Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 399 Starfall Pavilion

When Mu Qingluan saw Xiao Yan again, he couldn't help but be surprised.

After all, no matter how much she guessed, she would never have thought that Xiao Yan had such a connection with his master.

Noticing Mu Qingluan's gaze, Xiao Yan couldn't help turning his head to look at her. Unlike Mu Qingluan's impression of him, Xiao Yan's impression of her was that she was a disciple of Master Feng. Therefore, He just nodded slightly towards the other party, and then shifted his gaze.

Mu Qingluan was slightly startled, and then she felt a sword-like gaze, which made her have the illusion that she was facing someone from Wanjiange Pavilion.

But her rationality reminded her that those people were not from Wanjiange, and even the people from Wanjiange might not be able to achieve the natural swordsmanship of the woman next to Xiao Yan.

Mu Qingluan couldn't help but meet the slightly sharp gaze, but saw Nalan Yanran looking at her with a vigilant look, which surprised her even more.

After all, in other places, a proud woman like her would always be inevitably pursued by others, and would inevitably be involved in countless disputes behind her. In the end, she, as the person involved, did not know what's going on.

This is not because she is being sentimental, but it is something that will really happen. No wonder she doesn't think so subconsciously. It is precisely because of this that she can't help but feel a little surprised by Nalan Yanran's eyes. Her eyes seem to be like that. As if he was afraid that Xiao Yan would be snatched away by others accidentally.

With talent and appearance like hers, there would be no shortage of suitors, but why did she only fall in love with Xiao Yan so much? Mu Qingluan wasn't blind, so he couldn't even see this kind of thing.

What's even more bizarre is that Nalan Yanran is obviously not Xiao Yan's only woman, and the little medical fairy beside her has obviously exceeded the limit and distance between friends and Xiao Yan.

However, there seemed to be no dissatisfaction between the two people, and they had a very good relationship. It was the little medical fairy who stopped Nalan Yanran from casting a wary look at her, and Nalan Yanran did not seem to show any dissatisfaction because of this.

As a bystander, Mu Qingluan couldn't help but sigh at the fact that he could bring two women with him who were almost as good as him, and the relationship between the two would not even conflict.

"Xiao Yan should start practicing refining medicine in the next time. The Dan Meeting is coming soon, and the talent you have shown from beginning to end is not bad. But the Dan Meeting is very important, and it is not a grand event that can be scorned at will. Don't be careless."

After returning to Xingyun Pavilion, Lord Feng naturally returned the position of Pavilion Master to Yao Lao first. After all, in his mind, Yao Lao is the real Pavilion Master, and he has only been acting as his replacement over the years. Yao Lao only manages Xingyun Pavilion. Since Yao Lao has returned, this position is naturally still his.

Yao Lao knew what Zun Feng meant and understood his character better, so naturally he didn't shirk anymore.

And Xiao Yan naturally became the Young Pavilion Master of Xingyun Pavilion. With all the resources of Xingyun Pavilion, he finally got over the addiction of being a wealthy man.

After all, Xingyun Pavilion was established by Yao Lao. As the nominal number one alchemist in the mainland, the wealth accumulated by Xingyun Pavilion is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Well, I know. Don't worry, teacher."

Xiao Yan smiled and nodded and said.

A trace of peace flashed across Yao Lao's eyes, and he naturally believed in Xiao Yan's assurance.

And the peaceful time passed like this for half a month.

For half a month, Xiao Yan basically stayed in the alchemy room every day, locked himself up, and then continued to discuss the techniques of alchemy with Yao Lao.

At the same time, he also replenished his inventory of medicinal materials that was gradually bottoming out. There were many rare herbs and treasures in Xingyun Pavilion, and most of them came from Yao Lao's original accumulation and inventory.

Just when he was cleaning up his inventory, Xiao Yan saw the broken branch that had been used to refine a batch of elixirs simply due to a mistake, but he didn't know when it started. After so many years, . The broken branch that was originally only as long as a finger has now grown to almost a foot without even noticing.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly and couldn't help but look at it carefully.

Now his soul power has made a qualitative improvement compared to before. When he looked at the broken branch that was more than a foot long in front of him again, he could not see through it more and more. He could only vaguely feel the strength of this thing. It's extraordinary, and it doesn't do any harm to the human body, but I don't know what its real use is.

"What's wrong? Huh? This is it?"

In the alchemy room, Yao Lao noticed Xiao Yan's rare trance. Knowing that his apprentice was not easily distracted, Yao Lao couldn't help but ask.

However, he also noticed that Xiao Yan's attention was focused on the strange broken branch, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his heart.

"Still wondering what this thing is?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but ask, causing Xiao Yan to nod slightly.

"It's probably some kind of ancient thing. After all, neither I nor the girl know anything about this thing. If we really want to know the truth, maybe we can only find some relevant fragments in the Medicine Clan's library. After all, that is probably where all the recorded medicinal materials and heavenly materials and earthly treasures that have appeared on this Dou Qi Continent are collected."

Yao Lao said, arousing Xiao Yan's curiosity.

"The Medicine Clan, where the teacher is from, where is Miss Wan's family?"


Yao Lao nodded and saw a trace of curiosity flashing in Xiao Yan's eyes. Yao Lao, who knew that he would tell him sooner or later, couldn't help coughing slightly and said: "The Yao Clan is a hidden force in Zhongzhou. The strength far exceeds the power on the surface of Zhongzhou, and it is the family that once gave birth to Emperor Dou."

When Xiao Yan heard this, he couldn't help but subconsciously hold the broken branch tightly. He was somewhat surprised. The family that gave birth to Dou Emperor? That means Dou Emperor is no longer here, and there are not too many powerful Dou Sheng warriors, and there are countless powerful Dou Zun warriors, right?

"What are you afraid of? It's just that our ancestors were too wealthy. Not only did your Xiao family give birth to Emperor Dou, it was even the strongest family among the eight clans more than a thousand years ago."

Yao Lao couldn't help but said.

"That's right, everyone has their moments of glory."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"This is no longer a glorious moment. Although the Yao Clan is not afraid of any force in Zhongzhou now, it is just a skinny camel bigger than a horse. It's not a big deal."

Yao Lao waved his hand and said: "It is precisely because of this that they value the girl more and more, because the girl is the most likely hope to lead them back to the top."

Xiao Yan was silent, but he felt that Yao Lao's attitude towards the Yao clan was somewhat different from when he mentioned Miss Wan.

It seems that although the Yao clan and the teacher are from the same family, there is an unspeakable conflict. Only when Miss Wan is mentioned, the resentment will be slightly relieved.

"Teacher...even though he is from the Medicine Clan, you don't seem to mention it often."

"...What's the use of mentioning it? Does it look pitiful to show the scar to others?"

Yaolao was silent for a moment, and then said.


Xiao Yan was silent, Yao Lao's words were certainly correct.

"It doesn't matter. Although I have some grievances with the Yao Clan, the girl is different. She is not bad in nature, but she has not fully recognized herself. For a gifted genius like her, it is inevitable. matter."

Yao Lao explained: "I don't know if you have felt it... Girl, her perspective and attitude towards other people have always been different. This is very similar to you, but it is even worse than you."

"Speaking of which, maybe her appearance now is more likely to look like you who haven't gone through two years of silence."

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan slightly stunned, but he had not forgotten what kind of virtue he had when he first showed his talents. He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Miss Wan shouldn't be like this, right?"

"That's because she thinks you are probably the most special person in her eyes, so she treats you differently."

Yao Lao shook his head. He may not be 100% right when it comes to people, and it's not like he hasn't even seen anything for so many years.

"It's just that, she is not a bad person, she just doesn't recognize herself yet, and what you have to do in the future is to clear the clouds in front of her."

Saying that, Yao Lao stretched out his hand to take the broken branch from Xiao Yan's hand, and couldn't help but look at it again.

Although he didn't know what this broken branch was, he always had a hunch that this thing not only had a great background, but might also be of some vital use.

"Take it with you, it will be useful after all."

Since it is such a valuable thing, it is natural to keep it well. Yao Lao waved his hand and asked Xiao Yan to put it away, and he followed suit.

But at the same time, Yao Lao received a message from Master Feng, and his expression experienced an unusual slight change after receiving the message.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan looked at the inexplicable expression on Yao Lao's face and couldn't help but ask.

"The girl is here."

Xiao Yan was inevitably a little surprised by Yao Lao's words: "Cao Cao is here."

"Cao Cao? What Cao Cao?"

"It's just a proverb, it means someone arrives."

Xiao Yan then stood up, and Yao Lao naturally didn't stop him. Apart from anything else, Yao Wan will definitely not affect Xiao Yan's cultivation progress and the speed of refining medicine. Only the kind of layman who can do this will Doing this kind of thing every day, if a genius like Yao Wan, who knows everything about everything, stays by Xiao Yan's side, Yao Lao will not even be happy, let alone not allowing them to meet.

But after only such a short period of time, the girl was anxious to see Xiao Yan... It always felt like it was not a good thing.

Yao Lao shook his head, it must be an illusion, right? What can the girl do to Xiao Yan? I was a little surprised.

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