Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, but when he looked at Yao Wan, he couldn't help but blinked.

Although it wasn't the reason he guessed, it was the same result.

"I really can't feel it."

Xiao Yan told the truth shamelessly, he really didn't feel it.

"Don't feel it?"

Yaowan murmured, and a touch of flame danced on the outstretched onion finger.

"Then let me help you clean it up?"

"——Then it's better not to use it. I'll take it to wash later."

Xiao Yan hurriedly put away the clothes. He only had a few sets of clothes, and he felt distressed without one of them.

Seeing this, Yao Wan could not help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

Time waits for no one, and there is nothing going on at Miss Wan's side. Xiao Yan naturally left immediately to find the medicinal materials management warehouse in the inner courtyard.

There are only two things Yaowan has to do right now, teach Qinglin how to practice, and continue to research and optimize the elixir for Fallen Heart Flame.

But Yao Wan also knew that if she wanted to go to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, she would not be able to do so for a while.

after all……

Doesn't this mean that trouble will come to your door later?

Yaowan was pouring tea alone in the yard, watching Qinglin's practice getting better and better, while waiting for a certain woman who would definitely come back.

After Xiao Yan left, not long after, a beautiful girl in a light green dress slowly approached the spacious courtyard.

As soon as Xiao Xun'er entered the door, the first thing she caught sight of was the woman sitting alone in front of the stone table, pouring tea and drinking it.

Under the rising sun, the golden sunlight separated the two sides of the courtyard, and the herb sat right at the intersection between the morning light and the house, with a particularly obvious shadow falling on her body, highlighting the An extraordinarily beautiful feeling.

The golden light fell on the black hair scattered on her shoulders, casting a misty golden light on it.

Even if they are both women, to be fair, Xiao Xun'er cannot deny that the woman in front of her is indeed the most beautiful woman she has ever seen in her life.

Otherwise, there would be no way for her to act like a charming fox in front of brother Xiao Yan.

"If Miss Xun'er doesn't practice well in the inner courtyard, why did she come to me?"

Yao Wan was not in a hurry at all. All the preparations she made at this moment were naturally for Xiao Xun'er alone.

Now that he has already figured it out in his heart, Yao Wan cannot be polite to this loser. He actually asked her to slap her nose in the face when he asked her to do it. How could Yao Wan tolerate this?

It's okay if she doesn't come to her door. Since she dares to come to her door, won't Yaowan repay her favor?

"Then naturally we should talk to Elder Wan."

Xiao Xun'er looked at Yaowan in front of her, whose temperament and aura were completely different from before, and a trace of solemnity emerged in her heart unconsciously.

But there was no such thing as fear or shrinking in her dictionary. She walked lightly to Yaowan's stone table and sat down under Yaowan's eyes.

"I don't have anything to talk to you about, and the topics you and I want to talk about are probably of little value - Xiao Yan, he naturally knows best who to choose."

The original intention of Yao Wan's words was to remind Xiao Xun'er not to get complacent too early, let alone open the champagne at halftime, and to tie Xiao Yan to her side without even saying a word about it. Now she still has that Conditions? You don’t have the ability to know.

But these words undoubtedly sounded more like Yao Wan's unilateral provocation to Xiao Xun'er.

"Brother Xiao Yan naturally knows best who to choose - especially those with ulterior motives. How long can they hide themselves?"

Xiao Xun'er smiled sweetly, unwilling to be outdone.

"Then who knows?"

Yao Wan's gaze remained unchanged. Now that she had gradually grasped the core initiative, she could still deal with the little Xiao Xun'er easily.

Xiao Xun'er still maintained her calmness. She naturally knew what good impression she had left in front of Yao Wan, and she could also guess that if Yao Wan had the advantage, how could he look good on her?

Anyway, this was fully proven in yesterday's Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

"But Miss Xun'er seems to have come at the wrong time. Xiao Yan is not here, he has already left."

Yao Wan was not afraid of her asking, and continued: "I asked him to go to the medicinal material management warehouse in the inner courtyard to have a look. If Miss Xun'er wants to be a follower so much, I certainly won't stop her, right?"

"Elder Wan, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Xun'er smiled softly and said, "It's just that someone stabbed me in the back. Xun'er won't be thrown into chaos just because of such a trivial matter."

"But since Brother Xiao Yan is not here, there is no need for me to waste any time here."

"That's natural. After all, I've been walking all night and now I'm looking for someone. It's normal if I can't find him... Are you leaving slowly or not?"

Yaowan's expression remained unchanged, he just looked at her and could tell what kind of flowers she had.

The only pity is that Xiao Xun'er seemed to have anticipated Yao Wan's actions and words. She originally wanted to tease Xiao Xun'er with what happened last night, but seeing her uninterested expression, she You can also guess that there is little hope.

Xiao Xun'er didn't look at Yaowan anymore, she just tugged on the sleeves of her skirt and walked out the door.

Xiao Xun'er was not surprised that Yao Wan seemed to be exposing her scars every time she spoke.

She had no choice but to suppress the anger and resentment in her heart and left here in a hurry.

It's a pity that Yao Wan couldn't let Xiao Xun'er break her defense. If she had known earlier, she should have spoken more straightforwardly. Maybe the effect would have been better.

But forget it, I don't know if this scene made Xiao Xun'er break her guard, but it must have made her feel disgusted. Thinking of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but feel comfortable and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Hum, let you put eye drops on me, this is called Feng Shui's turn.

As for Xiao Xun'er not being in a hurry this time, it doesn't matter, there are still days to come, and there will be times when you are in a hurry.


After leaving Yaowan's residence for a long time, Xiao Xun'er felt that she was in a terrible mood.

Although it is not shown on the surface, this can only be regarded as the last fig leaf.

Damn you, you damn woman, I'm not done with you...!

After saying the cruel words with great reluctance in her heart, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but start thinking about how to compete with Yao Wan next.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, that woman's status with brother Xiao Yan is not low. The last two trials and this time have actually vaguely proved this point.

This also made her gradually realize that she might not be afraid of the opponent in a head-on confrontation, but if she really didn't want to be overwhelmed by this annoying woman from beginning to end, she might have to change her strategy.

To avoid his sharp edges, the most important thing is to make brother Xiao Yan fall in love with him.

Only by grasping the core initiative in this bloodless war can we remain motionless.

Isn't it because Yaowan can be so arrogant because she has helped brother Xiao Yan so many times?

Gee, what's so big about this?

Xiao Xun'er curled her lips.

After all, Xiao Xun'er has never been a stupid woman. Now that her thoughts are gradually clearing up in her heart, it becomes clear what she should do.

The gradually worsening mood in her heart was gradually washed away, and her fighting spirit was rekindled in her heart.

It’s too early to say it’s over, Yaowan.


In the medicinal material management warehouse in the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan reported Miss Wan's name, and the elder who managed the medicinal materials let him in.

After all, there seems to be a lot of priceless rare medicinal materials in the medicinal material management warehouse in the inner courtyard. Generally, students in the inner courtyard who want to take medicines need to apply for registration in advance, and only after the review by the elders of the inner courtyard. There are not many medicinal materials that are allowed to be exchanged only, which can be said to be quite restrictive.

It was naturally much more convenient for Xiao Yan to report the name of the medicinal plant, but he could only take away one type of medicinal material.

He had just looked through the catalog of the medicinal materials library, and there was indeed the medicinal material Yanluozhi in it, but for some reason, Yanluozhi's name had a red circle drawn on it.

Xiao Yan didn't know what the medicinal material circled in red meant, but it would be bad if it was a medicinal material that had been selected by others. He had to get this Yanluozhi no matter what.

Therefore, Xiao Yan also silently quickened his pace. If the medicinal materials were replaced right in front of him, he would really have no place to cry.

As soon as he walked into the medicinal material management warehouse, Xiao Yan was shocked by the huge amount of medicinal materials stored here.

It should be said that it is indeed Canaan College. How can a force that can gain a foothold in the Black Corner Territory, a hot land where all things compete, be a fuel-efficient lamp?

However, Xiao Yan did not forget what he was here for, and immediately began to look for Yan Luozhi.

As a result, Xiao Yan searched together, and found that the medicine cabinet where the cigarettes were supposed to be placed was empty. Xiao Yan could not hide his disappointment.

"Did someone get there first..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh.

He raised his head and suddenly saw a white shadow flashing past where he was walking. Xiao Yan suddenly became vigilant.


Xiao Yan shouted, and then quickly rushed in the direction of the white shadow.

After passing through several medicine cabinets, Xiao Yan saw a little girl in a white dress holding a dark golden fruit to her mouth. She opened her mouth slightly and took a bite from the hard fruit. pulp.

Xiao Yan didn't even have time to stop him, he just blinked his eyes in shock, "Good boy, if you eat raw medicinal materials, are you still a human being?"

It seemed that she noticed Xiao Yan's arrival. The little girl was not afraid of people. She just tilted her head and looked at him with a little curiosity in her beautiful lavender eyes.

Xiao Yan even seemed to see a bit of covetousness in her eyes.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shiver, what happened to this little girl?

But soon, the little girl seemed to see that the different aura on Xiao Yan's body did not seem to come from himself, which made her a little disappointed.

But soon, she became interested again, put down the unpalatable fruit in her hand, and asked, "Hey, who are you?"

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