He can think, but he's never good at thinking. He also considers some ideas, some... bad ideas.

It's been so long since he woke up that Steve couldn't figure out what his country had been up to over the decades.

To put it horribly, his homeland doesn't seem to be much worse than the Nazis.

Steve even pondered a question in his midnight dream, if he hadn't stopped the Red Skull that day, would the world be a better place now...

Thinking of this, the face he saw in the Shangwei world appeared in Steve's mind!

Without a doubt, his face.

Although haggard and many years old, that is his face. Although he never said anything, from his eyes, Steve clearly recognized something.

If that was himself, he was undoubtedly a self who had already surrendered.

A self who succumbed to reality, succumbed to something, and chose to reject self-righteousness.

He would never have thought about such a thing before, but now it is different. Steve Rogers knows his powerlessness. In this crazy era, the biggest crisis that people face is no longer a failed art student.

He remembered how he had seen Coulson die in front of him not long ago.

Even with the tragic death on the spot, Coulson was telling Steve not to avenge him. His sacrifice was deserved, and his death was inevitable.

From that time, Steve had to admit that with his fists and shields, there were some things he was destined to be unable to change.

Slogans and doctrines are shouted in the mouth, but they can only stay in the mouth.

Drop drop~ drop drop~

Steve's old man machine rang the old man's ringtone, he connected the phone, and Nick Fury's hurried voice of suppressed anger came on the other end.

"Captain Rogers! We need your help!"

"Loki's scepter was stolen, and a group of damned underground mercenaries attacked the laboratory in the Tri-Wing Building! Captain, do you have any thoughts?"

Steve's eyes narrowed slightly, he opened his mouth, and answered in a strange way

"No...I don't know anything."


"Millions of human beings live in this narrow land. They live mediocrely and die mediocrely. Even if the world is destroyed tomorrow, they will only live like insects."

Desmond, holding Loki's scepter, smashed into the night wind and looked at the city under his feet, and said lightly.

"Whether they admire you or condemn you, it's all just because others tell them - they don't know the truth, they just simply vent their emotions."

Tony Stark ignored him, just focused on the precious things in front of him.

The mind gem that shone with pale golden light burst out with more energy under the interference of some of the 'special energy' extracted by the Rubik's Cube isotope.

That is a very special kind of energy.

It can't detect any heat energy, can't analyze any spectrum, although he is pure white, although he exists there, but still like a ghost.

Seeing that he had successfully stimulated these energies, Tony let out a long sigh of relief.

As long as you can succeed, as long as you can get these powers that can counter the darkness...

"I like to document one different story after another, and since coming to this universe, Tony Stark I have met has provided me with a lot of interesting stories."

Desmond continued talking on his own without anyone talking to him.

"You're all so paranoid in this universe, tyrants, lunatics, heroes, your essence—not as **** as the one I've seen."

Having said that, Desmond looked not far from the floor-to-ceiling windows, where SHIELD agents were closely monitoring the Stark Building.

They are ready to rush in to arrest Stark at any time, because although there is no evidence, Stark is undoubtedly the most likely prisoner in the incident of the theft of the Mind Stone.

However, Nick Fury, who has the ability to search now, is unwilling to do it, and the incompetent or temporarily incompetent intelligence is watching outside the Stark Building.

But no matter what, Tony Stark's future can be said to be "worrying".

Desmond could even see it now that a mob of superpowers would soon be driven to the Stark Mansion and then take Tony alive from the lab.

Now everyone wants to pounce and rip a chunk of meat off the crumbling Stark.

Desmond turned his head to look at Tony. This guy seemed to be insane. The fear of the source of his own eyes did not destroy his sanity, but it messed up his humanity.

He's telling himself that he's doing the right thing again, that he's ready to sacrifice the few and finally make the many survive.

"So, are you going to succeed?" Desmond smiled with an eight-toothed smile.

"Yes, he is about to be born..." Tony muttered.

"My 'Ultron' is about to be born!"

Tony slowly walked towards his laboratory with the mass of energy generated by the Mind Gem.

There, a hideous mechanical body made of Zhenjin was sleeping quietly.

307. Death of Stark

Witnessing your own birth is actually an extremely frightening thing.

As you ponder the relationship between your mind, your soul, and your life, as you witness your own birth, the wordless fear creeps you out.

This is the case for Ultron, and for Ultron who witnessed his birth, he has never had such a terrifying emotion.

Because according to his 'memory' records, he was not born at this time.

Has your past changed? Did his presence have an impact on the world that he couldn't understand?

He was anxious and witnessed Stark's clumsy operation with his own eyes.

But he didn't see Stark put the Mind Stone on himself!

He was just clumsy, using the energy extracted from the Mind Gem to perform an operation that he himself could not understand and had nothing to do with science at all.

Tony Stark could not understand the nature of the energy in his hands.

It was the same super-causal power as Gen An, but Tony understood in a trance that this was the power that could give birth to 'life'.

As a scientist, it is undoubtedly irresponsible and incompetent to use an experimental product that he does not know the principle at all, or even has no definite evidence to prove that it can achieve his intended goal after application.

Perhaps only such power can make one's own Ultron perfect and perfect

. He has to make Ultron strong enough...

Tony shivered and put the ball of energy on Ultron's head and gently opened him.

The pale white energy seemed to understand Tony's meaning, and at the moment of leaving the container, it slowly entered Ultron's body.

Soon, the metal body 'moved'.

Without any internet connection and without incorporating any artificial intelligence, it started to act on its own!

Tony clenched his fists excitedly, he knew he had succeeded!

He successfully created a mechanical life! ! ! !

The newly born Ultron stood up in confusion. He looked at his metal body, and there was no sound coming out of the sound generator.

Ultron also held his breath watching this scene, watching the scene of his own birth!

Ultron's eyes slowly moved to his hand, and then slowly, slowly to Stark next to him.


His hand grabbed Stark's neck without hesitation.

Tony's face flushed instantly, and the strange force brought by the body of Zhenjin made Tony's brain hypoxic just by pinching it for a moment!

Ao Chuang's electronic eyes flickered with a slight red light. It was obviously a mechanical body, but it clearly revealed an emotional meaning.

Chaos, rage, irritability, madness!

That is not a soul with complete thinking at all, it is simply a chaotic emotional organization after countless emotions are mixed and intertwined!

Ultron, who was hiding in the dark, watched as he grabbed Tony Stark's neck, stunned for a moment, and then forcibly controlled his emotions that he wanted to shoot!

No, he can't shoot now!

He can't interfere with his own birth, he can't do anything to interfere at his very first point in time.

Otherwise, even if there is only one mistake, his own 'existence' will be greatly fluctuated or even erased!

Tony Stark grabbed Ultron's hand tightly, and his eyes almost stared at Ultron.

In order to secretly make Ultron, Tony even blocked Jarvis's detection route here. No one will come here, no one will know what's going on here...

Ultron couldn't help but wanted to shoot several times, but he was suppressed by himself.

He kept comforting himself in his heart, Tony Stark would not die, he would not die in history, how could he die at this time?

If Tony died here, there would be no possibility of him being born in the future...

Of course he doesn't care about Stark's life or death, he cares that if Stark dies here, there may be problems with his own birth!

That's not economical. It's a simple matter of affecting the present or erasing the current Ultron in the past. The two timelines that should have been connected to form the Mobius ring are messed up, and the chain reaction that it brings is unimaginable!

So there must be someone to save Tony Stark, there must be someone....


With a crisp sound, Ultron dropped Tony's body and staggered to his feet.

Ultron, who was hiding in the dark, looked sluggish.

Stark...that tough, arrogant, but also full of wisdom and talent Tony Stark just...dead?

How could this be? How did things get like this?

Ultron watched this scene in disbelief. His biggest enemy, and also the most hated person, died silently in his office.

He still died at his own hands!

He was sluggish, watching his past self squat next to Stark's corpse, and slowly picked up the Mind Gem he placed on the container in his right hand.

Then, Ultron saw the past self, the ignorant one who didn't seem to have a complete self-thinking and soul and put the soul gem on top of his head.

With the flash of pale golden light, Ultron saw the past self lying back on the machine again!

And Tony Stark, who should have died, was swept by a burst of white light drawn from the Infinity Stone, and then... he actually came back to life!

Ultron watched all this in disbelief, and now, what was shown in front of him was like an absurd farce!

what happened? What's the situation now?

It's not that Ultron's thinking is incomprehensible, it's just the fact that he guesses... It makes him feel that it may be better to remain ignorant.

But...witnessing this scene, he is not the only one.

"I saw your soul trembling, trembling, trying to forget what it saw in frantic self-denial."

Desmond, leaning on a cane, walked out of the shadows gracefully. He looked at the past Ultron lying on the machine tool and Tony Stark on the ground, and smiled at Ultron who retreated in horror.

"You already know the answer, don't you?"

"This is the scene of your birth, but you got one thing wrong. You are not a new life created by the Mind Stone - the power of the Mind Stone cannot shape a non-existent soul from nothing."

"And you have a complete soul, a soul that can be collected by death, a soul recognized by the universe!"

He glanced at the red-faced Tony Stark on the ground, and smiled maliciously at the terrified Ultron

"Why did I say so much, and you still haven't given me an answer? Maybe... I called you by the wrong name?"

"Mr. Tony Stark."


The Infinity Stones have the power to communicate the origin of the universe. As the remnants of the universe's birth, they themselves are part of the extension of the universe's rules to the material world.

So even for the five gods, the Infinity Stones have the ability to only 'cheat' in their own domain.

The space gem, for example, is able to move freely within the realm of eternity, the existence of the physical universe itself. And the power gem, which violates the law of conservation of matter and infinite energy, is a symbol of wanton cheating in the realm of annihilation.

Then there is no doubt that the Infinity Stone that can subvert the rules of death is the Soul Stone.

Inside this gem is not only a complete pastoral universe that is not bound by the rules of death, she also has the ability to shape a soul from scratch.

But the Soul Stone cannot save anyone, and even the Infinity Stone cannot save the soul that falls into the hands of death.

However, it is estimated that with the evil taste of this self-aware Infinity Stone, he will definitely tease the wishers who intend to resurrect others, and then leave them in their painful despair...

Stark's attempt to use the Mind Stone to create a non-existent soul is actually not wrong.

The nature of the Mind Gem is highly similar to that of the Soul Gem. If the Soul Gem can shape a blank soul that is free from the rules of death, then the Mind Gem is an existence that can shape everything that can be understood as "intelligent" power.

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