Then Guantong revealed: "The night before yesterday, Beiyuan sent someone again and talked secretly with Naha all night."

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Zhen asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know." Guantong shook his head and said, "Before Naha had time to tell me, the news of the fall of Fuhei Mountain came over."

After a pause, he continued: "I only know that the person who came is Manzi, the Taibao of the Northern Yuan Dynasty."

"Oh?" Zhu Zhen was also familiar with Bei Yuan's situation, and knew that this man and Harazhang were the right-hand men of the Bei Yuan Emperor. "He actually came to find Naha. It seems that Emperor Beiyuan is in a hurry."

"Yes." Guantong hesitated for a moment and then whispered: "Furthermore, I deduce that the barbarian is looking for Naha, so I'd probably advise him to go north."

"Yes, you can't make a special trip to inform him that the heavenly soldiers are not coming, right?" Zhu Zhen had a smile on his face again.

"You're called a barbarian, so you're definitely not that polite." Fu Youde joked.

The two of them burst into laughter, and Guan Tong also laughed with them.

After finishing laughing, Zhu Zhen stretched out two fingers and said: "Two questions. One is, will Naha go north for a meeting?"

"Probably not. When Timur was alive, the small court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty wanted Naha to go north. Naha would have to leave early." Guantong replied: "Just after the Battle of Horqin, he He also summoned all the princes to discuss the matter and personally rejected the proposal to go north. "

"What is his main concern?" Fu Youde asked.

"There are many concerns. For example, it is hard to leave his hometown. If he goes to Mobei, he will never be able to return to the Northeast in his life. Also, his qualifications are not as good as those of Manzi and Halazhang. He will be ranked third at most, and there are others above him. The emperor, the prince's group of people can suppress him. By then, most of the tribes he brings will be poached by the superiors." Guantong said:

"Besides, he has to fight with Yesudiel. He is afraid of becoming cannon fodder. In any case, he is unwilling in every possible way."

"But now and then, does he still have a choice now?" Fu Youde asked.

"There are options, he can also surrender to the Ming Dynasty." Guantong replied: "Mobei is a place where the jungle is pure prey. As long as I bring enough people over and weaken him to a certain extent, he will completely give up the idea of ​​going north. We can only surrender to the Ming Dynasty."

"Yeah." Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "That's the truth."

After speaking, he asked: "Second question, in your opinion, where are the Beiyuan Royal Court and their 100,000 troops now?"

"It's hard to say." Guantong said cautiously: "The location of Wang Ting has always been the top secret of Beiyuan, and no one will reveal it. However, based on the time when Dibaonu and Manzi arrived, they should not be in Mobei now. ”

"Yes." Fu Youde agreed: "I feel the same way. They should stop at the area where they saw the Dibao slaves. Then send the barbarian to talk to Naha and let him go north."

"For such a big matter, Naha must be given a few days to think about it." Zhu Zhen nodded slowly, suddenly looked up at the two of them and said, "Since the Beiyuan court is begging Naha to go north, it should be waiting for him. Let’s go on the road together?”

"Yes, otherwise it would be too rude." Fu Youde nodded heavily and said, "You are already here, how can you show your sincerity if you don't answer him?"

"Your Majesty is absolutely right." Guantong also agreed: "The Northern Yuan court also knew that Naha was extremely reluctant, and would not be so naive as to think that by sending only a few people as guides, he could send his entire army north."

"So... Naha Chu should know where the Beiyuan Royal Court is now, right?" Zhu Zhen responded in a deep voice.

"He just doesn't know. There are also envoys from Beiyuan around him who know!" Fu Youde nodded vigorously.

"There was no envoy from Beiyuan around him, and no one was left behind when Barbarian left." Guantong shook his head.

"That's a place he's sure he can find. It has obvious landmarks." Fu Youde slapped his thigh and said, "Such as a big lake or a big mountain."

After saying that, he smiled bitterly and said: "Damn, there are so many places like this."

"So, we must force Naha to surrender as soon as possible!" Zhu Zhen said in a deep voice: "Brother Guantong, you should return to Qingyun Mountain now. I will ask the three kings to send people to go with you. This will be more convincing. !”

"Yes." Guantong responded happily: "Knowing that the three of them have surrendered, the others will definitely not be able to sit still. It will be much easier for me to pull them over."

"Well, bring as many people over as possible. Tell them that those who surrender within ten days can all be resettled in their original place! No waiting for later!" Zhu Zhen nodded.

"Yes!" Guantong resigned in a deep voice and left in a hurry.

"Let's also pull all the troops up and get ready first. When the time limit is up, we will go to hell and die!" Zhu Zhen ordered Fu Youde in a deep voice.

"Understood!" Fu Youde also responded in a deep voice.


Wulan Mountain is located at the eastern foot of the Qingyun Mountains. There are vast high plain pastures in the mountains. There are herds of cattle and sheep in the pasture, and herdsmen on horses can be seen everywhere.

This is the residence of the Wujiyete tribe. Later, the King of Liao settled here after he led the remnants of Wuliangha and Wengniute back to Qingyun Mountain. The originally spacious pasture became overcrowded.

However, after the fall of Fuhei Mountain, no one will complain that there are too many people in Wulan Mountain. Now there is a sense of security when there are more people.

There are people everywhere up and down the mountain, and no slightest movement can escape their eyes and ears. The King of Liao also issued an order that all outsiders approaching Wulan Mountain should be arrested.

So as soon as Guantong and his followers approached the foot of the mountain, they were surrounded by the Uziyet people.

"Zhalhaya, put down your arrows." Guantong took off his oval-shaped, wide-brimmed brown hat and smiled at the leader Uziyet: "Don't you recognize me?"

"Ah, it turns out it's the Duke of Guoguo. Didn't he say you defected?" Qianhu named Charha Ya said in surprise.

"If I defected, why would I come to you?" Guantong said with a smile, "It's just that Dadaiji wanted to harm me, so I just came out and hid for a few days."

"That Chahan is nothing!" Zhaerha spat: "If he hadn't spent all day drinking and ignoring political affairs, how could we have lost Qingzhou City so easily? If Qingzhou City had not been lost, how could it have been so miserable?"

"Oh, let's not talk about him anymore." Guantong sighed and asked, "Is your king here? I came to him to discuss something."

"Yes, I will take you to see him!" Charha Ya asked his men to continue to stand guard, and he took Guantong up the mountain and said: "We are all aggrieved when we heard what happened to you. Naha is old and confused. It is Zhong. I can’t tell the difference between a traitor and a traitor, and I deserve to end up in this situation.”

As he spoke, he spat again: "But he took us all into the ditch."

"Well, who says it's not the case?" Guantong nodded and talked to him casually.

When he arrived outside the king's tent, he saw that Azasili had already received the news and was waiting at the door.

"Haha, the prince is so funny. He didn't forget to help his brother when he got ashore." Azashili laughed and took his horse's reins, personally helping him to dismount.

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