Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 116 Bigger is also bigger

Nalan Yanran was furious at Yaowan's typical attitude of hiding and not finishing the story.

"Okay, this story can't be told in just one day. Let's leave it to the future after the training is over."

Yaowan didn't have to rely on Nalan Yanran to do anything.

"...Could it be that you just made up so many of them now?"

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I am not the author, and I have nothing to do with the author. At best, I have heard this story many times before you."

Yaowan said calmly: "Can you still stand up now?"

"That's almost it."

"Then let's go, I'll prepare some body-building liquid for you."

"Building fluid? Will that thing still work for me?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but ask.

"Don't compare Koga's alchemy skills with me."

Yao Wan just lightly expressed her contempt for the long-famous Dan King of the Jia Ma Empire, then stood up and pulled Nalan Yanran up at the same time.


Seeing what Yaowan said, it was not convenient for Nalan Yanran to ask any more questions. After all, most of her knowledge about alchemists came from the honorary elder of the Yunlan Sect who was a sixth-grade alchemist.

Furukawa is naturally not a member of the Yunlan Sect, he just creates some favorable conditions for both parties as an honorary elder.

Alchemy King Furukawa needs a strong enough backer, and the Yunlan Sect is also keen on the huge value that Furukawa will bring after becoming a sixth-grade alchemist.

Therefore, it is not particularly unimaginable that the two sides hit it off immediately.

However, Nalan Yanran was still confused by Yao Wan's attitude towards Gu He. After all, she was not an alchemist. Although she had taken a lot of pills over the years, she didn't actually know much about him.

If she could, of course she also wanted to become a powerful alchemist, but the conditions for being an alchemist were too harsh, and none of them could be satisfied by her.

Back in the room, Nalan Yanran looked at the beautiful figure in front of her and took out a few herbs from the ring. Then she opened her five fingers, and green flames appeared between the long and white jade fingers, and she took out the herbs. A few herbal wraps.

Nalan Yanran's eyes condensed, and there was that green flame again.

During the six months of practicing with Yaowan, Nalan Yanran also read a lot of ancient books, and found clues like scales and claws in the ancient books.

Between heaven and earth, there are certain products that were born due to the creation of heaven and earth.

That is the strange fire.

Strange fires often possess terrifying high temperatures, destructiveness, and at the same time some special magic power that is unique to them. Therefore, alchemists are often like moths to the existence of strange fires, no matter how great the danger is. They rush towards it and do not hesitate to spend any effort to get it.

Could it be that...the flame in her hand is the legendary strange fire?

Nalan Yanran suddenly had some guesses in her heart.

It's just that the green flame came and went quickly. Before Nalan Yanran could take a closer look at it, the green flame was replaced by the hotter fighting spirit flame.


Nalan Yanran was inevitably a little disappointed. It was obviously a chance to observe such power, but it was a pity.

Yao Wan, on the other hand, had no intention of paying attention to the changes in Nalan Yanran's mind. After using the flame of life to catalyze several herbs in her hand, she immediately converted the flame of life into her own fighting spirit flame.

The medicine in front of him was burned away by the high temperature to remove unnecessary impurities and the weak toxins contained in the medicine itself, and finally turned into a bright yellow and green liquid in Yao Wan's hands.

Yaowan raised her slender hand and put the liquid into a jade bottle.


After the medicinal liquid was prepared, Yao Wan handed the jade bottle in her hand to Nalan Yanran without any nostalgia.

"What are you still doing? Get water, apply medicine, go in, and start the practice you have been thinking about. Do you understand?"

Yaowan said.

Although she didn't react at once, Nalan Yanran still did as she was told, boiling a bucket of bath water, and then dropped a few drops of Yawan's special body-building liquid into the bath water, turning the originally clear and transparent bath water into a Tender green color.


After recalling the steps briefly described by Yao Wan just now, Nalan Yanran knew what to do next, but...

There was something unnatural about the girl's pretty face. She secretly glanced at the medicine, hoping that the woman would be wise at this time and leave her some privacy.

Naturally, it turned out that she was overthinking. Nalan Yanran waited for a moment, but Yao Wan had no intention of leaving at all, and instead looked straight at Nalan Yanran.

"You, what are you doing?"

Nalan Yanran was so frightened by Yao Wan's sight that she couldn't help but ask.

"What are you doing? Take off your clothes and go in."

Yao Wan did not take action directly, but just urged, but even so, the girl's face eventually turned bright red.

"—Take off?!"

"If you don't take them off, is it possible that you took a shower with your clothes on?"

Yao Wan said angrily: "Move quickly, don't grind and chirp."


The girl who was always straightforward in the past also became very shy and avoided the eyes from Yao Wan, although Yao Wan had no idea that this girl was blushing like a teapot.

"It's such a grind, it's so troublesome."

Yao Wan snorted, then raised her hand, and Nalan Yanran suddenly heard the sound of silk sliding down and the sound of undressing and undressing coming from her ears, followed by a chill from her head to the soles of her feet.

When she lowered her head, she found that she was no longer naked, and even her socks and shoes had been thrown away by the woman.

"you you you---"

Nalan Yanran was so ashamed and angry that she quickly turned around and jumped into the tub. The green liquid in the large tub now just covered the girl's fistful of snow fat.

"Be gentle and don't get water everywhere."

Yao Wan's expression remained unchanged, she just walked to the edge of the tub and met Nalan Yanran's shameful and angry eyes.

"A pair of xiaolongbao, both covered in white."

There was a bit of inexplicable ridicule in Yaowan's words.

Nalan Yanran was immediately furious, and even the shame in her heart was somewhat dissipated by her anger.

"You're not much older than me, yet you still have the nerve to say that I -"

This is probably the instinct engraved in the bones of women, even a girl like Nalan Yanran is no exception.

"A bigger one is also a big one, and a smaller one is also a small one."

Unexpectedly, Nalan Yanran couldn't accept Yao Wan's words.

But no matter how unconvinced you are, the facts cannot be changed.

Nalan Yanran, whose confidence was frustrated, couldn't help but gently weigh it with the hand hidden under the water... Damn it.

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