Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1033 Visiting the patient

"Later, after repeated trials, I found that using shochu instead of cold brew with water would have a better effect. The cure rate can reach more than 95%!" In fact, Zhu Ji didn't care whether Liu Bowen or Zhu Zhen found this method, he just Care about whether it works.

"But as the weather became more and more severe, more and more people were suffering from malaria, and even several marquises fell ill. I found that passive treatment was far from enough, and active prevention was the main priority."

"Of course. Prevention is always better than cure." Zhu Zhen agreed.

"Yes, but malaria is really pervasive." Zhu Zhu sighed: "I have ordered the Epidemic Prevention and Control Department to treat this disease as a first-level epidemic prevention. All patients must be isolated and treated, but it still cannot prevent the outbreak of malaria among the military and civilians."

"That's right." Zhu Zhen comforted his fifth brother and said, "This disease is very complicated and our conditions are limited. It is normal for some things to be unclear."

"No, I've basically figured it out." Zhu Xi opened a thick record book on the table, turned it over to Lao Liu and said:

"I first collected blood samples from thousands of soldiers without distinction, and then observed them one by one with a microscope. I found that the so-called malaria parasites can still be found in the blood of many seemingly healthy soldiers."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "Then after a few days... ranging from seven days to a month, these soldiers also became ill one after another. What does this mean?"

"Incubation period." Zhu Zhen said.

"Yes, the incubation period." Zhu Zhu nodded heavily and said: "I found that the incubation period of falciparum malaria is seven to twelve days, that of vivax malaria is thirteen to fifteen days, and that of malaria malariae is the longest, nearly a month. . During the incubation period, patients have no obvious symptoms, but they still have malaria parasites in their blood... At this time, one mosquito is enough to infect a room of people."

"It's really impossible to prevent it." Zhu Zhen sighed: "We can only work hard on preventing and killing mosquitoes."

"I discovered that it's not just mosquitoes, but also bed bugs, fleas, and the like. Anything that sucks blood can spread malaria." Zhu Ru said slowly: These little guys are the most lacking in the military camp. "

"Shave, bathe, disinfect..." Zhu Zhen sighed and said: "If that doesn't work, I will directly order that all soldiers and civilians shave their heads and bathe with sulfur soap every day. With the strictest requirements, everyone is ordered to maintain personal hygiene!"

"That's great." Zhu Ru praised, and then went a step further: "Of course it would be better if there was a vaccine like cowpox."

"No, don't even think about it." Zhu Zhen extinguished his thoughts with one sentence.

"Okay, then I will write you an epidemic prevention manual later. You can send it to the military and civilians and order them to follow it." Zhu Ru sighed, seeming to be very disappointed.

So much so that when Zhu Zhen wanted to visit Mei Sizu and Jin Chaoxing, he was too lazy to accompany them. Well, no matter how happy he is, he won't waste time on this kind of thing.


When Zhu Zhen came out of the laboratory, Pan Yuanming couldn't help but whispered:

"In fact, the prevention and control effect this year has been very good. After a year, only 10% of the officers and soldiers have become ill. The number of severe cases and deaths is extremely small, which is beyond the expectations of ministers and others."

"If I, the fifth brother, want to hear this, I have to call you inhumane." Zhu Zhen smiled and sighed softly: "The standards of benevolence of doctors are different from those of us."

"Yes." Pan Yuanming nodded, convinced.

"Prince Zhou is really a living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering." The first thing Mei Sizu said when he saw Zhu Zhen on the hospital bed was to be grateful to Lao Wu.

"Yes." Jin Chaoxing also agreed: "When I got sick, I was all in a state of fever and confusion. I thought I was dead now. Fortunately, Prince Zhou saved his life by rejuvenating himself."

"Why are you two so sick?" Looking at the two bedridden marquises, Zhu Zhen asked in confusion: "Just now, Lao Pan said that there are very few seriously ill patients, and you two are among them."

"Oh, it's all because of dragging." Mei Sizu sighed and said: "When I started to get fever, I was catching up with Yang Ju's siege of the city. How could I let myself fall? I relied on my body to hold on, but it ended up dragging me down. As the illness got worse and worse, the other side got relief, and I also fell ill."

"The situation of the last general is similar." Jin Chaoxing said with a wry smile: "I fell ill on the way back to help with Deputy General Zuo. I couldn't survive my return to Kunming."

"Don't do this in the future. If you are sick, get treatment as soon as possible. If it is delayed, you may not be able to save your life every time." Zhu Zhen told the two of them.

"Yes." The two princes were naturally grateful. "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will recover as soon as possible and come back to be at your disposal."

Zhu Zhen also told the two of them to take good care of themselves and recover from illness, and they must be thoroughly healed before being discharged from the hospital. Then he left the military hospital and returned to the Palace of the Prince of Dian.


Back at the palace, Zhu Zhen didn't bother to rest. He simply washed his face, changed his dragon robe into plain clothes, and then went out to meet Feng Cheng and the others.

"Brother Feng's father is my fifth brother's father-in-law, and Brother Xie's father is my third brother's father-in-law. Lao Pan and we are old acquaintances. We are all our own people. You are welcome. Come, let's chat while we eat." Zhu Zhen greeted. The three of them sat down at the dining table.

After the three of them thanked His Highness, they sat down to eat with him.

But the meal was not a pleasant one.

When Zhu Zhen left, Yunnan was calm, but only half a year later, it was full of chaos and rebellions everywhere.

The emperor had such a high opinion of Yunnan before, but he was slapped in the face in the second half of the year. With the emperor's temper, he would definitely not be as good as the prince. Otherwise, the prince would not have kicked him back to Yunnan just after he got married.

A few of them were prepared to be severely criticized by the prince, and even beaten to death to become the top soldiers. However, Zhu Zhen had always been pleasant and did not say a harsh word to them. However, the three of them could not really pretend to be anything. None of it happened...

After all, His Highness had enough to eat and drink, then he picked up the tea bowl and rinsed his mouth. Feng Cheng finally couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, you'd better scold us a few words. We are really uneasy if you keep being polite to us like this."

"Yes, Your Majesty, we have embarrassed you." Xie Xiongye said in a muffled voice, "You should punish us and vent your anger."

"That's right." Pan Yuanming was an old comrade who was re-employed. He couldn't look down like the two young people, but he agreed.

"Should I scold you or punish you, can Yunnan be safe?" Zhu Zhen looked at the three of them calmly.

"Neither can." The three shook their heads.

"Then it's over?" Zhu Zhen said calmly: "Why waste all that effort?"

"It will make us feel better if we can let the prince vent his anger." Feng Cheng said hurriedly.

"I know that the situation in Yunnan has taken a turn for the worse, and you are the ones who are suffering the most. It must be very painful these days, right?" Zhu Zhen asked, looking at the three of them.

"That's right." The three of them nodded heavily and said, "Seeing a good situation rotten away in an instant, the torment, discomfort, and self-blame in our hearts make us almost not want to live anymore."

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