"Hey, Xuelan."

In the hall of the Motie Mercenary Group, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were sitting in the primary and secondary seats respectively. Xiao Li suddenly said: "Have you seen any interaction between Xiao Yanzi and Miss Wan in the past few days?"

Xiao Li's words made Xue Lan startled slightly.

"Hmm...it doesn't seem to be there, but it's possible that I didn't see it."

Xue Lan thought about it, but there was indeed no such thing. At least she didn't see it, so she immediately said: "About this, I'd better ask Qing Lin. She has been running in both directions every day for the past two days."

"never mind."

When Xiao Ding saw this, he smiled, waved his hand, and said, "We should stop worrying about such useless things."

As he said that, he looked at the brother beside him and said with a smile: "At least you should believe in Xiao Yanzi. You can't rush things like feelings."

"When I saw Miss Wan's reaction earlier, I guess she really didn't have any ambiguous thoughts with Xiao Yanzi. On the contrary, we seemed to have made her anxious.

"Wouldn't it be more important for Xiao Yanzi to work harder on his own?"

Seeing Xiao Li say this, Xiao Ding couldn't help but shook his head.

"So in the end, don't we still have to look at Xiao Yanzi himself?"

"Let's wait until things are done... Besides, why are they so unsure of Xiao Yanzi one by one? I think it's just a matter of time for these two, and there will be no problem after all. On the contrary, there will be more bumps and bruises on this road. It’s better if we support each other.”

Xiao Ding said with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing that his elder brother had already said this, Xiao Li naturally couldn't say anything else.

"It's better that my eldest brother can let go of this."

Xiao Li crossed his arms and sighed.


When she heard the knock on the door again, Yao Wan opened her eyes, and it was already dark outside the window.

The familiar knock on the door in the middle of the night gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

She couldn't help but recall the days when she was in the Xiao family.

"Come in, the door is unlocked, I'm not sleeping."

Perhaps because the training had just ended, Yao Wan did not feel as urgent and embarrassed as before when facing Xiao Yan. She just let out a sigh of relief and said.

Hearing the inexplicably familiar words at the door, the person outside the door felt happy, and then gently pushed the door open and entered.

"Why do you keep looking for me when you don't sleep at night? Or do you just like to come to me in the middle of the night?"

Yaowan sat on the edge of the bed, leaning against the window, raising her arms to support her chin.

Those eyes with a slight golden sheen were particularly charming at this night.

Xiao Yan did not rush to answer, but flicked his finger to light up the lights in the room.

"Although I'm probably used to it, can't Master Xiao Yan come to me at another time?"

"Then shall I go out now?"

Xiao Yan pointed to the door.

"Forget it, it's here now."

Yao Wan knew that this guy was doing it on purpose, so she snorted in displeasure, but still let Xiao Yan sit down.

"Why did you come to me?"

"Can't you come to Miss Wan if you have nothing to do?"


Seeing the Yaowan's eyes changing little by little, Xiao Yan hurriedly stood up. He was really afraid that he would be kicked out before he gave this thing away, which would be miserable.

Seeing Xiao Yan's appearance, Yao Wan suddenly felt like laughing, and her serious expression gradually softened.

"Okay, what do you want from me?"

"Of course I'm giving you something as a gift?"

"You give me something?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but froze when she heard what Xiao Yan said. Then she blinked and recalled the joke she had mentioned to Xiao Yan before.

It seems, seems, probably, they have talked about this before?

"...Are you really ready?"

Yao Wan came back to her senses, laughed dumbly, and didn't know what to say.

"It's not good to be taken care of by you all the time. Even if I can't do anything for you, I should at least give something in return, right?"

Xiao Yan's performance was much calmer, which actually made Yao Wan a little embarrassed.

"...Well, since you said so, it would be a bit too unkind for me not to accept it."

Yaowan sighed, slowly looked away, and said quietly: "So, where are the things?"

"Is it some sort of elixir or medicinal material?... Or should you just make a hairpin for me?"

Yao Wan looked back and thought about all the things Xiao Yan might do, and she could probably make a pretty good guess about what he might give.

Xiao Yan suddenly felt ashamed when he heard this. Fortunately, he finally listened to the teacher and didn't give the hairpin, otherwise he would be embarrassed to death now.

"Ahem - of course not."

As he spoke, Xiao Yan rubbed his right hand over the ring and pinched a solid wood carving, but it was only as big as half a palm. Even if it was placed in the palm of his hand, he would not feel the inappropriate size. It seemed But extremely exquisite.

Yao Wan glanced around, but was unconsciously attracted by this exquisite wood carving.

What appeared in Xiao Yan's palm was a figure whose true appearance was covered by a cloak and a hat standing on a base.

The night breeze blew up the folds on the corners of her cloak and hat, which looked like ripples on the water, making them look particularly delicate and lifelike.

Even if Xiao Yan didn't need to tell him, Yao Wan certainly knew who the figure he carved had left traces on the Xiao family's night.


She couldn't help but raise her head and look at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was a little uneasy, but he was not so flustered that he showed it in front of her: "Do you like it?"

"So this is the gift you were talking about..."

Yao Wan stretched out her hand and gently took the wooden figure in Xiao Yan's palm. There was inevitably a bit of surprise and surprise in her words.

And, there was a little bit of joy that even Yao Wan himself might not have noticed.

After all, not only for Xiao Yan himself, but also for Yao Wan herself, that period was probably equally unforgettable.

The encounter with Xiao Yan and everything that happened after that.

"Well...thank you, Xiao Yan. I like this gift very much."

After a moment, Yao Wan came back to her senses from her previous contemplation, and then nodded lightly towards Xiao Yan.

"Well, after all, if the treasures and wealth are not as much as yours, then all I can do for you is this small kindness."

Xiao Yan shook his head gently.

"If you like it, I can continue to do it next time."

"I like it very much, but there is no need to delay you any longer."

After looking at the particularly delicate work in her palm for a while again, Yao Wan quickly placed the delicate little wooden carving on the table and said.

"Delay? I don't think it will be a delay."

How could Xiao Yan see Yao Wan rejecting his kindness like this?

"We're going to get busy soon, and you don't have time for this anymore."

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