However, even after he refined countless beast spirits and beast spirits, there was never any reaction from the beast spirit fire.

This is a little too strange.

"If my guess is correct, it's probably because you have refined too many beast spirits. Didn't you yourself say that you seem to be able to sense the existence of the beast spirit fire to a certain extent?"

After Yaolao thought for a moment, he made his own guess.

"The induction between each other is mutual. After you refine more and more animal spirits, you have actually gained part of the connection with the spiritual fire of all beasts. And when you feel that you have formed a connection with the spiritual fire of all beasts, At the same time as the contact, the beast spirit fire probably also felt your presence."


Xiao Yan couldn't help but say while guarding his mind.

"Although Strange Fire's mind is not the same as that of humans, it still has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, just like the instinct of beasts."

"When you refine those weak beast spirits at the beginning, the reason why the Beast Spirit Fire doesn't react much may be because it regards you as a beast spirit with potential, and there is nothing wrong with them devouring each other."

"But after you have established a connection and can sense each other, you can no longer continue to pretend. Of course, it does not want to be swallowed and refined."

"Then now I..."

"In one go, you can directly refine the beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. As long as you overcome this difficulty, you can basically take the initiative to master the beast spirit fire. When the time comes, it will naturally not be able to escape from your grasp."

Yao Lao said.

Xiao Yan nodded silently after hearing this.

"In addition, because the beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King is assisted by the spirit fire of all beasts, it is no longer possible to adapt to the opponent's soul impact before counterattacking like before. This method is not feasible in the face of the spirit fire of all beasts. ."

Yao Lao's meaning is very obvious. If you want to capture the Spiritual Fire of All Beasts, passive defense will no longer work. The only way is to take the initiative to attack.

It's just that at the soul level, there is no such thing as offense being the final defense. What's more, even if Xiao Yan's soul power has made a qualitative leap in the past three months, facing the blessing of the beasts' spiritual fire The Amethyst Winged Lion King Beast Spirit is still the weak side.

Even though he tried hard to defend and withstood the strong soul impact from the beast spirit, Xiao Yan still felt unprecedented difficulty, but now he was allowed to take the initiative to attack?

Xiao Yan was silent, and then he clenched his teeth, released the power of the soul that protected his mind, and instead devoted all this power to the tip that penetrated the beast spirit.

Giving up on protecting the mind brought about a burning sensation and an unbearable sting, as if the mind was boiling in an instant.

It was as if something burned by the flames had pierced the body, burning itself from the inside out.

And this pain does not even come from the body, but from the pain of the soul, and there is absolutely no way to avoid it.

There was no way to make even a single sound from his mouth, he just silently felt that his blood was being boiled and solidified.

But even so, it failed to erase Xiao Yan's will.

The intense pain gained at the expense of one's complete defenselessness was naturally rewarded with corresponding results.

Xiao Yan's soul power condensed into a gray-white needle, which penetrated deeply into the deepest part of the beast spirit, burning away the instinctive animality of the Amethyst Winged Lion King along with the violence and mania.

The beast spirit became more and more crazy, and its counterattack against Xiao Yan naturally became more and more fierce.

And Xiao Yan said that he must refine this beast spirit before it completely burns out his soul.

After the extremely severe pain, it brought a brief numbing pain, but now Xiao Yan obviously didn't care about that much, and devoted all his soul power to completely refine the beast spirit of the fighting emperor level during his lifetime. Dissolving has become his only purpose at this moment.

The Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire noticed Xiao Yan's almost crazy behavior, and naturally did not want him to get his wish, but before it could continue to integrate the power of the beast spirit into the Amethyst Winged Lion King's beast spirit, it could resist Xiao Yan's attack. At this time, a forest-white soul power stopped it.

Xiao Yan felt the pressure drop suddenly, and at the same time, he subconsciously looked at the illusory figure beside him.


"Stop talking and concentrate on refining the beast spirit. I can't buy you too much time!"

Yao Lao's tone was a bit solemn. The Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire itself was not a particularly powerful fire, but it had an extraordinary ability to interfere with the soul. This is why Xiao Yan controlled it as soon as he came into contact with it. The animal spirit will feel the reason why it is so difficult to deal with.

In addition, although the source of power of the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire is the beast spirit, it is essentially a product of the aggregation of soul power. There is a certain degree of suppression for soul bodies like Yao Lao who have lost their physical bodies.

Therefore, all Yao Lao can do is to help Xiao Yan gain as much time as possible.

Xiao Yan's pressure suddenly decreased, and then he released the power of his soul with all his strength, completely ignoring the struggle of the beast spirit in order to refine it in the shortest time.

But even if it temporarily loses the pressure from the spiritual fire of all beasts, the beast spirit of the Amethyst Winged Lion King is not comparable to ordinary beast spirits after all.

Beads of sweat appeared on Xiao Yan's forehead, but the refining progress was not satisfactory.

"Xiao Yan, how much longer do you need here?"

Yao Lao said solemnly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to help you for too long."

"——It doesn't matter, teacher, you have helped me enough, and I can solve it by myself."

Xiao Yan paused, then exhaled a breath of turbid air.

It's just that Yao Lao didn't believe Xiao Yan's words. He knew very well that Xiao Yan simply didn't want to drag himself down.

But if he was allowed to endure such pain for a long time, not to mention that his soul would be damaged, it would probably drive him crazy.

Yao Lao hesitated for a moment and was about to say something when he suddenly noticed something strange in Xiao Yan's Najie.

"Is it possible...!"

Yao Lao's tone quickly changed from the initial doubt to surprise and astonishment.

I saw a scroll flying out of Xiao Yan's Najie as if it was alive, emitting a faint light, directly covering Xiao Yan inside.

The faint light seemed soft, but it completely isolated the impact of the beasts' spiritual fire. Yao Lao naturally gave up his defense.

"That is one of the scrolls left by the girl... Could it be that Xiao Yan has already..."

Yao Lao recalled the many scrolls that Yao Wan left behind when he was in the Xiao family.

Unlike Xiao Yan, who was still confused, Yao Lao knew the value of the scroll very well.

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