He is an ordinary person with no background, he steals the power of the devil for his own use, and what he is more proud of is his powerful knowledge reserve.

He disdains to use brute force to do simple destruction and work. He knows how to destroy a fighter jet with the power of flicking his fingers, and he also knows how to destroy an entire city with the magic of a fireball.

In an instant, the distorted gravitational field was further enlarged, and the sudden gravitational reversal caused more areas to be completely destroyed and distorted!

Deaths were all over the place, and no one or machine could reflect the sudden disaster.

Doom is efficient, Doom is fast, and Doom will end their lives before everyone feels pain.

Witnessing the dark red flesh smashed to pieces in the reinforced concrete ruins, Doom flicked his fingers, and the surrounding air content changed.

Human beings are actually extremely fragile objects. As long as the trace elements in the air they are accustomed to change a little bit, it will cause the air to produce a drastic chemical reaction.

For a little magic, Doom turned the air all over New York into highly toxic oxygen gas.

In fact, for living things, oxygen is a toxin, and even for fragile humans, oxygen is the gas that slowly kills them.

The human body will die from the oxidative reaction of depositing oxygen after carrying oxygen for more than two hundred years.

Doom just aggravated the process a little, so that the oxygen poisoning process that took two hundred years was accelerated to thirteen seconds.

He looked at the clock floating in the sky and counted down the time until the eighth second—

The entire space, like a solidification, fell into a dead gray.

"You finally came."

Doom turned around and said softly to the bald mage who came in the frozen time.

174. Doom vs Gu Yi

"I didn't expect to see you in this world line."

Gu Yi looked at Doctor Doom in front of him and said in a voice full of emotion

"Actually, you shouldn't officially 'appear' about seven years after my death... Well, you shouldn't be from this universe, right?"

"As you can see, Venerable Ancient One, I am from another universe."

Doom crossed his chest with his arms, and his tone was indifferent, but he also had a sense of respect.

Even if the faction and position do not deal with each other, Venerable Ancient One is still a respectable old man and guardian.

Any earthling, especially the mages of the earth, should thank the Venerable Ancient One for her dedication and selfless dedication to the earth and even the real dimension for three thousand years.

Compared with Strange, who has a great desire to do things and is generally responsible, Gu Yi is an uncompromising guardian of the earth - at least she will not be the same as Strange, who will give herself everything if she has something or nothing. Big job.

If nothing else, her unparalleled ten-year tenure on the Supreme Master is enough to prove everything. Even after her death, she does not forget to come back from time to time to help people on earth. Standard model.

Although Doom is extremely arrogant, he still has this respect for Gu Yi. He is not only a forerunner of the way of magic, but also a venerable guardian of mankind.

"It seems that the Scarlet Witch dragged you here." Gu Yi touched his chin and quickly guessed the source of Doom

After all, the most ruthless thing about this planet and the magic side must be Mephisto and Wanda who interfered with him. That **** has done such a big thing. According to his style, there are definitely several plans in the plan. Doom's arrest was probably just one of those plans.

"Yes, Scarlet Witch's ability and chaos magic dragged me from another universe." Doom said lightly

"The mastermind behind all this is Mephisto... and a guy from outside dimension that I don't know, I have reached a cooperation with them."

"He is really the root of all evil..." Gu Yi sighed.

"I don't know where that **** came from, but he's as disgusting as a candy bar."

Mu Feng, this guy of unknown origin, is completely beyond the scope of Gu Yi's calculations, and since he entered this world, he was ready to calculate Gu Yi's routine.

It's not that Gu was careless or not prepared, it can only be said that he came up with a series of calculations that caught Gu Yi by surprise. The result that was not discovered for the first time was that under the collapse of a series of chain reactions, the situation completely evolved into this irreversible virtue.

But since the situation has developed like this, Gu Yi can only do the work of a paper craftsman.

But to be honest... She actually doesn't care about this world line, the possible future development of this planet.

It's just an Earth, a parallel world, and if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed - how many Earths do the entire multiverse self-destruct?

And the situation has been out of Gu Yi's control, perhaps it is the point where her immediate boss can accurately intervene. When it comes to such a big crisis, what Gu Yi can do is very limited.

Also, she was tired. After three thousand years of watching, even she couldn't help but have the idea of ​​giving up everything.

"So, is Sithone involved too?"

"The big ghost was put out of the plan by Mephisto and the guy from the outer dimension together with me." Doom said lightly

"To ensure safety, I have personally sealed all Wanda Django Maxim's memories of Sithorn. She won't have a chance to summon the Great Phantom to Earth until I touch the spell."

Although Doom has no taboos, he will never contaminate the water of the old ruler of the earth, such as Sithone, who is purely chaotic and evil.

Although the old devil is cunning but has rules, it is not surprising that Sithone, a pure chaotic fellow, does anything.

"Really? That seems to have avoided the worst. You are good, very good, are you interested in being a Supreme Mage?"

Gu Yi smiled lightly and said lightly.

"Thank you, I'm not interested."

"Then, get ready to do it."

"Is Strange ready?" Doom raised his eyebrows and looked at the London Sanctuary behind her.

He had an 80% chance of believing that Gu Yi had brought her next successor to him.

"Strange? He's still too young, he needs experience - unfortunately the original plan can't be implemented." Gu Yi shrugged.

"I was going to train him with Dormammu."

Gu Yi chose Strange naturally because he has his uniqueness, not only his talent, but also his absolute willpower that surpasses ordinary people.

However, no matter how strong the willpower and talent are, it is impossible to inherit the seat of the Supreme Mage without strength.

Therefore, considering various factors, Gu Yi chose to let Dormammu and his followers kill himself, and regarded the Lord of the Dark Dimension as Strange's 'leveling target'.

Yes, from the death of the ancient one to the invasion of Dormammu, everything was in the plan of the ancient one.

Dormammu is a very good target. His strength is average, his brain is average, he has no patience, and his willpower is not very good.

In Gu Yi's selection, the only way to deal with it was to use the Eye of Agamotto. For this reason, Gu Yi even secretly acquiesced to Strange to practice the use of the Eye of Agamotto.

Then, the 'leveling ground' arranged for Strange was his constant cycle with Dormammu.

During that process, Strange could not forget his memory, because he himself was the user of the Eye of Agamotto. If he even forgot his memory, then the cycle would be dead.

The holder of the time gem cannot forget the memory of the cycle. In a sense, this is also a price for the use of the gem.

And in the constant cycle, Strange gained a lot of time to consolidate his magic. At the same time, every time he was killed by Dormammu, he was actually 'transferring the price'

In fact, Gu Yi quietly made an interesting little contract for him and Dormammu when he was training Strange.

After all, Dormammu was a mortal mage who was lucky enough to become a dimensional demon god. If he were to be another natural dimension demon god, Strange would not be able to play against each other at all.

The only function of that small contract is 'equal cost', which means that every time Dormammu kills Strange, Strange will let Dormammu pay the corresponding price when other demon gods borrow power. Pay 'one life'.

And Dormammu killed Strange... how many times the **** he knows, so that guy became a bitter unlucky guy who had to pay Strange's debts.

This gift is a graduation gift that Gu Yi prepared for his disciple, but unfortunately, it is not used now.

"Mephisto thinks you need a ride," Doom whispered

"After all, you can't let go of this mess on Earth right now, right?"

"Yeah, **** sense of responsibility." Gu Yi said with emotion

A dark green light suddenly spread out with Doum as the center, and enveloped Gu Yi!

However, Gu Yi's expression did not change at all, and there was a sense of lightness.

"...I finally solved a question, you really are no longer human." Doom put down his hands and said in a tone like this

"You can't shake your body even with Set's biodissociation technique. Sure enough... it's really stupid to think that you are using Dormammu's power to maintain your immortality."

There are always many wizards who are ignorant of the power of the dimensional demons and foolishly think that the ancient one relies on the mysterious power of Dormammu to maintain his longevity.

But this is actually a common-sense mistake. It is true that Dormammu can make people "immortal", but the premise is that you accept Dormammu's power injection and make your soul and body become a part of him.

In short, unless you sell yourself to Dormammu, the magic of the Dark Dimension won't work at all for immortality.

"In the beginning, the power of Seth was used to stabilize life." Gu Yi shrugged.

"Then after I deceived Seth's magic power, I found Gaia, and the Earth Goddess was willing to make a deal with me in order to expel Seth, so I obtained an immortal body."

Therefore, it is difficult for the ancient one to be called a human being.

You might say that what determines whether a person can be called human is his consciousness and soul, but the existence of the ancient one is a fundamental change from soul to consciousness.

If it wasn't for this, she would not have been able to survive the thousand-year watch.

Mere immortality cannot prevent the degeneration and corruption of a human soul. Perhaps for ordinary people, a thousand-year lifespan cannot degenerate to the end, but for the Supreme Mage who must guard against the invasion of outer dimensions at all times, the Millennium Watcher's Erosion is too severe.

If you can't let yourself go beyond the mundane, how can you fight against the countless indescribable things?

"Then, it's time to start!"

Doom opened his hands violently, he decided to use all his strength and attitude to kill Gu Yi

His hands spread light and shadow like a veil mist, and a black veil enveloped the entire sky, bringing everyone in London to sleep in an instant.

This is the end of the magic that steals the power of the self-dimensional demon 'Nightmare', the black veil of nightmares

Millions of people in the whole city were dragged into a dream, and the powerful nightmare that was born in the moment covered it. First, it turned into countless dark chains to firmly bind Gu Yi's body!

"The power of dreams? But the dimension of dreams can only send people who have dreams."

Gu Yi smiled and gently stroked his right hand, and the pale golden light and shadow cover instantly covered the veil of nightmares densely covered by Doom.

The golden light and shadow turned into a golden bell in the sky, and under the sound of the sound, it awakened the people who had fallen into a nightmare in the whole city.

And the chains of dreams built on this basis are naturally self-defeating.

Doom's magic was cracked, but he did not stop at all, and immediately used the second magic.

Stealing the power of the beholder from the old ruler Shumagrass, a terrifying evil eye appeared in front of Doom, shooting a decomposition ray that dissociated the law of time and space towards Gu Yi.

"Well, beholder? I hate this creature."

Gu Yi clapped his hands lightly, and the power of the Scarlet Lord Cyttorak completed the construction of magic in an instant. The brutal and violent scarlet power built a small scarlet dimension around Gu Yi, and that absolutely solidified The time and space of the Crimson Realm are forever.

The Beholder's rays, which were enough to dissociate time and space and wipe people from the river of time, were unwillingly disintegrated under the scarlet universe beside Gu Yi.

"It's the same old thing again? I've dealt with this **** too many times."

Gu Yi sighed and used Wei Shandi's sacred sword to smash a beholder shadow that was trying to attach to her head.

"Something different, please."

"as you wish."

Doom's hands pressed down heavily, and thousands of tons of matter were instantly decomposed into the most basic atoms, and then reorganized in an instant.

A huge destruction machine Titan about thirty meters high roared and stood on the ground. Its left hand was rising with the divine power of Asgard runes, and its right hand was enveloping the thunder of Zeus.

"It's interesting now!"

Gu Yi's eyes lit up, she used Weishandi's sacred sword with both hands, and Cytorak's scarlet chains bound her arms. Two completely different magic powers were perfectly combined under Gu Yi's powerful fine-tuning ability. together.

The wildly dancing sacred magic sword ripped apart the magical stance composed of the Destruction Titan under Gu Yi's swing. She was like an ancient hero floating in front of the giants who slaughtered them, easily dodging the endless magic of Destruction Titan. Attack with technology.

Matter Decomposition Ray, Pym Particle Launcher, Ability Decomposition Stand, Forbidden Magic Field...

Combining Doom's god-like technology and magic level, the Destruction Machine Titan was created, but the countless magic and technology attacks were always unable to reach the ancient one.

She can always easily detect the weak points of these attacks before they arrive, then dissociate them and counterattack easily.

Weishandi's sacred sword caused countless wounds on the giant Destruction Machine Titan, and under the power of Setorak, the Destruction Machine Titan's self-healing ability was completely ineffective!

When the roaring steel titan fell heavily like a mountain, the ancient one standing on this huge magical entity still had a relaxed expression like he was playing a game.

The Destruction Machine Titan, which was enough to easily flatten a country, was defeated by Gu Yi in an almost game-like manner.

"Is there anything else?" Gu Yi looked at Doom and smiled lightly

175. Doom, I'm here to negotiate terms

Doom is a very proud man.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength. In the field of technology, he believes in his own strength, and in the field of magic, he also absolutely believes in his own ability.

However, although he is proud, he is not a guy without numbers.

In the field of science and technology, Doom dare not say that he surpassed the old rival and old friend Reed, and in the field of magic, Doom dare not say that he is unmatched.

At least in front of Venerable Ancient One, Doom's magic seems to be not enough to see.

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