Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 401 Dedicate yourself to this

Yaowan's face inevitably showed some stiffness and astonishment.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say I wanted to go with you."

Yao Wan naturally never thought that Xiao Yan would actually play this trick with her, and couldn't help but say.

"Miss Wan only said she didn't want to go, but she didn't say she wouldn't go with me, right?"

Xiao Yan said with a smile, which seemed like rhetoric to Yao Wan.

"Will Miss Wan come with me?"

Xiao Yan was straightforward and stopped beating around the bush and asked directly.


Yao Wan couldn't help but feel annoyed, this person couldn't listen to other people's words at all, could he? But now, naturally there are only promises and rejections.

But despite saying this, Yao Wan never considered rejecting Xiao Yan like this.

Anyway... it's the last time anyway, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to accompany him through this last journey.

Yaowan did not hesitate for too long, maybe she was not ready to give up, she took a deep breath, and then said: "Forget it, in that case, I will accompany you on this journey, and you will be half of it." If I die on the road, I can be considered free."

Faced with Yao Wan's straightforward curse, Xiao Yan didn't care and just said: "Don't worry, Miss Wan doesn't have to worry about this."

"Even if I want to die, it's not that easy."

"Really? Then do you want me to go back and give you a try?"

Yao Wan just couldn't see Xiao Yan's reaction and attitude of not taking his words seriously, so she frowned unconsciously.

"That's no need. Let's leave quickly."

Xiao Yan smiled. Even so, he couldn't shake too much.

At the same time, he naturally noticed the inexplicable strong alienation in Miss Wan. Although he didn't know what happened, he didn't like this feeling.

He just wanted to take the initiative to get closer to her, but was easily ignored by her. Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little helpless. It didn't matter, it was still a long time anyway, and there was still time for everything.

"Don't you need to tell Nalan and Xian'er?"

Yao Wan couldn't help asking.

"The teacher already told me this before I left. Besides, don't Xian'er, Nalan and the rest of the girls still understand? It's no problem even if I have a hundred assurances."

Yaowan's eyes flickered slightly. How could she not know what Xiao Yan said?

"Then let's go. This time you can improve your cultivation to a higher level."

Yaowan then turned around, and a pair of lotus feet slowly stepped onto the clouds at the top of the peak. A beautiful shadow rose up from the clouds, crossing the sky and the earth. Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan's back and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but still Followed quickly.

"Then where should we go?"

Xiao Yan also stepped into the air and looked at her who, despite being extremely beautiful, had become a little distant inexplicably.

"Give me that thing."

Yao Wan waved her hand, and Xiao Yan immediately understood and handed her the jade fragment in his hand. Yao Wan then injected his own spiritual thoughts into it, using it as a guidepost to find clues about the ancient ruins.

It is not difficult to find traces of ancient ruins here, at least for Yao Wan.

And when the jade fragment projected a faint light towards the northwest, Yao Wan already understood in her heart.

"It seems useful, let's go."

Yao Wan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this thing was really useful. If it was useless, then she could only choose the original plan, knock Xiao Yan out directly, and then seal his memory.

Although I can't say that I like him, if I say that I really have no feelings for Xiao Yan, even I won't believe it, and I will always leave a trace of thoughts for myself.

Yao Wan does not object to this. After all, there are really no people who are willing to make a decision. If someone can be so decisive, is he still a human being?

On the road, Yao Wan walked very fast. Although she also knew that it would be difficult for Xiao Yan to keep up with her due to Xiao Yan's Dou Zong speed, she did not deliberately slow down because of this. This made Xiao Yan suffer, and Yao Wan silently walked. She sped up her pace, and it was already difficult for Xiao Yan to keep up with her pace, let alone Yao Wan's speed now, so he had to continue to speed up, and was almost left far behind by Yao Wan. It will be as if it will be thrown away at any time.

However, Xiao Yan never asked Yao Wan to slow down from beginning to end. He just kept silently maintaining a speed that could keep up with her, neither rushing nor slowing down. Although he seemed to be left behind by Yao Wan, he did not fall behind.

The two of them maintained this state and flew to the junction of the Southern Region and the Western Region, and Yao Wan couldn't help but stop temporarily.

"Not leaving?"

Xiao Yan took a breath and couldn't help but say.

"I thought you couldn't keep up."

Yao Wan didn't look back, but Xiao Yan shrugged: "If Miss Wan is willing to wait for me, then of course I will be more than happy."

"What's wrong with Miss Wan? This time I see you, you seem to be worried."

Xiao Yan calmly took a Qi Restoration Pill and asked.

"There is something on my mind."

Yao Wan frowned slightly, unwilling to look back from the beginning to the end, let alone her expression being seen by Xiao Yan.

When she originally wanted to give Xiao Yan a stick and end it once and for all, she didn't want the matter to be cut up and messed up until now. As a result, unknowingly, it ended up like this.

"If you force yourself, I will go slower. There is no need to force yourself."

Yao Wan noticed that Xiao Yan's fighting spirit was replenished after taking the elixir, and she couldn't bear to torment him like this, not to mention that it was really pointless.

"So... what is Miss Wan worried about?"

Xiao Yan said casually after taking a breath.


There was no movement from Yao Wan. Just when Xiao Yan thought that it was probably Miss Wan's family matter and it might not be convenient for him to intervene, he heard her say: "I think you are annoyed."

"Okay, then I shut up."

Xiao Yan nodded. Leaving others aside, for him, Miss Wan was easy to understand after all. When she said she had something on her mind, she probably really had some trouble that she couldn't solve. She didn't want him to know about it, which would only add to the trouble. .

It's just that he couldn't help her after all, which made him feel a little helpless and regretful.

Although he has long been accustomed to her slightly thin but extremely reliable back, it does not mean that Xiao Yan will be willing to be protected by her for the rest of his life.

Xiao Yan shook his head silently, throwing away his random thoughts, but saw that the dim light in front of him that had been guiding them was very thin. He didn't know whether it was because the jade had reached its limit, or...

"Are we there yet?"

Xiao Yan took a look at the surrounding landforms. There was a vast white dividing line between the southern region of Zhongzhou and the western region. The roar of the torrents could be heard even thousands of feet high in the sky.

"It looks like it is."

Yao Wan then retracted his somewhat confused thoughts, and his spiritual thoughts shrouded the vast white moat in front of him.

"But this seems to be just a mountain stream... the scale is quite scary."

Xiao Yan's gaze passed through the surging water mist below. The area of ​​​​the water at the moment was more than a thousand miles away. The water falling from the sky on one side of the cliff was particularly spectacular.

"I haven't felt any strange aura, how do I get in?"

Xiao Yan subconsciously looked up at Yaowan, but saw a dazzling golden color suddenly clenched between her slender fingers, and then turned into a dazzling golden meteor, falling towards the lake in front of him.

Then, there was a burst of shaking and violent roaring.

Naturally, there is no particularly good way for Yaowan, and now that we have found this location, all that is left is to go in.

Unlocking the door is entering, and breaking in is of course entering.

Like the clear echo of broken glass, Yao Wan's eyes flashed with fierceness. The vast white rivers and lakes immediately collapsed under her stone hammer, revealing a huge deep pit with a radius of more than a hundred miles. , spider web-like fragmentation marks were all over it, and Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw it.

Although he probably guessed Miss Wan's approach and choice, such a simple and crude way of opening the door really made him ashamed.

Probably only Miss Wan can do this kind of thing.

And under Yao Wan's hammer, after the earth-shattering, the continuously extending cracks did reveal a different kind of brilliance. Yao Wan also immediately noticed an unusual surge of air, from bottom to top. emerge.

"found it."

There was a rare unexpectedness and surprise in Yao Wan's tone, and then she immediately looked at Xiao Yan.

"Come down, let's go."

"I really found it..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh, and then flew down.

Yao Wan looked at the crack below, which was barely enough for one person to pass through, and was constantly blowing a bit of cold wind upward, and then looked at Xiao Yan, who was flying down.

"I will go down first in a while, and you will come down later. The ancient ruins are very dangerous. I will protect you, but you must not mess around. Do you hear me?"

There was a hint of solemnity and seriousness on Yaowan's face, and then she said.

"I know."

After receiving Xiao Yan's assurance, Yao Wan took a deep breath and then threw herself into the crack in front of her.

Xiao Yan also followed closely behind.

Throwing himself into the crack, Xiao Yan felt an unusual power pass through his body quickly. He was slightly startled. The power was not malicious at all, but more like a filter, but there was nothing real about it. feel.

The darkness in front of me did not make people feel scared, but instead filled me with an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Xiao Yan tried to mobilize his fighting spirit, but was shocked to find that he had lost control of his fighting spirit in a short period of time. This made him panic briefly, but the ability of Douzong Yukong was still there. strangeness.

Wait, where is Miss Wan?

Xiao Yan almost immediately lost his perception of the medicine when he plunged into this darkness.

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