Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 807 Unprecedented Silky Smoothness

After Kaiji finished speaking, Zhang Du, the Minister of Civil Affairs, also went out to work. According to the script given by Lao Liu yesterday, he said according to the script:

"But I think that Your Majesty has to deal with all kinds of things every day and is overworked. I foolishly thought that it would be better to set up the Three Dukes' Mansion, and to honor the old ministers as the Grand Master, Taifu and Taibao, and to lead hundreds of officials and general affairs. His major affairs include feudalism, sending troops, selecting officers, and making rituals. , make music, etc., please report to the Holy Judge. The rest of the regular affairs should be carried out according to the rules, and the common ministers will avoid the danger of treachery and power, and the Lord will not have to worry about drama!"

"What you two ministers said makes sense, and I agree with you!" Luo Si, the Minister of Rites, immediately went out to express his position.

"I second the proposal!" Zhao Ben, Minister of the Ministry of War, went out to express his position.

"I second the proposal!" Xu Duo, Minister of Household Affairs, also came out to express his position.

"I second the proposal!" Xue Xiang, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, also came out to express his position.

In the blink of an eye, all six ministers expressed their approval. Upon seeing this, the ministers from various ministries rushed out to support the proposal.

The other yamen officials couldn't help but secretly scold the people of the Sixth Department for being shameless. Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, they kept silent. It had no meaning except to impress themselves.

In the future, Shilin will only say that today the princes in the court did not object to "abolition of the Zhongshu and the abolition of the prime minister", and no one will remember that they have remained silent.

Then why bother with yourself? So they also came out to support the proposal...

Later, too many people agreed, and the silent ones became a minority. Continuing to remain silent at this time is no different from objecting. I had no choice but to remain silent.

Everyone who came to court today wanted to survive and was not determined to the end. In the end, all of them were in favor and no one was against.

The fourth child was dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, the sixth child actually spoke up and agreed far more than he promised. I guess Lao Liu didn't expect that they would all agree in the end.

Zhu Yuanzhang finally let go of his hanging heart. He was really fed up with having the ministers unite to force him to go to the palace every three days, and now he was finally free from future troubles.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, he immediately ordered Eunuch Wu to formally declare the decree and tell the world clearly:

"Emperor Fengtian Chengyun issued an edict: Since ancient times, the three princes have discussed Taoism, and the six ministers have divided their duties, and they have not heard of the establishment of a prime minister. Since the Qin Dynasty, prime ministers have been appointed, and they will die if they do not turn around. Although there were prime ministers in the Han, Tang, and Song Dynasties, there were also many villains who monopolized power and caused chaos. politics.

Today, we have dismissed the Prime Minister and established the Five Prefectures, Six Ministries, Yushitai, General Administration Department, Dali Temple and other offices to handle the common affairs of the world. The great power has been returned to the imperial court, and the legislation is extremely detailed. From now on, the successor king will not be allowed to discuss the appointment of the prime minister. If the minister dares to ask for this, he will be given a heavy ceremony. Admire this! "

"I obey the order!" All civil and military officials responded in unison.

"Prince." Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhu Biao again.

"My son is here."

"Repeat the last sentence."

"Yes." Zhu Biao also said in a deep voice: "In the future, the successor will not be allowed to discuss the appointment of the prime minister. If the minister dares to ask for this, he will be honored."

"This last sentence must be recorded in the "Ancestral Instructions", and future generations must never violate it, otherwise they will not be qualified to inherit the throne passed down from us!" Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly: "Do you remember it?"

"My son, please remember your father's holy teachings." Zhu Biao responded.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also felt the emperor's unshakable determination and completely gave up the idea of ​​talking about it in the future...


Seeing that the work was finally done, Boss Zhu was so happy that his donkey face turned back into an amiable round face, so he started handing out sweets.

The officials heard him and smiled happily: "Okay, this shows that our ministers still know right from wrong and understand the general situation. It seems that except for Zhongshu and the Governor's Office, there are really not many Hu Party members..."

When the ministers heard this, they felt as if they had been granted amnesty. They knew that the Hu rebel case would not involve too much, and they hurriedly expressed their stance together: "I and Hu rebels are incompatible with each other, and I wish I could eat his flesh!"

"Hahaha, Hu Weiyong is still feeding mosquitoes in the north of Xuanwu Lake. I really want to bite him, but I still have time." Zhu Yuanzhang laughed. He had not been so happy in the court for several years.

"..." The ministers couldn't imagine what kind of brand-new gameplay this was, so they could only applaud and say, 'The emperor is too kind, I suggest you increase the intensity' and so on.

Seeing the success in taming the officials, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction and decided to give some benefits: "Originally, there was Zhongshu Province at the top, and the six ministers were the third rank. Now the six ministers have become the leading yamen, and the original rank is a bit low. We think we are all on par with the imperial censor, and it is appropriate to be promoted to the second rank. What do you think of your family?"

"I thank you for your holy grace." Naturally, all the officials can't ask for it. If the yamen is upgraded, everyone will be lifted up.

So this important court meeting ended with great joy.


Uncle Chengyi's residence, in the study room in the backyard.

"This is a successful conference, this is a victorious conference, this is a conference that redefines the relationship between monarch and ministers..." Lao Liu, who was full of sleep, said in a broadcasting voice:

"Through this court meeting, His Majesty Hongwu finally got rid of the omnipresent constraints imposed on him by the ministers in the thirteen years since the founding of the country, and gained the supreme power that all his colleagues in the past dynasties have dreamed of! He can throw off his arms and change his Ming Dynasty according to his own wishes. It’s coming..."

"Your kid just won't be beaten for three days and then go to the house to uncover the tiles." After hearing this, Liu Bowen laughed and scolded: "If your father hears it, he will have to tear his mouth to pieces."

"Hehe, I dare to talk nonsense with Master." Lao Liu didn't say anything harsh, and said with a smile: "I don't dare to talk nonsense in front of the old man."

"Hey, to be honest, I also admire the emperor very much," Liu Bowen also said with emotion: "Without great perseverance, great determination, and great methods, it is impossible to accomplish this matter. Read "Twenty-One Histories" , and there is nothing like it.”

"Yes, in the long history, it is quite explosive." Lao Liu nodded and said: "Since ancient times, there has been a king and a prime minister, and the king and prime minister are not separated from each other. The emperors of the past dynasties dared to think and dare not do things, my family The old man did it."

He said with a smile: "From this point of view, I really have to thank Hu Weiyong. Without Prime Minister Hu's cooperation, the old man would have faced much opposition if he wanted to abolish the prime minister, withdraw the Central Secretary, and divide the five government offices. At least You won’t be able to cut through the mess quickly and settle the matter in one fell swoop like you are doing now!

"But if it were another emperor, I'm afraid Prime Minister Hu wouldn't be so cooperative..." Liu Bowen said with a meaningful smile.

"Yes, other emperors have beheaded Hu Weiyong a hundred times..." Lao Liu also said with a meaningful smile: "I heard that back then, the old man asked the master if Hu Weiyong could be the prime minister, and the master gave eight words His comment - 'I'm afraid of the chariot of a chariot.' Master really said that, and he really overturned Zhongshu Province's chariot."

"Hahaha, back then I complained that the emperor didn't listen to loyal advice," Liu Bowen shook his head and smiled: "Now I know that this is where the emperor is smarter than me."

"It's hard to say whether the old man did it on purpose or accidentally." Lao Liu winked and smiled.

"That must be accidental." The two foxes, one old and one young, looked at each other and smiled, ending the topic.

Well, in fact, Hu Weiyong is just Boss Zhu's perfect tool, nothing more.

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