"Hey~ Xiao Yan, when you open this scroll, you may not be able to see me anymore, hehe, don't miss me too much~"

His own voice was particularly brisk in his ears. When Yao Wan heard it, in addition to wanting to die, he also sounded a bit naive and innocent.

At the beginning, she thought that she was just a familiar stranger with Xiao Yan, and how could she have imagined how she ended up in this situation step by step.

And the most terrible thing is not only that, but what is even more terrible is that on a whim at that time, she not only set up a situation that had been foreseen in this place of divine thoughts, but even created an image purely composed of her own divine thoughts. .

Yaowan even set up a type of teacher with eyes. Anyway, Xiao Yan was from there, and this divine thought was directly reflected in his mind, and he could explain it any way he wanted.

But how could she have foreseen this situation? She can't predict the future!

As a result, this led to a situation where all the preparations were made as expected, but everything failed once implemented.

Even she herself was having a headache about this matter. How could she dare to show him the divine thoughts she had left for Xiao Yan? If this caused another misunderstanding accidentally, she wouldn't be able to explain it even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Although it’s hard to tell now.

That's why Yao Wan was so anxious to recycle this part of his spiritual thoughts. However, it was an unexpected surprise that the spiritual thoughts he had left behind could actually make up for his current distraction.

Although it didn't add much, a sparrow, no matter how small it was, was still a piece of meat, so she couldn't refuse it.

After successfully recovering her spiritual power, Yao Wan planned to teach Xiao Yan herself. After all, she left her spiritual power to guide Xiao Yan because she was worried that something would go wrong. Naturally, it was better to avoid it as much as possible.

"sit down."

Yaowan coughed slightly, relieved his embarrassment, and then said.

Xiao Yan sat down cross-legged obediently, and then listened to Yao Wan begin to explain the key points of practicing the Glazed Body Shaping Technique.

"Anyway, the original practice requirement of this technique is that you need to go to Douzong to practice it. It's just right for you to practice it now."

Yao Wan explained, and then couldn't help but sit down behind Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan felt a fragrant wind blowing from his back, and his back couldn't help but feel itchy, as if she was very close.

"Uh...Miss Wan?"

Xiao Yan did not turn around in a hurry, but stayed still very honestly. Not long after, his long and delicate fingertips gently touched the back of Xiao Yan's cervical spine, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of joy in his heart. The slightest hint of coolness and even some uncontrollable itching made him twist his body subconsciously.

"Oh, Wan, Miss Wan, what are you doing?"

I don't know why, but every touch of the yarrow seems to bring an inexplicable strong reaction to myself, but others don't feel this way.

"Don't move, I'm trying to give you some backbone."

Yao Wan frowned slightly, couldn't help but pat Xiao Yan's shoulder, and then said.

"Are you ticklish?"

"No, it's just that you are special."

Xiao Yan told the truth, but it was a pity that Yao Wan could not hear his truth on this topic. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yan felt a sharp press on a certain section of his spine, and he clenched his teeth in pain. His teeth were clenched, and he could no longer say anything.

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan expressionlessly, but she couldn't help but snorted secretly in her heart.

Then, the medicine wand pushed several of the vertebrae from top to bottom again. When Xiao Yan felt a burst of severe pain coming from bottom to top, he felt a different kind of transparency accompanied by Dou Qi from bottom to top. Throughout the body.

After that, there was an overly clear feeling, as if soaked in mint, which made Xiao Yan's eyelids tremble slightly.

"The bone veins have been opened. All that's left is to breathe in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as stated in the technique. You also have the help of the strange fire, which can filter the energy of heaven and earth very quickly. Although the ruins of oblivion are indeed a bit mysterious. , but it does not mean that it is impossible to practice. The energy of the world here is more abundant than that of Dou Qi Continent. Of course, if you kill a Dou Zun and take out the evil core from his body, then use it to practice after exterminating the evil spirit, it will be twice the result with half the effort. "

Yao Wan calmly said some words that were not surprising. Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, but he thought there was nothing wrong with it. But as soon as he finished speaking, both Yao Wan and Xiao Yan suddenly realized that now Yao Wan is no longer the strong man who killed Dou Zun like a chicken.

If we did not rely on the characteristics of Ash Destruction Flame, whoever touches it will die, it is still unknown whether Yaowan can beat Xiao Yan.


Yao Wan found that she had become weaker, but Xiao Yan had no intention of pouring cold water on her at this time. For a moment, the two fell into silence.

Finally, Xiao Yan broke the embarrassing silence and couldn't help but said: "By the way, where is the evil core after we killed that woman last time? Is it gone?"

"How can I know something you don't even know?"

Yao Wan crossed her arms. She was obviously the one who fainted first, but Xiao Yan asked her about it.

"Probably the power of the Ash-Destroying Fire Lotus was too great, and it blew up all the people and evil cores, leaving nothing behind, right?"

Yao Wan exhaled. If this is the case, the energy of heaven and earth she swallowed in the evil core will also be returned to heaven and earth. Although it is true that the self-circulation has been completed to a certain extent, the energy of heaven and earth will also remain. In that area, maybe after a few hundred years, it may gradually evolve into a treasure due to the rich energy of heaven and earth.

But how could Yao Wan and Xiao Yan wait for such a long time.

"That's true...but I didn't expect that our strange fires can actually merge, even though your strange fire is the dominant one."

"There's nothing I can do about it. The Flame of Ash Destruction is just like this. Fortunately, this thing grew directly from my body, otherwise I wouldn't dare to use it."

Yao Wan told the truth, the Flame of Ashes was easy to use, but at the cost of controlling death, no one would dare to use it except Yao Wan, who was closely related to the Flame of Life.

"It doesn't matter. The Flame of Ash Destruction coexists with me. It won't cause any great harm to me. As for fusion with your Fire Lotus, maybe you got the Pure Lotus Demon Fire later, which should be able to achieve the goal with the Flame of Ash Destruction." Barely balanced.”

"Does the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire need to be able to achieve a balance with the Flame of Ash Destruction?"

Yaowan's words were as plain as water, but they still aroused Xiao Yan's shock and confusion. He knew the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire very well. It was the third most powerful alien fire on the alien fire list. Now the total of these five kinds of alien fires in his body is probably It cannot be compared with the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

"Yes, so let's become stronger."

Yaowan's tone finally became softer and she said.


When Han Shanshan came to look for people again the next day, she found that the two people in the yard were gone.

This really made the Medicine Hall Master, who was not necessarily so relaxed and leisurely in the first place, even more anxious. Why was the person gone when he turned around? These two living treasures are the people that Elder Tianhuo cares about so much. To exaggerate, they are existences that can influence the entire human war situation. In the blink of an eye, it is impossible for anyone else to hold back.

As a result, just when she was about to turn the entire pharmacy upside down, an unusual fluctuation came from the direction of the spiritual spring behind the pharmacy, attracting Han Shanshan's attention.

It seems that someone is practicing, but the fluctuation is obviously not like any ordinary technique.

In addition, practicing in the Ruins of Oblivion itself is a very meaningless thing. Therefore, with all the doubts in her heart, Han Shanshan flew to the spiritual spring behind the medicine department.

The result was not what Han Shanshan had expected. The person beside the spiritual spring behind the medicine shop who absorbed countless energy from the world like a whale was none other than Xiao Yan.

But now, a layer of glazed shell has appeared on his body, covering the black outfit, which makes him look particularly dazzling.

Han Shanshan had never seen such a technique before, and could only reluctantly judge it as some kind of powerful body-training method.

Being able to practice...it seems like he is really a visitor from the outside world.

The shock in Han Shanshan's eyes gradually dissipated, and she couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart.

"What's wrong? Such an unexpected expression."

Yaowan appeared silently beside Han Shanshan, which really startled her.

Han Shanshan turned her head suddenly and realized it was a yarrow. She couldn't help exhaling a breath, then patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's you, can you please stop showing up like this without making a sound? It's so scary."

Han Shanshan couldn't help but say that although she was also a Dou Zong practitioner, not all alchemists could kill people as efficiently as Xiao Yan. Although the power of the soul was not weak, it was still somewhat dwarfed by the freak Yao Wan. .

"I'm protecting Xiao Yan, so naturally I don't want him to be disturbed."

Yaowan glanced around the group, his eyes filled with calmness, and then said.

"Cultivation...Dharma protector...Originally, Elder Tianhuo said that you are from outside. I didn't quite believe it. Now it seems that it is true."

There was an inexplicable meaning in Han Shanshan's tone, and her gaze towards Xiao Yan was also filled with a little envy.

"What's wrong? He practices and I protect him. Is this weird?"

Yao Wan frowned slightly, sensing something fishy from Han Shanshan's tone.

"It seems like you're not quite sure yet."

Han Shanshan shrugged her shoulders and then explained: "Those of us who were born in the Ruins of Oblivion cannot practice."

"No, that's not right. It doesn't mean that you can't practice, but that even if you practice, it won't be of much use. If you can't make any progress in your cultivation for thousands of years, wouldn't all this time of cultivation be useless?"


Yao Wan frowned, completely unexpected that Han Shanshan would say this.

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