"Are you busy?"

"Tomorrow, take Qing Lin with you to the eastern suburbs of Stone Desert City. You will know then."

Yao Wan spoke immediately, with a serious look that didn't look like he was faking.

Although Xiao Yan didn't know what Miss Wan was thinking, he also knew that since Miss Wan said this, it must be an extremely important matter.

It was not easy for him to shirk the blame, so he just nodded silently, and it was not convenient for him to mention the gift just now.

"Okay, it's getting late. Xiao Yan, you should go and rest first. You will have to work a lot tomorrow."

"Well, Miss Wan, let's take a good rest."

Xiao Yan glanced at the little puppet he carefully carved again, then turned and left Yao Wan's room.

Seeing Xiao Yan finally left, Yao Wan also breathed a sigh of relief.

"...finally left."

She couldn't help but sigh. Although she had been with Xiao Yan for a long time, she was really not used to dealing with this kind of situation.

After Xiao Yan left, she couldn't help but pick up the small wooden carving casually placed by the table again.

The figure of her carved by Xiao Yan was a little different from what she thought she looked like.

Due to her body shape, even if she was wearing a cloak, her body could not hold up the large cloak. Therefore, the figure revealed could still be recognized as that of a slim woman.

Her delicate fingertips gently brushed the slightly rough surface of the wood carving, and Yao Wan couldn't help but complain. The carving was so detailed. Could it be that he was looking at her like this in the first place?


Yao Wan couldn't help but have a blush on her face, and quickly drove this unrealistic thought out of her mind.


"That girl doesn't seem to appreciate it very much."

When Xiao Yan left Yao Wan's residence, Yao Lao couldn't help but say.

"No, doesn't Miss Wan really like it?"

Xiao Yan replied.

"Teacher, it's not like you don't know Miss Wan's temper. It's definitely impossible to expect to see how happy she is after accepting the gift."

A soft smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, and he said: "As long as she likes it, that's fine. As for the rest, isn't there still a long way to go in the future?"

"After all, the teacher also said that everything cannot be accomplished overnight. There is nothing we can do about it."

Yao Lao was silent for a moment, and then he couldn't help but said: "You learn very quickly."

"Ah? Where is it? Apply what you have learned, apply what you have learned, hey hey hey."

When Xiao Yan was praised by Yao Lao, he couldn't help but smile and wave his hands.

"You brat, give you some sunshine and you'll be happy."

Yao Lao laughed dumbly.


The next day, Xiao Yan and Qing Lin went to investigate what Yao Wan mentioned.

Hai Bodong couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard about this, and then turned his attention to the medicinal herbs next to him.

"Just letting them take a look."

Yaowan took a sip of tea and said casually.

"As for the things in there, they are probably gone, right?"

"Now that the strange fire is gone, why do you want him to do it?"

Haibodong asked doubtfully.

"Just because the strange fire is gone, it doesn't mean there are no other good things."

Yaowan shrugged and said, "Anyway, my hard work won't be in vain."

"Okay, by chance, I have to go out for something... Is Mr. Hai interested in coming with me?"

Yao Wan asked with a smile.


Haibodong was startled. It was no small matter to keep this girl busy for a while.

Yao Wan seemed to have understood what Hai Bodong was thinking, and laughed dumbly: "It's not a particularly important matter. Hai Lao doesn't need to be nervous."

"Well, I happen to have nothing to do, so I'll go and have a look with you."

Haibodong sighed and was ready to do hard work.

"No, no, no need to take action from Mr. Hai in what happens next. Mr. Hai can just go and watch the fun."

With that said, Yao Wan walked out of the door.

Immediately, she called Xiao Ding and Xiao Li and asked about the situation in and around Shimo City.

"Two captains, please forgive me for disturbing your official duties."

Now that she has something serious to do, Yao Wan cannot still act so shy. The beauty that the two brothers had seen before was polite and a bit shy, but now she is generous and speaks in a measured manner, which makes the two brothers. People can't help but be stunned.

"Miss Wan is too polite, but it's just what I've seen and heard around me. Anyone can tell me clearly."

"Having said that, I still have to repay the kindness of the two captains for taking me in."

Yaowan chuckled lightly, then swept his hands across the table in front of him, and several small white jade bottles appeared on the spacious table.

"These are the spiritual elixirs I have refined. They can ensure that the two captains will be promoted to the realm of great fighting masters and fighting spirits in the shortest possible time. In addition, there are also some elixirs that are used to assist the warriors in their training. Please accept them. ."

In the gradually changing eyes of the two Xiao brothers, Yao Wan always had a smile on her face, as if she had already anticipated their reactions.

Xiao Ding and Xiao Li looked at each other in astonishment, and both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

"No, no, this gift is too valuable. Please take it back, girl. What we have done is just a small effort and we cannot afford such a big gift."

Xiao Ding said quickly after he came to his senses.

"What are the two captains talking about? They are Xiao Yan's brothers. Xiao Yan and I are friends after all. How can we stand idly by?"

"You don't know about the other two, right? I know a little bit about refining medicine, so this little gift is nothing."

Yao Wan had already guessed the other party's reaction, and naturally she was already prepared for the answer, and said with a smile.


Xiao Ding smiled bitterly, and then couldn't help but look at each other with his brother.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yanzi found a rich woman who was an alchemist.

"Since Miss Wan said so, I will accept it. If necessary in the future, our brothers will definitely help."

Even though he knew that sooner or later he would become a family, the due etiquette must be maintained. Xiao Ding cupped his hands and said.

"You're welcome, Captain Xiao Ding. If I have to tell you what I want you to do, it's easy to say."

Yao Wan said: "As for today's thank you, I also ask the two captains to keep it a secret from Xiao Yan and just pretend that there is no such thing."


"There's no particular reason. I just don't want him to feel that he owes me too much..."

With that said, Yao Wan stood up from her seat.

"Okay, I still have things to do, so I won't spend more time with you."

After Xiao Ding and Xiao Li delivered the yarrow to the door, they flew away towards the east together with Haibodong.

Looking at the cyan trails left in the sky, Xiao Ding couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiao Yanzi has really found a good brother and sister."

"Brother, where is Xiao Yanzi...?"

"We have received benefits from others, so we can't turn around and break the contract, right?"

Xiao Ding smiled bitterly: "It's better to hide it for now."

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