Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 237 I won’t be able to sleep tonight

"Hey, who are you?"

The little girl looked at Xiao Yan curiously and couldn't help but ask.

"I'm a new student who just came to the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan. What's your name, little sister?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but glance at the Rudraksha, which had clear teeth marks after being bitten by the girl. Even if the alchemist used all his strength to calcine this thing with the Dou Qi flame, it would take a lot of effort. As a result, when the little girl took one bite, it looked like a piece of fruit. Similar.

He couldn't help but be curious about the little girl's identity. Xiao Yan thought he didn't have such a good tooth when chewing on Rudraksha.

Could it be that this little girl is the granddaughter of an elder in the inner courtyard?

Before the little girl could reply, Xiao Yan couldn't help but continue: "Little sister, this medicinal material is under the jurisdiction of Elder Hao. If you eat it like this, aren't you afraid of him getting into trouble?"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid of that old man."

The little girl snorted softly, and then looked at Xiao Yan, her lavender eyes suddenly filled with interest.

"You have such a strong aura of life on your body, but it seems that this is not your own power. Do you have something good?"

The little girl opened her big watery eyes, which was really cute.

"The breath of life?"

But her words made Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

What kind of living creature aura does he have? If I have to say it... could it be because he has been with Miss Wan for a long time and her aura of living creatures has infiltrated into him?

"I don't have anything like that...but my friend does."

The little girl tilted her head and let out a light sigh: "How come your friend's biological aura is on your body?"


Xiao Yan couldn't help but recall the extraordinarily bold intimate contact with Miss Wan last night, and a bit of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"This might be a bit complicated to explain..."

"Complicated? Forget it, I don't like complicated things."

The little girl said with a slight frown on her face while nibbling on the Rudraksha in her hand.

Just looking at Xiao Yan, she seemed to remember something and said vaguely: "By the way, I have seen almost all the people here. I haven't seen you before?"

"Because I came to the inner courtyard just the day before yesterday."

Xiao Yan explained: "I am a new student in this class. Because I need to refine some special elixirs, I came here to look for a medicinal material called Yanluozhi."

As he spoke, he pointed to the medicine cabinet not far away, where the cigarettes should probably be placed.

The little girl glanced at the medicine cabinet that Xiao Yan pointed to, but still shook her head. It was obvious that she had no impression of those medicinal materials at all.

"But, so you are an alchemist?"


Xiao Yan nodded.

"In that case, can you do me a favor?"

The little girl seemed to recall something and couldn't help but say.

"That depends on the actual situation."

Xiao Yan did not dare to casually agree to a stranger's request. Although this little girl seemed quite harmless, Xiao Yan did not forget that she was a ruthless person who could bite off a Rudraksha. This little girl's teeth were only I'm afraid it's not much worse than his Xuanzhong Ruler.

"If you promise me, I can choose whatever medicinal materials you want here."

The little girl's words came out happily, but Xiao Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. This little girl really didn't regard herself as an outsider. He could take the medicinal materials here as he pleased. How could she do this?

Seemingly seeing what Xiao Yan was thinking, the girl snorted, and was naturally very dissatisfied with the doubts in Xiao Yan's heart, and said, "Who do you think I am? I'll give it to you as I say, that old man wants to If you want to settle the score, just say it's on me."

Even though Xiao Yan was still dubious, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised by this little girl's inexplicable courage.

"You'd better tell me what you want me to do for you, otherwise I won't dare to ask for it even if you give me the entire medicinal material management library."

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly.

"Simple, aren't you an alchemist? You can refine various medicinal materials into elixirs, right?"

Seeing Xiao Yan nodding in acquiescence, the little girl continued: "Please help me refine these medicinal materials into elixirs."

"If nothing else, the refined elixir is much more delicious than these native medicinal materials..."

After hearing what the little girl said, Xiao Yan's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"If you just take these medicinal materials and elixirs like this... can your body bear it?"

Xiao Yan looked up and down at the little girl who barely reached his chest. It was hard to imagine that the essence of human beings refining elixirs was to extract the essence and remove the dross, and at the same time combine various medicinal properties that the human body could not bear. Mixed and harmonized, it becomes an existence that can be absorbed and used by the human body.

But the little girl in front of him far exceeded Xiao Yan's expectations and knowledge of ordinary things.

However, she had already performed the ruthless act of chewing Rudraksha in front of him. No matter how doubtful he was, he should believe it now.

"...Forget it, since we met each other, it can be regarded as a good relationship."

Xiao Yan sighed softly and said.

This little girl was able to enter the medicinal materials management warehouse to eat medicinal materials. She didn't look like an ordinary girl, and she might be related to an elder from Canaan College.

Due to emotions and reasons, it was naturally better to help her out.

And he doesn't know much about the inner courtyard now. This little girl might know a lot.

Seeing that Xiao Yan agreed, the little girl was naturally very happy and walked out with the medicinal materials.

When he went out, Xiao Yan explained everything that happened here to Elder Hao. After seeing that little devil coming to him again for a tooth-beating ceremony, he almost lost his temper and had no choice but to give up. He waved his hand and let the two of them go.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan with pity, as if he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes when he met this little girl.

Xiao Yan was even more confused, but it seemed that he needed to find another person to find the answer.

After sending the two of them away, Elder Hao had no choice but to put a red circle on the medicinal materials she had taken away.

On the way out of the medicinal material management warehouse, Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "Little sister, what is your name?"

"I'm not a little sister. My name is Zi Yan. Don't call me little sister."

"Zi Yan..."

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, temporarily remembered the name, and then asked.

"What about your dad?"

"I don't have a father."

Zi Yan shook her head.

Xiao Yan felt that his mouth was a little dry, but he still asked: "What about your mother?"

"I don't have a mother either."

Zi Yan continued to shake her head.


"...Xiao Yan? Why don't you speak?"

"No, I'm fine."

Xiao Yan only felt that his throat was extremely dry, and he felt that he might not be able to sleep tonight.

After Xiao Yan temporarily rented a refining pharmacy, he started refining elixirs.

"To be honest, I'm still quite curious... Zi Yan, how do you, a human, eat raw medicinal materials?"

"Who said I'm a human?"

Zi Yan's answer once again choked Xiao Yan.

"——Are you a monster?"

Xiao Yan suddenly felt that everything became reasonable.

"No, if you are a monster, could it be that you have cultivated to the point where you can transform into a human being? Could it be that you are a fighting emperor?"

Xiao Yan let out a sigh. If the little girl in front of him was a magical beast, then it would be normal for her to be able to chew medicinal materials. But he didn't know what kind of magical beast this little girl was.

"I'm not that strong. I just accidentally ate an extremely rare transformation grass, and then I became like this, and I can never change back. I took these medicinal materials just to grow up quickly, and then I Can change between animal body and human body at will."

Zi Yan frowned. She didn't seem to be very interested when it came to this, so she even spoke in a humming tone.

"Transformation grass? No wonder."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan felt a little surprised. The transformation grass is the most important material for refining the transformation pill, so it also has some effects of the transformation pill. If a monster with strength reaching the Douhuang level eats it, it will be able to It can transform into a human body at will, but if it is eaten before its strength is reached, it will remain in the transformed human form until its strength breaks through to the Douhuang level.

While the chatter continued, Xiao Yan did not stop what he was doing. The medicinal materials that had just been put into the medicine cauldron were calcined by the strange fire, and the impurities were removed, and finally condensed into pills of uniform size, as big as a fingernail.

Although it looks no different from the elixir, Xiao Yan has only calcined it with a strange fire at most. Ordinary people may be killed if they take this fake medicine.

With a move of his hand, he put these pills in a jade bottle and then handed them to Zi Yan.

Zi Yan was overjoyed and immediately tasted one. The taste was naturally much stronger than eating the medicinal materials directly.

"How is the taste?"

Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, but when he came back to his senses, he couldn't laugh or cry.

As an alchemist, he always asked his teacher and Miss Wan about the quality and efficacy of the elixirs he refined, but he never thought that one day he would ask others how they tasted...

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly, should it be said that the world is in a cold state.

"Well, it's really delicious. It's much more delicious than just eating the medicinal ingredients."

Zi Yan smiled and said: "Well done. If someone bullies you in the future, come to me and I will help you stand up. There is no one in the inner courtyard that I dare not offend."

Xiao Yan shook his head in confusion, rubbed the cute little girl's head vigorously, and said with a smile: "Okay, I will definitely find you!"

"Then after I finish eating these, can you still help me refine them? Think of it as my reward for protecting you?"

Hearing this, the little girl suddenly became happy and knelt down in front of Xiao Yan, her big black eyes filled with anticipation.


Xiao Yan was silent for a moment and couldn't help but raise his forehead. What was he expecting?

"Okay - you know my name anyway, just come to me after eating."

Xiao Yan nodded mechanically. He couldn't find Yan Luozhi, but he ended up catching up with a diner. He was really lucky.

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