Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 400 How to say the ultimate trick of cheating

"By the way, what the girl means is that she is waiting for you outside Xingyun Pavilion."

Yao Lao stood with his hands behind his hands, but he did not forget what he had mentioned to Yao Wan before. Instead, he threw an unusual piece of jade to Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan was startled and quickly caught it.

"What is this? Teacher?"

"It's just a piece of jade. It has no value in itself, but it comes from the ancient ruins where Burning Jue was discovered before."

Yao Laoyan said concisely and comprehensively: "I revealed to the girl before that that ancient ruins are most likely just fragments of a larger ancient ruins. There may be value in finding its main body, and this jade can probably be used as a road sign to provide guidance. "

"Teacher, you want me and Miss Wan to go?"

"Then it depends on whether the girl is willing to take you. When I asked her opinion last time, she was probably not very happy. Think about it, a pampered young lady is supported by the most top-notch resources in Dou Qi Continent. , why risk your life for my baseless speculation?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but shook his head as he spoke. He was not dissatisfied with Yao Wan's hesitation. After all, this was a very normal behavior. Yao Lao himself understood it, and he mostly just mentioned it to prevent the matter from getting further. It's just rotting in your own stomach.

"As for if you want to go, then you will naturally have to rely on you to convince her."

"I don't want to bother her with everything..."

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment and said.


Yao Lao shook his head. If Yao Wan really thought Xiao Yan was troublesome, how could he help him so much? Things that you and I agree on naturally can't be considered a trouble.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, and go quickly."

Yao Lao waved his hand and said.

Xiao Yan smiled and nodded, then immediately stood up and quickly left the alchemy room.

On the way, the disciples of Xingyun Pavilion walked past Xiao Yan talking and laughing, and then greeted this slightly unfamiliar senior brother, and Xiao Yan responded with a smile one by one.

The atmosphere in Xingyun Pavilion made him feel particularly relaxed. Although there was competition, it was still harmonious. Even Canaan College probably couldn't compare with it. After all, people would always get tired if they were used to fighting and killing. , will naturally want to find a peaceful and harmonious place to rest for a while.

After walking out of the mountain gate of Xingyun Pavilion, Xiao Yan saw a beautiful figure in a plain skirt standing on the top of the mountain gate, looking at the stunning scenery of the Tianxing Mountains that was different from other places.

The familiar plain skirt, with its light cyan color and light gold accents, outlines her tall figure. Unlike other women, she is obviously extraordinary in appearance but always likes to dress tightly, and she wants to wrap her face in it. There are three floors inside and three floors outside.

The black hair on the back of the head was coiled up as always, leaving only the long hair at the temples fluttering in the wind, and then falling on the shoulders again.

Xiao Yan was slightly stunned. For a moment, even his breathing slowly became lighter.

"What's wrong?"

Yao Wan's ears trembled slightly, and then she said, "Why don't you see Xian'er and Nalan?"

"They are practicing. The location of Xingyun Pavilion is somewhat special."

Xiao Yan explained, but his eyes never moved away from her from beginning to end, and he couldn't help but think back to the teacher's evaluation of Miss Wan just now.

"Why did Miss Wan come here so quickly? I originally thought you would have to wait until the Dancing Party was about to start before you would join us."

Xiao Yan said nonchalantly.

"——I came here specifically to see you. If I say this, will you be happier?"

Hearing this, Yao Wan snorted slightly, feeling inexplicably irritated unconsciously, but her tone was somewhat alienating and cold.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, obviously a little stunned by Yao Wan's reaction, but since she had already asked, he naturally would not hide it or beat around the bush.

"Of course I will. As long as you are by my side, I will be happy doing anything."

Xiao Yan was half joking and half serious, but he was obviously much more straightforward than before. Perhaps he had noticed the vigilance and alienation in Yao Wan's tone, and he might have subconsciously realized that, perhaps, You need to be more proactive.

Getting along with her is always like this. When you are far away, you feel alienated, and when you are close, she will shrink.

"I said you are really——"

Yao Wan slowly clenched her silver teeth and couldn't help turning her head to look at Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan was able to catch a glimpse of her unconcealed true face again.

Under the dark eyebrows, those pale golden autumn eyes that were always full of smiles had a rare trace of resentment and anger that they didn't know how to express.

To be honest, Xiao Yan naturally didn't know where he accidentally offended Miss Wan, but his experience in dealing with Nalan also gave him some confidence.

"Why did I make Miss Wan angry? Is she in a bad mood?"

It was obvious that this was not the first time that Xiao Yan had been stalking like this. Although it might not be useful to all women, it was more than enough to deal with Yao Wan. Yao Wan also took a deep breath and adjusted herself for the time being. Unstable mood.

She herself had indeed noticed that since she realized that her relationship with Xiao Yan was unavoidable, it was difficult to maintain her original calm mood.

"——You've made me angry everywhere. I don't think it's realistic for you to change. Otherwise, you might as well commit suicide."

Yao Wan crossed her arms and said coldly.


Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan, the smile in his eyes gradually dissipated, as if he was thinking about the authenticity and feasibility of this matter.

"Does Miss Wan really want me to die?"


Those pale golden eyes concealed a trace of hesitation in her very well. Yao Wan would naturally say such words out of anger, but how could she accept it now? Anyway, Xiao Yan knew that he was not serious, so it made him feel frustrated.

"If Miss Wan really thinks about it this way..."

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and then in front of Yao Wan, he slowly walked to the cliff outside the gate of Xingyun Pavilion. The abyss was at his feet.


Yao Wan frowned slightly without leaving any trace, he was just talking, he was still out of breath - jump, jump, jump, Douzong can't fall to death anyway - he didn't dare to really...

But before she could react in her heart, Yao Wan saw Xiao Yan looking at her with a smile, then leaned back, and his slender body fell directly into the abyss in front of her. Yao Wan was so frightened that she opened her eyes immediately. Big eyes.

Without much thought, she had already figured out that Xiao Yan had now become a Dou Zong, but it would not be a big deal if he fell from the top of the mountain. But when she saw Xiao Yan falling, she couldn't help but step forward and catch him. Xiao Yan's hand.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled. He felt the smooth touch on his rough fingertips, which stopped him from falling. Even he couldn't help but be a little surprised. In fact, he had already prepared to simply care. Showing in front of the girl how resistant his body is now, it seems that there is no need for such a thing.

"Has your brain been burned by the strange fire?"

It's just that Yao Wan was obviously not that happy. While his bright wrist gently pulled Xiao Yan back, he couldn't help but curse.

"Really? I don't think so."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but smile and said, to be honest, he was really happy now. After all, even if he deliberately embarrassed himself to win the beauty, it would not be as good as her subconsciously holding his hand, as if she was worried about something happening to him.

His unintentional move triggered her subconscious action, and Xiao Yan couldn't be too happy.


Seeing the slight upward movement of the corners of Xiao Yan's mouth, Yao Wan cursed: "I'm really blind."

"No ah."

Xiao Yan shook his head. He didn't feel any shortcomings in Miss Wan at all. Everything in the world was reflected so perfectly on her. He himself knew to some extent that this was probably the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

"By the way, Miss Wan, this teacher asked me to give it to you."

However, he did not forget about the business, and then handed the jade to Yaowan and said.

Yao Wan frowned slightly, wondering why she couldn't control her emotions, but she still took the jade stone Xiao Yan threw to her.

After looking at it carefully, Yaowan immediately realized what it was.

It's exactly what Yao Lao said before... the existence related to the ancient ruins. With the help of this jade, it may be possible to find the remains of the ruins and find a way to enter them.

But...what use is this kind of thing to her? She wants nothing, lacks nothing, and has no reason to enter a dangerous place for this purpose, just as she said some time ago.

"Although I am grateful for the medicine, this kind of thing is of no use to me."

Yao Wan shook her head slightly, threw the jade stone to Xiao Yan, and then said.

"It's no use?"

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment. After all, although this jade was not a very important thing, it was still a signpost leading to an ancient ruins. Miss Wan's words like this were just too grand...

"I don't want things that are of no use to me."

Yao Wan frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Yan, seemingly meaning something, no matter how he understood it.

"Since it's useless, I can do whatever I want with it. If you think it's useful to you, it doesn't matter if you keep it for yourself."

"...Have you ever discovered the ancient ruins of Fen Jue?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but lower his head and look at the jade stone carefully. It seemed that his curiosity was indeed aroused, and he asked.

"If you want to go, that's up to you."

Yaowan just wanted to throw away this burden in front of her as soon as possible.

"If Miss Wan takes me there... that's not impossible."

Xiao Yan nodded, but Yao Wan was shocked.

"Wait, I didn't say I was going, why should I take you with me?!"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

"Didn't Miss Wan say you can do whatever you want with me? Let's go? Go for a walk?"

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