Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 115 Want to know what happened next

"you lose."

"you lose."

"you lose."

"you lose."

"Are you convinced now?"

"No, come again!"

After losing again and again, Nalan Yanran could only bite her silver teeth and once again raised her arms that had begun to tremble slightly.

Yao Wan shook her head. It was not easy for her to give in.

After all, it is easy to deny easily, but it is not so easy to make her realize her mistakes and repent.

Therefore, Yao Wan also took the trouble to knock down the sword from her hand again and again, and then let her pick up the sword again and again.

Until the end, from the rise of the autumn sun to the sunset, the curtain of twilight replaced the warm brilliance of the sun. Nalan Yanran had exhausted all her physical strength and fighting spirit, and could no longer pick up the fallen belt. The long sword at his feet.

Lying on the ground, she suddenly felt an inexplicable warmth coming from the back of her head, as well as the woman's unique fragrance.

"It looks like you need a break."

"Nonsense - I don't need..."

But no matter how tough you are, there is still no way to avoid the huge load on your body.

Yao Wan quietly rested Nalan Yanran's head on her lap. The delicate soft hair gently brushed the somewhat scattered black hair around Nalan Yanran's ears and combed it for her.

Yao Wan looked down at the girl who was now much more at ease, but still saw her biting her lip gently, closing her eyes seemingly unwillingly and resisting.

It seemed that as long as she closed her eyes, no one would come to see her, and she would no longer see the woman she tried so hard to hate and alienate.

But at present, it seems that it has failed again...

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but exhale a breath, as if she was sighing, and the slight frown on her pretty face never relaxed.

Throughout her life, she was born and raised with the concept that strength is respected and the strong is king.

Because he was regarded as a genius by his family and had high expectations from the public; later he was selected by his teacher as his disciple; and he officially took the position of Young Sect Master during the sect’s general election.

One step, one step, one step.

She got there by stepping on others.

She never thought there was anything wrong with it because that was the education she received from birth.

This is also the eternal law of Dou Qi Continent.

She gained her own self-confidence, her own pride, and her own arrogance in her victory after victory.

Therefore, she could justifiably look down on a loser of the Xiao family, because she had more ambitious goals and ambitions to achieve and had no time to worry about the love between her children.

What's more, it was a marriage that she had nothing to do with. Could it be that she really wanted to marry someone she didn't like, or even someone from another world, just because of a simple order from her parents?

Therefore, it was inevitable for her to break off the engagement.

It's just that his luck is not that good. Not only is Xiao Yan not a waste, he is also a genius whose talent is at least as good as his own.

What was even more terrifying was the woman standing next to him.

The unfathomable power was the first crack in her understanding of everything in the past.

And as he got to know her, everything he had built up in his own eyes about the world in the past collapsed.

Her talent and strength have long reached the point where it has no value to her whether she looks up to her or not. Therefore, being completely suppressed by such a woman who is so powerful that she has no room for resistance, Nalan Yanran although I feel unwilling, but I won’t complain.

After all, she had come this way step by step, so she had nothing to complain about.

She who stepped on others to get the upper hand would eventually be stepped on by those who were better than herself. Although this reality was cruel, she accepted it.

It's just that she can accept the overlooking of a stronger person, but the kindness and tenderness shown by her are incredible.

What does she mean?

Are you willing to throw two bones and make fun of a wild dog on the roadside because you see it?

She couldn't help but feel angry, but what was more of a shock was the collapse of everything in her old worldview.

So what was she before? A clown who bullies others?

Due to her own pathetic and ridiculous self-esteem, even if she has realized this subconsciously, she may not be able to accept it.

No one likes to admit their mistakes, even if they have vaguely realized that they were wrong, but more often than not it is just self-deception and escape like an ostrich burying itself in the sand.

It's just that all of this was torn cleanly by the yarrow.

"When I'm almost done resting, I'll..."

"When you're almost rested, I'll throw you into the body-building fluid and take a dip. After you practice to the limit of your body, all it will cause is a burden that the body cannot heal itself."

Yao Wan said: "So before that, it would be better for you to stay here honestly."

"...Can't you even practice?"

Nalan Yanran was silent for a while, and then she couldn't help but ask.

"No, but if you feel bored, I can tell you a story."

Yaowan's words made Nalan Yanran laugh disdainfully.

"What kind of story could it be? An innocent young man's engagement to his fiancée was broken off, causing shame to the family and making him inspired to take revenge?"

Nalan Yanran shook her head. Naturally, she didn't care at all about such a useless story that was just used to brainwash her.

"What are you talking about? I won't tell such a tasteless story."

Yaowan curled her lips and said, "How about I tell you about Journey to the West?"

"Journey to the West...what is that?"

"The story of two monks, a monkey, a pig, and a horse, walking from the east to the west of a world in search of scriptures."

As Yao Wan spoke, she naturally no longer waited to see if Nalan Yanran wanted to hear it, so she told her the stories in her past memories in as much detail as possible.

Perhaps she was so tired that she never even had a chance to speak, or perhaps she knew that even her refusal could not stop her from continuing to talk, so Nalan Yanran had no choice but to lie under the night, listening intentionally or unintentionally to the sound of the general. The sweet voice that brought her into that world.

Yaowan did have some talent for telling stories. Although Nalan Yanran thought it was an irrelevant pastime at first, she soon became fascinated.

"Since then, Patriarch Subhuti has driven away Wukong."

Nalan Yanran subconsciously said: "What happened next?"

"If you want to know what happened next, please listen to the next chapter."


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