However, Hu Weiyong's madness does not end there. In line with the principle of "treating every guest and inviting guests at the table", he not only planned to contact the royal court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, but also planned to contact Nahachu from Liaodong, Prince Yi from Japan, Prince Liang from Yunnan, and even from the Western Regions. Chagatai Khanate...

Ask them to send troops from all sides to share the Ming Dynasty!

Even though Qihou Yili was crazy enough, he was still frightened by Hu Xiang's crazy plan.

After being stunned for a long time, Wu Liangcai stammered: "No, no, then we will not be eternal sinners?"

"Yes, regardless of whether it succeeds or not, if Prime Minister Hu's plan today is leaked, it will be enough to make us infamy for thousands of years!" Everyone also expressed embarrassment. They are national heroes who expelled the Tartars. How can they be traitors who open the door to the thieves? "

"What are you afraid of? As long as we win in the end, history won't be revised with us!?" Hu Weiyong sneered:

"It's like the emperor clearly relied on Mingjiao to rise to power. After he became the emperor, he felt that this period of history was disgraceful, so he directly labeled Mingjiao as a cult and forbade historians from mentioning this period of history. Nowadays, even though the people of the previous dynasty are still alive, not many people remember it. , he was still the leader of the Ming Cult!"

"What if we lose?" Wang Zhi asked.

"You're already dead, what does this world have to do with you?" Hu Weiyong brainwashed the monkeys and said, "It's all over once and for all, do you understand?"

"That's true." The monkeys nodded, feeling that the nonsense was reasonable.

"Besides, we are just using those barbarians to keep the King of Qin, the King of Jin, the Duke of Wei, and the Marquis of Xiping at the border. By then they will not be able to bear the responsibility of abandoning the defense of the country, and they will definitely not be able to return to the army to serve the king. This gives us precious time ." Hu Weiyong then drew a blueprint for them and said:

"When we cut the knot quickly and support the new king, everything will be settled - as long as they are willing to cooperate and jointly defend against foreign enemies. Otherwise, it will be like after the Sand Dune incident, Hu Hai's decree can lead to death Fusu and Mengtian hold an army of 300,000 men, just like Fusu and Mengtian."

"Can Hu Hai represent Hu Xiang? Will Wei Guogong and others be as stupid as Fusu?" Li Cunyi asked with a question mark on his face. After all, no matter how awesome the strategy is, it will only work if the opponent cooperates. What's more, Prime Minister Hu's plan is in doubt.

"Perhaps only King Qin can compete with Fusu's kind of situation once in 25,000 years." Hu Weiyong said calmly: "But do you understand what 'the situation is stronger than the person'?"

"Is our situation strong?" Fei Ju asked.

"Very strong." Hu Weiyong nodded and said with confidence:

"Of course, this is all thanks to the gift from the superiors - when he became emperor, he wanted to take away all the power to withdraw troops, and all the noble generals were in danger. Even Tang He and Zhou Dexing, his brothers who grew up naked, and The emperor's relatives, such as Song Guogong and Lao Wu, are very cold-hearted towards the emperor. It's just that the emperor has too much power and dares to be angry but dare not speak out."

"Yes, yes, yes." These words reached the hearts of the monkeys. They nodded vigorously and said, "If I couldn't beat him, I would have slapped them both."

"After all, you still have some old feelings, and you are intertwined in the army. The emperor is quite restrained towards you." Hu Weiyong said with a faint smile:

"Those gentry are in dire straits. The emperor must change the thousand-year tradition and not share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, but with the common people. This is the root of the incompatibility between him and the civil servants."

"Yes." Li Cunyi nodded with deep approval: "My brother also had a falling out with the emperor because of this matter... You said that the common people don't even know a big word, how do they know how to govern the country? We don't have to rely on the scholar-bureaucrats. Only then can we run the country well?”

"It's just an excuse for him to want to be a single husband." Hu Weiyong sneered: "The scholar-bureaucrats were not willing to accept it, so they went against him. However, the emperor was also very capable. He killed one group after another. He killed the scholar-officials as if they were afraid of becoming an official. Everyone avoids it.

"The most outrageous thing is that if a gentry doesn't want to be an official, he will kill anyone who dares not to give him face. I don't know how many of the princes in the court have no choice but to come out in order to save their families. Give him an official position. He also wants to get some yellow records, clear his father-in-law's land, and sell his armor. The swords and knives are all slashing on the gentry's bodies. Can they not feel pain? Can they not feel resentful in their hearts?"

"The resentment is absolutely overwhelming. Compared with them, we are nothing." Wu Liang and others watched with their own eyes as Ming's civil servants were chopped off one after another by Boss Zhu. None of the leeks in the field are cut like this...

"Even Yanshenggong in the north and Zhang Tianshi in the south are complaining about the emperor. It's just that the emperor has too much power and no one dares to make trouble." After a pause, Hu Weiyong gritted his teeth and said:

"Once the emperor is gone, everyone will definitely counterattack and take revenge! I also have a blood debt that my father and son must repay!"

"So, as long as Prime Minister Hu can let the emperor and the prince return to the west, the situation will completely turn in our favor, and we don't have to worry about someone counterattacking?" The monkeys finally gained confidence in victory.

"That's right, as soon as the superior and the prince leave, opposition to the superior becomes the absolute mainstream. No matter which of his sons becomes emperor, he must take a clear-cut stand against the former emperor's government, otherwise he will not be able to sit firmly on the throne and will be kicked out. !" Hu Weiyong said confidently:

"Now we know that we are not going against the trend at all, but following the trend, right?"

"Yeah, okay, do you understand? I understand." The monkeys nodded excitedly. Finally, Fei Ju couldn't help but asked: "Then who should we support as emperor? You?"

"..." Hu Weiyong twitched the corner of his mouth and said almost with a brain hemorrhage: "Why should I be the emperor? I must be a descendant of the Zhu family!"

"That's right, Hu Xiang wants to be Sima Yi." Li Cunyi said with a smile.

"This Sima Yi, your eldest brother is more suitable." Hu Weiyong said calmly: "I'm just trying to help everyone and avenge the murder of my son. I'm satisfied."

"Didn't we agree just now that we would support King Qi?" Wu Liang, the father-in-law, of course wanted to fight for his son-in-law.

"This is not important. What is important is that he must listen to us enough, have a bad relationship with the brothers, and be brainless enough!" Hu Weiyong said coldly.

"In that case, it must be King Qi." All the monkeys said in unison.

"Fuck..." Wu Liang couldn't help but curse.

"Okay, that's it for today." Hu Weiyong looked at the darkness outside and ended today's meeting.

All the monkeys drank up the Laba porridge in their bowls and then left one after another. All the bad luck disappeared from their faces, and their fighting spirit was rekindled.

Hu Weiyong stopped Li Cunyi again and warned him in a low voice: "Whether your brother participates or not is crucial to success or failure, but it is difficult for him to be persuaded. He must not give up until the goal is achieved. It cannot be just once or twice."

"Don't worry, I planned to go back and stalk him." Li Cunyi nodded heavily and said, "If he doesn't agree, I will report myself for treason and let him handle it."

"Haha, okay, with this energy, what else do I have to worry about?" Hu Weiyong nodded with satisfaction and watched him disappear into the night with a smile.

When everyone was gone, the smile on Hu Weiyong's face disappeared, and he sighed secretly, it was all a mess.

But there is no way. High-end conspiracy requires the participation of high-quality talents. If you can explain to these illiterate Qiu Ba what a coup is, help them unify their thinking, build confidence, and point them in the right direction, it will be a great success. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?

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