Xiao Yan said in a soft tone, while Yao Wan's face showed no trace of unavoidable bitterness, and she didn't know what this guy was talking about.

But since his request was not excessive, Yaowan complained but did not refuse.

A breeze blew by the clear spring water, slightly blowing the silver hair on the back of her head. From a distance, it looked like Yaowan's body was covered with a snow-white veil, making her look particularly graceful.

The beauty sitting beside the spring, and the man standing behind her spreading her long hair. If they were far enough away, and everything in front of them combined with the tranquility of the surrounding mountains and rivers, it would be a rare painting in the world.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Yaowan felt the relaxation of her hair being blown by the wind, and the slight movement brought by Xiao Yan's fingertips, but the thoughts in her heart were inevitably blown farther and farther like the wind. Naturally, this thought was inevitable. It came to my mind, and I couldn't help but ask.

"It just... suddenly occurred to me, that's all."

Xiao Yan's answer seemed to be an understatement. In fact, there were many ways and words he could answer, so many that he couldn't finish them all.

The most straightforward explanation is probably because her hair is gray.

After taking off the hairpin on the back of the head, it spread smoothly like a waterfall. The snow-colored silver hair that was not tangled on it just fell under Yaowan's graceful and slightly upturned waist. Her beauty was radiating. Who are you thinking of? Nor would I refuse to witness such a moment.

It's just that Miss Wan probably didn't want to hear such words, so even though both parties knew it well, they still didn't mention it a word.

That would be better for everyone.

"Speaking of which, has Xiao Yan ever washed other girls' hair like this?"

Yao Wan said casually, and Xiao Yan's hand couldn't help but pause slightly. He knew that Yao Wan would not test him, and there was no need to make any smart considerations, because she did not include him at all. Since it had nothing to do with him, Naturally, it has nothing to do with you.


Xiao Yan shook his head, scooping up water and dripping it on the silvery threads of the medicinal herbs sliding down the water, and said, speaking of it, it seems that he has no normal life since he met them, and some are also. But just practicing, I was always urged to move forward by various goals, and it was only now that I had a moment of peace.

"Then you should wash them off too."

Yaowan let the spring water wet her hair and then said.

"I know, I will."

Needless to say, Yao Wan knew this. Xiao Yan himself knew that it was just that this time he let Miss Wan catch up first.

"That's not why you can't."

Yao Wan was not so satisfied with Xiao Yan's reaction, and there was a bit of complaint and helplessness in her tone.

"Well, I know all this, but Miss Wan is different."

"Compared with them, I am just a mediocre passerby, and you have to understand this sooner or later."

Yao Wan was silent for a moment, and then couldn't help but say.

Xiao Yan didn't speak, or he simply pretended that he didn't hear him at all.

The water flowed past, and the silver thread was covered with a layer of water light, but with the flow of fighting spirit, it disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Xiao Yan seemed to suddenly recall something important and couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong?"

"Hair... can it change back?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask. Although it sounded like useless nonsense at first, it was indeed a question that Xiao Yan was thinking about seriously now.

"Probably not."

Yaowan shook her head. Based on this distraction, it was indeed true.

The main reason is that there is no need to consume and do meaningless recovery, and it is still clear which medicine is light and which is heavy.

"By the way, it's time to catch up on the physical refining technique that I asked you to practice but you were always busy."

Yaowan tied the long hair on the back of her head again and said.

"That roll of glass body shaping art?"

Xiao Yan paused, and then took out a simple scroll from his Najie. It was one of the many gifts that Yao Wan had left for Xiao Yan since he left the Xiao family. It was just because Yao Wan had explained it before. These skills will naturally come into contact after Xiao Yan meets the training conditions and comes into contact with the restrictions.

However, because Xiao Yan was always delayed by various things in front of him, although Xiao Yan never forgot it, he really did not have the time to practice.

"Well, that scroll of Glazed Body Shaping Technique contains the spiritual thoughts I planted earlier. You just need to practice hard."

After tying the hair on the back of her head again, Yaowan stood up and said.


But before Xiao Yan responded, Yao Wan immediately stood up.

"Miss Wan is leaving again?"

"What do you mean? I don't have anything else to do right now. Why don't you have any reaction when I see the results of your practice?"

Yaowan crossed her arms. She was just tired from sitting. She stood for a while. Who said she was going to leave again? Xiao Yan's reaction was too great.

"Give me the technique."

However, she seemed to realize something unintentionally, frowning slightly, and then stretched out her hand to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan did not hesitate. It would be better to say that Miss Wan did not leave the skill to him and run away at the speed of light. This is what he is most worried about now.


Xiao Yan didn't think too much, so he took out the golden scroll that was particularly special among the many scrolls.

Yao Wan frowned slightly in front of Xiao Yan. The moment he opened it, he opened his mouth slightly and swallowed the flash of spiritual light that suddenly appeared in his belly. Because of his distraction, the trace of Yao Wan was left in the The sad light of the scroll did not resist, but meekly merged with the medicine wand again.

As Yao Wan reintegrated her spiritual thoughts, her original silver hair became even more aura filled with vitality, which made Xiao Yan stunned and a little surprised.

Can Miss Wan be restored by integrating spiritual thoughts? Then he didn't want these skills. As long as he could get her some recovery, it would be worth it.

"How much can be recovered by absorbing the remaining spiritual thoughts from the technique?"

This was really an unexpected surprise for Xiao Yan.

It's just that the Yaowan in front of him seems a little unable to smile.

"No more, no less."

Yao Wan spoke vaguely and coughed slightly. After all, she did not withdraw these spiritual thoughts just for the sake of a meager recovery.

As for the reason...

It would be best for Xiao Yan not to know about it for the rest of his life.

Yao Wan was thinking like this in her heart, but the divine message that she had once engraved with the power of her powerful soul was repeated uncontrollably in her mind like a broken announcer.

"Hey~ Xiao Yan, when you open this scroll, you may not be able to see me anymore, hehe, don't miss me too much~"

I'm very busy today

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