Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1034: Chicken feathers all over the place

In fact, they were mainly afraid that Boss Zhu would peel off their skin... literally, they just didn't dare to say it.

"That's not to say, the situation in Yunnan will definitely recur. This is something the imperial court has already judged." Zhu Zhen relieved the three of them and said: "Anyone in your position will experience this. The key is to see Can we quickly recover from the blow, turn the tide, and restore order in Yunnan as soon as possible?"

After a pause, he added: "Of course we must learn lessons to avoid this kind of chaos from happening again."

"Yes." The three of them nodded quickly.

"Lao Pan, you are in charge of Yunnan and you are experienced. In your opinion, how did Yunnan end up like this?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"My lord, in my humble opinion," Pan Yuanming said respectfully: "The main reason is that the chieftains, native officials, and native chieftains were used to being native emperors before and could not bear any control. Even if the Yuan Dynasty incorporated Yunnan into its territory and established counties, It's just Jisi, who has always used native officials to govern the native people, and has never directly sent officials to manage them directly."

"Later the Yuan Dynasty returned to Mobei, and the king of Liang was alone in the west. He didn't dare to offend them. Not only did he not have to pay taxes and tributes to the chiefs, he also frequently gave generous rewards in exchange for peace." Pan Yuanming continued: "The result The local chiefs are being raised to become more and more arrogant and lawless."

"After we regain Yunnan, we can no longer bribe them as indulgently as we did before. We must reform the old and make the new, and restructure the system. Send troops to escort officials to take office, establish political power in various prefectures and counties, and let the chiefs and people understand that Whose family controls the world in Yunnan today?"

"We also know that this will definitely arouse their resistance, but if we don't establish the rules at the beginning and try to control them later, it will cause even greater troubles, so we still resolutely implement various systems. As a result, The group of local chiefs were immediately furious and immediately rebelled." Pan Yuanming sighed and said: "I really didn't expect them to be so anxious. According to common sense, it would take two years, and they would not rebel until they felt the pain. thoughts."

"The situation is different. The chieftains in the mainland knew how powerful the imperial court was and understood that the rebellion could not succeed. They were basically forced to have no other way out, so they rose up." Zhu Zhen said: "The chieftains in Yunnan are just like you said. Yes, I was spoiled. I haven’t been severely beaten by the court, so I thought I could still be like before, making trouble when I was unhappy, and eating sweets when I made trouble.”

As he said that, he smiled at Pan Yuanming and said, "Besides, you don't have to cover up for me. These policies and guidelines were all promoted by me at the beginning. Now if there is a problem, I am responsible. I don't need you to take the blame."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Pan Yuanming burst into tears of gratitude. He had never had contact with Zhu Zhen before and thought that all the leaders in the world would blame him.

I didn’t expect the prince to be so responsible.

"So what are they mainly opposed to?" Zhu Zhen asked again.

"The most important thing is to dispatch floating officials. According to the plan, the six most important prefectures of Yunnan, Qujing, Chengjiang, Lin'an, Dali, and Yongchang will all have floating officials; Chuxiong, Yao'an, Guangfu and other thirteen prefectures will have floating officials Served as magistrate, supplemented by local officials as Tongzhi and Tongpan; twenty officials including Xundian, Wuding, Guangxi, Yuanjiang, Jingdong, Menghua, Shunning, Heqing, Lijiang, Yongning, Wumeng, Dongchuan, Mangbu, etc. The three prefectures are mainly made up of local officials, supplemented by floating officials. The other ten remote prefectures are all made up of local officials for the time being." Pan Yuanming replied hurriedly:

"The chaos this time mainly arises from the prefectures where all or mainly exiled officials are established." Feng Cheng continued: "Song League belongs to the Yunnan Prefecture, Yongchang was directly massacred, and Qujing, Chuxiong, and Lin'an also rebelled."

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded and motioned for them to continue.

"Then there is the ownership of the land. According to the records left by King Liang, the cultivated land on several dams in Yunnan is basically official land. The land of the chieftains is mainly in the mountains. But when we want to take over the land and station it accordingly, , but they were blocked by the native people, saying that the land was originally theirs, but was just occupied by the Yuan army. Now that the Yuan army is gone, they naturally want the property to return to the original owner." Xie Xiong spat as he spoke:

"Isn't this fucking nonsense? We worked hard together, but now we are working for these bastards?"

"And what they said is not entirely true." Pan Yuanming continued: "For example, local chronicles said that officials of the Yuan Dynasty dug the Haikou River in Kunming Bazi, dredged the Mantis River, and lowered the water level of Dianchi Lake. This not only relieved Kunming's floods, but also gained soil. More than 10,000 hectares are fertile farmland. The paddy fields by Dian Lake were clearly newly opened by the Yuan Dynasty, and those chieftains can also be said to belong to them. Isn't this a rogue move?"

"As a result, the two sides inevitably had disputes. The native people were brave and ruthless and simple-minded. After a few armed fights, the entire government turned against them." Feng Cheng said with a wry smile.

"Is there any more?" Zhu Zhen asked again.

"Then there are copper mines. This is the reason for the Dongchuan Rebellion. When we sent officials to take over the copper mines, we found that the mines had been seized by the chieftains. We ordered them to leave within a time limit, but they turned a deaf ear. When the time came, We sent troops to drive them away, and the other party was well prepared, and then they started fighting, and the whole Dongchuan turned against them..." Xie Xiong said.

"I basically understand that whether it's official exile or copper mines, it's actually the interests of the chieftains that are offended, not the local people." Zhu Zhen said slowly:

"Then, can I conclude that all this chaos is caused by the chieftain feeling that his own interests have been harmed?"

"..." The three of them looked at each other, and Pan Yuanming nodded and said, "You can say that."

"What do the local people think?" Zhu Zhen asked again.

"It doesn't matter what the natives think." Pan Yuanming said: "The chieftains have a strict hierarchy. The natives are completely dependent on the chieftain. They obey the chieftain's orders all their lives and have no ideas of their own. They are actually the chieftain's slaves."

"You are right, but we must try to change this." Zhu Zhen said slowly: "The reason why the chieftains are strong is because of the unconditional obedience of the native people to them. To put it bluntly, Yunnan is still in a slave society, and the chieftains are Slave owner!”

"This is what my father hates the most. He has repeatedly stipulated that good people should not be forced to become humble. Those who were slaves in the previous dynasty will be freed as good people! If we can liberate the slaves and turn the native people into free people, then the chieftain will no longer have any support. Why are you so arrogant?"

"What the prince said is true, but this matter needs to be considered in the long term. We really can't act too hastily now." Pan Yuanming hurriedly advised. Just say that if you keep screwing around in Yunnan, you will be completely ruined.

"I know this well." Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "Even if we want to liberate the slaves, we must first deal with the slave owners."

As he spoke, he asked: "What tyrannical chieftains are there in Yunnan now?"

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