Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 709 The guy named Hu is crazy

Hu Weiyong had no choice but to educate these illiterate people on the spot and tell them that a coup refers to an action by a small number of people at the top of the regime to seize power by conspiring and using local means such as forcing the palace, assassination or mutiny.

For example, the Tang Dynasty’s Xuanwu Gate Incident, the Tang Dynasty’s Shenlong Coup, the Tang Dynasty’s Tanglong Coup, the Tang Dynasty’s Manna Incident…

After hearing this, the eight people suddenly realized: "I just want to find a way to kill the emperor."

They were completely silent.

Nima, this isn’t easy either...

But I still have to admit that this is indeed simpler than starting a rebellion. It's almost the difference between nightmare difficulty and purgatory difficulty.

"Then what should we do specifically?" Li Cunyi asked, swallowing his saliva.

"Coup d'état is about suddenness, when the opponent is unprepared, or when the defense is lax, a sudden blow is fatal. It is the weak defeating the strong, and the only way to overcome it." Hu Weiyong has been lying at home for the past two months, just thinking about this matter. Okay, now I am naturally confident:

"So before the coup, you don't need too much power. You just need to be able to contact the emperor, and even arrange an assassin to solve the problem. You don't need to worry about this, I will arrange it myself."

"It's not enough to kill the emperor, there is also the prince." Wu Liang said worriedly: "There are even the fourth and sixth sons. As well as the third son in Taiyuan and the second son in Xi'an, these princes have all grown up, Lao Zhu Family is not easy to deal with.”

"The prince must be killed together." Hu Weiyong said solemnly:

"That's why I said that the person in charge is a great master of rebellion, but he is no longer good at coups - in a mature dynasty, the prince is the prince, and he should try to live in two separate places with the emperor. In this way, if something goes wrong on one side, there will be another side who can take charge of the overall situation. . But the emperor takes the prince with him wherever he goes, which gives us the opportunity to finish everything."

"Yes." Everyone nodded. The emperor really liked having the prince accompany him, euphemistically calling it 'more experience'.

"As for those princes, no matter how high their status is, they are not kings, but ministers like us. The coup is successful, I have many ways to deal with them." Hu Weiyong continued:

"This brings us to the most troublesome post-coup situation - before the coup, you can ignore hard power, win by surprise, and use small things to achieve greater gains. But if you want to preserve the results of the coup and successfully take over power, you still have to see whether the military and officials support it."

"Why are you coming back again..." The monkeys were a little confused.

"How could it come back?" Hu Weiyong said speechlessly:

"When the Emperor and Crown Prince are here, do you need to ask whose orders the army listens to? A single order from either of them can make your army lose control in an instant."

"Yes." The monkeys also admitted this.

"But once these two are gone, who the army will listen to will depend on one's ability. Could it be that the army you single-handedly led will not listen to you, but listen to those princes who don't even have hair?" Hu Weiyong asked rhetorically.

"That's impossible." The monkeys shook their heads and said, "Even if we don't hold the tiger talisman anymore, there is no one in the army, from the commander to the hundreds of households, who is not our Gan'er personal soldier and a hard-core subordinate? No, he can’t be an officer either.”

"If the emperor and the prince are gone, no matter who holds the army, as long as we say a word, we can reverse the situation." Lu Zhongheng said boldly. Anyway, you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging.

"Right. Have you found that as long as the emperor and the prince are gone, it is like moving a mountain above your head, and it is much easier." Hu Weiyong said with a faint smile.

"It's really..." Lu Zhongheng and others couldn't help laughing: "The emperor gives people too much oppression."

"So your main task is to control your own army as soon as possible after the coup is successful, and then rush into Beijing quickly." Hu Weiyong said solemnly: "With the Marquis of Jiangyin here, the natural dangers of the Yangtze River cannot stop you."

"Understood." Everyone nodded and each thought for a moment. Wang Zhi, the Marquis of Liu'an, said worriedly:

"But most of our armies are stationed in other provinces, and the nearest one is also in Fengyang. Not to mention the time it takes to drive back to the capital, just talking about the seventeen emperor's imperial guards in the capital and the pro-army captain's palace, the total is twenty-two If the guards and horses are controlled by any prince, it will probably be a fierce battle, and we don't know who will win."

"There is nothing we can do about the Imperial Guard's Mansion. It has been turned into a monolith by Liu Ying in the past few years. Fortunately, he is a stubborn person. He only knows that he will be loyal to the emperor when he is alive, and loyal to the prince when the emperor is gone. But he does not know that if the emperor and the prince are gone, he will be loyal to the emperor. , so what should we do? When the time comes, we will also use a prince...such as King Qi as a cover, to ensure that he is at a loss. "

"As for the commander of the Seventeenth Guards Army, it has always been commanded by Marquis Jiang Xia." He then looked at Li Cunyi and said:

"Jiang Xiahou, like Wei Guogong and Xin Guogong, are the emperor's childhood playmates. It is impossible for us to shake his loyalty. However, he has always obeyed the advice of the Korean Duke. If the old benefactor helps to persuade him then, he will definitely be able to He pulled over."

"That's right." Li Cunyi and Yourong Yan said: "The old brothers in Huai'an all follow my brother's lead. He wants them to chase dogs, but they will never chase chickens."

He said with a wry smile: "But I'm afraid my brother won't wade in this muddy water."

"No, the South Korean prince must participate!" Hu Weiyong said with emphasis: "When the country is left without an owner, he will naturally return to Beijing to take charge of the overall situation. By then, the world will be in his hands - even the dethronement of the emperor will It’s all his decision.”

Li Cunyi felt angry after hearing this. Although he knew it was difficult, he still nodded and said: "I will go back during the Chinese New Year to get some fresh air and give some advice."

"Okay." Hu Weiyong meant exactly this.

When the monkeys heard that Li Shanchang was going to be invited out of the mountain, they were immediately excited.

"Okay, this is a great move! Lao Li is our leader in Huaixi. Once the leader is gone, everyone will listen to him."

"Only he can stabilize the situation, otherwise Cao Guogong and Song Guogong alone would be able to overwhelm us." Tang Shengzong said with a bitter smile.

"Song Guogong is one of ours." Hu Weiyong said calmly: "At least he will remain neutral, so there is no need to worry."

After a pause, he said coldly: "As for Cao Guogong, I will find a way to transfer him out of the capital by then. For example, recommend him to Guangxi to prepare for the recovery of Yunnan."

"And there's Duke Wei..." Wang Zhi said suddenly. Everyone immediately felt like cold water was poured on their heads, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became cold.

The Duke of Wei, Xu Da, was the first founding hero of the Ming Dynasty. He was already full of honors and status. If you follow them in rebellion, even if you succeed, you won't be able to reach your current status. Who would do this kind of business where you only lose money but don’t make any profit?

He is still the emperor's eldest child, his son and daughter's in-laws, a die-hard brother, and he will never be dragged over by them.

Moreover, Xu Da and Li Shanchang had been fighting each other since before the founding of the People's Republic of China, which was not something that the Korean public could suppress.

Once he hears the news and returns to Beijing, the situation will definitely get out of control.

When the monkeys were all gloomy, they heard Hu Weiyong say calmly: "It's simple. Next spring, the Duke of Wei will lead his army to fight deep in the grassland, and he will be away for several months. When he heard the news and returned to the court, the day lilies were all cold. ”

"It's good to be able to control the tiger away from the mountain." Wu Liang frowned and asked: "But after Wang Baobao died, the Northern Yuan Tatars were beaten to pieces by Wei Guogong for years. It was too late to escape from the north, so how could they dare to invade?"

"This is not difficult..." Hu Weiyong said quietly: "I will arrange for secret envoys to go to the royal court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and ask them to raise troops together, and they will be rewarded with the land north of Youyan."

"Ah..." The eight people opened their mouths wide and shouted in their hearts. The man named Hu is crazy. He actually wants to collude with Bei Yuan and exchange land for troops. Do you want to be Shi Jingtang second?

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