Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1119: Could it be the king’s ministers on the shore of the land?

After Dao Ganmeng and Dao Siyang's faces were smeared with yellow mud, Mu Yingcai announced that the lives of all surrenderers would be guaranteed, and there were no other promises.

Then, regarding these two clowns, he delivered a sonorous and powerful speech to everyone present:

"Two years ago, the puppet Luchuan regime attacked our Yongchang City, killed more than a thousand of our soldiers, slaughtered all the residents in the city, and fled the city! At that time, many people were watching our jokes and thought that we were the same as the Yuan Dynasty. , all have silver pewter spear heads, I don’t believe that Ming Dynasty has the ability to punish the crazy Lu Chuan!"

"So later when the prince invited a Laba banquet, many people present dared not come. Even if they came, many of them turned a deaf ear to the prince's words! After returning, they would either be passive and sabotage, or send tips to Silun, or even worse Or, they even acted as internal agents for Silunfa and continuously passed on our army’s intelligence to him! When the Luchuan Army invaded, they even acted as a guide! It’s really short-sighted and extremely stupid!”

"At that time, the prince said that the Luchuan regime would be wiped out within three years. As a result, we only used half the time to wipe out Silunfa and his 300,000 troops!" Mu Ying waved her arms and looked around. Those local officials and chiefs looked at Pan Zixiong and asked loudly:

"Who else thinks we are bragging now?!"

"No one dares!" Zuo He took the lead in replying loudly.

"Who else dares to turn a deaf ear to the prince's words?"

"No one dares!" Otao took the lead in answering.

"Who else dares to go against the imperial court?"

"No one dares!" All the local officials said without hesitation this time.

"Always remember, all the land in the world is the land of the king, and the shores of the land are all the ministers of the king. All the land and people in the world belong to the emperor! What is passed down from our ancestors does not count, and what we conquer by ourselves does not count. , only what the emperor gives is yours! Never get involved in what the emperor doesn’t give!"

"Yes! We'll keep this in mind..." Na Zhi took the lead in answering.

"We will rebuild an indestructible Yongchang City here! We will rebuild an indestructible Dingyuan City in Dingyuan! We will build an indestructible city in Mengmao! The Ming army will guard this land forever! Yunnan The land has no distinction between inside and outside, it will always be the land of the Ming Dynasty! The people on this land will always be the people of the Ming Dynasty!"

"So always remember that you are herders for the emperor, and you can no longer treat your tribe as your private property. Only those who can accept this change will always be officials of the imperial court and have a border! Those who cannot accept it should resign as soon as possible and go home. Don't wait until It won’t look good if the imperial court takes action against you.”

"We are willing to accept it." Daokan responded tremblingly, and the other local officials also expressed their acceptance.

In fact, similar speeches have been made countless times from Zhu Zhen to Pan Yuanming. They are now officials of the Ming Dynasty and can no longer engage in a slave society. To be civilized, you have to follow the rules of the court... But all the previous times combined are not as inspiring as this one, which is unforgettable among the local officials.

Even a thousand words and ten thousand words are not as convincing as a hammer with an iron fist. Violence is a language that everyone can understand!

The role of the army is to use violence to express the will of the court.


At the end of the surrender ceremony, Mu Ying, on behalf of the court and the prince, commended several local officials who had made contributions during the Battle of Luchuan.

The first person to take the stage to receive the reward was Etao.

The imperial edict of commendation said that the Jingdong prefect could persist in resisting the invasion of Luchuan Army despite being at an absolute disadvantage. After moving into the mountains and forests, he still actively contacted various ministries and persisted in the struggle, which greatly restrained the Luchuan Army that besieged Dingyuan City. He also took the initiative to attack and burned the food and grass that the Luchan Army had finally collected, which dealt a huge blow to the enemy's morale and effectively supported the battle of the defenders in the city.

It can be said that he has both hard work and merit, so the prince petitioned the court. In addition to helping him restore the Jingdong Military and Civilian Mansion, he was also promoted to Yunnan Zuo Shenzhen, Huaiyuan General, Yin Yizi to the Dian King Guard Baihu, and was given a bullfight uniform, and The prince's personal reward was countless gold, silver and silk.

After Otao thanked him for his kindness, the second person to come up to the stage to receive the reward was Menghua Tongpan Zuohe.

At the beginning, he made a bet with the prince that as long as he could recruit and surrender ten chieftains between Mengmao and Yongchang, he would be promoted to magistrate.

After this guy returned, he put all his energy into it and began to lobby for surrender everywhere, poaching Silunfa's corner. In the end, he really had two brushes, and with his sharp tongue, he conquered twelve chieftains. And they are all in the thousands-mile buffer zone from Luchuan to Lancang River.

It was precisely because the chieftains who were originally attached to Luchuan all surrendered to the Ming Dynasty that gave Silunfa a strong sense of crisis, which drove him to embark on the road of no return by gambling on the fate of the country.

So Zhu Zhen kept his promise and promoted Zuo He directly from Tongpan to magistrate of the state, made him a trusted school captain, and rewarded him with countless silver and silk.

Then, in the car, Daokan, the envoy of Xuanwei, Nazhi, the prefect of Yuanjiang, and Muchu, the prefect of Lijiang, also each received awards in recognition of their firm stand on the side of the imperial court and their contribution to countering the rebellion.


Naturally, there was a celebration banquet after the surrender ceremony. The heroes and guests drank happily. The sound of cheers and laughter spread throughout the military camp, and also reached the cells where Dao Qianmeng, Silunfa and others were imprisoned. However, they only felt the noise...

"Haha, why don't they invite you two to the celebration banquet?" Silunfa sneered at Dao Ganmeng and Dao Siyang.

After the mud head ceremony, these two guys were taken back again instead of being released directly as they expected.

"It's not that you caused too much trouble and had such a bad influence. Even if General Zhengnan forgives us, he can't show it immediately, otherwise his soldiers will be unhappy." Dao Gan Meng kept looking for reasons for Mu Ying.

"That's right, you said you are cheap too!" Dao Siyang also said angrily: "We have already said that we will besiege Dingbian City but not attack it. Why do we insist on attacking it? The result is good, it will make people remember it."

"No matter how mean I am, I never put yellow mud on my face." Silunfa is not good at being a king, but he is good at quarrels. He said bitterly and sarcastically: "You think you put yellow mud on your face? New grudges and old grudges. Can it be written off in one stroke? Just dream! Your hard days are still to come!"

"..." Both Dao Ganmeng and Dao Siyang looked a little ugly, which was what they were most worried about. And all the signs today seem to indicate that whatever you are afraid of will come.

At this time, the cell door opened, and a Qianhu brought someone to deliver food.

Today the army held a banquet, and they also added dishes, including fish, meat and white rice. Silunfa and his son had not seen meat for a while, so they immediately began to serve rice and wolfed it down.

Dao Ganmeng and Dao were raised together but they had no appetite and sat there motionless.

"Why, do you still want me to serve you? Hurry up and serve your own food!" The Qianhu scolded angrily: "Eat well before you go on your way."

Suddenly, even Silunfa and his son were too frightened to eat...

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