a difficult stubble, Doom does not want to provoke the China and the spear bureau of this world at this moment.

Then choose, isn't it just the London Sanctuary?

Anyway, the cause and effect of this world does not have Captain Britain, and even if there is, it is scum in front of Doom.

"Then let's go."

Doom's hands were gently raised in front of him, opening the portal to London

With the twins, they came to the top of Big Ben, standing at the top of the tower overlooking the entire city.

Under the blizzard, London seems to have lost its foggy appearance. This city, which has undergone several modernizations, is filled with the atmosphere of only industrial rise.

The Winter of Fembull is actually destroying most of the countries in the whole world, and for those small countries, their only choice is to join the big forces, otherwise they can only freeze to death in the Winter of Fembull.

For these people who are struggling to survive, Doom has his last condolences for them--

Then, his fingers gently pointed to the ground.

In an instant, the sturdy concrete floor exploded in the agitation like a boiling soup pot, and the concrete rolled with a large amount of steel bars like waves, almost turning half of London over!

Within a radius of ten kilometers from the center of Big Ben, the result of Doom's distorted gravitational environment is that billions of tons of soil and buildings fly high into the sky, and then fall heavily!

It only took Doom a second to destroy Big Ben and the entire Thames.

He clapped his hands lightly, the invisible magic urged the mysterious power, and began to warp the careful laws of physics in Doom's mind!

Doom's magic is not gorgeous, there are no superfluous and beautiful magic circles, and there are no big scenes where magic power gathers.

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