Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1120 Consciousness

"Go, go on the road?" Dao Ganmeng was frightened. He was proficient in Chinese and naturally knew what "go on the road" meant. "Do you want to behead?"

"Didn't General Zhengnan just guarantee our personal safety?" Dao Siyang became anxious after hearing Dao Ganmeng's translation.

"Hahaha!" Silunfa gloated: "Are you dumbfounded? Are you going to be buried with me? You deserve it!"

"Woo, I don't want to die..." Si Xingfa burst into tears.

"Shut up, everyone, what are you yelling about?" The Qianhu household said speechlessly: "Who said we are going to behead you? We are sending you off. Do you understand that we are going to Beijing?"

"I understand, they just want to escort me to Nanjing." Dao Ganmeng was relieved at first, and then hurriedly begged: "My lord, please do me a favor and send a message to General Zhengnan, saying that Dao Gan Meng has something important to do." Report."

As he spoke, he groped around on his body for a while, trying to bribe him. But he had already been searched completely, not even a copper was left...

Fortunately, Mu Ying's subordinates were very strict, and it was impossible for middle- and high-level officers who had worked for thousands of households to covet his three cores and two dates. The Qianhu asked in a deep voice: "How urgent is it?"

"It's extremely urgent, otherwise Luchuan will fall into endless war and turn into a pit of fire that no one dares to jump into!" Dao Ganmeng said in a serious and alarmist tone.

"..." Qianhu looked at Dao Ganmeng for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, I'll report it to you. But if that doesn't happen at all, let's see how I deal with you along the way!"

"Don't worry, sir, it's definitely possible." Dao Gan Meng's chest slapped loudly.


Mu Ying has always preferred peace and quiet, so it was difficult for him to preside over the ceremony today. So after toasting three glasses of wine, he left the banquet and returned to the Chinese military tent.

However, Mu Ying was not idle either, but took advantage of this time to meet Dao Kan, the Xuanwei envoy in the car.

"In order to meet the old man, Mu Shuai was unable to attend the banquet." Dao Kan came up and confessed first: "What a sin."

"It's okay, I don't like that kind of situation." Mu Ying waved her hand, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "It would be nice to drink tea and chat quietly like this."

"Hahaha, quietness cultivates one's character, frugality cultivates one's virtue." Dao Kan joked and said, "Mu Shuai is born to achieve great things."

"Hahaha, I was just lucky enough to be adopted by the Emperor as his adopted son, and that's why I have everything I have today." Mu Ying could stay awake and said, "Without the Emperor, I am nothing."

This made Dao Kan awe-inspiring. He had lived so long and had seen countless people who were so proud of themselves. He had never seen many people like Mu Ying who could remain humble despite being so proud. Precisely only such people can prosper forever.

After the greetings, Mu Ying asked directly: "Old man, you want to see me. Besides reminiscing about old times, what else do you want to do?"

"In addition to reminiscing about the past, there is indeed one more thing." Dao Kan said, took out a memorial from his sleeve, presented it to Mu Ying with both hands and said: "This is written by the old man himself, please Mu Shuai to read it."

"Yes." Mu Ying nodded, took it and unfolded it. It was written by Daokan to the imperial court, saying, "Please evacuate the Xuanwei Department from the car, and return to the car for military and civilian affairs."

When he finished reading, Daokan explained: "Although it is written to the imperial court, I feel that I still cannot report beyond the level. I have to show it to the province first, and obtain the consent of the prince, Mu Shuai and Lord Pan before submitting the letter."

"Why did you remember this?" Mu Ying asked noncommittally.

"Let's put it bluntly, because I know very well that the main reason why the imperial court and the prince appointed the Military and Civilian Mansion in Cheche as the Xuanwei Division was to check and balance Silunfa." Daokan said calmly:

"Now that Silunfa has been reduced to a prisoner, and the Luchuan Pingmian Xuanwei Department will no longer exist, then naturally there is no need for the Chexuanwei Department to exist."

"Okay, Dao Xuanwei and I are heartbroken." Mu Ying nodded approvingly. Daokan was right. The reason why the prince promoted Che to the Xuanwei Division was to divide the Dai people, create a gap between the strongest and second-strongest Dai forces, and prevent them from joining together.

Now that the strongest Dai force no longer exists, Daokan has become the strongest. Looking at the fate of Silunfa and Luchuan, could he not be frightened? It is estimated that if this hidden danger is not eliminated, Daokan will not be able to sleep at night.

He also said seriously: "The commander-in-chief is also asking Dao Xuanwei to dig into his heart. I know what you are worried about. Now there is only one Xuanwei Department in Yunnan. Everyone else is a government official. It is not worthy of being promoted to a military and civilian government. In short, It is under the jurisdiction of the Chief Secretary, and the superior of the Xuanwei Department is the Ministry of War. The province cannot control you. You are afraid that we people have some ideas in our hearts."

Mu Ying's words were very subtle, but they really touched on the essential issue. Dao Kan said gratefully: "Mu Shuai can talk to Lao Chen to this point, Lao Chen is really grateful. We Dai people have a saying, 'Don't lick' "Bench, don't sit in front of the door." I know that the Emperor, Mu Shuai, and Lord Pan all have great trust in me. It doesn't matter if I am the only one who comforts me for the rest of my life. But my sons and grandsons are here. What? Will it expand because of this and eventually lead to disaster? At this old age, I have to think about my descendants. "

"Understood." Mu Ying nodded understandingly and said, "Dao Xuanwei thinks far and makes sense. He is the blessing of the children and grandchildren of the Dao family."

He changed the topic and said: "But there is an old saying among the Han people: 'Think about yourself in the first half of the night, and think about others in the second half of the night.' You are avoiding trouble for your descendants, but the credibility of the court in Yunnan is also ruined... No one will If they think you took the initiative to ask for the dismissal of the Xuanwei Division, they will say that you were forced by the imperial court."

"The imperial court has never forced me..." Dao Kan quickly defended himself.

Mu Ying raised her hand to ask him to calm down, and then said: "A crowd of words can make a man strong, and three people can become a tiger. It doesn't matter what the truth is. People only believe what they want to believe. They only think that the court needs to deal with powerful enemies." At that time, I will give you a comfort messenger to coax you, and as soon as the powerful enemy is gone, I will immediately cross the river and demolish the bridge, forcing you to ask for dismissal."

After a pause, he looked at the sword and said: "Tell me, who will believe in the special favor of the imperial court in the future? I am afraid that the recipients of the award will also murmur in their hearts, these Han people must be weasels paying New Year greetings to the chicken - they have no good intentions. . How do you think the imperial court can win the trust of chieftains from all walks of life?"

"That's true..." Daokan nodded, thought hard and said: "The old man doesn't ask to remove the Xuanwei Division, but asks the imperial court to send officials to serve as co-presidents and set up a chariot guard. The old man is willing to donate the banna. , help build the city as a garrison station, how about that?"

In order to protect himself, he also risked his life.

"Well, in that case, we can go to the memorial and have a look." Mu Ying finally agreed. This is indeed a method acceptable to both parties.

Daokan's worries are very reasonable. In fact, the prince has already made plans to split the Xuanwei Division in Che Che, and plans to separate at least two mansions from his territory. Although he has the title of Xuanwei Division, he only has the strength of the Military and Civilian Government. However, as he just said, for the sake of the court's credibility in the southwest, he cannot take action for the time being.

Daokan took the initiative to invite officers to garrison, which seemed to be asking for trouble, but in fact it avoided the fate of being split up, and it was actually a profit.

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