Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1046 The most powerful deterrent

The military parade of the Ming army was not just as simple as marching in line, but also required a drill and review afterwards.

The troops under review successively demonstrated infantry battle formations, cavalry outflanks, infantry and cavalry combined attacks, etc. They also practiced tactics and tactics such as infantry bow and arrow volleys, spears, infantry, shields, and swords combined with assault.

But what shocked the local officials the most was the demonstration by the firearms unit.

I saw five long rows of Ming army gunners, facing a target wall made of three rows of clay pots.

Amidst the officer's sharp brass whistle, the first row of muskets took aim and lit the fuses.

Amidst the intensive gunfire, a row of muskets and arrows roared out, crackling the target wall and causing broken pottery fragments to fly across the target.

Before the smoke cleared, the gunmen in the first row withdrew, and the gunmen in the second row raised their guns again to shoot, then the third row, the fourth row, the fifth row... they fired continuously, and the guns and arrows flew like hailstones. , destroying all three target walls.

When the drill was over and the gunmen lined up to retreat, the local officials were still immersed in deep shock and couldn't recover from looking at the broken pottery fragments on the ground.

"The more explosive things are yet to come." Zhu Zhen reminded the stunned local officials with a smile: "If you are timid later, you can cover your ears first."

Good guy, when he said that, who would have the nerve to cover their ears?

The local officials were so appetized by His Highness the King of Chu that they all craned their necks and looked at the row of artillery carts, wanting to see what more explosive effect this grand finale could have.

Then I saw the driver untiing the animals pulling the cart and pulling them away. The gunners began to quickly load and aim. Six people served one cannon. They cooperated tacitly and had a clear division of labor. The local officials were dazzled and completed the preparations for firing.

When General Zhengnan waved his flag, Qianhu, who was in command on the scene, issued the order to set off, and the gunners lit the fuses of the artillery at the same time.

As sparks flew into the fire door, a hundred artillery pieces sprayed out long tongues of flame and thick white smoke.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, a hundred shotguns roared towards a densely packed wooden wooden horse a hundred feet away, instantly blowing them all to pieces!

The local officials on the viewing platform behind did not care to appreciate the power of this round of shelling, because they were shaken by the deafening sound of the artillery.

Many people covered their ears and shouted: "Ears, my ears!"

Before they could recover from the severe tinnitus, Fu Youde issued an order for a second round of shelling.

Now the local officials learned the lesson and covered their ears. Watch with wide eyes as the gunners push the barrel and turn the muzzle to the other side.

Then load, aim, ignite and launch.

Amidst the earth-shattering sound of artillery, a hundred solid artillery shells hit the brick wall a hundred feet away like meteors.

The local officials watched helplessly as the thick brick wall was smashed into pieces by iron cannonballs that seemed to carry the power of thunder, with broken bricks flying.

After two rounds of shelling, a brick wall that was about ten feet high and three feet wide was blown into ruins, leaving only a base of about two feet and broken bricks all over the floor...

The power of this devastating artillery fire completely destroyed the last luck in the hearts of the local officials.

The Ming army had such artillery. How could they withstand it with their earthen fortresses? Aren't they all like bastard shells, opened one by one?

Those Dai native officials who were counting on the Luchuan Kingdom to resist the Ming army for them had no hope now.

In the face of such terrifying artillery, even the most powerful elephant soldiers in Luchuan Kingdom could not withstand it...


In fact, not only the local officials were shocked, but even the Ming army generals were dumbfounded. They whispered:

"When did our artillery become so powerful? New style?"

"What's new? It's still the same cannon." Generals who are familiar with artillery can tell from the sound and flames of the cannon that the cannon is still the same cannon without any change.

"Then why is it so powerful? I've never seen such a thick wall collapse before?"

"You're stupid. There's nothing wrong with the cannon. Why are you saying there's something wrong with it?" Some officers had already guessed the reason.

"Oh, it's..." Before the word 'wall' could be pronounced, the officer hurriedly stopped.

He suddenly remembered that this cannon was not meant for him...

In any case, the effect of this shelling was perfect, bringing a perfect ending to the military parade and the Prince's Laba Banquet.

This can be seen from the fact that those local officials who were free and unhurried when they arrived were all arrogant and dare not breathe when they left the banquet, and the walkways looked like weak willows supporting the wind.


After the Laba Banquet, the Chief Secretary announced that the local officials could return home.

However, no chieftain dared to leave without hesitation. They all obediently asked the Chief Secretary's people to write a note and say farewell to the prince... which made the Chief Secretary's scribes make a small fortune.

Zhu Zhen took the trouble to summon them, but this time the interview was not as relaxed as before. His Highness the King of Chu made every local official blush and sweat. He pointed out the problems they had in the past year without mercy, and gave them tasks for the new year, asking them to come back next year to drink Laba porridge. , communicate with yourself face to face...

When I heard that we would have to come next year, the toasts all turned green, but no one dared not to come. All local officials who did not come this year were removed from their posts and replaced by new people. The prince's signal is very clear. If you don't come, don't do it. Even if you die, you have to die on the way to the audience...

But in fact, most of the chieftains are fine, because the prince does not force others to do anything. As long as they work hard, they don't have to worry about failing to complete the task. Even if you really can't finish it, don't you still have three chances? It's far from falling apart.

But for Na Zhi, the Tu Zhifu of Yuanjiang Prefecture, Daokan, the Tu Zhifu of Che Prefecture, and Etao, the Tu Zhifu of Jingdong Prefecture, it was almost like the earth was falling apart...


Zhu Zhen summoned the three of them at the same time.

The winter in Kunming is quite pleasant. The palace gardens are still colorful and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

The three chieftains could not feel any warmth, and they were all trembling with fright at the prince's words.

"I heard that the three of you are Dai people, and Silunfa is also a Dai person. You should be on good terms with each other, right?" Zhu Zhen met the three of them on a dry boat by the lake.

"Back to your lord, the Dai people are a large clan. The Dai people are widely distributed, and they are also divided into white Dai, red Dai, Dai Ya, Dai Na, and Dai Liang Dai Biao. It's not that they are all Dai people, but they are all members of the same family." Nazhi hurriedly explained. .

"Oh, it's so detailed, which part do you belong to?" Zhu Zhen asked with interest.

"Back to your lord, my subordinate is Dai Ya." Na Zhi said casually.

"The lower official is Dai Lu." Dao Kan said.

"The lower official is Dai Na." Otao replied: "The Luchuan Kingdom is dominated by Dai Biao and Dai Liang. Let's not say that we have never been in contact with each other. There is indeed no contact."

"Then why did Luchuan bypass your Yuanjiang during the two invasions of the north, and went to Che and Jingdong?" Zhu Zhen asked with a smile: "You three are so clean, aren't you afraid that Silun will be sad?"

The three of them were sweating profusely, knowing that they could not fool the prince anymore.

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