This isn't really good news.

Although this anticlimactic and even ridiculous invasion was simply prevented, how many Inhumans are there in the moon city Attilan?

And the most important thing is that this group of Inhumans has the technology of space transmission in their hands. As long as there is the vulture destroyer, they can drop a large number of Inhuman warriors on the earth at any time.

It's hard to say whether it can be won, but as long as the war happens in one's own country, then half of it is lost.

"We must take the initiative to attack! Only by attacking these invaders, let the city on the moon know how powerful we are!"

At the meeting, Tony Stark showed his strong desire to attack and strong opinions

He thinks their Avengers are in play at this time - as an Avenger, go to the moon and make those so-called Inhumans pay the price in blood! ! !

And more importantly for Tony, if they can take down Attilan, they'll have access to a whole new set of alien technology.

This is an urgent need and goal for the entire earth. They must master the technology that can get rid of the parent star, otherwise they will be so powerless when the next disaster comes.

"I think we can take milder measures as appropriate."

On the other hand, Steve expressed a relatively moderate view. He believed that judging from the crystals that warned them, there must be a large number of people who prefer peace within the Inhumans.

They should not go straight into the war as Stark said, they should properly consider other strategies.

Of course, whether it's Steve or Stark, their arguments are undoubtedly in favor of being proactive.

After suffering such a cold and unscrupulous slaughter in Asgard, the two men were extremely vigilant and hostile to aliens.

"Okay, if that's the case, then raise your hands to vote."

Nick Fury rubbed his temples and decided to vote on the strategy of the two Avengers elders.

The end result was that Tony Stark won by two votes, and the triumphant Tony winked at the helpless Steve, who could only sigh.

"Okay, now that the attitude to show to Attilan has been finalized, then Stark - how many million lunar vehicles can you build?"

"My specially designed space shuttle can accommodate about fifteen people." Stark nodded and said

"I have built ten space shuttles during this time, which means we can transport 150 people up at a time."

One hundred and fifty soldiers trying to conquer a city in a completely unsuitable environment is an absurd fantasy for any country.

But the United States is different. With a quota of 150 soldiers, they can choose a large number of heroes to participate in it!

Anyway, these introverted heroes are on the verge of hitting the sky on Earth, so I simply give them a different environment and let them play their due role on the moon!

"Very good, I will make a coordinator list right away, and then I will interview them one by one." Nick Fury nodded, exhaled, and said

"As for the Crystal Princess and her dog... Steve, I'll leave it to you."

"Be sure to let her realize that our counterattack is just and correct! Tell her that if necessary, we will support her to become the new queen of Attilan."

"Familiar proxy system." Tony said faintly

"You don't want to support that little princess as the new queen of the moon, and then work for us?"

"They need supplies, don't they?" Nick Fury shrugged and asked rhetorically

"They need food, they need groceries, they need a lot of things that are missing - the moon is a huge market, things that are useless to them are treasures for us, and things that are cheap to us are Words are invaluable.”

"Since it's a mutually beneficial deal, why should we refuse it?"

Tony pouted, what did Nick Fury want to do, how could he, a top capitalist, not know?

It is nothing more than planning to support a puppet government, and then use the method to deal with the small countries such as South America to deal with the city of Attilan on the moon.

Use mass-produced cheap industrial products in exchange for resources on the moon, and even for alien technology and even their population on the moon when necessary.

By creating the illusion of prosperity and beauty in the "Greater America", attracting talented people to join them, and then further strengthen the country.

They have been playing this old routine since the end of World War II, even if the object is extended to people from alien planets, the essence is still the same.

There is no doubt that Nick Fury's idea must have been approved by the government or even led by the government.

This black marinated egg has been frantically gaining more political capital and chips for himself recently. Those who didn't know it thought he was going to run for president.

"as long as you are happy……"

Tony said lightly, and glanced at the indifferent Steve, it was obvious that this ignorant soldier did not understand their plans beyond words.

After all, the dictatorship and exploitation understood by this soldier are still in the **** and direct way before World War II. Now it is different. Their way of exploitation is more efficient and more covert.

What voluntary overtime, private prisons, etc. - advanced capitalism does not rely on pure exploitation, but how to achieve legal exploitation.

"But I have to remind you first that all of your good ideas are premised on the fact that we won."

Looking at Nick Fury's elated appearance, Tony couldn't help but poured a basin of cold water on it.

"Although if it's really according to what our alien princess said, the moon people on that planet are not worth mentioning. But if there is a mistake... but it will cause serious consequences."

Among the 150 people, there are a few superheroes with more than 40 people. Although not all of them are paid by the Avengers, if there are mistakes and omissions, large-scale casualties will be caused...

When the hero dies, generally speaking, the villain he manages will start to act recklessly.

And the cost of this plan is huge, even Stark feels a pain in the flesh. Of course, the government will reimburse them, but the biggest problem after failure is not economic loss.

If mankind's first real planetary voyage and diplomatic battle ends in a tragic failure, they will not only be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, but the entire American aerospace industry will also be severely hit.

"Tony, we should have confidence in ourselves!" Nick Fury whispered

"We also have to show confidence and look to our people, to the aliens who are staring at us in space..."

"Earth people, it's not easy to mess with!"

292. Consortium of stars

main universe solar system

The Xandar people's transformation project to Mars was finally completed after depleting a lot of accumulated materials.

The planetary gravity of the entire Mars has been adjusted to 0.9587 compared with the earth, and the atmospheric environment has also tended to be perfected, and then there is the ecological restoration and transformation within the region.

And after that, the Xandar exiles held a joint meeting with Earth on Mars.

The Xandar exiles will legally live in the solar system, and the Earthlings and the Xandarians will reach an offensive and defensive alliance. The Xandars will provide the Earthlings with technical support for space travel, while the Earthlings will provide the Xandars with military support.

The signing of this covenant was actually criticized by many people - most of them were Xandars.

They felt very disdain for signing an alliance with such a group of "primitives", and felt that the "tyrant" who ruled them was just filling the earth with the interests of the Xandars.

In fact, this idea does not make sense. For example, if your country signed a national-level treaty with a group of primitive people of the Stone Age, you will only find it funny and ridiculous.

Of course, the people of the earth are very happy about this. Each country has obtained the required space navigation technology and ready-made templates, and everyone has the ability to leave the earth and expand the interstellar colony outside.

But to be honest, where they can colonize now is a huge question...

Just like what Carroll said to Nick Fury that day - looking up at the sky, the sky is full of stars, all are enemies.

Although it is not necessarily so exaggerated, the scale of the war between the awakened Necrons and the dark creations emerging one by one in the universe is getting bigger and bigger.

It is said that the territory of the Kree Empire has now been smashed, and Ronan took his remaining troops to somewhere unknown, and it is said that the core galaxy of the Kree Empire has become a hundred light-years away. Absolute dead zone!

There is no documentation or witness to the war between the Necrons and the Dark Creatures.

Because no civilization has the ability and the fortune to witness the outcome of such a terrifying fight between two races.

The solar system is peaceful, and the solar system is safe, but it's just the terror and chaos elsewhere in this era of annihilating the galaxy.

Either way, it's unlikely that Necrons will ever set foot in this galaxy any time soon.

That's enough, it's worth living an extra day in this crazy, chaotic burning world.

With the unwilling help of the Xandars, the earth quickly regained its vitality.

Of course, among them, there are many conflicts between the Xandar people and the earth people.

But most of the contradictions have been suppressed by force. After all, neither the remaining leader of the earth nor Carol Danvers is a leader who is easy to talk and will take into account the public opinion.

Those who are disobedient or break the rules will be given the greatest punishment directly.

If killing a chicken doesn't make the monkeys afraid, kill a few more.

Although the conflict was suppressed, the Xandars still looked down on the Earthlings in their bones, thinking that they were just a group of beggars begging for food.

Then the earthlings quickly proved the importance of this covenant with practical examples.

It was a war at the edge of the solar system.

A wanderer of interstellar pirates ran to the vicinity of the solar system, plundered the Xandar fleet that stayed here, and seized supplies and population.

Most of these interstellar pirates are composed of Shi'ars and various aliens, and their scale is quite large.

Their fleet probably has hundreds of spaceships, and although the size and performance are not comparable to Xandar, it is still a thorny problem.

They never fought head-to-head, but instead used the leap technology to shoot for a different place, constantly looting the resources of the Xandars to enrich themselves.

At this time, when the Xandars were exhausted, the earthlings extended their helping hand with a covenant.

In this battle, the Earthlings chose to take the initiative.

When Xandar's troops were too exhausted to take care of and encircle all pirate troops, the combined army of the Earthlings showed a strong combat capability.

The Ling Channel network force led by the Chinese has spread this special space-time channel that exists independently in the subspace all over the surrounding of the solar system by means of this method that is completely different from the mainstream space technology in the universe.

The Yellow Lantern Corps in Latvia and the Green Lantern Corps in the Aegean Sea followed closely behind, and the two corps counter-encircled and suppressed those space pirates with their unique emotional energy.

At the same time that these space pirates suffered heavy losses, the earthlings also seized a large number of ready-made space battleships.

With not only the battle of the two lantern regiments, but also the efforts of several other countries.

Thunder transformation warriors from Russia transformed clones with the most extreme technology into powerful biological warriors that adapt to the cosmic environment, with their crude and simple power armor with poor safety but high output, equipped with bolt guns and chains Saw the sword, drive the rough cosmic speedboat with the help of China

Allies' web tunnels burst directly above the ships of these space pirates, taking control of the ships in the most brutal gang-hopping battles.

The automated mechanical troops from Wakanda used the most direct nanoworm release and gravity wells and other sickly weapon technologies. They dropped these things on the heads of those space pirates and then directly destroyed their fleets. Nothing left.

As for the U.S. military, although it does not contribute much, the United States with the legacy left by Stark can be described as a hodgepodge of existence.

They also have the technology of biological transformation warriors and clones. Although they can't create the terrifying and powerful Thunder Warriors like Russia, they can create Stormtroopers with insufficient effect, but their relative constants have been improved.

They do not have as powerful an automated mechanical production line as Wakanda, but they still have some super weapons like the Iron Curtain Protocol, which can still work when placed on the heads of these cosmic fleets.

They don't have the magic corps of Latvia and Aegean, but they can still do small-scale harassment operations when they still have some Green Lantern members and Yellow Lantern members.

They don't have China's spiritual channel network technology, but they have the random transition gate technology derived from the data they studied while retaining the space gems. They can't tear a passage in the warp, but they can tear a relatively close opening in the warp. ensure that the error does not exceed

In the case of a million kilometers, a relatively close portal is thrown - this is an acceptable result on a cosmic scale.

In this way, with the joint efforts of the people on earth, this cosmic pirate, which was a headache for the Xandars, was almost completely wiped out in a very short period of time.

All of Xandar all at once had no problem with the contract they signed.

This group of Xandars realized a terrible fact.

Perhaps most of their Earth friends are primitive people who don't even have the ability to leave their home planet, but this group of primitive people is the existence that can tear their fleet...

They may not be able to leave the home planet, but they have mastered many technologies to easily destroy the planet...

This race is imbued with a wildly exaggerated desire to destroy, both for themselves and for others--before finding a way out for the race as a whole, they seem more keen to find a way to destroy all.

Seriously, throughout the history of the universe, the Xandars have never seen such a strange race.

It's not belligerence, it's self-destructing, but they're not completely self-destructive. They are actively looking for a way out of the race, but they seem to be pursuing self-destruction methods out of instinct.

They also understood the reason why Carol insisted on signing a contract with the Earthlings.

Everyone just takes what they want, Xandar needs allies who can fight, and the earthlings need a channel to leave the earth.

Such a relationship of getting what they need is the most solid kind of practice in the covenant.

Oh yes, after defeating this pirate force, the Xandars and the Earthlings also got a windfall.

They got a message from the leader of this pirate force.

A piece of news about those space undead, fighting with 'God'.


"The leader of this space pirate force is a senior officer of the Spartan Empire. His name is Voss, and he escaped from the capital of the Spartan Empire a few months ago."

Carroll handed over the sorted information to Nick Fury in front of him, folded his hands and whispered

"Do you know what that means?"

"Meaning the demise of another cosmic feudal empire?" Nick Fury raised his eyebrows

"I've never been able to figure out one thing, why are so many big cosmic countries almost all feudal empires?"

This is a very wonderful thing. Whether it is the Kree Empire, the Shia Empire, the Skrull Empire, or even the Xandar, they all clearly have a 'royal' cosmic empire.

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