Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 806 Deposing the Prime Minister

"Yes, yes..." Kaiji originally thought that it would be good to save the lives of the whole family. Now it sounds like there is still hope for the official to be reinstated. His attitude becomes more humble and he asks for instructions: "Excuse me, Your Highness, how should I perform at the meeting tomorrow?"

"Oh, tomorrow, there will be some shocking news. As long as you stay calm and don't make a fuss." Lao Liu smiled and said, "Even if you don't say a word, we will retry your case."

"Yes, yes." Kaiji's neck almost broke, and he asked eagerly: "Then what if the official wants to behave better?"

"Then you have to cooperate and make the scene more beautiful." Lao Liu coughed lightly and explained what he was going to say tomorrow. His Royal Highness the King of Chu wants to lose face, and it is still a bit embarrassing to use this method to find a shill for the old thief.

Kaibutang was not embarrassed at all. He actually knelt down to Lao Liu and said, "I will never disappoint the Emperor and His Highness. I will cooperate with you fully!"

"Okay, okay, get up." Lao Liu happily gave him a hand and said, "Put down the burden and perform well tomorrow. Everything will come back."

"Yes, yes." Kaiji said with tears in his eyes: "Your Highness's kindness in rebuilding, I should repay you with dogs and horses."

"I don't need a dog." Lao Liu was grateful for his service and said calmly: "In the future, I will do my best to run errands for the court and use my intelligence and talents on business. This is the best reward for me."

"Yes, Kaiji is superficial." Kaibutang hurriedly respectfully said, "You must remember His Highness's teachings and serve the imperial court till your death."

"Okay, let's go." Lao Liu waved his hand. He had to talk to many people tonight, so how could he have time to listen to his high-pitched singing?


"Next one!" His Royal Highness King Chu was still very happy, and he was willing to be the first one to take care of him. A good start is half the success.

But he was happy a little early. After talking all night, there were only five or six people as unscrupulous as Kaiji. Fortunately, most officials are willing to keep silent in exchange for a way out for the whole family. There is no one who is stubborn to the end.

Because Jin Yiwei couldn't even ask for a confession from those who were really stubborn to the end. What are you threatening people with?

At the fourth watch, Lao Liu ended the conversation and went to the next door to see that Lao Si had already finished his work.

His Highness King Yan is not as eloquent as King Chu. He usually uses physical persuasion, but it seems to be more effective. Because there are ten officials on the fourth side who are willing to act as trustees.

With two people combined, there are almost enough people for background panels and child care. Those who refuse to bow their heads, let them stay in jail.

"That's enough. When the atmosphere comes, there will definitely be people who will follow the trend and agree." Lao Liu stretched and yawned again and again: "Is it easy to hold a court meeting? I'm exhausted."

His Highness King Yan was still immersed in shock and couldn't help himself and said: "I really didn't expect that the emperor father asked us to accuse us in the first place. It turned out that it was not for the purpose of setting off a big prison, but for this purpose."

"What's so strange about this? It's just a card made in the void." Lao Liu curled his lips and said: "As long as you are strong enough, you can just pick it up at your fingertips?"

"Yeah, yeah." The fourth child smiled happily and said, "I learned another trick."

Then he loudly ordered to the outside: "It's getting late, hurry up and wash them, put on their clothes and get ready to go to court!"

"Yes!" The Jin Yiwei outside hurriedly responded.

"I have nothing to do, I just went back to catch up on my sleep." Lao Liu said depressedly: "I've slept for less than two hours in three days, and I'm already getting angry."

"Can't you go to court?" Lao Si asked.

"If there's anything good to see, it's all been arranged." Lao Liu shook his head and said, "I might as well go see Hu Xiang and feed the mosquitoes."

"Oh, you kid." Lao Si shook his head helplessly and said, "Then after you finish catching up on your sleep, let's go take a look."

"What? He's not dead yet?" Lao Liu said in shock.

"Well, the vitality is extremely tenacious." Lao Si sighed: "But it doesn't seem to be a good thing..."


On the first day of July, Hu Weiyong's wild laughter had not stopped, and the Hu Party case had not been concluded, so the imperial meeting was held as scheduled.

In order to gather the ministers and ministers from the previous court, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the Jinyi Guards to temporarily release the civil and military ministers from the cells, and all those wearing shackles were also removed.

Their two highnesses also asked people to bring clean official robes from the homes of the Lords to put on for them, so that they could sit in court in a dignified manner.

From a distance, they all look high-sounding and quite normal. But if you take a closer look, you will see that almost everyone in the civil and military forces of the dynasty is haggard, and many people have bruises and swollen faces. It is really miserable and miserable.

The ministers stood in the familiar Fengtianmen Square, recalling the terrible experiences they had experienced in the imperial prison in the past few days, and could not help but feel as if they were in another world.

When I thought about going back to prison after going to court, I felt flustered and unwilling at all costs. Many of those who were unwilling to act as trustees began to secretly regret it. They had already sold it, so why did they still need to erect an archway? Isn’t this asking for trouble?

That sentence is absolutely correct. Only when you have lost something can you know how to cherish what you have in front of you.

If you want people to cherish you more, let them lose you again.

Amidst the mixed flavors, three whip blasts resounded throughout Fengtianmen Square. Hundreds of civil and military officials roared in the tsunami and knelt to welcome Emperor Hongwu.

After Emperor Hongwu ascended the throne on the golden platform, he first glanced coldly at the civil and military officials. He could clearly feel that they were completely submissive, and then he nodded towards Eunuch Wu who was below the steps.

Eunuch Wu protracted his voice and read out the edict:

"I sent an order to the civil and military officials: It has been ten and three years since I came to the imperial throne. I have been appointed as ministers and appointed as assistant to Bi in order to achieve perfect governance. Therefore, I established the Zhongshu Province to oversee the civil administration of the world; the Governor's Office is to oversee the military of the world. Government; the Yushitai was used to promote the discipline of the imperial court.

Do you think that traitorous ministers are stealing the power of the country, perverting the law and falsely accusing virtuous people, harboring evil intentions, and wanton rape and deception? Good words are tied up in public opinions, friends are used to show off evil spirits, beetles harm politics, and seek to endanger the country. For example, embankments are about to be destroyed, fires are about to burn, and there is a huge power to start a prairie fire. If the gods reveal their evil deeds, they will all be destroyed.

I want to move to Zhongshu Province and promote the six ministries to imitate the ancient system of six ministers, so that each department can do its work. The governor's office of the five armies is also set up to lead the army and guards separately. In this way, the power is not concentrated in one department, and the affairs are not left behind. What do you think? "

The officials all fell to the ground obediently and listened. The two major institutions in charge of civil and military power in the imperial court were withdrawn one by one. No one spoke out against such explosive news.

The emperor could clearly declare the decree directly, but he still took us out of prison and asked us what we thought. He was serious. I cried to death...

"You all tell me what you think. Speak freely. Those who speak are not guilty." Boss Zhu asked his ministers seriously: "Who is in favor and who is against?"

"I agree!" Minister of the Ministry of Punishment Kaiji went out and said in a deep voice with the subwoofer that came with him:

"The systems of the past dynasties are all adapted to the times, and the creation of legislation is a matter for the emperor. Since it has been issued by the emperor, it is actually a decree! The emperor is wise, and I fully agree with it!"

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