Moreover, the royal families of these cosmic countries are not mascots like the United Kingdom and Japan, but they have real power and can even decide the decision-making of the empire.

"Don't ask me, how do I know the answer?" Carol rolled her eyes and said angrily

"The focus of our discussion now is that the Spartan Empire has also perished!"

"Yes, yes, the demise of another cosmic empire." Nick Fury curled his lips perfunctorily

"Come on, even if we are developing with all our strength, the best situation is that we may leave the solar system within three years. What happens outside has nothing to do with us?"

Involution is a terrible word, but you have to admit that involution can also bring some good things.

Maybe introversion is a terrible and disgusting thing for the people involved, but in terms of practical value, introversion and pressure do make great progress.

For the people of Earth, the catastrophe of Fembull's Winter is indeed an opportunity for them to make great progress.

Under the pressure of destroying the world, human beings abandoned most of their unnecessary human rights and rights, and worked hard for the future of mankind, and most importantly, their own survival.

However, with the fading of Fembull's winter, the thought of this effort is probably not much left.

Being able to independently manufacture a spacecraft capable of leaving the solar system within three years is already the result of Nick Fury's overestimation.

After all, building a spaceship and building a weapon are two different things.

Every country that survives on earth, including the US, has this **** quirk.

You say let them build super weapons that will destroy the world? No problem, you can easily make as much as you want.

But you're saying you're leaving the Earth in a craft? Sorry, it's a bit difficult to create this way.

Sometimes Nick Fury himself felt that this strange thing seemed to be cursed. You ask all human beings to develop a new weapon of destruction and they are very handy. You ask them to build a spacecraft and they will immediately have cerebral palsy.

"...The Spartan Empire is an emerging force second only to the three major countries in the universe."

Carol looked at the black marinated egg in front of her for a while, sighed, and chose to explain herself

"I don't have to describe the background of the Spartan Empire in detail here. You only need to know that these guys are in Kerry, and after the fall of Xandar and Shia, they are now the largest country in the universe."

"The peninsula people will probably be very upset when you say this, although they are already dead..." Nick Fury muttered in a low voice

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing, go ahead." Nick Fury shrugged

"The territory occupied by the Spartan Empire is large enough, and their technology is quite advanced. The most important thing is that they are already the only reasonable country in the universe we know."

Carol sighed deeply and said helplessly.

"The environment of the universe has never been as bad as you think, and the general environment has not reached the point of a dark forest - but it does not mean that the universe is a harmonious family."

"In fact, apart from the three major cosmic countries, there are only a few cosmic countries that are willing to abide by the convention we nailed to you. Everyone usually encounters them, and there are basically no opportunities for communication."

"Most of them are the same thing as those pirates. If they can rob you of one vote, they will definitely not be willing to do business with you."

"Of course, at this stage, it doesn't matter whether these guys are friendly or not. The biggest problem for us when the Spartan Empire is over is that we may not be able to formulate a joint collective in the universe in the future. "

The universe is vast, empty, and dark.

In the vast and dark space of Noah, civilization and reason are actually the rare and rare things. In the vast space, there is nothing but emptiness and confusion.

In the past, the space countries that were in full bloom gave this empty universe a little more civilized atmosphere, but now, all this is fragmented.

Several cosmic powers have perished one after another, and then the remaining small countries have almost degenerated to the level of when they left their home planet. No communication, no dialogue, no dealings.

There can only be one consequence of such a situation, and all remaining civilizations will completely lose their knowledge of the universe and sources of information.

From this moment on, they will be like a group of disabled people who are deaf and blind, and can only look at the endless darkness of the void, holding ignorant panic about everything that is about to happen.

"Carol, do you really want to fight those Necrons? And their... those enemies?"

Under Nick Fury's questioning with suspicion, Carcarol was silent for a moment, and said in a sour tone

"We have to do something, don't we..."

Carroll actually knew that they couldn't fight Necrons at all, and they didn't even have the ability to fight an awakened dynasty.

Carroll had seen with his own eyes how a fleet of Tarasim the Infinite knocked down a star-like **** star, ignited a star inside him, and turned it into a Horror world engine.

It is rude to say that the technology of these Necrons is close to magic.

And their number is endless, all over the void, their rectification agreement is transforming the flesh and blood of the terrifying number, creating more undead.

In the face of an enemy who has completely destroyed you in both quantity and quality, how can you still raise the thought of life resistance?

Carroll understands that the so-called resistance is more just to show their own people, just to let them see that the country and collective they trust have not given up the last resistance.

Xandar chose to give up everything and huddle in such a small country galaxy. Although they told themselves that it was dormant and cultivating power, people with discernment knew that this was already rotten.

They simply do not have the ability to resist their enemies, so they simply find a relatively peaceful place and live as long as possible.

Nick Fury, of course, also understood Carroll's difficulties. He was silent for a moment and sighed faintly.

It's not easy for each other...

Just when the atmosphere gradually became a little awkward and silent, a message was passed.

"Are Latvianians quite efficient?" Carroll raised her eyebrows and asked with interest

After capturing the officers of the Spartan Empire, in order to extract more information, Carroll chose to hand them over to Latvian professionals.

With a legacy of magic and machinery from the Yellow Lantern Corps and Doom's legacy deep into fear and embodiment, they are the most likely people on earth to pry open a person's mouth.

But Carroll didn't expect them to be so efficient.

. In just five days, did they actually get enough valuable news?

Carol looked at the text message with interest, but the more she looked, the more serious her expression became.

"Okay Nick, instead of wasting time by continuing to chat here, let's go and see the results of the interrogation together."

Carol stood up, choosing to give an end to the conversation this time.

"Some things, I'm afraid you have to face them before you know their seriousness."

293. The breath of the gods

"Do you know? In fact, the sun above our heads, he is alive!"

"He just fell asleep and fell into a life-to-death sleep on our heads, releasing nuclear radiation on us all the time, killing the cells in our bodies."

"The sun is asleep, no doubt!"

"But a sleeping man can be awakened, so why not a sleeping planet?

"Yeah, yeah, I saw it, I really saw it..."

When the chaotic sound of order breaking came from the end of the universe, when the shadow of the terrifying entity approached our sun.

I saw the sun come to life with my own eyes.

The sun that accompanies our innumerable interests, the sun that accepts the innumerable living sacrifices offered in the name of our ancient times, has become an angel...

What a horrible, indescribable scene it was. There was no joy in witnessing the miracle in my heart at all, only the endless deep and dark fear that poured into my heart.

I saw with my own eyes that the huge fiery angels grew wings behind them, and I saw with my own eyes they flapped the wings of the blazing sun and flew towards the dark fleet...

I know, it's a group of AI beings calling themselves Necrons.

I used to think they were easy to deal with, maybe just a little computer virus or something? I've always thought these mindless machines were no threat.

But I now know that I was wrong, completely wrong.

When I saw that winged, blazing sun charged towards the dark fleet of undead, I swear it was such a terrifying scene in my life.

The living fiery angel is so powerful that every time he swings the sword in his hand, he can burn a galaxy into flames.

If there is a **** in this world, then his existence is far more sacred and terrifying than any false idolatry.

The fleet of the Empire was unbearable in the presence of this terrifying angel, and even our home planet was evaporated into the sea as the terrifying angel approached, burning in rising terror.

But in all of this I've seen, a raging star doesn't really rank at all.

What I witnessed next was the most terrifying, incomprehensible, and most profound knowledge that I could not understand.

I have witnessed the...infinite death of a star.

My barren words cannot describe what I saw, because I couldn't understand what was in front of my eyes.

I only saw that a black object was like a cage imprisoning the sun that turned into an angel, and the next moment, this device accelerated the time of the sun's life.

I have personally seen our sun go from heyday to death, from a healthy yellow sun, to a red sun, and then unable to withstand the internal pressure, exploring as a terrifying supernova...

I watched it turn into a white dwarf star, a blue neutron star, and finally a spinning black hole in a frantic wailing...

If it was just that, it would be understandable.

But I can't recognize, the indescribable scene is what happened next!

I saw with my own eyes our star went from life to death, and then I watched him slowly go from death to new life!

From a rotating black hole, it turned into a blue neutron star like a time-lapse, and then changed back to a white dwarf star, contracted and exploded back to the initial state of a supernova, and changed back to a red sun, a yellow sun!

How is this going? What exactly is happening in front of me? !

With what my barren brain knows, the only thing I can understand is a little bit.

They captured the living sun, and they kept draining his energy.

It is not simply to extract the energy of the sun from birth to death, but to extract the energy of every parallel world, countless parallel space-time individuals, and every moment of energy!

That star was imprisoned in a cage, countless times of death, countless times of new life, each time bringing extremely full energy to those terrifying space undead!

I don't know where that energy is going to be used, and even I can't understand what such a horrible energy can do to be used up?

Could it be that they want to trigger a big bang?

Such a ridiculous idea that took root in my head and couldn't stop! I don't know how I got back to my mothership, and I don't know when I ordered the warp to escape our home!

Before I left, what I saw really broke me down.

That terrifying black prison turned into a huge sky, and I saw it cover my hometown, our galaxy...

I please see every piece of land in my hometown, every dust is experiencing constant life and death, death and new life, new life and death!

These terrifying undead, they imprison an entire galaxy, killing and reshaping them for terrifying energies.

Before I fled like a coward without looking back, I saw that the terrifying sky was still spreading...

I see that my life, all of our lives, is nothing but dust and jokes.


"The above is all the information extracted from the mind of this Mr. Voss."

A member of the Yellow Lantern Corps pushed his glasses and looked at Carroll in front of him and said solemnly.

"We can only present words, because the direct reading of mental information has caused our three 'nightmare people' who are in charge of the interrogation to fall into madness!"

"I don't know how much of what he said is true and how much is a false fantasy... But when we triggered the most feared thing in his heart, many members of the Yellow Lantern couldn't bear it and passed out."

"I'm sorry." Carroll first apologized to the Yellow Lantern Corps, and then said solemnly

"The information you provided is very useful! This prisoner will be handed over to you for safekeeping first, and be sure to bring out more useful information!"

The members of the Yellow Lantern Corps hesitated and sighed.

For the villains who use fear as their source of strength, the biggest natural enemy is actually the fear itself that they live on.

If the yellow light that brings fear to others is brought to fear, then the source of its power will be cut off.

Obviously, the memory in the mind of this Spartan officer named Voss is the source of their fear.

Those memories, even if they are simply presented, for the 'nightmare people' who read their Yellow Lantern Corps, it is a terrifying dream that their imaginations can't even create.

Every time they watch, they lose a master of making up nightmares, which is also an unacceptable loss for the Yellow Lantern Corps...

"Carol, this..."

Nick Fury, who followed, also listened to everything that happened in his ears. As soon as he opened his mouth, Carol interrupted him and said.

"You know what to do, Nick."

Nick Fury was silent, all he should do is do nothing, and what he heard here, don't record a word in his memory.

In fact, even with his 'well-informed' and the ability to withstand pressure in his heart, he feels that these things are too hopeless...

Their enemy is not a primitive man with a bunch of high-tech skins running over them with big alien tires.

Their enemy is a race that can play with the stars recklessly, and even dance with the laws of the universe in their hands.

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