"It's just that it might be a very cruel world."


My name is Stewart, and I am a human being living on a dead planet in this solar system.

I am called human because the word describes our species, and our word, including everything we need for our existence, our understanding of things, comes from our 'gods'

His name doesn't matter, and he doesn't seem to care what we call him.

That being the case, the leader among us chose a name from the knowledge and vocabulary he taught us - 'God'

The place we live in is called 'Earth', and according to the gods, this is the most suitable place in the solar system for us to live.

This is our home, our cradle and mother.

But nothing here is as beautiful as the knowledge he displays is as depicted in the picture.

There is no azure sea here, only a dead grey sea and the countless gigantic Devourers that crawl and roll beneath it.

The sun here is never warm and warm, half the time he is scorching hot, and the other half is bone-chilling cold.

The breeze here is not soft, and the air here is not sweet, and some have only bone-scraping and poisonous wind and gas.

Our neighbors are not friendly either, the frost giants, the fire giants, the dark elves, the Asgardians who call themselves gods.

They always oppress us unscrupulously, and always kill us without any scruples. They call us "monkeys" and call us lowly mortals.

The gods told us that the earth is not like this, the earth they live in should be beautiful and full of life.

But here, it is the exact opposite of what the gods promised us.

I don't understand all of this...

But there's nothing we can't comprehend -- our longevity.

Twenty years is almost the limit of our lifespan, and even the longest-lived among us has not lived beyond this limit.

The gods tell us that this is not the case. As humans, our lifespan should be maintained at about a hundred years, and for various reasons, we can only survive today.

I would often lie in the man-made garden of the palace, looking out at the gray sky beyond the dome, thinking about how beautiful the planet was once.

Even we shouldn't be like this.

My name is Stewart, and I had the biggest change in my life when I was ten years old and halfway through my life.

My father Alturis, king of men, who ruled mankind under the gods, suffered a betrayal.

The source of the betrayal was my friend and my father's captain, Yas, who betrayed and put the sword into my father's chest, who took my father's throne and my mother and sister, and took my everything.

That day, I escaped from my court.

My father's followers and I were banished from our court, the dome was no longer protecting us, and we were exposed to the maddening cold wind.

It was on that day that my followers of mine embarked on a path of ascension.

We walked across scorching hot ground, across deserts with icy, poisonous winds.

Our lives are dwindling, our numbers are dwindling, all because of the 'pilgrimage' I promised them

I told them that I would take them to meet the great god, the **** who had disappeared for a long, long time.

But in the end, when I was the last person left, I still saw no trace of the gods.

When I fell into the sand in despair, I saw a black bug.

It just stopped in front of me, the complex limbs touched my body, and the hoarse voice penetrated my meninges under the slightly itchy feeling

"Do you want... to really live?"


Experiment Log 03403

After many trials and attempts, I have created a 'human' population project that can adapt to the current environment and have the ability to reproduce itself, and ensure that the similarity in appearance is not less than 95%.

Although their appearance has changed, and in order to adapt to the environment, I have to speed up their growth period but reduce their lifespan, but as long as the population can reproduce, it is enough - with an average lifespan of less than twenty years By primitive standards, this level of numbers is enough for the time being.

They will evolve along with this harsh environment until the evolution of this earth is what it should be.

Experiment Log 04934

Things are a bit out of the calculation, and I don't know why the human lifespan that was created can't exceed twenty years. After calculation, the upper limit of their lifespan should be about fifty years? No, the lifespan of twenty years is too short for a civilization and a race.

I had to increase the investment of resources and create a certain ecological circle transformation technology to create a relatively suitable biological environment. I'm thinking maybe I should tinker with their hormone levels as well.

Experiment Log 05499

Even under the right conditions, these humans cannot live longer than twenty years. After the samples were dissected, it seemed that some particular gene had been inserted into their DNA without my knowledge.

With less record keeping of biological experimental data, I had to start my own evolutionary attempts.

Experiment Log 08900

After conducting self-evolution and genetic experiments that are equivalent to about 136 revolutions of the current planet, I discovered the root cause of the short lifespan of the current target experimental body.

But...I can't comprehend the kind of energy that was born out of thin air, it seems that any kind of contact with the current sun's UV rays will cause the problem of short life.

Experiment record 10000

The current species problem cannot be solved. This gene deficiency has spread to all individuals in the population as the species reproduces itself. The only solution to this problem is to eliminate all experimental individuals.

I don't understand if this is right or wrong, and it's hard for my computational logic to make a definite judgment.

These 'human beings' call me their god, of course this is just a title, I am Tony Stark, I am the maintainer of the current human population... the central system maintainer.

My duty is to protect human beings and maintain the self-reproduction function of the human population, but now, perhaps I should choose to be quiet for a while.

220. Swarm HIVI

another universe asgard

Inside the golden palace, Odin, who was sleeping with the throne, slowly opened his tired eyes.

His crow rested on his shoulder, flapping his wings slightly, reporting the message of the Nine Realms to his god.

"Has it finally begun?"

he murmured

He summoned his son Thor, Thor, who had experienced the baptism of education, is now eager to try, and very much wants to return to Earth to capture his brother who is still alive.

"Thor, this time to Earth, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders."

"Yes father, I will definitely bring Loki back!" Thor was eager to try

"No, Thor!" Odin said in a stern voice, the Gungnir in his hand slammed heavily on the ground, and in the sparks, the king said solemnly

"Loki, he doesn't matter!"

"Thor, you are the king of Asgard, you must understand how heavy the courage is on your shoulders - Loki, he has no idea how big a basket he will stab!"

"Yes, he is said to have taken refuge with the Chitauri?" Thor frowned.

"The Chitauri are worthless!" said Odin disdainfully.

"What matters is what Loki is about to do...he may wake our ancient foe from the end of time!"

"An ancient enemy... Frost Giant?"

"Those ice-spraying barbarians are worthless among our enemies." Odin sighed deeply

"Our ancient enemy, from Midgard..."

He looked at the obvious indifference on Thor's face, and smiled angrily.

"Thor, do you think Midgard is really weak? You never want to read more books, just because of some mortals who admire you, you think that planet does not threaten our things? "

Thor put on an air of humility, and Odin was angry that he was always obedient

"Actually, it's not accurate to say that." Odin sighed and continued in a desolate voice.

"Our enemy is indeed from Midgard, but not the Midgard of this universe, but another universe."

"They... they are another kind of beings who call themselves human, they serve and betray a dark force, but no matter what posture they are, they are the Nine Realms - no, of the entire universe Great Enemy!"

"Who are they?"

"...The swarm, or the fear of death."

Odin's voice is incomparably ethereal, like an old man who is retracing the past and telling an ancient legend.

"Both of them are of the same origin. Originally, they were a group of weak groups parasitic on the desolate earth after the war, and their king despicably chose to betray the universe and take refuge in the existence of darkness."

"It was a group of insects in the darkness, they endowed those weak populations with dark and terrifying power, and they swept through the Nine Realms and were eventually defeated by the coalition forces we formed, but they were immortal, so we had to use the World Tree power to banish them from this universe."

"The swarm... They have the ultimate hatred for all life, and the 'law of the evil sword' they believe in makes every individual in their group an extremely crazy and warlike monster, from the lowest servant to the only one at the top. The Kings of Soul Reaper, they let the 'worms' of the darkness parasitize their bodies, and they rob all of life to feed their worms, and the worms give them great power and eternal life."

"Thor, young you can't imagine the power of the King of Soul Reaper and his swarm. They once swept across the Nine Realms and used the power of darkness to knock down several worlds that were prosperous. In the end, we defeated them, but It also paid an unimaginable price.”

He lowered his head, looked at Thor, and said softly

"Thor, you don't know what kind of existence the darkness they took refuge in, and I can't explain the concept to you... But remember, if Loki brings the swarm to this world, then at all costs, you must Everything they were involved in was utterly destroyed!"

Thor was speechless, because the implication of Odin's words was that if Loki summoned these swarms, then even he must be wiped out and killed.

"So, who is the other enemy?" Thor asked softly

"Death-fearers, or undead... They are transformed swarms." Odin continued in a desolate voice.

"After losing the endless war with us, the swarm realized that they were deceived and enslaved by the darkness, so they turned to find the gods they once believed but abandoned."

"Their gods gave them new powers, and their parasitic flesh was wiped out, and in their place their abomination-filled souls were transferred into living metal bodies."

"They have left the earth, they have destroyed the stars, their war skills have been honed in endless battles! They are mad swarms of murderous bees, ruthless killing machines, and immortal machines with an endless hatred of life! "

"So... what happened to them?" Thor continued to ask

"They were exiled to the end of time and space, and were thrown back to their homeland." Odin said tiredly.

"But their presence also makes the universe realize how terrifying a group of runaway machines can be, which is why no nation among the stars can allow a runaway intelligent machine to take over."

"But even so, their existence does not mean that they are completely lost in this world. I have a hunch that they will return sooner or later, and Loki will most likely be the puzzle piece that fulfills the prophecy."

Odin hates prophecy, and Odin is well aware of prophecy. Even if he knows that Loki may be the jigsaw puzzle to realize all this, he does not dare to make the slightest move.

Because true prophecy can't be changed, and even you know that prophecy is part of the future. Your knowledge, your actions, everything is the enforcement of the established future laws.

"Go on, Thor, before it's too late."

Odin looked at his son and said softly

"Bring Loki back if you can, but if it's irreversible..."

"I will do my duty as the crown prince of Asgard." Thor replied solemnly


"Look at you, poor child, so feeble, so lowly, like a bug crawling through the dust."

In front of the dying Stewart, the pitch-black bugs crawled in front of him, and countless complicated arthropods rubbed the ground, echoing with whispering voices

"You were forsaken by your followers, you were forsaken by your gods, you were taken away from you, and you were destined to await your death here."

"You... are the bugs."

Stewart tried his best to squeeze out a few words to fight back.

"Yes boy, you are right, I am indeed a bug!"

The black bug seemed to be amused and laughed at Stuart

"But so what? I can live a long, long time, and your lifespan is clearly visible. What if you survive this desert? Your life is only half left, less than ten short years. Years, but more than three thousand days and nights."

Stuart's lips were squirming, he wanted to fight back, but there was nothing he could do.

And isn't what the worm said the truth?

For him, for his species, survival was a huge test, and surviving... was also a huge ordeal.

At the beginning of their birth, they expected the time of life to exist, but cruelly told them that life is only a short twenty years.

That's almost a visible length of time, even though the infancy of their race is very short, but their sense of time is undoubtedly the same as that of humans.

Mayflies live and die, but their perception of time is different from that of humans.

Twenty years of lifespan, all at a glance, every moment since understanding this matter has been a great torture to them.

Not to mention that in the past 20 years, what they have suffered is every moment of struggle and torture.

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