In fact, the three of them were usually not so timid. After drinking the prince's Laba porridge, they could no longer stand up.

It has been a few days, but the three of them are still buzzing, and the rumbling sound of sex is always echoing in their ears. They are always reminded that the price of playing tricks on the prince is something they cannot afford...

So Otao said honestly: "Back to your lord, the Si family has really been trying to win over Jingdong over the years and let us join him. But the motto of our E family is not to be rebellious officials and traitors. And Jingdong is so close to Kunming. Ah, if we surrender to them, the court may not be able to do anything to the Si family, but it will definitely deal with us in Jingdong, so there is no way we can follow them and become rebels."

"Okay, don't be a spearman for them. You are a smart man, Lao Er." Zhu Zhen nodded approvingly. Then he asked Na Zhidao: "What about you, Old Na?"

"Going back to your lord, Xiaguan was the general manager of Yuanjiang Road in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the prince refused to give up and entrusted him with the important task of prefect of Yuanjiang Prefecture." Nazhi immediately replied: "What can Silunfa give me? We rely on our Why do you want to mess with him?"

"Good guy, it's true." Zhu Zhen nodded approvingly. He really lives up to his name, without any distortion. He looked at Dao Kan again: "What about you, Lao Dao?"

Daokan is seventy-six years old. Among the chieftains who came to see him this time, he is second only to Mu De in age.

"Go back to your lord," Daokan said with sweat on his forehead, because Cheli Mansion was the closest to Luchuan Kingdom. And the most unclear thing is that the Yuangan Weiyuan Mansion to the north of them has been annexed by the Luchuan Kingdom. Now that Daokan is coming to Kunming, if he doesn't go through the territory of Luchuan Kingdom, he has to go through the territory of Babai Daughter-in-law Kingdom and go to Guangnan.

Under this situation, Daokan really had to explain why Luchanguo, who had a great appetite and tasted delicious food, did not eat this piece of fat on his lips in the car?

"Because they will definitely lose." Jiang was still very old. After a while, Daokan calmed down and said slowly: "The so-called Luchuan Kingdom is just the decline of the Yuan Dynasty. The Bagan Kingdom that previously ruled Myanmar also died. Sihanfa It’s just a matter of chance and taking advantage of the opportunity to establish a country.”

"Now his son Silunfa is far less talented than Nai's father, but much more courageous. When Sihanfa was still alive, he did not dare to openly abolish the chieftains in the area he occupied, and wanted to co-govern with them. Silunfa, however, took the chieftains Abolish them all and replace them with his cronies. How can those abolished chieftains not hate him? That's all when he goes smoothly and is strong, they can only swallow their anger."

"Once he suffers a defeat or the Celestial Empire becomes stronger again, those chieftains will leave him and even become his enemies. The huge Luchuan Kingdom will soon show its original shape." After a pause, Daokan said quietly: "Even if Before the Celestial Empire regained control of Yunnan, the old minister told his descendants not to pay attention to Luchuan's seduction. Now that the destiny has been restored and Yunnan has a heroic leader, it further proves that the old minister's judgment is correct."

"As for why Silunfa didn't attack us, it may be because we are all Dai people after all, and I still have some prestige among the Dai people..." Daokan finally said.

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded with satisfaction and said, "Lao Dao has great wisdom."

Seeing that they finally passed the test, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, what they said may not be true, and even Zhu Zhen could conclude that they were not completely telling the truth.

For example, Lao Dao in the car must have been in secret communication with Luchuan State for a long time. Otherwise, with Silun's domineering attitude when he unleashed the roar of tigers in Zhongnan and Shunchang in rebellion, he would have sent troops to beat Lao Dao into Lao Diao.

But there is nothing to blame. After all, Yunnan was not the Ming Dynasty a year ago. In the past thirty or forty years, people always had to survive and have a good relationship with the strong.

It is absolutely unacceptable to admit it now. Otherwise, if a person is charged with having an affair with Luchuan, who knows whether he will be cooked with Laba porridge?

Just like the young woman Zhu Zhen likes, you can't care about the past, the key is what will happen in the future...

Therefore, Zhu Zhen no longer dwelled on the past. He said in a deep voice to the three of them: "Everything in the past has been overturned. Now I have to compete with this so-called Luchuan Kingdom to determine who is superior and who will decide whether to live or die. Since you are of the same race, Remain neutral, and I can understand it."

The three people hurriedly said they didn't dare. Zhu Zhen raised his hand and asked them to wait for him to finish. "But officials of the Ming Dynasty cannot be neutral, so if you want to be neutral, you can resign your official position, close the door and become your local chief. I will not embarrass you."

"Our Na family will never be neutral. I also plan to pass on the position of Yuanjiang magistrate from generation to generation." Nazhi Kuairen said quickly: "Prince, don't worry, if Silunfa sends people to Yuanjiang again, I won't say anything." I told him to kidnap him and send him to Kunming. If the imperial court plans to attack Luchuan one day, I will definitely help him out."

"Hahaha, good!" Zhu Zhen patted the straight shoulder happily and said: "Perform well. As long as your contribution is great enough, when the work is completed, I will promote Yuanjiang to the military and civilian government!"

"Ah, thank you, Your Majesty!" Nazhi knelt down excitedly and kowtowed.

Ordinary prefects can only manage civil affairs, not military affairs. But the prefect of the Military and Civilian Government is the real prince who is under the control of the military and government.

Zhu Zhen also risked his life in order to divide Luchan Kingdom's basic base.

"What about Lao Er?" Zhu Zhen looked at Er Tao again.

The pressure on Ertao is actually much greater than that. Because the straight territory is not bordered by Luchuan River, the pressure is not so great when the distance is far away.

And Jingdong is at the midpoint between Luchuan and Kunming. Silunfa wants to go to war with the Ming Dynasty. If he doesn't surrender, he will be the first to hit him.

In fact, Silunfa has given Otao an ultimatum. If he does not submit to him within the time limit, his balls will be crushed.

Otao was a little hesitant at first. After all, the Luchuan Kingdom was too powerful and Silunfa was too cruel.

But this time Kunming paid tribute, he revised his understanding - the Ming Dynasty was much more powerful than Luchuan; the Dian prince was also much more cruel than Silunfa... Silunfa only abolished the official position of the chieftain, Haven't burned them as firewood yet.

"Me too." So facing the prince's wolf-like eyes, Otao gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay." Zhu Zhen also patted Etao's shoulder and said, "It's really valuable that you can firmly draw a clear line with Silunfa. As long as you perform well, when things are done, I will promote Jingdong Prefecture to the prefecture. You are also a hereditary and irreplaceable magistrate."

"Yes! I will swear to serve the court to the death and never let the prince down!" Otao kowtowed excitedly.

"Lao Dao, what about you?" Zhu Zhen looked at the last old chieftain.

"Haha, Your Majesty, I am almost eighty years old. Dragging my old body to Kunming for pilgrimage has already shown the attitude of our Dao family." Dao Kan smiled and said: "I, Dao family, are loyal to the imperial court. In the future, When attacking Luchuan Kingdom, if you have a mission, go all out!"

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