Yao Lao also breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Xiao Yan's figure sitting cross-legged gradually being covered by the faint light released by the scroll, completely isolated from the intrusion of the beasts' spiritual fire.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes tightly, but suddenly he felt that the feeling as if his soul was boiling gradually subsided and gradually returned to calm.


He subconsciously thought it was Yao Lao who did it. He opened his eyes in surprise, but when he saw Yao Lao's slightly complicated eyes, he was inevitably a little confused as to what was going on.

Yao Lao signaled Xiao Yan with his eyes, and then he noticed the faint light that enveloped him and the scroll floating in front of his eyes.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, and then he immediately realized that this was the scroll left by Miss Wan.

However, Xiao Yan had never opened and checked the unknown things left by Miss Wan. After all, Yao Lao had told him early in the morning that at that time, he was far from meeting the conditions to open the scroll, and he was not convinced after reading 80% of it. If it doesn't work, he just keeps it here and ignores it.

"...It seems that when I recorded this scroll, I was right to leave this spiritual thought behind."

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and Xiao Yan, who also realized who was protecting him at this moment, was pleasantly surprised.

"Miss Wan! Is that you?"

They hadn't seen each other for nearly a year, but now they met on such an occasion. Xiao Yan watched the faint brilliance condense the fighting spirit around him, slowly converging into the familiar figure of that person, as if in a dream.

"...Ahem, you should be able to see it now, right?"

The beauty in front of him coughed lightly, and then faced Xiao Yan. For some reason, Xiao Yan always felt like he was watching the video that Miss Wan left for him. This feeling was inexplicably strong.

"Xiao Yan, I can't hear your voice now, and I can't see your person. In other words, what is left with this scroll is just a picture of me, which I prepared early in the morning when I was in the Xiao family. s things."

Before Xiao Yan could be happy for too long, Yao Wan's words poured a bucket of cold water on Xiao Yan. A little disappointment inevitably surged in his eyes. He thought it was a reunion after a long absence, but he didn't expect that someone had prepared it early in the morning. Well done.

"I'll make a long story short - I sealed this photo into this scroll along with a protective divine thought. It will be activated when you are in danger."

Yao Wan, who was in the picture, did not explain much about this, but continued: "In addition, this divine thought will also test your current soul strength. Although it may still be a little bit behind, your soul power has grown. At this point, I think it’s time for you to be exposed to this kind of thing——”


Xiao Yan was stunned, could it be what was recorded in this scroll?

Kung Fu, or fighting skills?

But he already has these.

Xiao Yan suddenly couldn't think of it, but he didn't worry too much. After all, nothing Miss Wan gave him was always bad.

Under the soft light, the beast spirit in front of him was like snow under the sun, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. The beast spirit that almost made Xiao Yan miserable was now just "" in Miss Wan's mouth. "Protective nature" under the spiritual thought, but it was just like plasticine, allowing her to round and flatten it at will.

It's just that Xiao Yan is not paying attention to the beast spirit now, but is concentrating on watching the scroll gradually open, and then a series of pale golden ancient words fly out from it, flying around Xiao Yan, weaving into a rather obscure skill formula. .

"The soul skills that you see now that I practice, yes, the cultivation of the soul can't be increased simply by refining medicine and taking elixirs. Naturally, there will also be more systematic methods. It's just this kind of thing Ordinary people wouldn’t have it at all.”

"This soul technique is called the Soul of the Past Emperor. According to the definition of soul strength, the technique has the four realms of the mortal emperor. However, this is not something that anyone can practice if they want to."

Yao Wan explained: "This is why I don't hand over this technique directly to you."

"But the matter has come to this, of course I won't say any more nonsense. You can learn to practice first and give it a try. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. I have analyzed most of the difficulties in getting started with the practice. After this spiritual thought is completely dispersed, Before that, you can use it as you like."

"That's all I have to tell you here."

The beautiful girl in the photo was smiling, as if she was by his side.

Xiao Yan remained silent and unknowingly accepted her affection for her.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch her face, which was close at hand. However, his fingertips passed through the shadow of the beauty without any accident, just like a ripple on the water, and the ripples were slightly blurred. Her figure.

"Don't look at it. All the spiritual thoughts left behind by this girl are used to protect you. Don't blame me for not being able to talk to you now."

Yao Lao coughed and reminded Xiao Yan.

Only then did Xiao Yan come to his senses. He had no time to talk back to the teacher at this moment, so he immediately concentrated on learning the Emperor Soul Technique of the past. The formula for this technique was not long, but it was quite obscure. Xiao Yan also thought about it for a while before he finally succeeded in running it. This is a completely different technique from the movement of Dou Qi in the body.

The power of the soul that was originally chaotic in the body gradually began to flow like a river according to a certain pattern under the operation of the technique. The five inner senses that were originally boiling and burning quickly returned to their previous calmness. Xiao Yan couldn't help but be amazed by this technique. The miraculousness is astonishing.

The impact of the beast spirit and the burning pain in the soul were quickly dissipated at a perceptible speed. The pain that almost made people faint was subsided, and Xiao Yan's originally impetuous mind returned to calm.

"Soul Cultivation Technique..."

Forget it, he's almost used to it.

Yao Lao couldn't help but shook his head. He knew where this girl's things came from without even thinking.

It just makes people sigh, and the time is also destiny.

What's more, this is not an ordinary soul technique, it is clearly...

There was inevitably a trace of regret in Yao Lao's eyes.

"Okay, time is running out. Let's refine this beast spirit as soon as possible - if you can't refine it with the soul skills, you might as well kill it with a piece of tofu."


Xiao Yan coughed lightly: "Teacher, is it that exaggerated? Can't you be a little more confident in me?"

But before Yao Lao could answer, he took the initiative and once again covered the beast spirit in front of him with his soul power.

The Douhuang Beast Spirit, which had tormented Xiao Yan to death just now, had now become an eggplant beaten by frost, wilting all of a sudden.

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