After all, the human heart is made of flesh, not to mention Yao Wan's every move seems to be aimed at the weakest point in her defense, making it impossible for her to resist.

Sincerity is always the most lethal weapon.

Just like how a shield can withstand the gurgling stream, the gentle spring breeze, and the bright sunshine, it is an unsolvable problem.

Yao Wan had already expected this, so naturally she didn't need to say anything more, and allowed Nalan Yanran to hold her gently and wipe her tears with her own clothes.

Missing a day of practice is naturally dispensable to Nalan Yanran today.

So Yao Wan was happy to see her cry her heart out.

After all, people always have to find a suitable place to vent.

And Nalan has now reached this stage, and it is becoming increasingly easier and more convenient for Yaowan.


Yao Wan gently stroked her head, but sighed for no reason in his heart. Before doing this, he would have felt like a cat with exploded fur when he touched this girl.


Yaowan's soft words of relief brought Nalan Yanran back to her senses, she took a breath, and then she immediately sorted out her emotions.

Yaowan felt a slight movement in her arms, and Nalan Yanran raised her head. Her clear eyes were red, and her face was still stained with tears that had just fallen on her cheeks.

"No more crying?"

There is no ordinary comfort, Yaowan's words always make people feel unexpected.

Nalan Yanran, who originally wanted to pretend to be strong and say that she was fine, was obviously disturbed by Yao Wan's irrelevant words, so she subconsciously moved her eyes away.

"Forget it... I've been crying for too long, I'm afraid you'll laugh at me..."

"I've laughed at you once or twice, why are you thinking about this?"

"This is different."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but say with her own cries suppressed in her throat.

"Well, if you think you've cried enough, don't force me, but don't wipe your tears with my clothes next time... You probably secretly wiped your nose on it, right?"

"No! Am I the kind of person who is jealous?!"

Nalan Yanran paused for a moment and retorted as if her hair was exploding.

Yaowan smiled, not angry at all: "Well, I have the strength to be angry now. It seems that I have really recovered."

"I'm not a child, how can I be so easy to coax-"

"Isn't it difficult to coax? I don't think so."

With that said, Yao Wan raised her fingertips and gently wiped away the tears on Nalan Yanran's cheeks.

Nalan Yanran was a little angry, but she couldn't refute.

"Okay, do you want to continue practicing today? Although practicing day and night may be more suitable for you, I think it's better to let you rest."

"——No, you can't stop practicing, continue!"

However, Yao Wan excited her, as if she thought of something imminent, she stood up.

"? So anxious?"

Yaowan raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but say.

"——Of course, time is running out, and I don't have that much time to waste."

After Nalan Yanran answered, looking at Yaowan's face, a possibility suddenly occurred to her.

"...that, I said."

Nalan Yanran suddenly said: "You told me before, right? You want me to be Xiao Yan's whetstone, and you will help me become stronger... But what if I win? You never mentioned it Right?"

"I certainly didn't take the initiative to mention this."

Yao Wan said: "Although I still think you have no chance of winning...but if you really win, I can agree to one of your requests, whether it be martial arts, fighting skills, or elixirs. , heavenly materials and earthly treasures will do - as long as I can do it, I will give it to you, are you satisfied now?"

Nalan Yanran was waiting for Yao Wan's words.


"Then, if I win, I want you to stay with me - how about that?"

"What? It turns out you are thinking about this."

Nalan Yanran's words made Yao Wan shake her head.

"Okay, I promise you - if you can really beat Xiao Yan."

"Okay, it's a deal!"


Three months have passed since Xiao Yan and Yunzhi found the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

For three months, Xiao Yan spent every day refining the beast spirit, and he had long been accustomed to the feeling of the turbulent tide of beastly nature sweeping over him.

Whenever he refines the beast spirit to the limit, he will return to the cave, make some adjustments next to Yunzhi, and then after quickly adjusting his condition, go out to refine the beast spirit again.

This gradually formed a tacit understanding between Xiao Yan and Yunzhi that only the two of them would know.

Yunzhi was recovering from his injuries silently, just silently helping Xiao Yan with some necessary help.

She thought so, after all, there was nothing else she could do for him.

More than three months of getting along day and night gave the two of them a different kind of charm.

Yunzhi couldn't help but wonder, could this be regarded as a kind of mutual support and living hand in hand?

Xiao Yan didn't seem to react, and always came back with a sleepy face after leaving in a hurry.

Although this is also a huge test for him, refining the beast spirit itself is also a way to exercise the power of the soul. After every refining that almost challenges the limit, his soul power and soul control have grown. The speed is incredibly fast.

So even though Xiao Yan's cultivation has almost stagnated in the past three months, the changes that have happened to him have been unprecedented.

After all, if Xiao Yan hadn't been so eager to obtain the strange fire, Yunzhi wouldn't have been able to truly confirm that Xiao Yan was actually an alchemist.

Although she had not seen Xiao Yan refining medicine during this period of time, she thought that regardless of whether he could obtain the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire this time, it would be a great benefit for Xiao Yan.

"...Those low-level beast spirits probably have no influence on me anymore, and I can feel that a vague connection seems to have been established between myself and the beast spirit fire. It seems that this method is really good. It’s effective.”

There was a hint of joy suppressed in Xiao Yan's tone.

He wanted to appear as calm as possible, but the joy in his eyebrows still revealed Xiao Yan's true thoughts.

"So, tomorrow, I will directly try to refine the beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. If I succeed, the beast spirit fire will be only one step away."

"You already have this confidence?"

Yunzhi raised his head and sounded surprised.

She knew what kind of genius Yao Yan was, but even so, it only took him three months to get to this point——

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