Xiao Yan was able to achieve this step in the end, and it only took him such a short time to reach this step. The meanings between the two are naturally completely different.


"Well...success or failure depends on this."

Xiao Yan nodded.


With this idea in mind, Xiao Yan, who had successfully refined enough beast spirits, set his sights on the amethyst winged lion that had been surrounded by the beast spirit fire from beginning to end, silently guarding this group of light sources deep underground. king.

In addition, Xiao Yan also got a more credible and reasonable guess from Yao Lao.

That is, the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire itself is the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire formed by countless beast spirits. This determines the lower limit of the Thousand Beast Spirit Fire. However, it is different from the Nether Poison Fire and other strange fires. Spiritual fire will not become stronger as time goes by. Instead, it needs to cultivate or attract and integrate more powerful animal spirits.

Just like this beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, who was a powerful warrior at the level of a fighting emperor during his lifetime, the beast spirit fire can return his beast spirit to the terrifying combat power it had during his lifetime, but if his own strength wants to be stronger, Going up a floor is a bit of a dream.

After all, even strange fire cannot violate the rules of the world. If you take the beast spirit of a Dou Emperor and other weaker beast spirits and add them together to form a Dou Sect, then you are really a ghost.

And at least at the level of Douhuang, after all, it is still not much stronger on the soul level.

This also provides an indispensable possibility for Xiao Yan's current attempt.

"Fortunately, this Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire has appeared here. If we were to feed it a few Taixu Ancient Dragons, Heavenly Demon Phoenix and other beast spirits in Zhongzhou, tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid the formation would not be ranked on the list of strange fires. The top ten strange fires are much weaker."

Yao Lao couldn't help but sigh. The minimum limit of this beast spirit fire is too low. It would be great fun to give it a few beast spirits from the strongest Warcraft race.

Of course Xiao Yan also understood what Yao Lao said meant, but he couldn't help but shake his head. This kind of thing is still a bit too far away for him now. Instead of worrying about such unfounded worries, he might as well do his best to solve the problem. Do things right now.

Finally, as Xiao Yan refined more and more beast spirits, his soul power improved by leaps and bounds, and Xiao Yan finally had the courage and confidence to challenge the Dou Huang Beast Spirit.

In a sense, the more he refines the more powerful beast spirit fires, he has the conditions to control the beast spirit fires, but there is still a huge obstacle. Just blocking it in front of him.

After the Amethyst Winged Lion King accepted the challenge from the "beast spirit", he flew down from the sky and landed in front of Xiao Yan.

This is also a rule that Xiao Yan accidentally discovered after refining the beast spirits here, which may be unique to the beast spirit fire.

Beast spirits devouring each other is as normal and natural as the law of the jungle eating the strong.

It's just that this kind of behavior is not that unusual, but it is not so common that all the beast spirits everywhere will fight desperately.

There are often only the simplest and primitive instincts in animal spirits. The instinct of living things is to avoid their own death. Although the warcraft that have become animal spirits are basically immune to most purely physical attacks, if the soul power Even if you eliminate it, you will still die.

If you are not sure enough to devour the opponent, you will naturally avoid fighting. From this point of view, it is a very simple truth.

But unlike many beast spirits that only possess animalistic instincts, the Amethyst Winged Lion King is obviously more vigilant than those low-level beast spirits, and he still maintains the necessary distance when facing Xiao Yan.

After hesitating for a moment, it seemed that Xiao Yan did not have the ability to threaten him, and the Amethyst Winged Lion King gradually relaxed his vigilance.

And this is Xiao Yan's opportunity.

While he was concentrating, he grabbed his hand forward, and the beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King changed from the body of the monster into the original illusory candlelight-like form of the beast spirit.

Then, Xiao Yan's soul power pierced into the beast spirit like a needle.

As soon as he put his soul power into it, a fierce lion's roar echoed in the huge cave, and the entire huge cave hall trembled.

Xiao Yan snorted, feeling like everything inside was burning, and his soul power seemed to boil in an instant.

Even after three months of refining the beast spirit, Xiao Yan's soul power has been improved to an unprecedented level. When facing the resistance of the amethyst winged lion king beast spirit, Xiao Yan's soul power is like a lone boat in the storm. Generally swaying.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath. Although he was fully prepared in his heart, he did not expect that the soul strength of the amethyst-winged lion king's beast spirit was so high.

But no matter what, it's too late to back down now.

Xiao Yan's mind sank slightly, he stabilized his soul power that was boiling, exhaled a breath of hot turbid air, and took the initiative to start his own refining.

After refining the beast spirit for so long, Xiao Yan has also accumulated a certain amount of experience in refining the beast spirit, and naturally he also knows how to deal with such a manic beast spirit.

Even though the beast spirit in front of him was a little bit stronger than before, he still wouldn't be so scared that he would run away.

Condensing his soul power into a needle, piercing it into the beast spirit, and then slowly refining it after erasing the violent beast nature, this step is still familiar to Xiao Yan.

It's just that the beast spirit turned out to be more difficult to deal with than the previous beast spirits. The first round of impact alone almost made Xiao Yan faint.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. If he fainted during the refining process, the consequences would be disastrous.

Xiao Yan quickly adjusted his state, temporarily stopped his rash advance, and temporarily defended himself against the torrent of impact from the beast spirits.

He held his breath slightly and closed his eyes tightly.

Strangely, since he started refining this beast spirit, he always felt that something was not right.

Even the beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King is too powerful at this level.

He subconsciously felt that something was not right.


"I know what you are thinking, and I also feel that something is wrong with this beast spirit."

There was a hint of solemnity in Yao Lao's tone, and he said after a long time: "I'm afraid this has something to do with the beast spirit fire."

"It has something to do with the beasts' spiritual fire. Could it be that this spiritual fire finally started to resist?"

Xiao Yan knows very well that the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire itself is very different from the Netherworld Poison Fire. When he conquered the Nether Poison Fire, he was almost poisoned to death before he even started. However, compared to the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire, it is not Buddhist Very.

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