The answer does.

When Ultron opened his 'eyes' again, he found that he was not in the tightness and darkness that suffocated him and suffered.

On the contrary, Ultron found himself in an environment that was very 'familiar' to him.

A cold, glowing silver-white laboratory.

There was also a pack of Skittles on the table, and a row of Stark's steel toys not far away.

This is the "delivery room" when Ultron was born

Seeing the place where he was 'born' again, Ultron didn't feel any nostalgia for anything. He paused and turned his head slowly.

"I thought you would miss it here, after all, I miss it a little too."

Gao Tianzun stood behind Ultron and said in a pleasant voice

"...Although I don't know the identity, I think you are mine."

Ao Chuang was silent for a moment, but still broke the identity of the 'cosmic elder' in front of him.

"Hehehehe, it's really not bad." Gao Tianzun shook his head and let out a weird laugh.

What Ultron has experienced is also what he has experienced, and what he has experienced will soon be what Ultron has experienced.

It's really hard for people who haven't really experienced such a time loop to describe the weird sense this thing brings to people, and it's normal to drive yourself crazy if one isn't good.

"Being able to replace this identity and survive for so long is all thanks to Stark."

Gao Tianzun smiled happily

"If it wasn't for the monsters created by Stark to make these two universes immortal, Talasin and I would have no way to find a chance to replace their existence."

Gao Tianzun and the collector are serious elders of the universe. Even if they look very weak, they are indeed elders of the universe who are cursed by death and will never die.

Although their existence cannot be said to be pluralistic and unique, they also have certain commonalities in the multiverse.

The Gao Tianzun and the collector of the sub-universe were left half-dead during the battle with the worm swarm (HIVI). They were infected by the source of darkness and chose to cut off part of their souls to recover.

Because of this, their counterparts in another universe were suddenly similarly traumatized.

Talasin and he seized this opportunity to secure the identities of these two universe elders, throw them out of the universe, and then replace their existence.

However, in the past ten thousand years, they have not done anything extraordinary. Although they have replaced the identity of the elders of the universe, it is obvious that Talasin's character is destined for him to be unable to do great things.

As for Ultron... He obviously pays more attention to and observes all of this than to achieve something.

"He is always the one who suffers by himself, and the one who never learns well."

Ultron Tucao

"Okay, let's end the meaningless self-reporting, I'm running out of time, I have to get you to another universe."

Gao Tianzun moved his body and took out a bottle of Pym particles from his pocket.

"Wait, if you were taken to another universe in the past by me in the future, then if I refuse here... Well, you said that too."

Looking at the silent Gao Tianzun, Ultron sighed.

Destiny is such an obnoxious and incomprehensible thing that it is simply the epitome of Chaos Theory.

When there is no sequence of time and there is no cause and effect, the ability of logic collapses, and the concept of existence becomes a question mark.

"Then what should I do in that universe?" Ultron asked puzzled

"Do whatever you need to do." Gao Tianzun looked at Ultron with deep meaning.

"Time is cyclic, the technology you imitate is also the root of our future, and the behavior of you going there may also promote the beginning of everything."

Ultron was very dissatisfied with Gao Tianzun's statement that he played a riddle, but when he thought that the opposite was his future self, he didn't say anything.

If he chose to play dumb riddles, then there is always a reason for it, and there is no need to ask more.

Gao Tianzun threw out the Pym particle in his hand, and with a flash of light, the Ultron who was imprisoned in the depths of the Mariana Trench disappeared.

Gao Tianzun let out a soft sigh and tore off the disguised human skin in relief.

Achieving destiny is not a happy thing, he is just repeating what he heard at the beginning, and then guaranteeing that it will all come true.

This is very frustrating for an active thinking person like him - maybe everything I do is meaningless, my future is doomed by my past, and my present also promotes my past.

After a little sadness alone, 'Gao Tianzun' obviously sorted out his emotions and became objective and rational again.

Everything that happens next will be his own future.


"Steve Strange..."

"Doctor Olego, how's my neurological report?"

Once the famous chief surgeon in New York, Dr. Strange, who has just settled in Los Angeles, asked with a pale face.

"All normal, Dr. Strange."

Oleg, the chief neurologist at Cedarsena Medical Center, the largest hospital in Los Angeles, gave Strange a gentle expression.

"You do not suffer from neurosis and schizophrenia, you are mentally healthy, and your hearing is normal..."

"But I can still hear my name in my ear!"

Strange rudely interrupted Dr. Oleg and said in a hoarse and aggressive voice.

"But the results of your inspections on me are normal, and I have to doubt your professionalism..."

"Dr. Strange, you are an expert in neurosurgery, internal medicine and psychiatry..."

"I have USMLE certificates in all subjects."

Strange interrupted Oleg very rudely again, decisively and disdainfully.

"I know very well that there must be something wrong with my body. If you can't detect it, it can only mean that your hospital's equipment is too backward, or your doctor's level is too poor!"

Doctor Oleg's neck was red with anger, but he really couldn't refute Strange like he refuted those ignorant and stupid patients.

After all, the man in front of him is a miracle in the medical world. His neurosurgery has a 100% success rate. His contribution to the medical world can be called another Stanley Dudrick.

Although Oleg is more than ten years older than him, in this regard, he really has no right to criticize others.

Strange turned and left mercilessly, but he knew that he probably couldn't find any specific solution to this problem.

Stephen Strange is an unfortunate man.

He was born in Philadelphia, the eldest son of the family. His sister Donna was disabled in an accidental injury, so Strange determined to become a doctor who could cure Donna's problems.

However, when Donna drowned when he was 19 years old, Strange's interest in medicine was greatly reduced, but even so he graduated early and successfully entered the Cleveland Clinic

Although he no longer had a zealous interest in medicine, he became the best neurosurgeon in the United States and in the world. He made countless money from this, and he became arrogant because of it. .

He fell out with his family and had a terrible relationship with his parents and younger brother Victor. Unfortunately, his brother Victor, who ran out of the house after his argument, was also killed by a car, causing Strange to completely cut off relations with his parents.

And the woman he fell in love with, night shift nurse Kristen Palmer, also unfortunately died under the bombardment of the Rainbow Bridge that spread throughout New York.

Strange's misfortune almost took away all the people around him who loved and loved him, but the funny thing is that he can avoid all the crises every time by relying on another strong luck.

Strange, who left New York, did not rush to find a new job for himself, because another trouble made him unable to calm down.

Just looking around for a solution with him, he was caught in a never-ending whisper.

Whether he fell asleep or woke up, no matter what he did, there would be a low voice of a woman in his ear.

She kept repeating Strange's name, asking him to leave everything behind and embark on a journey of salvation.

She asked Strange to go to Tibet, to Nepal, to find a way to true knowledge.

Strange, a staunch materialist, refuses to believe in such mystical things.

Even though it wasn't long ago that an alien claiming to be the father of the gods, Odin, killed tens of millions with his weapon, Strange refused to believe it.

But he seemed to have no choice.

The whispers echoed in his ears all the time, and no matter what doctor Strange found, he couldn't find the problem at all.

Even taking sleeping pills and laying down sedatives didn't help. Even in his deepest dreams, he was constantly harassed by whispers.

If modern science can't solve his own problems, then he seems to have to do what this voice says.

Strange returned to the Hilton Hotel where he was staying, hesitated for a moment, and packed all his luggage.

"Strange, you must go to Kama Taj..."

"Shut up, I'll go, you shut up, I beg you!!!!"

Strange smashed the glass to the ground hysterically and roared, and the whisper seemed to stop because of this.

"You will definitely go to Kama Taj, this is your destiny..."

that whispered softly

"But your destiny this time is no longer to fight the darkness, but to bring out the stone... You'll understand, you'll know what to do."

"Another 'you' will appear when you need help most."

The voice completely disappeared again, Strange looked at the sorted suitcase, hesitated for a moment, and left.

He still doesn't believe in anything weird.

But all he wants now is a good night's sleep.


"You mean most of the people on my list were not in New York during the Battle of New York?"

Nick Fury looked at Coulson in front of him and said in a very suspicious tone

"Yes... I think it's amazing too."

Coulson said with some helplessness, even crying and laughing.

"They all seem to have left New York City for various reasons before the Battle of New York..."

New York in the Marvel Universe is a very 'crowded' place.

Unlike the DC universe next door, the cities in the Marvel world are basically based on reality, and almost all comic book authors like to stuff their heroes into New York.

Although it is not that there are no heroes in other cities, more than 90% of the heroes in the Marvel world do live in New York.

This also leads to an extremely introverted and extremely comical problem - there are just too many heroes and villains.

According to non-conservative estimates, if you don’t count team-organizing heroes like the X-Men, there are at least 448 superheroes in New York in the Marvel Comics universe.

This is still the most conservative estimate, not counting the hero groups, not counting the heroes who have appeared in one or two episodes, and not counting the predecessors of those heroes...

In fact, if you really want to count all the numbers, then the number of heroes in the Marvel Universe is going up to the number of 5,000, and most of them stay in New York...

If nothing else, there are more than 200 superheroes with names and surnames at the wedding of Deadpool alone, and it is not difficult to see how hot the New York of the Marvel Comics universe is.

As we all know, when you see a superhero, you must see ten supervillains. Such a conservative estimate, then there are at least 4,000 gangs lurking in New York in the Marvel Comics universe, and there are a large number of superpower villains. Basically, every day you go out on a street, you can evenly distribute 20 of them.

If you are a super villain who destroys and kills, you may have no less than ten villains rushing in and robbing you when you have a meal...

Compared with Marvel New York, even Gotham City next door seems to be simple and harmonious.

So if you are lucky enough to travel to the Marvel Comics universe one day, don't go to New York anywhere.

Returning to the topic, universe 199999 is obviously not as profound as the "accumulation" of the comic universe, but even so, there are at least forty heroes gathered in New York.

For example, the Alliance of Defenders in Hell's Kitchen, the Punisher who kills everywhere, the Moonlight Knight wandering in the streets, all kinds of things like this...

So it's no wonder that Nick Fury is so obsessed with the Avengers alliance plan. After all, the number of superheroes is so flooded that it can indeed be treated as a military force.

However, although there are a large number of them, most of these heroes are still street heroes of weak chickens.

Under the bombardment of Odin's Rainbow Bridge, these people should have died completely.

Yet they survived.

The reason is very simple. According to Coulson's investigation, these superheroes who should have died under the bombardment of the Rainbow Bridge have all left New York for various reasons before the Battle of New York.

None of their reasons were bogus, such as Matt's attorney who was indeed heading to Maine for a case and just happened to escape the horrific attack.

Even Jin Bing left his lair because of various affairs, which made things seem very strange.

"There must be a problem behind it!" Nick Fury said decisively.

While it's nice to keep most of the Superboys on his roster alive, Nick Fury is deeply apprehensive about it.

"Even if there is a problem, those forces who can predict the arrival of the problem in advance and transfer so many people away are probably not something we can afford."

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