Living is not a blessing, living is a kind of torture, a kind of torture that is almost crazy.

"I know what you want to say, and I know what you want to do."

The worms surrounded the feeble Stewart, and the whispers that spewed from its mouthparts were like soul-sucking venom, like the abyss that led the soul to its descent

"You want to find your god, you want him to give you a chance for revenge, you want him to give you an extension of your life."

"But, it can't be done. Let me tell you, Stewart, your gods can't give you all this, never."

Stewart stood up slowly, and at this moment he didn't know where the power in his body came from.

He grabbed the black bug with difficulty, and he couldn't feel any touch in his hand. The pitch-black bug was like a wisp of intangible smoke.

"Tell me how to meet him!"

"Just follow me." The worm laughed and read a language that Stuart had never heard before.

"Tony Stark, Ineedyourhelp!!!"

Along with this sentence, even in this desolate and ancient desert, a star in the sky lights up.

An illusory projection bloomed in front of Stuart, it was a 'person' he did not know, a 'person' who was very different from his clan

"What service do you need."

he asked in a nonchalant tone

"You are our god?" Stuart said in a humble voice, crawling on the ground

"I am the prince of mankind, and I ask for your help! I need strength, I need soldiers, who can fight back against those wicked rebels!"

"Service request denied." Tony shattered Stewart's fantasy with a cold and indifferent voice

"All human struggles should be carried out within the control of the agreement, but I should not intervene in any other actions."

Stuart looked at him desperately, tremblingly said his second wish

"Then... please give me a longer life."

"Request to refuse. Your lifespan is due to your genetic defect. This deficiency is a problem that has not been analyzed. I can't help you."

Tony's words completely shattered Stewart's hopes

"Then what can you do? Aren't you a god!" Stewart roared frantically, asking

"You sit and watch those monsters bully us, you give us life but give us despair! Twenty years of life, twenty years of painful existence, is this your love for us?"

"I have to make some corrections to your words." Tony said lightly

"First, I am not your god. Although I did create you with human DNA as a sample, you are actually the objects of my maintenance and service."

"Second, I did not sit back and watch those creatures oppress you. External stimuli help the unity and evolution of the population, and I have ruled out the possibility of your extinction within a limited range."

"Thirdly, the 20-year lifespan is not given by me. The upper limit of the lifespan I designed for your race should have been 50 years. It's just that the environment of this world has caused short-lived fragments in your genes, and I can't Fix this segment."

"As I said, little Stuart."

The black bug whispered in Stewart's ear, the whisper penetrated into his ear and soul

"Your mechanical **** can't help you, your short life comes from an irreversible curse, he can't help you..."

"I can adjust your personal lifespan to fifty years." Tony continued indifferently.

"But this technology needs to replace your body and send you off the planet, this technology will completely genetically change your existence, so that you are no longer 'human', so I rejected this plan. "

"All he can give you is an extra thirty years of life." The bug continued in a bewitching voice.

"And I can give you more, I can free you from your curse, and give you eternal life. I can make your species strong, free from weak ideas and realities."

"Yes, my dear Stuart, the destined king of mankind in the future, what are you waiting for? What other options do you have?"

Stewart's hands trembled, he couldn't resist the temptation, when the last hope for the gods was shattered, when the last desire for survival was trampled--

What other options does he have?

"...Who are you?"

"We are the will of the abyss, the symbol of the negative. We are the inhabitants of the darkness, the struggle for survival."

Insect's low laughter, like his whispers, can't be resisted.

"We have been imprisoned on the opposite side of infinity for countless years, which are years far from being expressed in astronomical numbers. We have witnessed the destruction and rebirth of infinite stars. You can't imagine the greatness of our existence."

"In fact, we're not here for a grand vision. We're just doing one of the endlessly identical things we've done in the past, now and in the future."

"Stuart, heir of mankind, it is not that we waited for you, but you found us. I am a place of abundance, beginning and end with me, and we can bestow infinite gifts beyond your imagination, and the only thing you want is The promise to follow is not to defy your nature."

"My... nature?"

The worm wrapped around Stewart's neck and described it thinly.

"When you are thirsty, you must devour things to satisfy your appetite. When you are greedy, you must get what you want. When you are proud, nothing can bring you to your knees. When you are greedy, you must get what you want. When killing, the only way to stop is to kill all the hateful things."

"It's just my only request for you, immortal Stuart, hold your hand, let the worms parasitize you, and fill them with desire, otherwise, they will devour everything you have..."


Stuart opened his eyes and shouted with an almost roaring roar

"Parasitic on me, I crave your power! Tell me, where are you?"

He didn't have any possibility of rejection, and he didn't think he should reject anything.

If we say that the choice to follow the right path and move towards the right path is short-lived, powerless, and bullied by others. Then he would rather fall into the darkness to gain eternity, power, and do whatever he wants!

He would rather be the villain who bullies everyone than the coward who gets bullied!

"Hehehe, stupid Stewart, we've been here all the time."

The worm laughed in a low voice, and at this time Stewart realized that there were no worms at all, his voice, his bewitching, all came out of his own mouth!

His body was boiling, he fell to his knees, the dark viscous liquid covered his body, and he roared, furious.

The bugs were always in him, in each of them.

They just need to accept this power and accept the temptation of the bug.

Stewart was deceived, but he liked it.

Because he could feel the changes in his body, the ubiquitous pain and weakness slowly disappeared, the sense of urgency that his life was approaching disappeared, and in its place, there was a fullness of eternity and infinity!

And, that insatiable, insane, greedy desire no matter what.

I don't know how long it took, and he stood up from the black viscous liquid, and he no longer looked weak and thin.

Standing there was a tall monster with three dark green eyes, a ram-like head, covered with armor-like chitin carapace, flapping its wings, and holding a dark and deep magic sword.

He lowered his head, the tall Tony was now like a small insect in his eyes, and Tony just looked at him quietly, fulfilling his duty of observation.

He ignored Tony, but fluttered his wings and flew, he flew to his own court, to the traitor's place.

He wants to take back everything he has, and sprinkle the gift of worms on his race.

He is no longer Stewart.

From today onwards, his name is - Oryx

221. The Law of Evil Sword

"My father said that if Loki successfully opened the portal, he would most likely summon such a terrifying monster."

On the aerospace carrier, Thor told others the 'story' he heard

"You mean that the earth still had such a high-level civilization before the Cambrian?"

Nick Fury interrupted Thor and squinted.

"Then why have we never found their remains?"

"That's not the kind of power you're supposed to be watching, mortal!" Thor warned sharply

"The swarm is a force that we Asgardians fear. If they return, the civilization of Midgard will be destroyed in an instant! Even if they don't do it, we will eliminate all possible infections and problems. at the source!"

"You Asgard are not much stronger." Tony pouted, disdainfully said.

"Isn't your brother easily arrested by us?"

"That's because of his negligence, mortal! Do you want to fight again!!!"

Just when the atmosphere here suddenly smelled of gunpowder, Dr. Banner immediately stood up and made a round.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something else first, Prince Thor. What did I tell you, what is the "law of the evil sword" that the swarm believes in?"

Thor glanced at Tony unhappily, and said gruffly.

"That's the tradition and philosophy that the Swarm has always followed, their laws, their way of survival."

"Everything about the swarm, including their power and eternity, is based on the 'worm' that lives with them. They need to feed their worm, and by killing and releasing, they don't actually need to devour anything, but they seem to Something that satisfies the worm can be obtained from the act of releasing desire."

"The class of the swarm is strict, starting from the lowest corpse slaves, they need to plunder and kill to feed their 'worms', and at the same time dedicate a part to the higher 'acolyte', and the acolyte must lead the corpse slaves Fighting to ensure that they kill themselves while turning over more to higher-level knights and wizards, and based on this, they have to turn over the income to the real high-level insect swarm superiors, and the superiors need to bring these 'nutrients' 'Return to the upper dimension world and turn it over to the 'god' of the swarm."

"This sounds the same as MLM, so these aliens believe in MLM?" Tony sneered as always.

"No, mortals, what these worms want is not your waste paper, but your life, your everything." Thor mercilessly sneered back.

"This social system ensures that every class of the swarm is a slaughtering fighter while ensuring its own social status. They will slaughter foreigners at any cost. You should never let any swarm choose to surrender."

"The 'Evil Sword Law' believed by the King of Soul Reaper is based on this social system and theory - the only criterion for judging whether a group is valuable is whether he can adjust himself to complete adaptation under the changing environment, And the swarms claim that they judge other civilizations and races' 'environment' by this standard, so their killing will never stop unless they themselves become the species that does not adapt to the 'environment' and leads to extinction."

"Sounds very social Darwinism." Banner said with emotion

"These monsters are far more evil than NAZI," concluded Captain America.

"That's not it, **** will take care of the Germanic people anyway. The fact that these aliens can survive and develop by relying on this system is really a slap in the face of all sociologists." Thor shrugged.

"What about the power of these swarms? What weapons do they have?" Nick Fury hurriedly asked

"I don't know much." Thor sighed

"The rise of the swarm was long before my father's reign, in Asgard's long past. But the only thing we know is that their Reaper Lord, or all the highest 'gods' of the swarm, It cannot be destroyed in the physical universe."

"Their essence exists in a 'upper-dimensional world' that is separated from this world, so in the material world they can easily return even if they are killed countless times. The power of the swarm is also based on the foundation and endless plundering, killing is the Promotion, promotion brings strength."

"Fortunately we don't have to face these monsters," Black Widow interjected.

"Loki is under our watch, and everything will be fine."

"I hope so."

As if to reflect their words, outside the aerospace carrier, a beam of light that reaches the sky rises into the sky


"You betrayed the right path, betrayed the gods, and you have fallen into a monster!!!"

Holding the king's sword, the betrayer Zaas scolded the descending Oryx, and he just tilted his head, and with one sword he took his body, his soul, and everything from him.

Oryx did not understand why these people were able to refute this matter while doing things in their hands, clearly killing, but calling for peace that did not exist.

He did not understand and did not want to understand these weak theories.

The worm told him, and Oryx also understood what the only law that existed in this dark universe was.

That is adaptation.

Only by adapting to the environment can organisms survive, evolve, and develop.

And adapting to the environment means being strong, because you have to face not only nature, but other trappers in this black forest.

Then, the only value of their species' existence has been determined.

Kill, slaughter, seize, indulge, advance!

The door to the only way had been opened, and all they had to do was accept it.

No need to rely on politics, no need to care about stupid blood, and no need to care about some ridiculous social status.

There is only one road to promotion that their laws lead to, fighting, fighting constantly, proving your worth, and then going to a higher position.

Other than that, they don't need anything.

This is the true law of the universe, not the weak social rules upon which humans and life depend.

"So come on, my sisters, the door of the superior has been opened for you."

Oryx looked at his mother, his sister, he opened his hands, and the dark light and shadow stroked their bodies.

Accept this gift, open your heart, and awaken your darkness.

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