Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 841 Born to be the Protagonist

Looking at the map of Japan, you will find that the Kanmon Strait is really a wonderful place, with Honshu Island on one side and Kyushu Island on the other. The narrowest point of the strait is only more than 200 feet, and it seems that you can cross it in one step. However, it is indeed a natural chasm that separates Japan's two most important islands.

This also resulted in Kyushu Island and Honshu Island always having an inseparable relationship. Kyushu people have always lacked recognition of the Kanto court on the island. When the world is peaceful, it is independent.

How to conquer Kyushu is a task that any shogunate must face.

Today, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third generation general of the Muromachi shogunate, personally leads the 100,000 allied forces of the main island and Shikoku, and 3,000 warships have been stationed at the northern end of the strait for half a month.

They even arrived earlier than the Ming army, but blocked by this narrow strait, they never set foot on the land of Kyushu.

This is not surprising. The Northern and Southern Dynasties have been fighting fiercely for decades, and the two sides are in a state of hostility. Even if foreign enemies were present, it would not be easy for the Southern Dynasty to open its arms and welcome the Northern Dynasty army to their last territory.

Moreover, Zhengxifu Monsi City on the other side of the strait is in a dangerous position. It is the key to the Western Kingdom, guarding the passage to Kyushu. The daimyo Moji Okinori, who was guarding Moji Castle, refused to let him pass, and the army of the bakugata could not safely cross the sea.

Therefore, the Shogunate army has been waiting for the release of Nanchao for half a month.

Of course, this is only a public explanation given to middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers. As for whether the resourceful general has his own plans, the people below don't know.

Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was on Shimonoseki Castle at this time, looking at Moji Castle across the strait.

He is only twenty-three or four years old, but he has been in charge of the Northern Dynasty for twelve years.

When he was eleven years old, his father, the second-generation general Ashikaga Yoshiki, passed away, leaving him with a precarious and crisis-ridden regime. Everyone believed that the Northern Dynasties would fall into chaos again.

However, after Ashikaga Yoshimitsu took office, he immediately showed maturity and wisdom that belied his age. He moved to Muromachi, Kyoto, and was officially called the Muromachi shogunate. He used his outstanding leadership and governance skills to reintegrate the shogunate and restore the chaotic shogunate. Order was restored and powerful fighting power was revealed.

Then, he began to personally lead his army to conquer the east and west. Over the years, he had brought down the guardian daimyo of Honshu and Shikoku who belonged to the Southern Dynasty or were unruly. Even Emperor Changqing of the Southern Dynasties was forced to hunt for Kyushu Island in the west.

Right now, the only thing standing in the way of his unification of Japan and the eight territories and one universe is the Kyushu Island in front of him.

To be more precise, it is actually the Kanmon Strait.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was fully confident that as long as he allowed his army to cross the strait, expel the invading Ming army, and create a reputation for saving Kyushu, the Southern Dynasty's power would quickly disappear in Northern Kyushu like boiling soup and snow.

If the three people wanted to cause trouble again, he wouldn't mind taking the opportunity to bring peace to these disobedient Kyushu rich men.

In short, as long as the Ming army can be defeated across the sea, Kyushu will surely return to the rule of the shogunate, and Japan will end the troubled times of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and return to unification.

And he, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the great general who conquered the barbarians, will also become the most powerful shogun in history with his extraordinary achievements. By then, it would no longer be an extravagant hope to depose the emperor and establish himself as king.

This is the ambition of the third generation of generals.

But he still looked as calm as water and as motionless as a mountain. The people below could not tell that their general already wanted to go to heaven...

The retainers were all anxious, wondering when the Southern Dynasty would be willing to ask for help. A hundred thousand troops gathered here, and eating horses and chewing horses every day was a huge expense. If it dragged on for a long time, they themselves would be unable to bear it.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu didn't take it seriously. He smiled and comforted the worried leader Shiba Yishang: "We still have food and grass for half a month. There is no need to be so worried about writing, right?"

"It's only half a month, General..." General Sibo said speechlessly: "Ordinarily we should withdraw our troops now."

"It's not necessary," Ashikaga Yoshimitsu said with a smile: "When we get to Kyushu, Zhengxifu and the three people will naturally provide us with food and grass. Even if we don't fight them for the time being, we will still be poor."

"The general is really..." General Sibo wanted to say that he was a rogue, but that would be too unreasonable. He had no choice but to smile bitterly and said: "But His Highness Huailiang has not made any move yet. Doesn't it mean that we are no longer needed?"

"That's too bad." Ashikaga Yoshimitsu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "But Zhengxi Mansion and the three people are separated from each other. I don't believe they can do it."

"The general is always so confident." General Sibo smiled bitterly again. There was nothing he could do about it. Who has allowed Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to always be blessed with good fortune and never miss the mark for more than ten years?

While the two were talking, a young man came in quickly and handed over a letter: "General Qi, a letter was sent by ship from Mensicheng across the way."

General Shiba Yi took it, looked at the cover and said happily: "It's Nijo Kagerai!"

"Oh?!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu finally couldn't pretend anymore. He grabbed the letter with his hands, tore it open and took out the paper. It turned out that it was indeed in the name of the Southern Dynasty, asking him to send troops to reinforce Kyushu!

"Hahaha, let me tell you!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu thrust the letter back into General Shiba's hands and said happily: "Hurry up and give the order, and the army will cross the sea immediately!"

"General." General Sibo quickly read the letter, frowned and reminded him: "This letter only asks us to send troops for reinforcements. It does not make any promises. Should we put forward conditions? At this time, they will agree to anything. of."

"It's not necessary." Ashikaga Yoshimitsu shook his head decisively and said: "As long as our army sets foot on Kyushu, life and death will be determined by my heart. What other conditions are needed? There is no need to gain a reputation of taking advantage of others' danger."

"Follow your orders." General Si Boyi thought about the same truth, so he followed the order and nervously organized the army to cross the sea.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu continued to stand on the Shimonoseki Castle Tower, looking at the Kyushu Island opposite, and began to think about how to deal with the Ming army.

All his ambitions are based on repelling the Ming army. If he cannot defeat the Ming army, everything will be in vain.

According to the latest intelligence, the incoming Ming army has more than 200 warships and a strength of no more than 30,000. They have already broken through the sacred wall that protects the country, and are besieging Shuicheng while plundering Dazaifu.

Although the intelligence source did not know the losses of the Ming army, they must have suffered a lot of casualties through continuous offensive battles.

Moreover, before the Ming army captured Shuicheng, they began to rush to loot the Dazaifu, which showed that their military discipline was very lax. At this time, everyone in the Ming army has gained a lot, and they must be greedy for life and afraid of death. They want to return to the country alive to enjoy it, and their combat effectiveness will definitely be affected.

As the saying goes, the end of a strong crossbow cannot penetrate Lu Zhen, so there should be nothing to worry about. I'm afraid that once they hear that their 100,000 troops are coming for reinforcements, they may retreat without a fight.

So if you are lucky, the rescue may be completed without spending a single soldier. Even if you are unlucky, the 100,000-strong army will definitely be able to push the Ming army back into the sea!

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu made this judgment based on his own knowledge.

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