Ashikaga Yoshimitsu gave an order, and the Japanese soldiers in the ten-mile joint camp on the seaside began to pack up, break camp and prepare to cross the sea.

Three thousand warships of the Northern Dynasty Navy also received orders to sail from their respective anchorages to transport troops across the sea.

There were a hundred thousand troops, as well as war horses and baggage. Such a large-scale sea crossing operation would still be a big project even in future generations. Let alone Japan in this era.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and his ministers completely underestimated the difficulty of crossing the sea. Originally, according to the plan, the crossing of the sea would start at dawn, and most of the troops would be sent across the strait before dusk.

In their opinion, the two sides of the strait are so close that they can row the boat to the opposite side in a short while.

There are so many ships of his own. Three thousand ships each can transport a hundred thousand troops at once.

So the plan works.

But when we actually started to cross the sea, the situation was completely different from what we imagined.

First of all, the beach where boats can board is only a few miles wide, and it would be full if hundreds of boats could stop there. The ships behind were able to wait on the sea, but they blocked the way of the ship in front.

It wouldn't matter if you put it elsewhere. Which river crossing isn't messy and everything is over in the end? After all, the advantage of Japanese ships is their flexibility, but they are just a little less efficient.

But here is the Kanmon Strait. The wide sea surface suddenly becomes as thin as a throat here, making the ocean current very turbulent and the ship cannot stay still at all. The sailors tried their best to control it, but the ship still drifted uncontrollably.

Those boats full of people were even more cumbersome and difficult to control. When the two sides met, a collision was inevitable. The ships nearby wanted to avoid seeing this, but there were ships in front, behind, left and right, making it impossible to turn. Even if both sides wanted to avoid it, they had no choice but to bump into each other.

Anyone who has experienced traffic jams knows that as long as there is an accident, the entire road will be blocked, and then the line will become a plane, and the blockage will become a block.

If there is no traffic policeman to direct the traffic, it can even turn into a city-wide traffic jam.

The Northern Dynasty army encountered this situation in the Kanmon Strait. Naturally, there were no traffic police to help them direct traffic. Moreover, the seven or eight naval forces were not under each other, and no one could command the other. The result was that the ship in front could not get out, and the ship behind it could not get out. More and more ships were gathering together, and three thousand ships filled the narrow Kanmon Strait to the brim.

Half a day passed before the Communists transported a few sailors. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was so angry that he yelled on the shore: "You idiots, why are you so crowded? Now it's over, no one can move!"

"People have been sent to convey the order. The other naval forces will evacuate the ferry first and wait for orders at both ends of the strait. The island's navy family will transport the troops first." General Siboyi said with sweat on his head.

"Then why is it still like this?!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu spread his hands and looked at Shiba Yishou.

"Because they are crowded together, like a mess, and it takes time to separate." Si Boyi wiped his sweat.

"A bunch of idiots!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu cursed helplessly: "If there is an enemy attack, none of them will be able to escape!"

I don’t know if his mouth opened or something, but suddenly the beacon at the southernmost end of the strait lit up the beacon.

"The general has an enemy!" The servant with a small surname quickly reminded the general.

"I saw it!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu calmed down. The person coming at this time must be the navy of the Ming army.

But he was not too panicked, because he had already sent the shogunate navy directly under him to set up defenses around Ganliu Island at the end of the strait. The purpose was to guard against sneak attacks by the Ming navy.

Moreover, with the Kyushu navy to contain it, it is impossible for the main force of the Ming Dynasty navy to leave Hakata Bay. What comes is at best a squadron, and the shogunate navy can definitely stop them!

"Tell the situation to those trash on the sea, maybe in a more serious tone, so that they can stop dawdling!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu said with a dark face.

"Yes!" Si Bo Yijiang hurriedly responded.

But all the people stuck in traffic jams are also in a hurry, but the more anxious they are, the more jammed they become, and the more jammed they become, the more anxious they become... It's useless to be anxious. At this time, you have to clear things up bit by bit.

The same principle applies to solving the current ship jam. You have to start moving away layer by layer from the outermost ships, and only when one layer is far away can the other layer start to move. Just like peeling a cabbage, peel it off layer by layer, and finally get it done.

What is needed at this time is patience, meticulousness and unified command. The general's urging will only make each ship more impatient. The sea is filled with all kinds of vulgar yelling and cursing, which not only fails to solve the problem, but intensifies the ship jam.

To make matters worse, the west wind picked up again at this time, making the boat more difficult to control. After a long time, the situation did not improve much.

At this time, there was another rapid sound of horse hooves from the west, and a scout rushed over. He knelt down and reported: "The general is in trouble. Our navy has been defeated. The Ming army's warships are approaching at full speed!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu could no longer pretend to be calm and jumped to his feet: "That is the most elite naval force in Japan. How long did it take for them to be defeated?!"

Calculate the time from the discovery of the enemy at the beacon tower to now, deducting the time for contacting the enemy and reporting the message, which is just a meal. The Ming army had no time to defeat his direct navy!

"Yes, it's too fast. Could it be that the Ming army has some magic tricks?" General Sibo also found it unbelievable.

"It's not magic. The Ming army just went on a rampage and knocked open the two lines of defense of our army." The scout also said with shock on his face: "Their ship is big and strong, and our ship will break if it touches it. It can't resist at all." Don’t stop!”

"How big is their ship?" General Sibo asked.

"Every ship is as tall as the Xiaguan Tower." The scout pointed to the tall towers nearby that were specially built to subdue Kyushu.

"..." Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Shiba Yishang looked at each other. Of course they knew that the scout could not lie about the military situation.

The strength of the Ming Dynasty's navy was indeed beyond their imagination.

Although Japan is an island country, it is not a country that relies on the ocean for its livelihood. It is a closed farming civilization. The shoguns on Honshu Island only pay attention to the local situation and are indifferent to overseas affairs.

Only the daimyo of the barren and mountainous island of Kyushu had to finance the Japanese pirates' plundering to maintain the expenses of the war. Therefore, the daimyo of Kyushu Island fairly understood the strength of the Ming navy, but the Northern Dynasty had no contact with it at all, so they had no idea at all.

Since the Southern Dynasty did not communicate with them, they would naturally feel that "800,000 vs. 100,000 from the mainland, I have the advantage."

"Why is there no mention of any of this in Nijo Kageyori's letter?!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu completely tore off his disguise and roared.

"Yeah, he only said that the Chinese army was powerful, but he didn't mention the navy at all. It's really abominable." General Sibo also said angrily: "They must be worried that we will not dare to cross the sea if we know the truth!"

"Damn it!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu drew out his sword, smashed the dessert plate on the table in front of him, and said angrily: "I'm going to cut them into pieces!"

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