One of the directors said, half mocking and half warning.

"Everything you say is like something out of a fantasy novel!"

"Actually we've lost three planets, haven't we?" Tony retorted with a sneer

"You have seen the destruction of planets for reasons you don't know, and you have seen the solar system change from seven planets to four. You would rather believe that it is an impossible astronomical phenomenon than what I brought back to you. intelligence!"

"There is no alien who can destroy a planet with a single sword, Stark!"

"No, directors, yes, in fact, we have already encountered aliens that can destroy the earth with one sword."

Nick Fury stepped forward and chose to make a round of the game, so that Fake could be scolded in his heart, while on the surface he gave Tony the platform lightly.

"As far as I know, the rainbow bridge in Asgard has the ability to easily destroy a planet!"

It's good that he didn't mention this. When he mentioned this, the expressions of all the directors became very ugly.

To this day, Odin's cold and cruel attitude and the Rainbow Bridge that destroyed the entire New York at that moment are the biggest shadows in their hearts!

"Members, we must admit that we are in an era where our experience and reasoning are not universal."

Nick Fury took a step forward and struck while the iron was hot

"We must admit that there are things in this world that our physics can't explain. Every intelligence of our enemies, those who may be our enemies after stepping into the sea of ​​stars, is precious!"

"But he killed almost everyone who went to the moon with him."

I don't know who among the directors said this faintly, Tony immediately clenched his fists, gasping for breath with blood pouring through the holes.

"...Since there is a war, there will inevitably be casualties."

Nick Fury closed his eyes, although he also regretted the death of his elite agents who were not easy to cultivate, but this was indeed an indispensable loss.

And it would be too unfair to put all the responsibility on Tony. It was not his idea to go to the moon.

"You can't blame a hero who did everything to bring us information!"

Nick Fury yelled loudly, and the directors were also very silent. In fact, they also knew that they couldn't deal with Stark, and what they showed just now was more of a standpoint.

Just when the inquiry meeting was about to end, and there was a high possibility that it could be held again in the continuing period of time, Tony, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke up.

"And... those **** stones must be destroyed!"

He looked at everyone in the Security Council and said in a hoarse voice

"The power of darkness has infected those stones, and the gifts you have obtained in them must be returned tenfold and hundredfold in the future!"

"You must destroy all lunar meteorites, or it will be too late!"

Tony's words won a lot of approval and applause, but although these people smiled brightly and their eyes were full of sincerity, Tony knew too well what they were thinking about now.

Destroy all the meteorites that can bring great power? How could they possibly do it!

Even if people with the big picture want to execute, what should their enemies do? What if their enemies had such power and they didn't?

Under the influence of this stupid infighting atmosphere, you can't rely on these bureaucrats to destroy all the lunar meteorites!

"I'll take care of all the trouble... my Ultron."

In a corner that no one saw, Tony lowered his head and whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

In many cases, organizations such as the World Security Council and the United Nations will give people a feeling of "sacrifice".

The only role these organizations can play in various literary works is to keep dragging their feet, and to bring out the justice of the protagonist through various ugly acts.

But is the World Security Council really such an incompetent organization?

Of course, they simply brought the incompetence and procrastination of the bureaucratic organization to the extreme.

But one thing you have to be clear about is that the World Security Council is not only incompetent because of its incompetence, but because they are incompetent.

This worldwide organization, like the United Nations, has never existed to seek some kind of order.

Their natural existence and position is to allow those involved to divide up the interests, and the various bureaucratic actions and stupid decisions derived from this are because of the division of interests.

Politics and bureaucracy, it's disgusting that so many things are involved!

Tony hates it all, at all times... terribly loathed!

The World Security Council's verdict on Tony's disposition is as follows.

He was expelled from the Avengers and stripped of all rights to act without authorization as Iron Man. And because of his behavior, Stark Group will also be fined a sky-high compensation!

And Tony Stark, the leader who survived and returned from the moon, but made most of the heroes and agents involved in this operation died tragically, also suffered a heavy blow in terms of popularity.

Nick Fury can't do anything about it, and he also thinks Tony has to pay a price for his actions.

It is also a good thing to let him be drawn from the identity of Iron Man. Nick Fury is heartfelt about this, and he even persuaded Steve to persuade Stark well, at least leave it to the Stark family to talk about it later.

It can be said that the existence of Iron Man has disappeared in both a practical and a social sense.

But Tony doesn't care anymore.

Whether it's Iron Man or Stark Group's shares, it doesn't matter.

After witnessing the spectacle of the dying stars, the horror of the collapse of all things - all this became irrelevant.

Whether wealth, women, or fame, what is the meaning of all this in the face of the deep darkness?

Precisely because they were meaningless, precisely because they had no effect on the darkness that buried the stars, that Tony wouldn't care anymore.

Those who have witnessed the most terrifying scene of the stars will only have two choices, either to make fun of themselves in self-defeating, or to try their best to break all their lower limits and find a way to break the game!

Tony Stark, he is undoubtedly the latter.

His strong subjective initiative and his solipsistic character will never allow him to sit still.

His almost paranoid arrogance also made him think that he, who knows the truth, must protect the earth!

So, Tony once again broke his lower limit.

Following the restart of Stark's weapons department, Tony once again tore apart the restrictions he had set for himself.

He completely opened up all the resource tilts and terms and conditions of the Ultron project, and he even allowed Ultron... to kill!

Because that will be one thing that Ultron has to do in the future.

Those fragments of the moon, those meteorites infected by the darkness of the upper-dimensional world, they have brought disaster to the earth, and they have used the ubiquitous darkness to invade every person who is trying to gain strength from it.

Tony had to admit that, in principle, he couldn't understand Gen An's power at all.

That is essentially beyond causality, the product of all essential energies of the material universe, and it is the power of a higher dimension.

But that didn't stop Tony from finding a way to restrain them.

In the upper-dimensional world of Maximus, Tony knew that the energy in the ark energy furnace he made could harm these dark creations.

Obviously, the power to hurt those things is not simple electrical energy, but an energy released by the Ark reactor as a Rubik's cube isotope!

The design of the Ark reactor came from Howard, and Howard obtained the manufacturing method of this isotope through the decomposition and understanding of the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In other words, the only power that can expel darkness may come from the Infinity Stones themselves.

No, the Infinity Stones themselves are useless, they are just a 'window', and the essence of that energy should be the 'light' that shines through the window!

Tony pinned himself in the lab for seven days.

By constantly preparing Rubik's cube isotopes, Tony had to admit that he was in a state of incomprehension and incomprehension of the nature of this power.

But he did strip out the special 'energy' in each Rubik's cube isotope by stripping.

But that amount is too small.

If it's just a simple Rubik's cube isotope, Tony estimates that he won't be able to get what he wants by draining the Stark Group's resources.

So... he needs to study the material.

The only Infinity Stone in the entire earth - the Mind Stone that was shelved by S.H.I.E.L.D.

He must take it!

306. The birth of Ultron

"Tony's situation is not good... yes, I will try to persuade him as much as possible."

The haggard-faced Pepper hung up the call from Black Widow and let out a long sigh

not good? How could his situation be bad?

Tony's situation is now like the entire Stark group, and they may be in a state of being half-dead.

After such a big scandal, the stock price of Stark Group has plummeted. When those predators in the capital market saw an opportunity, why didn't they rush to bite them?

There are also attacks on Stark Group by public opinion, and even turned into personal attacks on Stark Group employees under the guidance of many people!

Now Xiao Chili doesn't even dare to go out by herself, because she is sure that she will be attacked by those "superpowers".

Many Stark Group employees who survived being attacked by those superpowers often can only quit their jobs in fear, and the lawsuit against them is not going well.

The judiciary is now unanimously hostile to the Stark group, both the public prosecutors and the lawyers.

Even the team of lawyers raised by the Stark Group with a lot of money can be said to be doing nothing under the open favor of these judges.

Because the Stark group has offended too many people, because the Stark group is now weak.

The whole of America wants to pounce on Stark's flesh and blood.

As the executive CEO, Chili Pepper felt extremely haggard and angry.

She knows better than anyone how much Tony has sacrificed to protect the United States and the world, but they don't see his efforts at all, only his mistakes!

And those disgusting, red fruit benefits!

Of course, all of this is not the point. The biggest problem is always that Tony is unwilling to show up to preside over the overall situation. Even if Little Pepper is capable, if Tony is unwilling to show up, there is nothing he can do.

Little Pepper sighed, and at this moment, the specially set bell rang.

"Tony? You're finally willing to come out of the lab?!"

Xiao Chili answered the phone without hesitation and shouted in surprise.

"...Pepper, I think I can trust you."

Tony's voice on the other end of the phone was very haggard, and even through the phone, the appearance of Tony with a beard and haggard appeared in front of Pepper.

"I need you to help me with one thing, Pepper...I'm not questioning our relationship, I just want, a reassurance."

"...I'll do it for you, as long as you say it." Little Pepper was silent for a moment, then said very firmly

"Help me connect with some people, some people in the underworld." Tony's voice became cold and hard

"Imitate Master, Black Cat, Deadpool... Help me connect with the best players in the underground world!"

"I have their contact information! Many of them have been in prison myself! Tell them I'm hiring them!"

"...What do you want to do?" Chili Pepper's tone trembled a little, contacting these nasty black hands, Tony definitely didn't want to do an upright business.

"...I want them to go to Washington." Tony whispered

"I want infinite gems!"


bump! bump! bump!

In the minimalist-decorated room, Steve was pounding the sandbag in front of him.

There was a dull sound from the controlled fist thumping against the sturdy sandbag, and the more Steve distracted, the louder the sandbag got.

Finally, with Steve's punch, the sandbag in front of him was blown open! And looking at the wreckage of sand and sandbags all over the floor, Steve let out a long breath.

In fact, that day, he also witnessed the extreme darkness like Tony.

That terrifying scene was also deeply engraved in Steve's heart, and he actually understood...understand what Tony said and did.

Steve even thought about what he should do if Tony chooses to do evil for the greater good, in order to truly save the world?

Should he stop him? Should I stand up for my own justice?

Steve doesn't know, he really doesn't know the answers to these questions.

He is just a soldier.

Steve, who sat cross-legged, gulped down a bottle of water and wiped the sweat off his face.

Many saw him as a hero, as a leader, tossing the problems they couldn't solve on their own.

But he is just a soldier. Even if he accepts the experimental results of Dr. Erskine, he is just an experimented soldier.

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