Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1296 Jumping off the ship

These Mongolian princes are all very smart. When Naha was still able to resist stubbornly, they tried their best to contact the Ming army. Now seeing that he is in danger, naturally he must jump ship even more resolutely.

Guantong left and came back, obviously he came back to persuade him to surrender. Otherwise, what else can you do?

Azashili didn't follow him in circles and directly pointed out his purpose. Now one is willing to buy and the other is willing to sell, it all depends on the price Ming Jun offers.

"The prince over there asked me to bring a message to your Majesty. Within ten days, the whole family can come to submit and resettle in place." Guantong also said straight to the point: "We will not wait until the time comes."

"What do you think of this condition?" Aza asked noncommittally.

"Excellent." Guantong said: "The Taiwei asked me to talk to the Ming army for so long, and I have been stuck there, just stuck on this matter... The Taiwei wanted to settle in place, but the Ming army refused at first. Later, he finally relented, but he was only willing to give him a piece of land on Quan Ning Road, which was much smaller than what the captain wanted, so the negotiation broke down. "

After a pause, he said to Azasili: "Now that Ming Dynasty has made a promise, it will definitely give us enough land. If Naha could be given this condition, he would have voted long ago."

"Hmm." Azashili nodded, and said a little worriedly: "The people of the Ming Dynasty have always been cunning. Could it be that we passed by and then refused to admit it?"

"No way." Guantong shook his head and said: "Your Majesty has read history books, so he naturally knows the principle of buying horse bones for a thousand gold. If that prince breaks his promise or cheats us, don't expect anyone to surrender in the future. ”

After a pause, he smiled again and said: "If your Majesty is really worried, just take your clan members there quickly. The first one to go will definitely get the best treatment."

"Hmm..." Azashili nodded again: "I went late, and the good seats were taken away by others."

Guantong saw that Azasili had already considered this, so he knew that he had already made a calculation in his heart. But he wasn't too excited, indicating that he still had some concerns.

"Your Majesty, are you worried that you won't be able to explain to your clan members?" he asked.

"Yes." Azasili sighed and said: "We suffered too heavy losses in the Horqin battle. Almost every family in the Wengniute tribe and the Ulliangha tribe wears mourning. Even if I want to surrender, I can't talk to the tribe. !”

"Your Majesty is actually too worried." Guantong said in a deep voice: "The Ming army killed many of us, but we also killed many Ming people. Since we chose hostility, of course we have to bear the price of hostility. Now both sides With such a disparity in strength, how many clan members are willing to continue to die in vain? "

"..." Azali lowered his head sadly and said, "This battle is indeed unwinnable."

"Furthermore, I have had more contact with the people below and understand their thoughts better. They have long since stopped fighting the Ming army and just want to live peacefully." Guantong continued:

"Especially after the opening of the border trade, as long as you submit, you can exchange cattle and sheep for various necessities, and no one is willing to risk their lives for robbery."

"To put it bluntly, the needs of the lower class are very low, as long as they can survive. It's us who have too high demands that hold them back." Guantong sighed and said, "As long as the king can stand in their shoes Just think about it and you will know that they will definitely agree to surrender.”

"Then let me give it a try?" Azashili glanced at Guantong.

"If they don't agree, your Majesty will put all the blame on me." Guantong said with a confident smile, "But I believe they won't."


Azasili then ordered people to gather people from the three tribes.

In the evening, more than 40,000 men from the three tribes of Wuliangha gathered in the grassland of Wulan Mountain to listen to the king's instructions.

"...The current situation is like this," Azashili first informed the clansmen of the latest battle situation, especially the news of the surrender of the three kings, and then said in a serious tone: "And the imperial reinforcements will not come. They have been The Ming army was too frightened to go south. "

"Ah..." The tribesmen looked at each other. They could sense from clues that the war situation was corrupted, but they didn't expect it to be so corrupted.

"Naha's defeat has been decided. We must choose whether to bury him with him or find a way to survive for ourselves so that our tribe can continue." Azashili said and looked at the tribesmen to observe their reactions.

"Of course he's going to live!" the tribesmen replied in all directions, and no one said they wanted to be buried with him.

In fact, those who spoke were mainly the Wujiyete tribe. After seeing the tragic situation of Wengniute and the remnants of Ulyanha, how could they still have the courage to fight the Ming army? The people in the other two films were originally small, but their souls were knocked out, and they basically remained silent.

But as long as they don't object fiercely, the King of Liao will have the final say.

Azashili glanced at Guantong and really let him speak. Then he continued with peace of mind: "It seems that everyone has come together with me. We have shed all our blood for Dayuan and have a clear conscience. Now it is time to put aside our hatred and focus on the survival of the three tribes."

"The Duke of Guoguo is now the special envoy of the Ming Dynasty. He brought the conditions offered by the Ming Dynasty - as long as we surrender within ten days, we can resettle in the original place, and then we can graze and have children in peace, and we no longer have to fight to the death. What is missing? You can directly exchange it for cattle and sheep, and you no longer have to cook meat in a leather pot..."

Azashili worked hard to describe the bright future after his surrender, making the people of his tribe long for it. Isn't that the life they dream of?

Even the silent tribesmen have light in their eyes. They have grudges against the Ming army, but not against Good Life...

Azashili finally announced loudly: "For the future of the three divisions, we must give up something. I will give up the title passed down by my ancestors, and you must also put aside your hatred and surrender to the Ming Dynasty with me!"

As he spoke, he said in a deep voice: "I wonder what you think? If you disagree, say it now!"

"Agree, everyone agrees!" The tribesmen replied in all directions, especially the people of the Uziyet tribe, who were all shouting loudly, and no one could hear them even if there were objections.

"Okay, since we all agree, it's time to pack up your bags immediately and catch up with the cattle and sheep. We'll set off early tomorrow morning!" Azashili finally said loudly.

When the tribesmen dispersed, the sky was already filled with stars, and the night wind in Wulan Mountain blew away the sultry air of the day and the previous desperate atmosphere.

Azashili personally sent Guantong down the mountain and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I don't know as much about my own people as you do,"

"When people are in despair, what they need most is hope. As long as there is a way out, they won't be so desperate." Guantong smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, let's see you in Qingzhou!"

After saying that, he rode his horse and disappeared into the darkness, leading a dozen of his men to the next camp.

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