Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1045 Military Parade

This brightly armored army was divided into neat square formations. Regardless of whether you look at it horizontally or vertically, the ranks are all straight and straight, and every soldier stands upright like a javelin, rooted to the ground and motionless, and his murderous intent is so high that it is chilling!

But the most frightening thing is that this army has at least more than 100,000 people, but there has been no movement at all from beginning to end! So that no official noticed their presence before the curtain was removed.

The native officials never heard any movement behind the curtain, indicating that they had already lined up before the native officials arrived.

And nearly an hour has passed since they arrived, and the hundreds of thousands of people have been silent.

The chieftains have all led soldiers and know very well what this means - it means iron military discipline!

In this era where military discipline means combat effectiveness, this Ming army is absolutely invincible!

"Let's go to the viewing platform and admire the officers and soldiers of the Southern Expedition." Zhu Zhen stood up with a smile and greeted the earth-colored chieftains.

"Hey, good..." The chieftains hurriedly followed Lao Liu to the temporary viewing platform.

At this time, Fu Youde was neatly dressed, holding his hand on the hilt of his sword, walked up to Zhu Zhen, clasped his fists and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, the troops of the Southern Expedition Army in the provincial capital have been assembled. Please review by Your Majesty!"

"Let's begin." Zhu Zhen nodded heavily.

Fu Youde turned around and waved the order flag to the audience. When the soldiers saw the order, they shouted three times in unison: "Mighty!"

The sound is like rolling thunder, the mountain roars and the tsunami makes the viewers tremble with fear.

Then three trumpets sounded on the school grounds, and then the horns sounded together, and majestic military music was played. A thousand pacesetters wearing brass armor, red tassel helmets, and hunting cloaks behind them were divided into two lines and stepped out with guns in hand.

They walked in unison, and with every step they took, the hard ground trembled slightly with the impact of the leather boots studded with iron nails.

Every three steps, two pacesetters would come out and stand facing each other with guns. These selected pacesetters are all tall and tall, with a neat military appearance, and stand straighter than a gun. Although the local officials could not understand what they were going to do, they were very shocked.

When the military music stopped, all the pacesetters were in place, lined up in two straight lines, and a wide review channel was drawn in front of the viewing platform.

Then, there was an army honor guard composed of two thousand sergeants wearing red flying fish uniforms. First there was a huge dragon flag as the guide, followed by 160 dragon flags of various colors, each with its own clear meaning.

After the dragon flag were five hundred battle flags of various colors, and then red stirrups, yellow stirrups, golden locks, lying melons and other ceremonial guards... The local officials were dazzled by the sight, and finally saw what the majesty of the Celestial Dynasty is.

After the ceremonial guard, the soldiers of the guards lined up and passed in front of the viewing platform. The soldiers had bright armor, neat military appearance, high spirits, and marched in unison... Every step they took happened to be at a fixed rhythm. The drumsticks and thousands of military boots fell at the same time, causing the drum heads and the ground to tremble. It also made the chieftains on the viewing platform feel their hearts tremble, and the feeling of oppression was overwhelming.

Zhu Zhen also changed into a military uniform and stood solemnly on the parade platform, watching with satisfaction as the phalanxes passed in front of him.

The army had just returned to Kunming to rest one after another not long ago, and there was no time to seriously train the formation. He was originally worried that it would leave in a mess and not achieve the effect of deterrence at all, so it would be better not to leave.

But both Fu Youde and Mu Ying assured him that military parades are something that soldiers are already familiar with...Boss Zhu holds autumn and winter drills every year, and even the local military station will rotate them every three years, allowing soldiers to take turns to come to Beijing. practice.

Throughout the ages, the most basic training for soldiers has been formation training. How could Boss Zhu, a detail-obsessed and control freak like him, allow his soldiers not to even line up?

Therefore, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are all experts in formation. As long as they practice together according to the prince's special requirements, there will be no problem.

Now it seems that Mu Ying and Fu Youde did not brag. The formation of the Ming army soldiers was more orderly than he imagined! Moreover, the kind of powerful aura that can only be cultivated by conquering the world and winning every battle cannot be cultivated no matter how hard you practice.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of aura that even those who don't know anything about its glorious history will know that this is an invincible army that looks down on the world with a little knowledge!


Behind the infantry phalanx is the cavalry phalanx. The cavalry is the elite of all armies, and the Ming cavalry crushed the Mongolian cavalry. Their horse control skills were extremely good, and the thousands of horses in the team actually walked in an orderly manner without any confusion. The local officials were amazed to see them.

What shocked the native officials even more was actually the war horses themselves. They had seen before that even the Mongolian horses of the Yuan Dynasty were only a little taller than the Yunnan horses that they were proud of, so they were still very confident.

However, the Ming army's war horse Qing Yishui was tall and had slender limbs, and was on average one head taller than the short Yunnan horses. This was another heavy blow to the local officials who had seen the tall and powerful Ming army and their horses for the first time.

The number one enemy of the Ming army has always been the Mongols. If they want to defeat the Mongolian cavalry, they must have their own excellent cavalry. To cultivate excellent cavalry, you must first have excellent horses. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang paid great attention to horse politics.

In addition to inheriting the Mongolian pastures, in the fourth year of Hongwu, after Feng Sheng regained the Hexi area of ​​Gansu Province, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately ordered the establishment of a government-run pasture in this traditional horse-raising land of the Han and Tang Dynasties, introducing fine breeds from the Western Regions, and cultivating the outstanding horses of the Ming Dynasty. war horse.

After the breeding of fine breeds, the government adopted the method of raising horses based on households. Depending on the family property and population situation of the people in Hexi, different numbers of horses were given to them to raise. The government collected horses every year and sent them to the army for use.

It should not be said that the rebellion of the ethnic minorities in Hexi has a lot to do with this cheating Ma Zheng, but the effect is also very obvious. In just a few years, the cavalry brought by Mu Ying from Shaanxi were all equipped with such majestic tall horses.


Behind the cavalry phalanx, thousands of mules, horses and carts rumbled past the parade platform.

The local officials saw that the mules and horses were not pulling carts, but artillery carts.

They had seen artillery before, but they were used by the Yuan army to defend the city. This was the first time they had seen artillery vehicles like the Ming army.

Seeing that the yellow and black artillery pieces were actually mounted on wheels and dragged all over the ground, the local officials couldn't help but feel trembling.

The artillery has legs, which means it can be used to siege cities. They also saw something even more outrageous...a kind of artillery with a short and thick barrel and a huge caliber that a soldier could carry on his back while marching. This shows that the Ming army can also fire artillery in the field...

How can we fight against the Ming army? What a fart! It's better to just be a local magistrate and a local magistrate of a county. It's very comfortable.

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