Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 444: Humans are worse than birds

After the beating, His Royal Highness King Chu asked defiantly: "Have you learned to speak politely to me now?"

"Bah!" Chen Shanghai spat, spitting out a bloody tooth.

"Okay, he's still a tough guy." King Chu couldn't see but could hear him. He smiled and said, "I like tough guys. Let's do this. As long as you answer my question, I will let you go free. How about it?"

"What's the problem?" Chen Shanghai asked coldly.

"Who ordered you to attack me?" Zhu Zhen said in a deep voice: "Normally, one million taels of gold is enough to make you abide by the rules."

"..." Chen Shanghai twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a muffled voice: "But no amount of money can buy back the life of my father and my eldest brother!"

"Who is your father?" Lao Liu asked curiously.

"Don't ask questions knowingly!" Chen Shanghai said angrily.

Yu Tongyuan on the side quickly explained to His Highness: "His father is Chen Youding, and his eldest brother Chen Zonghai were both warlords in the late Yuan Dynasty..."

"My father and brother are loyal to the country and will not disgrace their integrity until death!" Chen Shanghai said proudly after hearing this: "A hundred times better than your father and those rebellious people! Bah!"

Zhu Zhen suddenly realized that Chen Youding still knew. In the chaotic times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty when all heroes came together, this eldest brother was unique. He was obviously a Han from the south, but he became a loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty and forgot about his ancestors. Together with Bai Timur and Dieli Mishi from the Yuan Dynasty, they are also known as the "Misandao"... Oh no, "Minsanzhong".

From the end of the Yuan Dynasty to the first year of the Zheng Dynasty, "rogue bandits" were everywhere. Chen Youding responded to the imperial edict and became an official in the Yuan Dynasty and recruited regiment training. Due to his achievements in defeating the bandits, he was gradually promoted and occupied eight counties in Fujian.

After the rise of Boss Zhu, Chen Youding led his troops to fight Zhu Yuanzhang many times, and once killed Zhu Yuanzhang's general Hu Shen. He has always been the most die-hard Yuanzhang faction.

Later, Zhu Yuanzhang sent a large army to conquer Fujian, but Chen Youding insisted on defending, but the Ming army had become an unstoppable force sweeping the world. Chen Youdang said goodbye to his subordinates: "The situation is over. I can only die to serve the country. Please continue to work hard." ’

Then he retreated to the provincial hall, tidied his clothes, faced the north and prayed twice, then committed suicide by taking medicine. The soldiers rushed to open the city gate to admit the Ming army into the city.

After the Ming army entered the city, they found that he was still alive, so they sent him to the capital in shackles. When Chen Youding went to the palace to pay his respects, Zhu Yuanzhang accused him of "ignoring current affairs and treating thieves as his father."

Chen Youding said sternly: "The country is ruined and the family is destroyed. If you want to kill, just kill. No need to say more." ’ Zhu Yuanzhang then executed him together with his son Chen Hai. Both father and son died calmly without any fear. He is a traitor with a lot of backbone... Of course, a traitor with a backbone is still a traitor.


"You're just praising your father, why are you scolding my father?" Zhu Zhen had no choice but to have Chen Shanghai beaten again.

"You son of a bitch, my Chen family and the thieves are at odds with each other!" Chen Shanghai had another tooth knocked out, and Youzi kept yelling. "No matter how much you give me, I will kill you!"

"How did you know I was on the boat?" Zhu Zhen raised his hand to signal not to fight yet.

"..." Chen Shanghai's expression was obviously stagnant, and he said in a muffled voice, "I just know."

"It seems that someone has revealed the news to you, and that person's status is not low." Zhu Zhen said lightly: "This king went on the expedition in secret. If you don't reach a certain level, you won't know at all."

"You father and son have caused so much anger that everyone has deserted you a long time ago!" Chen Shanghai gloated and laughed and said, "You have to go back and investigate carefully. If you can't, go to a big jail and arrest all the suspects, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well." .”

"Okay, stop pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here." Zhu Zhen chuckled and said: "You and your father are the same, just a dog fed by others. Oh, no. After all, your father is loyal to the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. , What kind of ghost are you loyal to? If you think you are loyal to protect the Lord, others will have sold you on a pound!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Chen Shanghai snorted disdainfully.

"Look if you don't believe me," Zhu Zhen pointed around and said, "Facts speak louder than words. You listened to that man's words. He took the opportunity to launch a shameless sneak attack on me, but the result was that the entire army was wiped out. Ten of my ships were safe! You just Have you ever wondered why this happens?”

"That's because you installed a lot of cannons on the ship, which we have never seen before. We were unprepared and suffered this big loss!" Chen Shanghai gritted his teeth.

"Haha, idiot, why don't you think about it, why didn't that person tell you this? We installed so many artillery pieces on the ship, and there was more noise than when I went on an expedition." Zhu Zhenyan said firmly: "It doesn't make sense. He only knows about it. One doesn’t know the other.”

"Hiss..." Chen Shanghai was indeed brought into the ditch, with a fierce light flashing in his one eye.

"So that person clearly wants to get rid of you with the help of me!" Lao Liu adjusted his sunglasses and said in a deep tone: "Although I am also very happy to get rid of you, but you are being used as a gun. This thing makes me very angry!”

"..." Mr. Luo was dumbfounded. Didn't His Highness use his body as bait to induce the other party to take action? Lao Liu's mouth can turn the dead into living things. How is it different from that thief Cao?

"So, if you reveal that person, I will avenge you." Lao Liu said sternly: "And I will also give you your freedom. Isn't this a good deal?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble again?" Chen Shanghai asked loudly.

"Hahaha!" His Highness King Chu replied with a disdainful laugh.

"Yes, you would rather smile at the seagull on the railing than look at me." Chen Shanghai said quietly to himself: "It seems that in your eyes, I am worse than a bird."

"..." The corner of Lao Liu's mouth twitched slightly, and then he realized that his face had wandered away again while he was talking. But he was always pretentious and continued to say to the bird: "Birds are free, and you are my prisoner, so you are really not as good as a bird."

"Niang Niang..." Chen Shanghai was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"You think about it," Zhu Zhen waved his hand and said, "Before returning to the capital, give me an answer and my promise will be counted."

The guards took Chen Shanghai down to the cell in the bilge; and the seagull on the railing spread its wings and flew into the free sky.

'I am indeed not as good as a bird...' Chen Shanghai took one last look and saw that the sky where seagulls were flying was cut off by the hatch cover.


After interrogating Chen Shanghai, His Royal Highness King Chu asked Teacher Luo to watch him outside on the grounds of seasickness, while he hid in the cabin and never showed up again. Anyway, the follow-up matters have been arranged long ago, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Later in the evening, Luo Guanzhong came in and reported that all the gold handed over to the pirates had been recovered. Not only was one million taels a lot, but a total of more than 200,000 gold, silver, copper coins, jewelry and jade were also found from the captured pirate ships. two.

Wang Dayuan knew this business very well and explained that this was because the pirates did not trust each other. Therefore, unless you have your own family in your hometown, you are accustomed to carry your Xinrui with you when you go out to sea to avoid being stolen.

His Royal Highness, King Chu, rubbed his eyes with eggs and said with emotion: "That's really fucking rich..."

"Yes, after deducting the casualty pensions and the silver rewards given to the soldiers, the remaining money is enough for His Highness to repay the capital." Teacher Luo calculated the accounts very fast, and he kept all the costs of buying ships and building artillery in his mind.

"Yes, but you have to improve your thinking. How can you spend your own money on business? Isn't it nice to spend other people's money?" Zhu Zhen laughed.

"..." Teacher Luo finally resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Then he reported: "In addition, the lairs of two pirates have been found out from the prisoners' mouths."

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