Finally Come

Chapter 700

Chapter 701 Long Time No See Meeting II [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 701 The Long Time No See Meeting II [gogo! come on! 】

Tightly holding Long Key’s smooth jade-like palm, tears were flowing in his red eyes, and an obsessive expression was revealed.

She was afraid, she was afraid that all of this was an illusion, this was her dream, and she was afraid that after she woke up, the man in front of her would disappear as before.

Seeing the red lubricated face rubbing his palm like a lovely cat, Long Key didn’t have any strange thoughts. He saw the red look, which he hadn’t had in a long, long time ago. A trace of emotion was gradually born the moment I saw Hong.

Long Yao knew that although he liked them, he would protect them, but he must not have thoughts that would affect his goals, but seeing the red expression at the moment, Long Yao suddenly gave birth to a thought that he had before was wrong. After all, there is no conflict between protecting them and their own ideals. The only thing is that this road will be a little lonely, this is a road that no one can understand.

All he can rely on is his own firmness. For this, he may sacrifice the love that normal people should have, which is time.

He can’t let red, not just red, white, Kushina, Terumi Mei, Tsunade, Xiaonan, they are all the same, he can’t give them the love like ordinary people, he doesn’t have that time, he only gives them simple love , And the girls most of the time just wait and look forward.

This is extremely unfair, they gave everything, and what Long Yao gave was nothing but ethereal love.

Thinking of Ona and Jinks still in the space of Xueyan, maybe they will do the same from now on 1……….

Thinking of this, Long Yao suddenly felt that there was a great sense of guilt, and the saddest thing was that he could not change anything, only the true god 1…Only when he reached the true god, he became stronger, so strong that there was nothing. Fear, strong enough that they don’t need to be still, strong enough not to worry about that damn hunter anytime and anywhere.

“Hong, I’m here to pick you up.” As before, while touching his red cheeks, Long Key lowered his voice and looked at Hong in a gentle tone.

“Well, I’ve been waiting, Key.” At this moment, the red corners of her eyes couldn’t bear it anymore, moving tears kept dripping from the corners of her eyes, Red tilted her head and leaned against Long Yao’s chest. , I grabbed it hard with both hands, it seems that as soon as I let go, the dragon key will disappear.

“Red.” “Key.”

The plot was like a girly cartoon. The prince and princess watched affectionately, completely ignoring the exclamation and surprise of the people around them. Well, the princess didn’t notice at all. Maybe the prince noticed it but was a thick-skinned face.

“Ahem, that, Mrs. Hong?” Looking at the people around you more and more Eight Trigrams, but obviously those girls all showed an enviable look and looked at Hong wishing to replace it.And those men also had the same look, but what made Toa and Shino’s face black was that most of the men actually envied the goal of red! ?

The eyes of those men seemed to be getting more and more wrong. Looking at Hong did not reveal the obsession of the past, but showed a look of deep hatred, fearing that things would develop in a strange way, so the three children called Hong at the same time.

“Huh? Ah!”

The red head was already dizzy, and in the trance, it seemed that someone was calling her name. When I opened my eyes, I instantly became shy. After all, everyone around me basically knew her. Her, now she is being watched by so many people who know her, or how can she bear that girl’s red heart?

However, Hong soon felt that something was wrong. In the past, the men who had a good impression of him and the women with good relationships were all looking at him with envy and hatred. Hong’s little head was a little puzzled, and then took a look. Long Yao took another look at them and finally glanced at himself, as if he understood something.

“What do you look at! He is mine, and someone who is not convinced will stand up!” Hong’s head had a black line. After determining what was going on, Hong took a step forward and blocked Long Key behind him, looking murderously. Looking at those who were looking at Dragon Key, they changed their previous gentle and elegant image. At this time, the red was like a cat with a cat bowl in both hands, Tsundere on his face.

“Uh1…” The men and women also seemed to be surprised by the appearance of Red. Even the three of Hinata saw the appearance of Red for the first time, and looked at this Onee-san with a dull expression.

“1…………..” Long Key also looked at him speechlessly, blocking himself from red, well, those affectionate scenes just now were suddenly destroyed by this girl, Oh, Onee-san NS.

“Huh!” Shaking their fists, those people thought that Hong’s strength was very strong. They swallowed and pretended that they didn’t know anything. Those who should sit down and those who should go home should go home. Hong snorted proudly before turning his head, and saw Long Yao looking at herself with a smile. The Tsundere before Hong disappeared in an instant, but it was not as gentle as Onee-san before, but just like a girl. Shyly lowered his head in front of Long Yao, pulling the corner of his clothes.

“Red, don’t you introduce me?” Looking at Hong’s appearance, Long Yao’s eyes lit up, and then he pulled Hong to do it, but the position seemed to be insufficient. Originally, Hong and Hinata made a big seat. On the opposite side of the big seat were Shino and Ya. Now when a tall person like Long Yao came in, two adults and one child were a little crowded.

“They… are my students.” They were already very crowded. I have seen Long Key for many years. In the crowded position, only the occasional friction between his hips and Long Key’s big hands, Hong felt that his body was a little strange. , That is only a reaction to Long Key, a reaction of love.

“My name is Inuzuka Toga!” “I am Yuru Shino” “Then 1….that, my name is Hyūga Hinata” The tooth is carefree, Shino is a little calm, and Hinata is very shy and has a very soft voice.

“Key…” Hong gradually discovered that Long Yao’s hand rubbing was not occasional, but deliberate. His red face became more and more red, and water mist gradually appeared in his eyes.

“No way, isn’t the position enough, bear with me, red.” Long Key’s expression was still a gentle smile, but the movement of his hands behind him did not stop, watching the red love and hate.

Although I really want to linger with Dragon Key, but this is a big crowd, the red skin is still very thin. I glanced at Hinata on the side, Red suddenly brightened his eyes, grabbed Hinata and placed Hinata on Dragon Key. In the arms.

Then it became Dragon Key holding Hinata, and the position suddenly became empty. ..

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