On the red sea, dead bodies and burning wooden boards were floating everywhere. The sea breeze could not dissipate the disgusting and thick smell of blood in the air.

Brother Yu Tongyuan led the generals to the cabin of His Royal Highness King Chu, and knocked on the cabin door excitedly: "Your Highness, you can come out."

"Wait a minute." One of the guards inside replied: "Your Highness still has something to deal with."

"No hurry, no rush." ​​Yu Tongyuan said in his heart, oh, it must be Chu Gong. He said hurriedly: "Your Highness, please take your time. Being anxious is not good for your health..."


In the cabin, His Royal Highness the King of Chu looked sullen and was chasing Deng Duo's ass.

"Tell me, did you do it on purpose?!" Because Lao Liu had a black eye on his left eye. That was caused by Deng Duo's operation when the anchor fell from the sky.

"It's unjust, Your Highness. How could I harm Your Highness when I wholeheartedly protect the Lord?" Deng Duo dodged while yelling: "Accident, this is purely an accident!"

"Then how do you explain my eye?!" King Chu pointed at his right eye again, which turned out to be black and blue.

When he was about to go into battle in person, Dun Duo desperately pulled him back and closed the cabin door at the same time... As a result, he hit His Highness's right eye again. "Are they both accidents?!"

"It is indeed a bit outrageous, but this is really an accident..." Deng Duo said with a bitter face: "In such a crisis, how can I have the leisure to cause trouble?"

"Hmph..." Lao Liu thought about it, and then he stopped angrily and said angrily: "I thought you hated me for stealing your panda, so you gave me a pair of panda eyes."

"No, really not." Deng Duo shook his head and looked at His Highness. Not to mention, with these panda eyes, he looks more and more like a giant panda. He suppressed his laughter and said aggrievedly: "How about I also get a pair for myself? Let His Highness calm down?"

"That's not necessary." Lao Liu snorted again: "I have a broad mind, and I didn't do it on purpose."

Deng Duo hurriedly thanked His Highness for his generosity, but heard Lao Liu worry about it: "How can I meet people like this?"

"It's really a problem." The people around him were also worried. This appearance really damaged His Highness's image of being wise and powerful.

"Otherwise, His Highness will have his entire face bruised, so that the black eye will no longer be visible." Deng Duo said wisely.

"Damn it, I think you're doing this on purpose!" His Highness was immediately furious: "Come here, beat this guy named Deng like me!"

"Yes!" The guards swarmed up, pulled Dun Duo aside and beat him.

"It's better to cover it up." Wang Dayuan said: "I know how to draw facial makeup..."

"Get out!" His Highness saw that he had just suffered a serious crime and refused to let others beat him.

Then Lao Liu landed on Luo Guanzhong's face. Luo Guanzhong said with a wary look on his face: "I have no idea, don't hit me."

"Please lend me your glasses." His Highness said.


The cabin door finally opened, and His Royal Highness King Chu came out after calling for a long time. He wore a pair of black glasses, and a little eunuch bent down to support his hand as he walked slowly and elegantly.

"Your Highness, Xie Ke has figured it out..." Yu Tongyuan hurriedly asked with concern: "Have you eaten anything that is difficult to digest?"

"It's okay, everything is normal." King Chu adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the black lenses blocked his blue eyes.

The young eunuch beside him muttered something, and then His Highness slowly said: "It's General Yu and everyone else."

"Yes, it's us." Everyone was a little surprised. Who else could it be if it wasn't us?

"Your Highness is really quick-witted..." Wang Dayuan on the side sighed softly.

Teacher Luo, who had regained her chrysanthemum eyes, rolled her eyes.

"How was it? What was the result of the battle?" King Chu asked in a deep voice.

"Back to Your Highness, our army has won a great victory. We killed the bandit leader Fang Datong and captured the bandit leader Chen Shanghai! We sank and captured forty-six enemy ships - the most important thing is that the two pirates had a total of twenty-four large ships. They were all left behind by us!" Yu Tongyuan reported excitedly:

"The City Fleet has finally avenged its shame! The East China Sea belongs to His Highness!"

"Okay, okay, great victory! I know you can do it!" Lao Liu jumped excitedly, almost shaking his glasses off, and quickly held on to them with both hands.

"Bring that Chen...Shang Hai. I have something to ask him." His Highness had to regain his composure and remembered the question that had been lingering in his mind - why did these pirates attack him? Did they act on their own, or was someone instructing them?

If they had made their own decisions, how could the two pirates be so united? If someone instigates it, who is so bold?


While waiting for Chen Shanghai to be escorted, Zhu Zhen asked about the losses of the soldiers.

"The specific casualties have not yet been calculated. The losses of each ship vary. Some have hundreds of casualties and some have dozens of casualties." Yu Tongyuan sighed: "These two pirates are not ordinary pirates, and their elite level is not comparable to ours." up and down."

"Ten ships added up, there will be a lot of casualties..." Zhu Zhen said sadly.

"It's not too much. We are all used to it. Aren't we fighting for our lives in every battle?" Yu Tongyuan said with a clear mind, "This time, thanks to His Highness's new tactics, the casualties have been much lighter."

"In the future, we should try our best to rely on artillery to win and avoid hand-to-hand combat." Zhu Zhen instructed: "This may not be so pleasant, but it can minimize casualties."

"Yes." All the generals responded in unison, saying in their hearts that Your Highness really cherishes the lives of the soldiers!

"Why is your highness's pair of mirrors black?" After talking about business, Yu Tongyuan finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You don't understand, these are called sunglasses." Zhu Zhen said with a proud look on his face: "They can prevent light glare, especially useful at sea. I will give you some pairs later."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Your Highness." Everyone was very happy. They are now full of expectations for His Highness's new gadget.

"If you put it on, you will become blind..." Teacher Luo muttered in a low voice.

This pair of glasses is made of selected Tokai crystal and is carefully crafted by Ouchi craftsmen. But he was made to have Lao Liu savagely blacken it with candles, which made him feel distressed...

Moreover, covering up ugliness covers ugliness, but it also blocks light.

For this reason, Lao Liu arranged for a little eunuch to hold his hand and act as a 'guide dog', and also help him recognize people.

"Someone has been brought up. It should be the bandit leader Chen Shanghai." The little eunuch reminded him softly.


Chen Shanghai was tied up by Wuhua Da and escorted to the King of Chu.

At this time, one of his eyes was wrapped with a bloody cloth bandage, and his body was covered with injuries. Like a wounded beast covered in blood, even though it had been captured by a hunter, it still grinned and stared at Lao Liu with its only remaining eye.

Unexpectedly, the one who defeated him was such a fat boy. What made him even more annoyed was that the little fat man was looking away, without even looking at himself.

"Kneel down!" The escorting officers and soldiers kicked him hard on the knees. Chen Shanghai staggered to his knees, but still held his head high.

"Are you Chen Shanghai?" His Highness asked him, still looking away.

"Yes, grandpa is Chen Shanghai!" Chen Shanghai roared.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? My ears are still fine." His Highness said displeased.

"Grandpa, I was born with a loud voice." Chen Shanghai deliberately said loudly: "Are you also born with a cross-eyed eye?"

Then Zhu Zhen had Chen Shanghai beaten up...

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