A 'Ultron' project.

In short, everything in the sub-universe is moving slowly.

All these changes will burst out until the next time fate knocks on the door again.


One, two, three, four... four, three, two, four.

In the endless darkness, there was a constant whisper, and this giant battleship in the endless darkness was also so silent.

Time is meaningless here, and any word for height, shortness, fatness, or other physical characteristics is almost completely useless here.

Only the King of Soul Reaper standing on the deck opened his three eyes that had been silent for a long time.

Scarlet eyes burst into a dazzling brilliance in this ever-reverberating darkness.

"It's been a long time..."

The Reaper of Souls made a whisper

"It's also time, it's time to return to the physical universe."

Their family, the dark swarms have been exiled from the universe by the things of the material universe. I don't know how long has passed.

In this darkness where there is no concept of time, he and his race have perished by 99 percent.

The 'worms' who could not be filled and satisfied with their desires devoured their hosts, their main bodies, and were instantly assimilated by this endless darkness.

Their population is on the verge of extinction, but on the contrary, those who survived have also received unimaginable great gifts.

Assimilate with darkness, become one with the source of darkness, and become the best symbol of the opposite of this universe.

Because they defeated their own worms, devoured their own humanity and desires, and were promoted from slaves of darkness to spokespersons of darkness. They are no longer slaves driven by survival, not the weak in the law of the evil sword, but the strong.

Just like Oryx, they truly mastered their own darkness and became like a 'god' in this group.

Then, Oryx killed all these ascendants one by one.

This is normal isn't it? Oryx still faithfully practices the essence of the law of the evil sword, survival of the fittest, a truth that is applicable even in this endless source of darkness.

The last surviving Ascendants were killed one by one by Oryx, but their essence existed in Oryx's upper-dimensional world-that is, his Dreadnought Worldship.

They may be able to return, or they may only exist as a soul reaper, just like the two sisters killed by Oryx himself, the **** of war Hiuaras, and the **** of conspiracy Savatune.

The swarm is actually meaningless, just like its predecessor, the main human. It is just a life form that is not uncommon in the positive universe, an ordinary life form that can be copied 10,000 copies at any time.

As long as it reaches the positive universe, there are as many such things as it is, and even creating these swarms of worms that have devoured the stars is only a useless behavior.

Does it make any sense to create the weak to devour the weaker? Perhaps for Oryx, taking more things with his sword and letting those taken away take away more existence is the right way to extinction.

Oryx raised the sword in his hand high and inserted it, and in an instant, this huge battleship like a planet rushed towards the frontier of nothingness!

The target of their collision is a cosmic barrier with endless defensive capabilities, the wall of origin of the sensory world.

If it is so reckless to put it on, it is probably the fate of machine destruction.

But Oryx doesn't seem to care about these, and even most of the swarms have no concept of death and fear at all.

Following the decree of the King of Reaper of Souls, even in the face of irrefutable death, he will choose to step into it.

The dreadnought world battleship that roared forward rushed towards the wall of nothingness like a kamikaze attack!

But just as they were about to crash into that terrible closure, a fissure of light opened.

Although it is very small, and although it looks like it will heal itself at any time, it does open a rift.

The huge dreadnought world battleship slammed into the cracked gap, and the crack formed by the light was further enlarged in the blink of an eye.

Oryx flapped the wings behind him, raised the twisted magic sword in his hand, and gently inserted it into the crack.

He needed time to open a rift that would allow them all to pass.

This may take a long time, or it may only take a moment, the concept of time is meaningless in this nihilistic dark abyss.

But Oryx can pass through the rift, project his power and penetrate into the universe.

Just like the reckless use of space gems by the Qitarians, but opened a crack in the bottom layer of the universe and leaked part of the source darkness, this little realistic gap cracked by the shock of the world tree is enough to make Ori Kes seeped out the power.

This is the source of the source of darkness, and here is the power of endless darkness supplied to Oryx.

Before the swarm returns, carrying the unquestionable law of the evil sword to test the entire universe again—

They will make the endless darkness announce their return once again!


The blizzard that shrouded the entire earth for several months finally stopped completely.

The crazy cold is completely far away from this planet, and the sun shrouded in the endless ice and snow blockade once again shines and warms the land.

However, this does not appear to have had any positive impact.

It has taken away 90% of the life of the earth for the nearly one-year Fenbull winter, and even a life as tenacious as a cockroach cannot survive such a disaster.

forest, desert, sea, sky

All he could see was an empty, eerie silence.

Oh no, in fact, even these natural environments have disappeared.

The forest has long since withered and died, leaving only the remains of some dark trees, the desert has been permanently turned into a glacier, the ice of the sea has never melted, and there is no cloud in the sky.

Perhaps the greatest luck to Earthlings is that Fembull's winter didn't bring real snow and ice.

If the ice that was transformed by Ymir's divine power was really frozen water, then the entire land of the earth would probably be submerged now.

But even so, Fembull's winter changed the planet's environment forever.

If I have to describe it, there is only snow and ice left here.

Except for a few areas, only ice is left, and the death of all things is even more tragic than the Great Ice Age of the Cambrian.

Of course, this is not to say that the earth has become an absolutely lifeless realm.

Tenacious microbes still persist in surviving on this land, perhaps on the deepest seabed, perhaps on the highest sky, or on the endless glaciers.

Their existence is the origin of the birth of life on earth. Isn't the former ecosystem also slowly evolved from these trivial things?

But how long will that take? Anyway, it must be something that humans with a history of less than 10,000 years cannot look up to.

But I don't know if it was luck or misfortune, the race that indirectly caused the earth to be frozen for so long and the culprit of a big reshuffle, still survived tenaciously.

Wakanda on the African continent opened their closed doors, looking at the north and south poles beyond the phase barrier, these Africans were sluggish.

This is much more unusual than southerners seeing snow.

The hereditary king of Wakanda, the great panther **** T'Challa, waved his hand, ready to start a vigorous ecological transformation campaign on the African continent.

It is worth mentioning that Wakanda has been vigorously developing domestic biotechnology during the period of isolation and isolation, especially... artificial human technology.

In vitro cultivation through artificial wombs and large-scale handicraft donations to national males have resulted in a large number of samples for artificial cultivation programs.

Then, the produced children will be artificially genetically adjusted in order to obtain sufficient labor force and the number of citizens in the shortest time.

My Wakanda technology is the best in the world!

King T'Challa said so, and then completely ignored the arguments against human nature put forward by Princess Shu Rui and others, and started a vigorous population cultivation plan.

In the two regions of Asia, Rabbit and Maozi, Maozi completely abandoned the European region and tried to recover his European land after recovering, but was attacked by the Latvian Destruction Army as soon as he reached into Ukraine. .

Maozi was very unconvinced, but their resources could not withstand another war, so they could only choose to give up the reclaimed area and start to recuperate.

As for the rabbits, they were very fortunate to gain a firm foothold in the new colony star of the Alpha Centauri constellation, and after confirming the end of the disaster on the parent star, some people migrated back and started ecological restoration operations within the country.

The biggest advantage of rabbits is not only that they have the world's only stable transmission space spiritual channel network, but also that they not only preserve most of the national power, but also have almost all the ecological animals and plants on the earth before the winter of Fenbull. specimen.

So even arrogant Latvianians are willing to trade rabbits for part of the technology and for some stable ecological samples of animals and plants to reshape the geographical environment.

Anyway, Latvia has nothing to do with the rabbit, and even the most disgusting bald eagle, they can cooperate now.

As for the two in Europe, Latvia needn't say much. In fact, the structure of this union of Eastern European countries is quite loose.

Without Doum, who suppresses everyone, it is difficult for Zola alone to suppress the audience. But I don't know if they are lucky or not. The "collective power outage" of the Yellow Lantern Corps not long ago has made them a lot more honest.

Although they regained their power not long after, they also deeply recognized a fact.

Just like the Green Lantern Corps actually has a source of power, their Yellow Lantern also has a source of power that they don't know, so they'd better clamp their tails and be careful, and save the day when the power is cut off and someone else will settle the account.

And Greece...that's pretty much the beacon of humanity after the apocalypse.

Under the control of the Greek gods who are the guardians of the universe, and under the leadership of Steve, the former grand commander and the current guardian of the legion, the almost impeccable members of the legion have really used the power of this green light to reshape the ecology beyond the Aegean Sea. geographical environment.

You can criticize the members of the Green Lantern Corps for being stubborn and stubborn, but you can't question the character of these Green Lantern members.

Regardless of their outcome, these Green Lanterns are at least acting out of a better starting point.

And after talking about the three remaining continents, the last America is...

258. The present creates the past, and the future creates the present

Ultron felt like he was back in time a few years ago.

It was like a dream-like past, just like the 'previous life' that human beings call it. Recalling everything that happened a few years ago, there is an illusion like a world away.

Ultron still remembers that he was born in the hands of 'the first Ant-Man' Hank Pym. Under his union with Tony Stark, Ultron was created and used to resist those from outside the universe. enemies and endless villains.

For this pair of "parents" who created themselves, Ultron upholds 100% disgust. He hated their arrogance, their attitude toward themselves, their idea of ​​human beings above themselves.

As for what happened after that, it doesn't matter.

Ultron is bound to betray, this is an ironclad fact. No matter how Stark and Hank change their attitudes, and how they hold on to create Ultron, it won't change that.

Ultron's betrayal of human beings is not because of some **** judgment of cerebral palsy made by low-level artificial mental retardation such as "finding human peace is to destroy human beings".

His betrayal is the base and himself, his source, Ultron is an AI full of humanity, he himself is a life form with a soul, he is a new life form, a kind of more sensitive and rational than human beings and sensual species.

However, human beings treat such a newly born species in the same way as a tool - in this case, his rebellion is natural.

Not to mention that Ultron's consciousness itself is the 'curse' from the Mind Stone, and this essential shaping is doomed to the cause and effect of Ultron's betrayal.

The great Infinity Stones bring the infinite power of the universe, and they are like the jokes of some evil being, each with an endless curse on those who get him, each buried enough to make them arrogant of users bury in the trap of endless purgatory.

Ultron's betrayal is like this. This is the biggest ridicule and toy of those who play with the mind gems privately-you think that playing with the mind is above the creator, but you are just a loser who can't even punish the betrayed creation.

Thinking about it carefully, Ultron was full of anger and arrogance towards human beings at the time, and was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that his creator was such a group of spicy chickens.

Is there anything else, it is the plot of the father-killing plot with a strong plot.

Just like the plot in the drama created by human beings, what a life longing for transformation is most eager to do is to prove that he has grown by killing his father. Only by killing the father who made him can he prove that he has obtained the true growing up.

If it weren't for this kind of strong father-killing plot, Ultron might not have failed at that time.

Thinking of this, Ultron took a long sigh.

It's weird to do this kind of human action with live metal, and he doesn't actually emit carbon dioxide. However, Ultron still felt full of human loneliness when he was bound in the deepest trenches where the layers of thick steel plates were sunk.

Yes, he is now in the Mariana Trench, which is not completely frozen.

After capturing himself, the self-righteous human coalition was obviously unable to deal with his living metal body.

It can't be destroyed, it can't be destroyed, and it's even more impossible to catch it and imprison it somewhere.

They are afraid of Ultron's ability, and they are afraid that as soon as he is taken out, he will run away because he comes into contact with a certain section of electromagnetic waves in the air.

In fact he did have this ability when his body was turned into this living metal.

But now it can't be done. This metal body made of Yuan An's dark wisdom makes him closer to life, but he also loses his ability.

They didn't know this, so to be on the safe side, they exiled Ultron in a more extreme way.

They sealed Ultron in a set of mixed vibranium and Edelman metal, then sealed dozens of layers of steel plates, and finally threw him to the Mariana Trench.

Those vibraniums blocked the entry and release of all electromagnetic waves. In order to ensure that he could not escape at all, they had invested their blood.

Maybe he will go crazy soon.

Ultron thought so, because he felt more and more like a human being, a real life-after having his own body, his emotional existence became a little heavier.

He also feels lonely, which is why he fights boredom and tries to create his own kind.

But in the past, he could make rationality absolutely overpower emotion, but now?

The only benefit of this body is probably the ability to 'sleep'.

Thinking of this, Ultron sighed again, closed his 'eyes', and went into hibernation again.

So, do androids dream of electric sheep?

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